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7 Assessment - model and facilitate the effective use of diagnostic, formative,

and summative assessments to measure student learning and technology
literacy, including the use of digital assessment tools and resources.
The data overview was completed for ITEC 7305. The purpose of this
assignment was to analyze data to determine achievement gaps within the
school. This reflection summarizes how this artifact was able to meet the
I completed a data overview, which broke down the previous three years 9th
Literature, and American Literature EOCT scores in several different ways.
These EOCT scores are summative assessments for students in 9 th and
American Literature. I used the results of these assessments to formulate a data
overview, which served as a model for the performance of our students to share
with my principal and teachers in the English department. I was able to facilitate
the use of this summative assessment to gather aggregated data as well as data
disaggregated by ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and students with disabilities.
I further broke the data down by Lexile levels and revealed an achievement gap
between the Lexile level of students who met and exceeded standards on the
EOCT and those who did not meet or exceed the standards. The data overview
informed my principal and our English department of steps that can be taken
early on to meet the needs of at risk students and improve student learning. The
students who did not meet standards had a mean lexile score below grade level.
All incoming 9th grade students with Lexile levels below grade level will be placed
in a reading class to help our English teachers intervene early. I am working
alongside one of our English teachers to train the rest of the department on the
use of Google Documents so we can provide technology support and reading
and writing support to these students. By using this technology tool to assist
these at risk students, we are not only improving their technology literacy skills,
we are also improving their reading and writing literacy.
From completing this artifact, I learned how important the use of analyzing
assessment data can be to inform teachers instructional practices. The data
gathered from this overview will allow our teachers to intervene with students
who are at risk early in their high school career to help improve their critical
reading and writing skills. If I were to do this again, the one thing I would do
differently is complete the data overview for more content areas to the results of
their assessments could be used to inform the decisions they are making in their
The work that went into this artifact had a positive impact on faculty development
because it showed the importance of data collection to our faculty and also
identified an achievement gap that will be addressed in the coming school year.

It will also benefit student learning because students assessment scores will be
used to identify students who need additional support. The impact will be able to
be assessed on coming Georgia Milestone tests and follow up Lexile testing.

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