M DAC Manual

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i= " audiolab — i rem M-DAG , User Instructions audiolab 4 CAUTION! RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK] [DO NOT OPEN. [To REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK 10 NOT REMOVE. COVER (OR BACK) Ths sbi ht re a nga pring and marina inn Troe oeempeing ai. ‘This smb nas thet dango ota ‘oan ark dbisbcki ren whe ‘Win Read these instructions. Hood allvarings. Fellowalnsructions. Doretuse this apparatus near water. Clean only wih ashghty damp cl Dorotblockanyyentlotion openings. Install ip accordance with the. manu 5 Do not install or oparate near any act sources such 2s,adiatos, slaves, rather apparatus tha produce heat Unalug this apparatus during lighting storms or when unuted fr long periods ote, Refer oll senicng 10 qvaliied service personnel Servicing is reguired wen the apparatus hos been ‘damaged inary way, such 2s he power-svagly cord fr plug if damaged, lquid hos been spilled or sbjecs have falen nto the apparels, the pnorats has been exposed to rain or moisture, does net Important Safety Information operate no asbeen dropped Warning: To raduce the ik offre re do no! expose ths produc! o ran or mais. The Product must rot be exposod to dripsing and Splashing and no objec led with liquids such as a vase oflowers should be placed an the produc. Nonoked ome sources suchos canales snoul be placegion he product Caution; Changes or 1! eaprosly approved by he manufacturer could vid he vers ‘authoriyto oparat his device. Caution: Usoge of contol or adjustments or perlormanco of procedures other than those Specindherin may sulin hozardous exposure. Only use atechmentslaccessores epoca’ bythe IMPORTANT This equipment generates, uses and can radio radiofrequency energy and, ino! installed and used in wecordonce wih the insiutions, may coute homfol inference. to rodio communication Fowaver, thi is no quarente thet ineferance wil ing parielorinsallaion. Fihis equipment does couse harmiulinteterence'o raciootleiion reception, which can be determines by turning the ‘auipmenff and on, he user's encourages yo ored the interference by one of the folowing a:e the separation between the equipment ‘Connect the equipment ito on outlet on o circuit Gfierantirom thottowhich he raceveriscannectes Consulthe deal oron experienced radio/TV tochniconforhele, ELECTRICALINFORMATION The equipment must be vsed only wih he supplied AC adopter oF wih © power suoply express invanded or vse with conforming to the moins supply voltage ofthe are in which ti intended hot productbe vied Protect the gower cord from being walked an or pinched particularly ot the plugs, convenience receptacles, ond othe point where they ext om the aoporats The mains operaing vellage of he power supply is rmorked on‘he nitating ple. The means of disconnecting ‘he product irom the rains supplyis via the mains plug on the power cord the adopter, This mus! be unobsiniced ard rely accessible tallies This equipment is © Class tl or double LE) jnssioted elecricol opatonce. I hos been dosignedinsscn ay hot doe oh WARNING: The botiry (bony or batoes oF botery pac shal not be exposed ‘0 excessive heat Sorte 2: Getting Started The Audiolob M-DAC isa full-featured DAC of advanced specification ‘and performance. Please read this manual carefully before installing and ‘operating the unit so that you can enjoy to the full the outstanding qualties and many unusval fectures ofthis unit Your M-DAC's performance is determined by the care you toke in setting yoursystem up: his includes allconnected sou Signal Inputs: ‘+ Two external SPDIF stereo LPCM coaxial digital inputs + Two extemal SPDIF stereo LPCM optical digital inauts + USB 2.0 port for replaying stereo ‘rom o compatible host Signal Outputs: + Balanced ond unbalanced stereo analogue ov'puls ‘+ Optical end coosial digital outputs individually selectable between re-clocked SPOIF and/or master clock clocksloce) output Operating Features: Automaticdetection and decoding of external Selectable digital filer setings. + Fully variable ovtput in the digital domain main‘sining absolute fidelity with the sraightest possible signal path. + "Bis Perfect” D Signal level peck reading metr. Asynchronous USB bute level indicator D3E Decorrelotox The D3E engine removes fixed dato patterns and replaces these with stochastic date, randomising the internal processes atthe DAC’ silicon level Muteand bolance controls italinput sources. 58) correction fcihiatebil-accurate replay with Windows XP Direct Sound 1+ Infra Red VO to enable system control with one handset ‘+ Anclogue output levelselectable between fixed and eriable Note: Connect the analogue outputs of ‘omaliier. Set ony gain contol/s on the power ampliier/s to meximum tond use the volume controlon the M-DAC to alterthe level. you wish to connect the M-DAC into @ pre-amplfier, you may disoble the volume contral. In this mods the unit behaves as a fxed-gain DAC operating in the digital demain. Refer lo Page21 for this mode of operation he M:DAC directly 0 © power Unpacking Unpackihe produc fully The carton should contain: ©The Audiolab M-DAC © OneM.DAC powersupply suitable for yourare ‘© Remote handset ond wo ARA bo! ‘2 Thisinstruction manuel HF en iter is missing or damaged report this to your dealer as soon as