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Unishiawa Remashita

Shi No Tenshi
By: Lauryl Boucher


Chapter one
Prisoner escapee 19801
The rain pattered softly to the ground. It was night. A cool breeze tickled the
senses of a lonely traveler. The trees rustled, seeming to be suspiciously murmuring to
each other about the traveler. In the light of a street lamp, the water on the grass
seemed to many eyes, glowering at the travelers back.
This traveler couldnt blame nature for watching him so intently and angrily.
The traveler was a man, probably about the age of forty. He was just above the
height of average and his brown hair was plastered to the sides of his head. Over his
eye he carried an eye patch, from an injury long ago. His good eye though was a soft
deep blue. It was the kind of eye that one could get lost in searching his maze for
answers. On his cheek opposite of the eye patch was a burn scar with a normal one
slicing down the middle. Another scar slashed downwards at a steep angle across the
bridge of his nose. A couple other scars decorated his face. His baggy clothing clung to
his muscular, but lean frame. There were loose spots where it didnt cling to his skin
because of several deep brutal injuries of the past. A loose cape drooped, heavy with
rain water.
This traveler was obviously not one someone would like to deal with.
Especially when there was that glint of hatred in his eye.
Which upon this night, there was that deadly look about him.
The traveler abruptly stopped and there was the sound of footsteps racing
towards him. It was very distant and it soon turned to the sound of a skateboard
rolling across the pavement.
A teenager skidded his skateboard to a stop, breathless. This teenager had a
mass of white hair that was completely uncontrollable and was quite spiky. He wore a
light blue jacket with the hood pulled over his head to keep his hair from getting wet.
His eyes were different shades of blue, one was pale blue and the other was a deep
blue, much like the travelers.
Dad! Dad! he panted, stomping on his skateboard to flip it up into his hand.
Dad what the heck are you doing!?
The hatred left the air quickly and the traveler suddenly looked calm.
The traveler looked down at his son.
Im just strolling through the rain, is that a problem? the travelers voice was
slick. It always went like that when he was angry and plotting something. Sadly his
son didnt know this. The traveler rarely got angry, much less plot upon it.
The teenager pulled a confused expression. Slowly the expression turned to a
look of shock and horror.
D-dad. . . the teenagers eyes welled with tears.


The travelers expression was cool. The teenager started to back away,
scanning his father with quick glances.
Suddenly the teenager dove for the travelers pocket in his pants. The traveler
spun out of the way with ease and whipped back around with the item the teenager
was trying to get in his hand. He had drawn his gun.
The barrel was pointed directly at the teenagers head. The teenagers eyes were
D-dad, w-what are you-? the teenager started to back away.
The traveler begun to tremble, tears welling in his eye. The teenager shook his
shock away quickly.
Dad! I know you wont shoot me! the teenager growled, tears still in his eyes.
How do you know? the traveler asked softly.
Th-then you arent Dad! the teenager stammered a little, his bravery slowly
draining away. He could see the look in his fathers eye, he was dead serious.
I am, the traveler murmured softly.
Then why are you doing this!? the teenager shouted. The travelers stare held
an ounce of creepy insanity, but his expression only went like that when. . .
He was preparing to kill.
D-dad, the teenager stammered, sounding suddenly unsure. The teenager was
beginning to back up.
Im so sorry, the father whispered, tears rolling down his cheeks.
He pulled the trigger.
Jay yawned widely, sitting up from the pile of leaves he was laying on. His copper
brown hair glistened cleanly in the dapples of early morning sunlight that filtered
through the leaves. He rubbed one of his eyes with another yawn.
Jay sighed, leaning back on his palms as he looked down the slope he sat at the
top of. Green grass swayed in a gentle breeze. This little gust carried sweet smelling air
up to Jay. He smiled softly and contently.
Jay folded his arms behind his head and flopped backwards into his pile of leaves.
Several of the soft leaves jumped away from him. He watched them spiral back to the
He felt calm and relaxed.
This was one of the few times he knew he was in a safe place.
The rest was well needed.
Jay sighed, he did not want to get up. Getting up meant. . . Jay sighed once more.
He hated life and he wanted nothing more but to stay in this fantasy world.
He slowly sat back up and noticed a spider crawling on his leg. He tipped his head
a little before smiling softly. He put down his hand in front of the spider and it climbed
on his hand.


