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CAN Presente : Luis can play tennis. Can I use your phone ?
COULD Pasado: She could play the piano at the age of 3

BE ABLE + TO + Infinitive
WILL BE ABLE TO Futuro. I will be able to go to the party
HAVE / HAS BEEN ABLE TO Past Perfet: You Have always been able to sing very well
WOULD BE ABLE TO Conditional: If I had more money I would be able to spend my
holidays in the beach
BEING ABLE TO I like being able to get up late al the weeken. Being able to get up
late at the weekend is great.
MUST + Infinitive

WOULD + infinitive

You must get a new driving license

I must attend court on Monday

If that car was cheaper I would buy it

You would be allowed to do it
I would like to make the most of my stay

WOULD HAVE +TO+ Infinitive

I would have to do it

I NEED+TO+ Infinitive: I need to invest

I HAVE NEED +Of+ Sust: I have need of money
I WANT+TO+ Infinitive: I want to speak
I HOPE +TO+ Infinitive: I hope to see you soon
I HAVE + TO + Infinitive: I have to get a job
I LIKE + TO + Infinitive: I like to play the guitar
ENJOY + gerundio : Enjoy playing
KEEP + gerundio : I keep waiting for your news

Luis can play tennis
She could play tennis
We couldnt open the door it was locked
PETICION can /may
Can I use your phone telephone?
Could I talk to you for a minute?
May I see you again?
You may leave the room
You may not smoke here
It may snow this week / I may go
It might snow tomorrow
Tom might not be interested in the film
I might not go on holidays this year
I wouldnt like to spend my money

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