possible. Retain the packing for safe transpor of your unit, you dispose of the pocking, dso wilh regard ony recycling regulations in yourarea, Placement he unitis designed to run warm during normal operation but ensure you do not block any venilation openings Place the unit on @ sturdy shelf or lable, If you use an eauioment rack ensure the unit has edequate ventilation and is on its own shell, To minimise ony inter place the power supply in a stable location os farfrom senstive analogue inputs as possiole Ensure your mains vokage corresponds tothe rating plate on the rear of the product’ power supply. Fin doubt, consul your dealer. Kyou move to cn area with a diferent mains vollage seek advice from an Audiolao oppointed dealer or comoetent service technician Make sure you lacate the unit s0 thatthe Fron! panel sin view otherwise the infrated-remote handse! will nol work 3: Controls and Connectors Pag CONTROL KNOB EMU KEY INPUTSELECTORKEYS ON/OFF HITCH Dispuay FILTER SELECTOR eADPHONE SOCKET OPTAL NPUTS PoweRsuPpty CDHGATANCED ANALOGUE OUTPUTS use por INPUT ‘ BALANCED ANALOGUE OUTPUTS VRIN/OUT INPUT OUTPUTS. CoaRGAL NPUTS [iv-oac Melelole| eee CS ena toad fk Fitting Batteries D ‘Open the cover. Unwrap the supplied AAA Batteries and place them in the battery compariment with the polarity 28 shown, D1 ae Press to mute the output Replacethe cover Prose and hold to mute the output by -10d8 Open the batery Inset 24AA ©D 2 mM Stop USB playback compantent oer "banaries Replace the over Leove Menu Mods 3 PPL Press fo move fo the nex! track (USB input re rs Press ond hold to Fos! Forward Search (USB inpul Vv Vv 0G 4 dR Press once to display the currant Balance level 9 PesbanciuldialerBolnstete + t ro mae 5 MENU Press to enter/leave Menu Mode. & SELAY Select on input © oF Increase/Decrease the volume, 8 Press to select a fiter characteristic 9 Press once to display the current Balance level ‘Always use AAA batteries ond always replace Press and hold to alter Balance to the Let. them in sets, Never mix old and new batteries. 10 K€ Press to move fo the previous ‘rack (USB input Very weak oateries can leak and damage the Pross ond hold to Fost Reverse Search (USB inpul handsel. Replace themin goodie! 11 PIL Press to ploy/eause a track [USB input) There is @ risk of fire and burns if a battery is handled improper. De not disossemble, crush, puncture, shor extemal contacts, of dispose of infire orwater Do not attempt to open or sewice a battery Discard used batteries in full accordance with Folie oleloy ‘cycling regulations n force in your orea, 5: Inputs and Outputs ANALOGUE OUTPUTS Bolanced Bolanced Output: If yourampliierhas 0 [ourss balanced ingut use the balanced [ Connection for best results. You need ane |g 9@|@s XRbalanced cable per channel Unbweced Ou, Coro Sh] 4 9) quality screened RCA phono lead from the Unbalanced ouspus of the M-DAC 'o 9 UB ein life. HEADPHONE OUTPUT jacks provided onthe font pane ng hecoohores | @ A ster00 6.3mm (1 for connecting headphones. Conn mutesthe audio ouput signal Caution: Whan using headphones, playing music at vary high volumos may permanently damage your hearing, USB PORT Use a cerified USB2.0 cable. Connect the cable oth DAC end then to the USB port onthe digital source. If the media ployer on your computer feotures stereo and mulicnannel output, setthe ovtaut ofthe media playerto [use DIGITAL (SPDIF) INPUTS Four digital inputs (hwo Co-oxial and two Optical} are provided for connecting the M-DAC. to an extemal SPDIF source. Connect @ suitable video or optical cable from the SPDIF output of the source component tothe appropriate input of the M-DAC, Ii you ate connecting @ mulichannel source, access the menu of the source componert ond set the SPDIF output fo (L)PCM Stereo with the Subwoofer OFF. you set the output to RAW (multichannel will DIGITALOUTPUTS dthe word" Bitstream” will appear inthe display. ‘wo digital inputs (one Co-oxialand one Optical ore provided rd canbeindiualy oni Pa) = T)SPOIF Out nisconiguraion a stl ond esol |e “osttaue weroce. Ths pone ier Fe Ladd connedionuihconpalbe CO rowpottec Clock Connect a svitable video or optical cable from the appropriate SPDIF ‘output of ne M-DAC tothe input ofthe DAC or CD transport VR CONNECTIONS ‘A 3.5mm remote control bus ecitates connection to witadly equipped Audolab components ondio | @ mruleroom cools ete By connecting su isn | @ M:DAC ‘equipped units in a ‘doisy chain’ you can es. control overan entire POWERINPUT The M-DAC should only be connacted to « power supsly designed exclusively for this unit. Connect the muli-pole eutput from the AC adopter lo the Power connector a’ the rear panel of the M-DAC and then connect the Adapterto the mains supply sm with one handset a © The supplied AC adaptor uses a large mains ronstormer To minimise any interference place the power supply in a well-ventiloted stable location as far irom sensitive analogue inputsas possible. [SHS] elise Switching On and Off Connect powerto all system unis and the M-DAC power adapter Switch the mains on. Switch on the M-DAC. ot the front panel. Switch on the powerampliir/s When switching off: switch offthe amplifier first. When the M-DAC is switched on: The display shows the welcome After a short periad the unit boots, and defaults tothe last used put ond Volume level audiolab eer a COAX1 -75dB Piers) Selecting @ Coaxial/Optical Input Prasso SEL button onthe handset or‘he front Set panel selectthe wanted input, {Wher the input isslactad and locked he font panel displays he input sure frequency. Trak ond ime information from o CO/DVD mmayalsobe displayed enabled inthe M-DAC menu Input Samling co Ifthe display reads "Unlocked" the source is switched o possibly, poused. Selecting the USB input: Referto Pages 11-19 Notes: To optimise the upsampling cicuis in the M-DAC pass digital signals the M-DAC without any DSP processing or resampling at source, in standby, or oO I theres a giaitl volume conirolon the source uni sei fo maximum and ‘oterthe level vie the M-DAC 0 preserve optimum performance. Consul bt. user manualon yoursource uni for advice ifn. Altering the Volume Lovel Press the Volume +/~ keys oF rotate the Conirl knob tole the level. 's-80dBfo-+24B, OdBis 2.0V (nom. @ The ronge Altering the Balance from the Handset Tree ye 1 ‘to display the current bolonce 2 Pee L 0.0dB R Pras and eld abalana Fy 1 na ‘hoalon in the wanted dct, Altering the Balance from the Front Pres end old fhe con ab To dsploy ha curan balance 7 Ss) Ly ontll ae When the balance display is on-screen, a shor press on the control knob willrestore a central balence poi ‘Muting the Volume @ Briefly press the MUTE key or contol Knebiomae/inmuethecupy Press ond hold fo attenuate the level by 1008, Altering the volume orswitching on/off will bring the M-DAC out of mute ICOAX1 -75dB) RS 6: Operation Digital Filters The Audiolo’ M-DAC offers you a wide choice of fillers to enhonce your listening experien Press the FILTER key on the handsetorthe front panel once to briefly display the current filter. Press the key egain to shibates “Optimal tonien thes osgig ATI i. cer tur earned Aha eine” ooo EA sound from this type of filter has @ purity ond Crs ‘orchestra hen crenons ore ree Optimal Tronsent Fikers, Troy MUELAESTSLAL #00) exhibit identical frequency and time domain | — Pista iter] ey iiury Transient DD responte bu! the internal structure of the fiers varies, resuling in smoll but perceptibly diferent sonicnuances. Sharp eid OI erg eleia The "Sharp Rolloff'fiter typifies industrial standard chorad J6d8 at Vs Fs with sigoificant fime-domain ringing) ond. is included here for comoarison purposes: The ‘Slow Rolloff filer sis rolling off ot 0 lower frequency then the Sharp Rollotf fiter but has a gentle rate of attenuation and significantly las time-domain ringing’ he "Minimum Phase’ filer hos a genile atienvation slope similar to the Slow Rollolf option, however it exhibits no ore-ringing in the time domain. can be likened to an analogue fer applied inth a fae italdomain The “Optimal Spectrum’ filer is © digital {ier which implements sampling theory and is designed for near perfect techrical response in the frequency domain. This fer also hos time-domain preringing which con lead to Istenerfarigue, PIT eel Seaathal Footnotes onthe Display The M-DAC provides @ tre reading of the digital input frequency. For example when a an stable 44.1kHe input is present you may see the display vary between 44,100k ond (QOYOMEysctels) 44.101k, This indicotes an error of Hz in 44,100 Hz ond is insignificant, A lass stable source may vary more. This option moy be disabled in the menu ifyou prefer. Muted When the M-DAC is muted the display clways (0) Wa Macy] showsthe nominal value. crecres eters AM The menu enables you 'o customise the unit ond optimise the interface with other equipmentin yoursystem. Navigating the Menu from the handset: + Press MENU to enterthe Menu oe + Press hel44/9I buttons to selecto Men item The topline displays the menu item The lower line displays the current parameter To change a parameter: + Selecta Menuitem, Press hePlbutton The parameter willbe displayed in bold tyne + Press he Ke4/ PI butions lo chonge @ parameter + Press lor MENU button fo exit Menu mode. Hno keyis pressed: aller secondstho unitwill Navigating the Menu from the front panel: + Press MENU + Rotate the Contralknobs toselecta Menu item, Tochangeamenu parameter: + Selecta Menviter, + Press he Control knob + Rotate the Controlknob to select a porameler. + Pross the MENU button fo ext Menu mode, Ino key is pressed: alter 5 seconds he unit will ext he menu. In the following pages the full procedure for navigation via the remote handset only is detailed. The Menu Tr he chart shows the menu options. Mein menu items are atthe top. The nex level shows the dafaul sottings. The lower lavels are alternative options tal Output rack and Time) Sampling Roteyl Peak Meter USB Bulfor {ISB Restoraion)[D3E Decorelato coaOpil ius hh alinns cps WY vsbinpr Ff ussinur vite MY hips Aig I I I I erfed my I USB Volume [Di 58 inpt_MPlCoa/ptia au I T Coasal SIPDIF Sow oval] [Raval Frqven [Show pt evel| Dot show | Restore iia leave vmod Sa tesing | [Deny com £ = £ £ + = tg Dost show _] [oie eqn] Dont show [Show Butler Level [Leave ned] Parl Supresion Topi ConteT]} [Coal SPOIF Full Supresion ae onic F 8 pis aah {se} Eu 304s EHEST5 Trackand Time eR em Aed I you ore using the M-DAC with © CD/DVD ployer you con display /hide ‘rack end ime information (if avaleble) + Enter MENU mode, + Select Track and Time with thale4/ PPM keys + Pressbio entorthe menu. + Press HE/ Plo alter the s ings. Sampling Rote Poured By default