Jay held it up to eye level as it ran across the back of hand. He twisted his hand to
keep the spider where he could see it and continued to twist it as the spider continued to
Im a lot like you, Jay murmured thoughtfully. Others are scared of the poison
I carry, they run. But what they dont realize is that Im the one scared of them. Running
in useless and pointless circles to hide from getting hurt. Jay put his hand on the
ground and let the spider crawl off of it.
The spider zipped away into the leaves and Jay sighed.
See? Jay told himself in a softer voice, Even a bug who doesnt know who you
are is scared of you. . . Then Jay looked up thoughtfully, Then again. . . it is a bug. . .
Jay looked back down at where the spider disappeared, then shrugged.
Jay grudgingly pushed himself to his feet. He looked down at his shirt and batted
off the stray grass and dirt that wanted to hitch a ride on him. He puffed a breath and
turned to walk away when he froze.
Wait wheres my jacket! the panicked thought shot through his head.
Jay whirled and looked down, melting with relief when he saw it lying there in the
pile of leaves. He picked it up and gently shook it out before putting it on.
Jay quickly checked himself to be sure he hadnt lost his ring, bracelet or
necklace. When he was settled that they were still on, he stretched out his stiff legs and
begun to walk down the slope.
Once he reached the bottom he disappeared into the undergrowth. He
reappeared on the other side of the small strip of forest and came out into an old run
down place.
Jay looked around and sighed.
This was where he used to live. . . before. . . Jay shook his head, he didnt want to
He looked down at his feet and just let them walk. He didnt really care where
they took him, so long it wasnt off a cliff or something. Although he didnt mind the idea
of dying, maybe even welcomed the idea, he would still rather avoid impact.
Jay looked up and immediately regretted letting his feet take charge.
Over him loomed his old home. Jay cowered a little under the shadow and backed
away. He never wanted to set foot in there again. He quickly whirled and walked quickly
off, glancing nervously over his shoulder at his old home. It brought back too many
memories. Some of them too unbearable to remember.
Jay closed his eyes and continued to walk.
When he opened them he glanced around with a soft sigh.
Jays eyes turned vibrant green and a portal the size of a door opened up in front
of him. He stepped through and allowed it to close behind him. His eyes returned to
their normal crisp blue color and he glanced around.
Jay puffed a breath, here goes another long day. . .


He looked around, the portal had let out to a nice park. The air was soft and a
little warmish. It was nearing the end of Spring. Everything was green and all the snow
had melted.
Jay drank in the warm air and shook his head.
Why did the day have to taunt him? It was so nice. . . sadly his life wasnt the
same. He sighed once more.
Jay begun to walk through the park when he heard the sound of laughing
children. He paused and turned. His blue eyes followed a child sliding down a slide. He
watched the child with silent interest.
He looked down at his shoes, pushing his hands into his pockets. He turned away
and begun to walk in the opposite direction.
Jay jumped a little when there was a tug on his shirt.
He snapped his gaze to a little girl who held his shirt in a small fist.
Can you come play with us? she asked, her sweet blue eyes round with curiosity.
Jay thrust out his jaw.
Havent your parents ever taught you not to talk to strangers? he growled. Now
if youd excuse me I have business to attend to.
But arent you a hobo? she wondered.
Jay stiffened.
Just go play with your friends, run along, Jay shooed her away, feeling irritated.
The girl continued to cling to his shirt.
B- the girl started.
Shut up! Jay shouted in annoyance.
Tears brimmed the girls eyes and she raced away crying. Jay watched her go and
rolled his eyes at himself. Great, see Jay? Thats why no one likes you. he thought with
Jay jammed his hands back in his pockets and stalked off. He grumbled to
himself angrily. He kicked a loose pebble and sent it sailing through the air. Jay tensed
when he heard a windshield crack in front of him in the direction that he had sent his
rock flying.
Hoping that it was just a coincidence, Jay whirled on his heel and set off in
another direction.
He glanced around to try and find his bearings. He was deep into the city,
probably in a central park or something. He watched some cars go by and walked out to
the street where he quickly crossed.
Once Jay was across, he looked up and saw a restaurant. The delicious smells
wafted up Jays nose, making his mouth water. A tired, hungry frown spread across his
face and he turned his pockets inside out. He sighed when all he found was a bit of
pocket lint, his knife and gun and a penny. That little girl was right, he really was a hobo.
Jays stomach growled and he gingerly put a hand over it. So unfair Jay thought.


