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Alecia Gardner

Reflective Journal
Foundations of
Leadership 560L

Alecia Gardner


Building Trusting Relationships
PLC group meetings
Para and teacher mediations
Establish trust and confidence from teachers
Letters of Recommendation (attached)
Take an interest in teachers personal lives
I am a great listener, who truly cares about the
people I serve.
I respond to teacher needs or student needs with my
heart and my head
I focus on the positives and do my best to
understand the need of individuals before I respond.
Areas to Improve:
I feel I can always get better in this area. Sometimes
I find myself thinking about what I need to say or want to share instead of
truly listening to others. I have to truly make an effort to not be so worried
about having the answers and just listen. I feel that others trust me and
know I care, but there are some relationships I still want to improve upon.
Facilitating Professional Learning for Adults
Coaching strategy sessions
Professional development planning and
Research and communication plans
Video collections and analysis
Book study discussion groups
I am strong in the area of posing questions to get
teachers thinking.

Alecia Gardner

I am persistent and creative and this allows for me

to structure professional learning to make sense to the adults I work with
on a daily basis.
I never ask my teachers to do something I am not
willing to learn and do myself. Therefore, my PD sessions have all been
based around initiatives we have pushed at our district. I teach PD with
Gradual Release of Responsibility and model what that would look like in
a classroom setting.
Areas to Improve
I really feel that I need to do more to create a more
engaging environment for educators. I want to improve in the area of
professional development delivery and methods.
When I become an administrator I
would really push for differentiated PD. I think it is important for
us to have different learning opportunities for the varied adult
learners we have in our building.
Student work samples
Positive notes are left after observations
Coaches surveys
Grant writing
I am not afraid to take risks.
I am reliable
I am reflective
Areas to Improve
I need to manage my personal and professional time
better, so I can continue to provide reliable service to my family and
colleagues. I tend to take on any task needed, which I always complete,
but it is often at the expense of my own personal life.

Alecia Gardner

I do not want to stifle the creative, innovative, and intriguing styles
or personalities of teachers. Therefore, I need to give more time for reflections,
and not be too quick to offer ideas to help solve a problem. I need to get better at
questioning. I am strong in this area as I do find ways to show I care about each
individual I serve.
Collaborative Skills

Developed Sped Agenda

Attend IEP meetings as LEA Rep
Mediate teacher concerns
Advocate for teachers based on

Work with teachers and parents to
support learners
I hold myself accountable, value the
opinions of my colleagues, and know my audience. Therefore, I am
able to meet their needs and use their feedback and input to
structure conversations and lessons.
Areas to Improve
I am a lot more comfortable writing
and creating than talking. So, sometimes I find myself fearing that
teachers might not think I know what I am doing because I do not
have the answer verbally right away. I need to get more
comfortable with the idea of allowing wait time, and taking time to
reflect on needs before I respond too quickly.
Organizational Skills

Alecia Gardner

Progress monitoring logs

Sped protocols
Compliance reporting
Book Study

I am very good at documentation and
keeping things highly organized. I keep detailed records for special
education compliance, and for plans. I am also extremely
Areas to Improve
I facilitate meetings with teachers,
but do not always allow them to take on tasks. I want to alleviate
their burden or workload, but by being too quick to provide very
structured support I could be hindering their growth process as

PD Planning and Implementation

Para Meetings
Special Education meetings
Mediate between teacher groups

I am an honest communicator who
reads others well. I have high EQ, which allows for me to motivate
others and read situations. I do my best to see the best in everyone
and try to fuel their interests and passions to help them improve. I
know my passion is one of my greatest strengths, and I use it to
help keep me motivated even on the days it can be tough.
Areas to Improve
I do not feel I am as experienced or
knowledgeable in some areas; therefore, I do not spend as much
time working and conversing with the individuals assigned to those

Alecia Gardner

areas. It is not that I mind looking like I do not know what they are
talking about, but I worry I might be hindering them or slowing
them down because I have to have things explained.
I am passionate about working with others, but I do
see across this area I tend to just do work to alleviate stress for others.
However, I might actually be impeding their success by not allowing them
to wallow and grapple with something for very long. I have to get better in
this area by asking more questions and not providing as many answers so

Alecia Gardner

Building Relationships

Letters of recommendation
Positive notes and postcards
PLC groups
More teachers are willing to work

with me now than ever before

I am an excellent communicator
especially if there is time for me to process and write out some
responses with supported evidence or research. I am very
comfortable writing, researching and using that to support teachers.
I embrace the personalities and interests of others, and maintain an
open mind. I am invested in the relationships I have with my
colleagues and continue to want to improve upon them.
Areas to Improve
I would like to continue to improve
upon this area especially with the teachers who I have not
connected as well with this year. I do not feel there is anyone I
have not had some connection with, but some are deeper and more
foundationally solid than others. I also want to improve my verbal
communication. I feel that sometimes I talk too much, and do not
listen enough.
Technical Skills