the M-DAC displays the actual somoling rate of the input. Fyou preferyou can display the nominal sampling f + Enter MENU mode. + Select Sampling Rate withthe H4/PPtkoys + PressPeio enterthe men + Press M4/ lio ater the stings. PeakMeter You can choose to view or suppress he input peak + EnterMENU mode, + Select Peak Meter wih the M4/PPIkeys + Pressbto enter hemenu + Press KA/ Plo alterthe settings. TIT Peretny PRET prec Do not show ‘wal Frequency Nominal Frequency Ava Frequengy Pook Meter disobed TiackTime Disabled ——ang ICOAX1 -75dB} pOeeecromiceed USB Buffer: Lsb Restoration: USB Volume: These relate 'o the USB connection refertoPage 20} Bitperfect Test: Referto Page 20 forinstructions on carrying out the test D3EDecorrelator (Digital Dote Decorelation Engine} The O3E engine decorrelates fixed patterns within the data stream replacing them with date based on a probabilistic model. Data decorrelation reduces both Digital and Analogue second order effects within the DAC, + Enter MENU mode, + Select D3E Decorrelator + Press KA/ Plo aterthe stings. Digital Output By default tne optical ond coaxial outputs are set 10 S/PDIF. In this mode the M-DAC outputsare-clocked iter attenuated” signal oan external DAC Leen a8 0 “ior aenvated" Clock-Locked ‘oni compatible CD transports and ther devices. Todo this you let tho user manual othe acvelequement. In parilr i you Si connecting oo CD ranspor vio the optical connecion you will need 0 mmatchtheoutputratof ie NsDACto he ransoor Ener MENU mode Output + Prossl¢€/>blio oath songs. Daft Hae Ol Cod Coaxial S/PDIF fl Coaxial S/PDIF Seino Coasiol worddock Digital Output ial 9: The USB input: Using the M-DAC with a PC Installation - Windows XP (SP2.or obove) Use a fully certified USB 2.0 cable with a maximum length of 5 metres Neveruse USB extension cables Switch the PC on andilett bootup, Plug the USB coble into the M-DAC and the computer and then switch the M.DAC on, The unit software will now interface with ine computer and the rivers will automatically load. This process is automatic end normally reeds no user intervantion. The M-DAC input does not have fo be sat to USB during this process, Please have your Windows Installation Dise avoilable'f prompted. To check that the PC has recognised the M-DAC: Navigate to "Control Panel” Click on “Sounds, Speech ond Audio Devices" Inthe nex’ screen clickon "Sounds and Audio Devices” Confirm that “Audiolab M-DAC" isthe defauk device, fase = fierce Pick a task, ‘or pick a Control! Pal icon om mene eam. wm i= If the M-DAC isnot selected as the default device: Click onthe Audio" lab, Select “Audiolab M-DAC" from the list. Click OK. Disabling Windows sounds Hf you are listening to the M-DAC while working at your PC you con suppress mostof the Windows sound effects: Click he “Sounds” tab. Inthe nex! screen, select "No Sounds”. Click “OK" to confirm + The device is “Plug and Play”: When you disconnect or switch off the M-DAC the defaub sound device in your °C will automatically be reselected + Ifyou disconnect the M-DAC remember to deselect “No Sounds” in your Windows Sound scheme to restore the Windows sound 9: The USB input: Using the M-DAC with a PC - 2 Use 0 fully ceed USB 2.0 cable ie © moximum length of 5 metres Never use USB extension cables Switch the PC. on and lett Boo! up. Plug the USB cable into the M-DAC tnd the computer and then switch the M-DAC en. The unit sofware will ‘now interface with the comouter and the drivers willload, The input does not have to be set to USB during this process, Please have your Windows Installation Disc avcilabe if prompted To check thatthe PC has recognised the M-DAC: Goto Start/control Panel/all Control Panel Items ‘A: Click"Sund”, “Audiolab M-DAC” appears as the default device, Hf “Audiolab M-DAC" does not appear os the default device, enable. A mark appears by the default selection B: In “Sounds”, select “Audiolab M-DAC™ :Click Properties D: “Disable all enhancements” must be ticked E: Click Advanced, F Select “24 bit, 44,100 Hz (Studio Quality)” G: Click OK re] tenes al Lounch the Volume Mixer uty from thetaskbor Set “Speakers” to Maximum. All levels should be controlled from the MDAC. f “System Sounds” to mute to oss Windows sound elfecs Setupisnow complete 9: The USB input: Using the M-DAC with a PC- 3 Basic Operation Verity nat he M-DACis selected os he defoult player. Use your preferred media ployer. Seta low volume level on the M-DAC (or set Mute ‘Make sure the Volume control i at fll on the media player and in the PC contralganel Press the SEL buttons on the front panel o select the USB in Select the music source inthe PC ond commence ploy. Control he volume level vie the M-DAC Press Ho play or Choose a tackwith heke4/PPI buttons: (oress Press DPI ork44io choose thenex'/pravious racks Press fo pause and restart ploy Press and hold > orbbtto forward search 1d dor 4410 reverse search Presslro stop ploy. Press “Functions depend on support from the chosen medi player Deft seen input lying Media Payer povedtopped ——" USB) -36dBJUSB) = -36dBJUSB_—s -36dB Noinpat ae on Advanced Playback in Windows Windows playback is by default not bit accurate, The most commonly Used auio APlis DirectSound (Windows Media Player, iTunes etc). Audio data cutput using these players is passed through a "kernal mixer”. In Windows XP the kernel