He cast a longing look at the restaurant before walking away from it, still holding
his empty, aching stomach. He was completely broke and starving.
Jay sighed.
Well, he murmured quietly to himself. might as well get started. . . maybe by
the end of the day Ill have enough money for a sandwich or something.
Jay glanced around and his head hung a little. Great. . . I dont have a job. . . Jay
thought with a puff. He poked out his tongue a little. Dang. . . well I got one option for
food. . .
Jay was growing more tired and hungry as he kept looking. It took a lot to get him
to feel pain, but his stomach was screaming for food. His feet dragged. Why was it so
hard to find one person?
He was now at the outskirts of town.
Finally his legs started to shake and threatened to give. Jay realized with a pang
of hunger that he hadnt eaten for weeks. Sometimes he wished that he wasnt mortal.
Other times he wished he would just drop dead.
Jay crashed on a park bench and heaved a heavy sigh. It was beginning to get
dark. The day was much more laid back then what Jay thought it would be. But he was
still starving.
Jay closed his eyes with a sigh. He tipped his head back and stayed in that
position for a while. Then when he opened his eyes he pulled his head back into
In front of him stood a small dark, dark purple shadow. It looked like a young
girl, but didnt really have detail and was sort of transparent. Its eyes were softly
glowing, perfect circles. It had a large mouth full of sharp teeth, but it was closed and
seemed to not be there.
Hello Sore, Jay murmured, his expression softening. Sore blinked at him. It
tipped its head.
Jay, Im hungry, Sores soft voice echoed in Jays mind. It sounded like a girl, but
Jay knew full well that it wasnt either gender. It just seemed to like the idea of looking
and sounding like a girl.
I know but I cant feed you, Jay sighed.
Sore studied Jay for a long moment.
Jay, youre hungry too, Sore commented, its voice seeming kind of blank. Jay
I know! But do I look like I have money on me!? Dumb world! Everything
revolves around money, Jay growled in annoyance. Sore just blinked, its expression
still blank.
Jay, youre frustrated, Sore pointed out, its voice still blank.
I know. . . its driving me nuts, Jay puffed. Sore fell silent.
Jay, Im bored, Sore told him. Jay sighed.


Sore, Im tired and hungry and my legs are shaking. . . I cant play with you right
now. Jay slapped a palm to his forehead. Sore stared at him. Slowly it blinked, standing
there perfectly unmoving.
Jay, do you need something? Sore wondered.
E-yeah! I need food! Jay moaned, dragging his hand down his face. Sore stared
at him.
Jay, youre hungry Sore told him. Jay sighed.
Yes I am, Jay replied patiently. Many of his conversations with Sore went this
way. Sore wasnt quite human and didnt quite understand that kind of thing. Sore
It opened its mouth in a huge gaping yawn. Its mouth traveled all the way across
its face and small needle like teeth were present. It closed its mouth and blinked.
Jay, Im tired, Sore told Jay.
Me too, Jay sighed, looking upwards. Sore sat next to Jay on the bench. She
stared at him.
Jay, the Loot Sore told him.
Jay groaned.
But Sore! Im on a roll! I havent touched that in over a year! Jay slapped a palm
to his forehead. Suddenly with a burst of renewed strength, Jay jumped to his feet,
pumping his fist. You know! Ill just bounty myself some money tonight!
Sore blinked at him. Then it looked at Jays quaking legs then up at his face.
In that state? Sore wondered.
Okay fine Ill go to the Loot, Jay grumbled. Sore just stared at him. Jay started
off walking. Sore jumped off the bench and followed him. It continued to stare blankly at
Jay, up? Sore asked.
Yeah, sure, fine, whatever. . . Jay huffed. He picked up Sore but she had no
weight at all, it was like he was picking up air. He put her on his shoulders and
continued to walk.
Jay looked down at a piece of paper and slipped it in his pocket. His dark crazed
up look fell into place as he shifted his gaze upwards. His eyes turned dark purple and
Sore appeared beside him.
What do you think sweets? he asked in his deadly crazed smirk dashing across
his face, his eyes glinting.
Food? Sore questioned.
Sorry Sore, not this time, Jay cracked his knuckles, tipping his head slightly.
There was a calm air around him, but it was also filled with plotting desires. Sore
smell. Jay pointed forwards with his command.
Sores tongue flicked out of her mouth like a snake. It pointed in a direction. Jay


