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James Holman

Physics 112

1. State and explain the postulates of the special theory of relativity.

First: All laws of nature are the same in all uniformly moving frames of
Second: The speed of light in free space has the same measured value
regardless of the motion of the source or the motion of the observer; that is,
the speed of light is invariant.
2.Suppose a person riding on top of a freight car shines a searchlight beam in the
direction in which the train is traveling. Compare the speed of the light beam
relative to the ground when:

a. The train is at rest- The frame we can assumed as Non - inertial frame of

b. The train is moving- The frame we can assumed as Non -inertial frame of

3.How does the behavior of the light beam differ from the behavior of a bullet fired
in the same direction from the top of the freight car?
Light does not have mass and is constant to all observers. So to you the light would
seem to move away at the speed of light. In reference to the ground, light would be
moving faster than the speed of light. This is different than a bullet which does have
mass. The bullet is going to be fired with the same respect to the ground as it would
if you were on the ground, but will appear slower on the back of the train.

4.Define the following terms:

a.Time dilation- Slowing down of time for an object moving at relativistic speeds.

b.Simultaneity- Occurring at the same time.

c.Length contraction- Shrinkage of space, and therefore of matter, in a frame of

reference moving at relativistic speeds.

d.Mass-energy equivalence- Relationship between mass and energy as given by the

equation E=mc^2.

5.What does the equation E = mc2 mean? It means the relationship between mass
and energy. E=energy, m=mass, c=speed of light.

6.A rectangular billboard in space has the dimensions 10 meters by 20 meters. How
fast and in what direction with respect to the billboard would a space traveler have
to pass for the billboard to appear square?
B= v/c=3/4
v = (3/4)c
v =(3/4) (3 x 108 m/s)
v = 2.598 x 108 m/s I think this is correct. I got a sheet of paper with my work from
working this problem out. I can send a picture of it if its needed. Thanks

7.How long would a meter stick appear if it were traveling like a properly thrown
spear at 99.5 percent of the speed of light?

SQRT (1 - .995^2) I get .14 or 14 cm

8.State and explain the principle of equivalence.

Observations made in an accelerating frame of reference are indistinguishable from
observations made in a gravitational field.

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