mixer introduces a random error with @ peak fomalitude of +/- 1 LSB (least significant bil). By analysing the incoming data in realtime, ne M-DAC can detec ths error signal and can restore the samples other original state, rendering the playback bilperie In Windows Vista & 7 the kernel mixer opplies a peok limiter, irreversibly changing the audio somples and the M-DAC. cannot render playback bitperiect Windows Vista (SPI and above) and Windows 7 feature WASAPI, which was created to get bit perfect data our, bypassing any internal risers. Page 17 has details for configuring WASAPI Windows 7 and Vista To achieve bit perfect results in Windows XP Visto and 7 you can also use ‘on ASIO driver and a medio player thar can handle ASIO streams which would be a preferred option for some. ASIO (Audio Stream Input/Output): ASIO installs 0 direct path from input to output. A free open-source ASIO driver is ASIOAALL down loadable here: htip://www.csiodall,com/. Windows Media Player does rot support ASIO and one neads to use a mediaplayer that wil Media Players: AY the time of wring, the preferred olayer is Foobor 2000. This is ‘ree media player, highly configurable with ASIO and WASAPI support. This torial wll help you ge! started with Foobar Getting Started with Foobar 2000: Download ond insiall Foobor 2000; btp://wwmy oo2ar2000 org/download Instell Foobor. You will have to “allow the installation Accept all he standard promats pe bean Open Foobar aoe ClickFile/Preferences Inthe Preferences Delogue Click Playback” bsatiages Moke sure that “Replay Goin” is lec setto “None. Click “Output” “Audiolab M-DAC" should be| the output device. #not select fromthe drop dovn menu. Set Output Dota Format to 24 bit Save all the changes Using Foobar with Windows XP: The proced Windows Visto and 7 + Install Foobar + Open Foobor and click File/Preferences + Inthe Proferences Dialogue lick “Playback” + Moke surethat "Replay Gainis” sotto "None, + Openthe Playback diclogue + Click"Outpur” + Select “Audiolab M-DAC" from the dropdown menu, + Set “Output Data Format” 24-1 + Sovethe changes. Foobar 2000 is now configured. retain Bots beat) coal tre Z lure isthe some as for Jos:audiciab w-pac | a Seteiem 9: The USB input: U: INSTALLING ASIO SUPPORTIN FOOBAR To install ASIO into Foobar you need two vtlities: ASIOZALL downloadable here: hitp://w osiodoll,com/. he ASIO Plugin for Foobar downloadable from the Foobar sit. + Accessthe Foobar site + _Clickon Components. Moke sure Foobar is closed Click "Components" Fle ER Ben Fiveries I > Ou-G- 7 4 Apres [o> ciprogen Pesfoter Select ASIO Support irom he list and clickon thelink Inthe nex screen click “Download”. The fileis2ipped. Extractthe plug-in and place iton the PC desktop. Download and install ASIOAALL Novigate tothe Foobar arogram folder Drag the plug-in into the window. Clo allwindows ‘Stee enka. Shee ret + Open Foobar + Click File/Preferences: Select “ASIO Viruol Devices" + Click Add New”, The program willsearch for devices. If there ore no soundcards inthe PC copable of ASIO operation, Foobar willfind the M-DAC. Ifthere isan ASIO capable device, Foobar may find only the installed device. You may see something like ee rarest p(n att Dracesterel tom tewre ‘andy auao(BECO)1 abe Risgyiacs eco] atte ape + Select ASIO4ALL asthe driver. + Click"Configure”, The ASIO4ALL setup screen will now deplay Move the highlight to “Audiolab M-DAC” Setthe ASIO Buffer Size to 2048 samples Make sure these boxes are unchecked Close the sereen The USB input: Using the M-DAC with a PC - 6 ee + ClickAdd Now", Audiolab M-DAC willopoear a Sie: foo 3] ese | cher ink asuoceet ae a smu 35S. CES ce + Click OK to close the screen. ASIO4ALL will now appear in the ASIO. Vinal Devices box and the M-DAC willbe enobled. + Click OK to close preferences and save the new settings. 9: The USB input: Using the M-DAC with a PC - 7 Final Configuration + Open Foobar. Click File/Preferences/Outout + Open "Devices". Select ASIOAALL from the menu: Note: I you select DS: Audiolab M-DAC you wil use the Direct Sound 5} kernelin Windows XP. Thiswill not provide Bit Perfect reproduction. Using Foobar + Selectthe location orlbrary hat holds your eu files Press PLAY Hollis wellyou will ear sound through the M-DAC. CE le Gate Wey ow ee —————— oatea | lying | Te sk ik [> trmarun Pata -aran Durotan Pe Concert OL abe cinerea tnnarnel Feud Aeon Danubian Fu Corto C0 Adegy vce Fie Creat - Mo cn femezaa aay, FEO. W ura ASIO settings: ———$— When Foobar is playing you will sca | _ ASIOYALL v2 -Fenbar200 8 Samples 644100 this shorteut (green triangle) in the ‘Quick Launch toolbar at the bottom Bs right of yourscreen. Click he shortcut to bring up the ASIO setup screen -referto the provious page for uidance. Operation Set low volume levelon the M-DAC. lon the media ployer Prossthe SEL buttons to select she USB input. Control he volume level viathe M-DAC. Press to ploy ProssbPlor do choose nex\/previouslracks. Press ond hold PPlor Mofo Pross 10 pause and restar ploy. Pross iro stop play. Disconnecting the M-DAC the M-DAC is permonently installed fo the PC there should be no need ‘0 adjust ony Foobar parameter. When the units disconnected from the PC you may need te re-configure Foobar to play through enother connected device * Open Foobar. Click File/Preferences/Output + Open "Devices" Default sasen = inut plyng Setthe Volume control ASI enobled ——a=a USB Bx ictels] peer caeied forward or reverse + Selectshe oltemative device from thelist «Click OK When the M-DAC is reconnected tothe PC, repeat the procedure and re: tenable “ASIOMAIL" or ‘Audiolab M-DAC" as you require. 