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x At the end of the session, kids will learn how to sell their products, issue receipts
& give change. They will also learn how to make a simple sales & financial
statement to find out how much they earned.
Values: Perseverance, Integrity, Stewardship
Workshop design:
I. Marketing - a) The group must pray together prior to start of selling activity. b)
Coord/faci to brief the group re proper product presentation, I.e., how to
display products attractively, how to entertain customer inquiries and how to
persuade customers to buy. c) Coord/faci to review the group on proper
issuance of receipts and importance of giving correct change; should assign
which members of the group will handle the product only, will issue receipt
only & will give change.
II. Preparing your sales record & Financial Statement - At the end of the selling
activity, Coord/faci guides the group how to accomplish their sales record
form so they can find out how much they earned. Important that 'cost of
capital' must be returned to the 'financier'.

3 Batang Business

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