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Daftar Pustaka

1. Sauerbrei, A. (2010). Review of varicella-zoster virus infections in pregnant women

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2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2011. Varicella Epidemiology and
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3. Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). 2009. Management of varicella zoster virus
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4. Lichenstein R. 2002 Oct 21. Pediatrics: Chicken vox or varicella. (serial on the
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5. Cash, C.J., Glass, C.A., 2011. Infectious disease guidelines. In : Family Practice
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6. Wolff, Klaus. Johnson, Richard Allen. Fitzpatricks Color Atlas and Sypnosis of
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7. Straus, Stephen E. Oxman, Michael N. Schmader, Kenneth E. Fitzpatricks
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8. Tan, M.P., Koren, G. 2006. Chickenpox in pregnancy: Revisited. Reproductive
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9. Duff P. 2010. Diagnosis and Management of Varicella Infection in Pregnancy.
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10. Djuanda Adhi, dkk. Varisela. Dalam: Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin; edisi Keenam.
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11. Hassan Rusepno, Alatas Husein. Varisela (cacar air,chicken pox). Dalam: Buku Ajar
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