9: The USB input: Using the M-DAC with a PC -10 In Windows 7 and Windows Vista, you con use ASIO or you con use \WASAPI. fst introduced in Windows Vista. It provides an exclusive mode that allows applications to play unaliered bitstream without passing it through the Windows mixer. does not require installation of ASIO4ALL Instelland configure the M-DAC as shown on Pages 10-1 Instelland configure Foobar following the instructions on Page 13 ‘The WASAPI Plugin for Foobar is downloadable from the Foobar site. ‘Access the Foobar site, click on Components. + Select WASAPI output support. Irom thelist + Download ond unaip the fle + Placethe WASAPI icon on the desktop, + Novigote lo "Computer'/"Program Files” 86 + Open "Foobar 2000" + Drag the icon to the “componen's’ folder Close allfolders, (Open Foober. Clik File/Preferences. “"WASAPl output support appears in the Installed Components Folder Chk" Output” + Open “Device” A: Select WASAPI: Speakers (2-Audiolab M-DAC) B: In*Output Data Format” select 24-bit Cz ClickOK. The system is now configured: To play your files, eferto previous pages, Inirodvtion Should ecly 20 OS 1011 chov, The DAC wl ao ners Useful ceriedUSB2.0cabl, Avid US eneson ad Swichhe Macon adi bool, lag he USB cae inthe M-DACand Iniiatising the M-DAC (fea In "System Preferences Clickon the "Sound" icon Bo « In’Sound” Clickon the “Outetut"ab ha ale fe manasa wii on In“Output”: select ‘Audiolab M-DAC" asthe device for sound output secs fo and Sap in Close the window and navigate tothe Desktop. A: Click "Finder" B: Click “Applications” CC: Click “Uiilties” 10: The USB input: Using the M-DAC with a Mac From the Utlities Seren: click “Audio MIDI Setup” ae The “Audio Devices” Screen appears Setting Up the M-DAC: 1: Highlight “Audiolals M-DAC" inthe is, 2: Inthe pop upmenu: selec “Use this devie Music from iTunes willbe directed fo the MDAC but the olert sounds wl be sentfo yoursecondary speakers rsoundouiput” Sethe fometio“4,100 r= 24 x 4: Select the USB input on the M-DAC. bets sed} 5: StatTues, ondchooe rack, lo plyorchooserackwhtheDPIIG€ butions ond press PressDPlorMtosletnen/oreovs recs Press ond oldDPA to searchonward/ievere Freebie pavse andrea plo. Note:The dfou somping rte should be slated os 44,100 24 bi Row are plying mie che somslingeqvences, ste sompling fte ued above omotch Thebit don shoulsromolnseor24 “Ate chogingthelomelisnecessanloqutondhenre-ope Tunes PO eee cae) DSP Processing and Resampling: Always passa Digital signalto the M. DAC without ary DSP processing or resamaling at the source. This will allow the upsampling circuits nthe M-DAC to workat their optimum, Using the M-DAC with an iPad: OS 4.2+ supports Asynchronous US mode via the Apple Camera Connection Kit, Olger iPads should be Jodatedto the lates! versionto realise the sonic benefits ofthis connection Use the USB adaptor on the kit to connectio the iPad and connect 2 USS cable from the adaptor othe USB port on the M-DAC fo stream high resolution sound. No selupis required When you connect the iPad to the M-DAC, the iPad switchas is sound output to the connected USB Audio device. You can now use the Play/Pause/Prev/Nex' keys on the Audiolab handse! to control playback from the Pad. 11: Additional Features ro USB Buffer his feature enables you lo view the buffer stole when streaming ‘othe M DAC trom a USB source. + Ener MENU mode, + Select USB Buffer wih thek&4/PPIkeys + Pressblto enter the menv. vs + Press K4/ >to aterthe satings. heb mice cris pera ‘er display replaces he peak moter Defauksaeen-inpt plying __uferDsply- input paying USB S- eared -36dB porated In a well adjusted system the buffer level will hover around 50%, I buffer level s too low (underrun} or high (overrun) you should check the settings of our source equipment and media player ta remedy the issue USBVolume: USB Volume + Enter MENU mode, eal + Select USB Volume with ineke4/PPlceys + Pressblio enterha menu. + Press KA/ Pho alerthe stings. TEN ‘Accept control When connecting corlain units to the USB input, contol of the M-DAC volume and mute can be carried ou’ from the source unit. Ths function works well with Macs where changes on the M-DAC ae reflected in the user interlace. Windows does not support this function and will not vpdate the system master volume fyou ad ust volume from the M-DAC. By defauk this feature 's disabled - only enable the fecture # you source component supports the feature. B sb Restoration: This utility i for use only with Windows XP systems. The uilty enables bitperec playbackin Windows XP via Tunes or Windows Media Player without heneed io use medio players running ASIO. The DirectSound (DS) API {used with Windows Media Player, Tunes etc posses the data through o kemel mixer In Windows XP ths introduces @ random ert with« peak of +/-1 SB (leas! significant bit). By analysing the incoming data in realtime, the M-DAC con detec he err and restore the samplesto theiroriginalstate, rendering he playbockbitper‘ect + Enter MENU mods, + Selec: Leb Restoration with the K4/ keys | eee eae + ProssP lio entorthe mons + Press H/o lterthe setings. “Restore o original” enables bitperfect playback BITPERFECT TEST - the test works on allresolutions up to 24bit/ 96kH2 Tris estcon be done on llinpus Firs, download the Bitperfac Test fil from ‘he Audiolab website. 