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In each partner school there will be two committees.

The Implementation
Committee that will monitor the achievement of the project activities, the
evaluation and the dissemination. The Budget Committee that will administer
and monitor the budget expenditures under the law and the requirements of
contract. There will be an internal monitoring, at the level of each partner
school, a monitoring at the level of the partnership, made by the coordinating
school and an external monitoring conducted by the National Agencies. As
monitoring tools we will use: progress reports, questionnaires, review meetings
and the products which will rezults. To achieve the project activities it will be
established deadlines which will be respected by all partners. If there are delays
the project team will take action to achieve them.

Will be recorded some quantitative indicators (number

of participants, number of beneficiaries, the number of
products) and qualitative indicators (the evidence of
direct and indirect beneficiaries, focus group, a
debriefing of the finished activities). At the level of the
partnership will be periodically evaluate the
effectiveness of the implementation and the results of
the project. There will be highlighted the strengths and
the weaknesses to identify the obstacles. It will be
conducted an initial assessment on students, a
continuous assessment during the semester and final
one, to see their progress.
At the end of the first year, there will be a meeting to
discuss the progress of the project and depending on
this assessment the adjustment of the planning for the
second year.

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