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07 Project Option 2: Business and Science

1) The formula for the amount of simple interest earned is given by the formula I = PRT
where I = Interest, P = principal, R = rate, and T = time. Solve this formula for T. Show all
steps in your work.

2) Ohms Law states that the voltage across a wire is given by the formula V = IR
where V = voltage, I = amperage (amps), and R = resistance.
a) Solve V = IR for R
b) Use your formula to determine the resistance needed to produce 110 volts at 10 amps.
Show all steps in your work.

3) A lever acts like a fulcrum to help lift heavy objects. The formula for the placement of the
fulcrum is
f1 d1 = f2 d2
where f1 = force applied at one end, d1 = distance of the first force from the fulcrum, f2 =
force applied at the other end, and d2 = distance of the second force from the fulcrum.
Rewrite this formula to solve for d1. Show all steps in your work.

4) The total leverage of a business is given by the formula T=(L+D)/I

where T = total leverage, L = liabilities, D = debts, and I = income.
A business can use the inequality T>(L+D)/I to increase
their buying power. Rewrite this formula to solve for D. Show all steps in your work.

There are two options:

Option 1: Find a formula that is used in sports or leisure activities. Be sure that that formula has
at least two variables. Rewrite your formula to solve for the other variable. Show all steps in your

OR: Option 2: Create a fictional formula of your own using at least four symbols (no numbers or
letters). Try using the symbols above the number keys on your keyboard. Once you have created
your formula, rewrite your formula to solve for one of the other symbols. Show all steps in your

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