1:Enterthe menu and set LSB restoration to “Restore fo original” 2: Select "Bitperfect Test” withthe H44/PPlkeys: 3: PressPllto stort thetest peer) cle ore3} oouu aa Play the bitperfect test file Test foiled Test passed Brill] Do not sdiust the input during the rest. Stopping or pausing the tes invalidates he esul. When tne fie has played, press Menu twice to ex the test fails restar the procedure and replay the fulfil 12: Final Adjustments = Using the M-DAC with a pre-amplifier The M-DAC con be operated as 0 stand-alone DAC. Volume and balance functions are disabled as these ae coried out from ne preamplifier Toset a fixed output level: + Swtchthe MDAC. aa + Hold he MENU buton and wich on - @ + Rotate the Control Knob to enable or | © ome disoble the invernal preamplifier Pi Moons ay Disabled freer Notes on “Fixed Volume” mode 1: Never set fixed output level if the M-DAC is connected to an amplifier without a gain controll 2: Turnshe preamplifiervolume down before enabling this mode. 3: Inthis mode the output volume display and balance is unvoilable, 4: Muleis operative 5: Connecting headphones restores the volume function onl to the headphone amplifier. When the headshones are disconnected, fixed volume ire-instated Restoring Factory Defaults 1) Switch the M-DAC off 2) Hold down the SEL butions press the POWER switch CMelelels) 13: Troubleshooting Ee Orel roe Until you are familiar with the operation of your M-DAC you may experience occasional difficulties. This guide will help you overcome the most likely issues. No response/poor response to handset commands + Isthe M-DAC switched on? + Acethere fresh bateries inthe handset? + Areyou pointing he handset directlyat he M-DAC? + Isthe power adapter pluggedin and operational? No sound + Isthe correct source selected? + Isthevolumeturned up? Ae Sounds poor quality / distorted + Are oll cables moking good connections? Ifnecessary, switch of power, withdraw the connector ond plug it back in again, then switch on he power system units coreally connected and switched on? Digital Inputs display “Unlocked” *+ Chock hat the digital source is switched on and streaming, USB input displays “Inactive” + Iethe USB port cor sly connected? + The USB handshake has gone down orthe computer isin Standby. +The source device isincompatile with the M-DAC. hear crackles/interforence when playing a USB source + Are you using vyourcompuler? rifled USB 2.0 interconnect, connected directly to + A bluctooth dovice, @ webcam, wireless devices may cause interference. Avoid shoring © USB outlet between the M-DAC and other devices and where possible, disoble non-essential devices, Core & Cleaning ‘While cleaning isin progress the AC power adaptor must be unplugged from the AC power supplysocket Grease oF dit on the equipment may be removed with @ sol, lint-free cloth slighty moistened with a mild solution of warm water and detergent forwashing-up liquid. Do nol use any you have any queries regarding the use of Audiclab yourdecler Servicing Servicing of Avdiolab products should only be caried out by authorised sence agen's. service is required the equiamen’ should be returned, securely packaged, preferably using original packaging, to you In the UK equipment may be returned to the IAG Service Centre address shown onthispage ‘Always telephone before returing any eavipment. ‘note should be enclosed with your name, oddres, telephone number, ‘onda brief description ofthe reason for return, IF you require Sewvice outside the Warranty period, do not hesitate 0 contact your deoler or solutions or solvents pment, consult, Service Address IAG Service Centre Unit 4, S! Margaret's Way Siukeley Meadows Industral Estate Huntingdon Cambs PED9 England Tel: 44 (0]1480 452561: Fax 44 (0}1480 413403 15: Spe ins and Features Specifications REA MR ‘Ouipur level @ TkHzOdB | 2.28Veme 20.1 | 4SVeme 20 Freq. Response, i Rel. Tele, 20Hz - 20k 248 0.248 THD kHz, O26, Mor sour <0.0015% | <0.0015% Crosstalk @1kH2 >120d8, > 130d8 Dynamic Ronge “A” wid ~115dB >121.5d8 Product Weight 4.95 ka Principal Features 328+ 84.000MH2 Iii Arrey DAC Asynchronous USB supporting 24 Bis /94kH with Remote Controlof PC /MAC Medio Playervie HID suoport 2k 248its Coax POIF Digital Inputs Two 96KHz Opticol Digtallnpuis High Curent, High Lineariy RCA Single Ended & XLR Tue Balonced with fully discrete JPET CROSS” Closs AQuiau'stoge’s High Curren, High Lineary CROSS" JFET Class A Headphone Ampltior Tinle cascaded Jer oltenvation stages, with ded Asynchronous Clock domain isolation ~allbut eliminating the First order ‘elects of iter irom the external input sources on the Digital to Audio Conversion process 2 Elementi Two! Selectable DAC Mode or Digital Pre-Amplifier Mode, allowing direct connection to Power Amplifiers and Active speakers 2.7" High contrast OLED display “Bit Perfect” Diitl Dota source onalyzer oe Intaligantrealsime 81 Depth analysis engine ~ Displays the “Tue” Bt depth ofthe Digitalinpursource Digitol Date Decorrelation Engine — Decorrelotes the fixed “LSBs” doa pattern within the Audio data stream