Thank you sweets, he told it in his soft tone. He patted it on the head, Come.
With his simple command he walked forwards, smile disappearing to a blank
He was in a train station, the dimly lit lamp shining over head. He stopped next
to where people board the train, crossing his arms patiently. There was a horn of a train
sounding its approach. The smirk flashed back.
Sore, ready, Jay commanded. Sore held her blank expression staring forwards.
The train started to roar by.
Jay jumped at the lamp post, bounced off of it, jumped off the bench cover and
flipped. He landed squarely on the roof of the train. He skidded back a little. Then he
stood up and Sore appeared beside him.
They werent alone on the roof of the speeding train.
Well hello, Jay smirked, tipping his head slightly. The man in front of him
stiffened slightly and whirled to face Jay who was standing there with his arms folded.
The man pulled quickly out of his shock and flashed Jay a smile, Well hello
19801, its really been too long eh?
Heck yeah, Jay replied, cracking his knuckles. So trying to get rid of the demon
onboard? You do realize youll be killing a lot of innocent humans. The man smirked
with a sick expression.
Oh? A little human blood can be spilled for the extinction of demons, the man
You are so sick, Jays air turned from sick playfulness to dark anger.
Am I? You were the one who killed thousands of humans and demons alike,
neither blood mattered to you, the man taunted.
Sir, I dont mind taunts, Jay told him, his eyes flashing bright red, red energy
sparking around him. But that was a step too far.
Oh! Im so scared of your pathetic energy bursts! the man cooed.
Are you of my precious little one? Jay asked, tipping his head with the crazed
look. Sores face pulled back in a wide grin. The man tensed a little, but only Jays eye for
detail could notice it.
Your little it? Heh! Try me! the man snorted.
Jay chuckled.
Well consider your plan a failure, Jay told him, playfulness slipping away.
Oh? the man asked, a crazed glint. The bombs already in place Jayren, I was
just placed here to stop anyone who tries to get in its way. You see? I dont mind dying if
it means taking a demons life.
Jay was silent.
Jayren Overwood, say your prayers demon, its about to blow, the man cackled.
Suddenly Jay lunged forward, red energy accumulating around his fist. The man
blocked his energy burst with his forearm. The fabric singed away to reveal armor. The
man laughed. Cmon Jayren! Kill me! Im goin down anyway!


Jays eyes flashed a vibrant green and the man suddenly looked tired. Jay swung
his foot up to kick but the man caught it. Jay realized that his armor wasnt only
protecting him, it was helping control the mans movements. In a sense it was on
autopilot to block all his attacks. He spaced off a moment too long.
The man threw Jay off the train.
Sore! Jay shouted.
Sore appeared where Jay was going to hit the ground painfully hard and caught
him with ease. It threw Jay back at the train. Jays eyes turned silver and when he hit the
side of the train, his hands crushed the metal to give him a place to hold.
Without warning a small beeping object was thrown in Jays direction. He quickly
recognized it as a bomb.
Sore! Jay yelled. Sore jumped and opened its mouth. The bomb disappeared
into its gaping mouth and there was a dull thump of it going off inside of Sore. Sore
blinked, completely unharmed.
The man cackled, You're too late Jayren! Its going to go off right about now!
As if on cue there was an explosion up ahead.
There was screams of surprise and panick and the train sped off the rails. Jays
eyes went round when he realized that the train was going to its death at the edge of a
SORE! Jay screamed.
Sore appeared in front of the train and braced its hands against the train. It dug
its heel into the ground and it took impact of the train. Sore slowed it down until it was
teetering at the edge of the cliff. Then Sore begun to push the train away from the edge.
Sore did this all with seeming ease.
On Jays back appeared white wings, two tails also took their place. Jay gave a
hard flap and winced as he flipped up into the air. He landed squarely on the train. He
collapsed to his hands and knees, the pain growing too much.
Jay looked up through his pain to see his criminal racing away.
Oh no you dont, Jay hissed.
Jays eyes turned yellow and the train roof around him mirrored that glowing
color. The yellow energy catapulted Jay into the air and right in the direction of the
fleeing man.
Jay knew the one catapult wouldnt catch his prize.
A yellow platform appeared under Jays feet and he jumped off of it. He threw
himself into a flip, tucking everything in except for one leg which bright red energy
coursed around.
Jays foot came down directly on the mans head.
The armor shattered like glass and the man fell to the ground, unconscious. Jay
landed on his feet, one propped up on the mans unconscious form. Jay panted, pain
searing through his body accompanied by exhaustion.
Jay fell to his hands and knees, his vision blurring a little.