Technology Videos
Youtube Channel
Website Creation

Alecia Gardner

CAL Conversations
I am very tech savvy. I love a
challenge, and learning new things so I find ways to turn tasks into
something a little more versatile and engaging.
Areas to Improve
There is so much I do not know
about technology and I want to get better. However, the biggest
area I would like to improve upon is facilitating discussions around
data or authentic student work more.
Letters of Recommendation
PLC collaboration
Positive notes to teachers
I honor others and respect their time.
I do not over tax them or burden them with hoops to jump
through. I provide structure and necessary steps to ensure success.
Areas to Improve
I need to improve by allowing others
to come up with answers to questions instead of providing them
with resources they may or may not want or utilize.
I really need to focus on allowing others to work
through the hurdles they may face, with enough support to get them over
it, but not too much that they cannot concur the next one with more grace.
I need to voice when I have had too much put on my plate, and stop taking
as much work home as I do. I am passionate about building relationships
that is clear, but feel that I need to take more time for my own family

Alecia Gardner

relationships as I do tend to work most of the time I am at home on

projects or things I did not get accomplished during the day.

Alecia Gardner

Knowledge Content and Pedagogy

Knowledge and Skills
Graduate courses will be completed this summer for
a second Masters in Educational Leadership. (4.0)
I completed two years of coursework
in one year
Published character/English, and financial literacy
curriculum I developed is being taught in Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong
Behavior Toolbox
Website for teachers
Mentor program development
I have experience and an eclectic background in
education. Therefore, I am able to diversify when it comes to meeting the
needs of others. I also am very good at research and using what I learn to
help others grow and succeed.
Areas to Improve
I feel that my weakest area is capitalizing on entry
points to increase teacher content knowledge and classroom strategies. I
have a tendency to rescue, and feel this is a huge weakness in my
professional life.
Reflective journaling
Coursework for Dordt program
Teacher surveys
I am dedicated to my colleagues. I will do whatever
it takes to help them be successful. I utilize my communication skills and
high EQ to help read situations and determine how to approach it. I am not

Alecia Gardner

reactive, as I am always studying and learning better ways to stay

proactive and have a plan.
Areas to Improve
I need to improve on taking the time to reflect on a
consistent basis. I was skipping lunch at the beginning of the year, do not
go home until after 5 most nights and do not build in prep time. However,
I have come to realize these are areas I cannot sustain. I need time to be
contemplative, and to be reflecting and recharging. A tired brain is not as
helpful or creative, and so I must start to take time for my family and I. I
also have to build in breaks during my schedule to eat lunch, work on
tasks, reflect on observations and to prepare for upcoming projects.
I am strong in instructional strategies and behavioral
modifications. However, again it is coming down to my poor family/work time
management. I am strong in supporting others, but need to start supporting and
caring for myself too.
Systems Thinking
Working Effectively Within A System
Admin meetings to share concerns or
Nothing that breaks
teacher confidence
Maintenance plan for Dordt
Communication Plan
IEP LEA Representative

Alecia Gardner

I understand the importance of a

network, and stakeholder support. I am good at the relationship
piece or side of this area.
Areas to Improve
I am weakest in this area as a whole.
Systems thinking has never been a frontrunner in my mind. I think
of the people or human capital before I do the other things.
However, the big picture is important, and all the pieces that go to
the puzzle fitting just right. I need to learn more about the
established hierarchies to make sure I am not putting teachers in an
uncomfortable position.
Skills of Advocacy
IEP implementation and compliance
CAP Report
Projects with teacher
I am great at implementing plans for
goal areas, and sticking to it. I am strong in communication and
technology so I can find a variety of ways to reach out to
stakeholders and keep them informed.
Areas to Improve
I need to be thinking about ways to
mobilize the right people, and learning how to set goals while
considering system constraints. I do not fully understand the
systems thinking and need to learn more about this to improve in
the future.

Alecia Gardner

Mediation between teachers and

Positive interactions and rapport with
Letters of Recommendation
I am very strong in the area of
relationship building. I do not worry about what will make me look
good, I want to find ways to showcase the amazing educators I am
honored to work with daily. I love to learn and listen to ideas from
varying perspectives or from dissenting viewpoints.
Areas to Improve
I need to be more aware of how
every decision can impact the big picture. I never thought about the
system as much as I have this year, but I am even more aware that
this is an area I am not confident or knowledgeable.
This is the biggest area of weakness for me. It is
evident as you can see the evidence of my work in this area is not very
extensive. I need to focus on this area as one of my area of personal
growth. I need to build knowledge by researching, reading and reaching
out to others who are great in this area. However, I am good at listening to
other peoples perspectives, and building the relationships with

Alecia Gardner

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