when less then 24Bils, Dota decorrelation of the DAC substrate level reduces both Digital ond Analogue Second ardor affects withinhe DAC atthe silicon Die level MS Windows \S8 Date restoration for “Bi Perfect” reply — corrects Windows’ LSB rounding errors. Alows Bit Perfect “Plug and Play” wih Windows Medio Player ASYNC USB Buffer love display to insure correct functionally and diagnostics ofthe USB HOST deviee in ASYNC Audio reaming mode “Actual” of “Nominal” Sompling Frequency display ~ daploys the TRUE input somaling frequency with THz resolution Digital level meters in dB wih Pealchold (CD/DVD SPDIF subcode embedded Trackand Time Display ‘Advanced De-Jitered Optic SPDIF outa | and Coax SPOIF Outpu!, with USB to Selectable Optical or Coax Cl (ClocleLocked connection wi JcLoc interface —ollowing “Iter Fras” imoaiible CD transports ec llRemate Contral + Exernal Remote / BUS V/O loop 26 nernal regulated supply oils 0 Ultra Low Noise, Low Impedance Discrete Regulators ers Softwore upgradeable via USS Port 7 User Selectble Digit Master Clock liter >3pS Shor Term - Measured aecly ot DAC "KOut* ternal Power supplyinteriace fora future upgrade path ‘CROSS Cur nt Regulated Output Stage Soltion Ga = ‘Avéiolab Lid. woraats this produc, subjaco the terms ond conditions below, to be free from defects in materials ond workmanship. During the worronty period Audioleb will repair or replace (ot Audiolabs tion) this produc, oF any defective gor in this produc, iit found to be defective due to fouly materials, workmanship or function. The warranty period may vory Kom county te county Terms and conditions: The warranty stars on the date of purchase (or the date of deliver his is lots ‘You must provide proof of purchase / delivery before work con be coried out Without this prool, any work carried out willbe chargeable to you. Alworkwillbe canied out by Audiolab ors authorised agents or distioutors ‘Any unauthorised repairer modification wll void his warranty Hany partis no longer available willreplaced witha functional replacement par. ‘Any parts that are replaced willecamethe property ot Audiol, ‘Any repair or replacement under this warranty will not exlend the period of warranty This waranty i vad only in the county of purchase, applies only fo the first purchaser ondis not ranstrable, The following are not covered: 1+ Products on which the serial rumber has been removed, aered of otherwise made illegible 1+ Normelwearandteorand cosmetic damoge, 1+ Transportation or installation ofthe product + Accidental damoge, faults cavsed by commercial use, acts of God, incorree! installation, connection or packaging, misuse, neglect of careless operation or handling ofthe product whichis no in accordance ‘with Avdiolass user instructions, 1+ Equipment thot has been operated in conjunction with unsuitable, inappropriate orfauly apparatus + Repairs or alterotions corried out by patie other thon Audiolab or is uthorised agen's or dshibutos. + Products not purchased from an Audiolab authorised dealer. 1+ Products thot ware not new atthe ime of orginal purchase + Products sold'asis, ‘as seen! or with alfa Repos or raplacements as provided under th’s warran'y are the exclusive 1edy of the consumer, Audiol shall nat oe lable for any incidental or Consequential damages for breach of eny express or implied warranty inthis product. Except the exert prohiited bylaw his warranty isexclusive andin Feu of all shar warrartias whatsoever, both express and implied, including, but no imitad‘, the warranty of merchantability and finess for a practical purpose. This warranty provides benef ts thar are additional o and do not affect your statvrory rights asa consumer. Some countries and US slates do not allow the exclusion or imitation of incidental 0 consequential darsages or implied warranties so he exclusions inthe poragraph cbove may not apply you. This waranty gives you pectic Tegal rights, and you may have other statutory rights hich vary fram stata 10 state or counryto county, Howto claim Toobin warrany service contact he Audiclab authorised desler ‘rom which you purchased this product. Do not despatch goods without he pror ‘cgreementot tne dealer Auciolabortheir authorises distr butors Hf asked to return products for inspection and/or repair, pack carefully, preferably inthe riginel carans or packaging affording on equel dagree oF protection, and rau prepaid. unsuitable packaging is used, Audiolab may ‘make. charge for ine supply of new packaging Insurance is recommended as goods ae returned a owner'risk Audiolab or their authorised disinburors cannot be held lle fo lors ar damoge in transi Comoe! disposal of this aroducts. This marking indicates that his product should not be sisposed vith ather household wastes throughout the FU, To prevent possible harm tothe envionment 2 tuman heath fom uncontrolled waste disposal, recycle it reaporsily to promote the ston s reuse of moteral resources. To retum your ured device, plase vse the return ane colacton systems oF contac! he retailer hare the product was putchased. They can take this areduct for ‘environmental safe reyeling on et ea ee Ons 4 | Tel: +44(0)1480 447700 Fax: +44(0)1480 431767 _ntp:www.sudolab.co.uk fe [Ufol[e}[e) Cre eee a eee Lean) en erate el ean) et ee en ELE)

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