Sore. . . Jay groaned. His little minion appeared beside him. Sore tipped her
head. Sore. . . are they okay? Jay panted. Sore dipped her head.
Can I eat? Sore asked. Jay sighed.
Eat a mouse or something else, Jay panted, holding his head. His wings
appeared and tails appeared. The white wings were tensed awkwardly and painfully. Jay
rolled himself to a sitting position.
But mice are hairy and icky Sore complained.
So? Some humans are hairy and icky too, Jay snorted, looking at his wings with
a pained expression. He took one and twisted. He let out a cry of pain as it popped
loudly. The tenseness of it disappeared, but he had to do the other one. He twisted the
other one and gasped.
Jay relaxed shakily as his wings drooped. His wings and tails disappeared and his
eyes turned dark purple. Haze-like ropes appeared around the mans form, constricting
Jay swayed dizzily and the ropes disappeared as his eyes turned their normal
deep blue color.
Sore, con-constrict, Jay commanded, pointing at the mans unconscious body.
Sore put its own version of Jays ropes around its target. Jay laid himself down and
closed his eyes. Vibrant green energy appeared around Jay and the pain ebbed away.
The dizziness got worse but once he was done, the dizziness followed the disappearance
of the pain.
Jay sat up and shook his head.
Phew, that was a fun afternoon huh Sore? Jay asked. Sore smiled and nodded.
Jay pulled Sore into a hug and rubbed his knuckles against its head. Oh little puppet
what would I do without you?
Im not sure, speed off a cliffs edge to be crushed like a grape under the train?
Sore joked in her flat voice.
Exactly, Jay released Sore and stood up. He brushed the dust off of him and
picked up the mans unconscious body with ease, slinging it over his shoulder. He put
out his free hand for Sore and she took it happily.
If I cant eat him can I eat the bird? Sore pointed up to the sky. Jay chuckled and
rolled his eyes.
Sure, Jay shrugged.
Sore disappeared and reappeared with the squawking pigeon in its hands. It
opened its mouth and closed its teeth around it. It pulled out the limp body and chewed
the soul with a happy look. Sore dropped the birds body to the ground and swallowed
the soul.
Mmm! Sore hummed.
Jay just rolled his eyes a soft smile on his face. He offered his hand to Sore again
and it took it happily. Jay liked it when it showed emotion, it was like he wasnt alone
anymore. Sore was the only companion Jay dared let follow.


Jay shifted his carrying position with the man and it pulled back his jacket sleeve.
It revealed a burn scar in the shape of a bar code, under it were the numbers 1-9-8-0-1.


Chapter two
Scars of the Past
So, the man leaned back in his chair, lacing his fingers together. There was a
teenager chained to a chair in front of him, possibly the age of thirteen. The teenager
had dark colored hair and dark colored eyes. You ready?
The teenager snarled. The man chuckled with sick glee.
Hmm, good, the man smiled sweetly.
The man pressed a button and the chains released the teenager, disappearing
into the chair. Then he stood up.
Come, the man commanded. The teenager didnt move, he didnt want to
listen, but he knew that consequences were coming. Come, the man growled.
No, the teen hissed.
If you say so, the man shrugged. The teenager abruptly screamed in pain. He
fell to the floor, thrashing. The teenager looked like he was trying to pull something
away from his throat but there looked to be nothing there. Without warning blood
started to soak through his shirt on his left arm and it started to have a small spasm.
Suddenly the extreme pain subsided and the teenager was left gasping for
Are you done? the man cocked an eyebrow. Dont be afraid to cry, I wont
judge. It is very painful. The teenager burst into full out tears. The man just watched
with disinterest.
The man flicked his hand and the teenager let out a wail of pain as he was
jerked to his feet by his injured arm.
Are we going to have anymore. . . misunderstandings hmm? the man asked,
gripping the injured arm tightly. The teenager shook his head vigorously, sobbing. The
man stared at the teenager before snorting and dragging him away out into the rain.

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