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Sera eae Effectively Design Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers To make the mest of exchanger design software, one needs to understand STHE classification, exchanger components, tube Jayout, baffling, pressure drop, and mean temperature difference. Rajiv Mathejee Friars na CHENMCALENGMEERNG PROGREES » FEBRUARY ot preroal design of sheandube heat exchangers (STHES) is done by sophisticated computer sehwace, However. & gad Ut derstaning ofthe underiying principles of excanger design is needed Use tis sofware fective This ante expfios the bases of ex- konger terol dig, covering, sich topice ax STHE components clases. ton of STHES sccerdng to consration Sd ecconding 9 service da heeded Sor ‘heal desig, tuteid ds selsie sign, melading tube layout, bag tnd shelside presse dop: asd mean torpenir diforenes. The bash: caus ont for beige snd. shee eat transfer and pressre” dopa well Town, hore we focus on the pplicstion af These creations foe the optimum ce Sign of heat exchanges. A folowup ate tte on aivenead topes sha-ancate heat exehangrcanign, sucha allocation, of abelside and rubeitde Bulge, ese of tulle atoll, ovordeign, and fouling, is sede to spar nthe next is Components of STHEs This essential forthe designer to havea ood working knowledge ofthe mechani fn Tetates of STAIES and how they in- fuenes thermal design. The peiaipal ‘comporents ofan STH ae shel, shell cover, rubes: ‘channel shanna cover tubesbees, + bates; and + nowdes Otter components include tered and spacers, pass partion plates, impinge- ment plate, longitudinal bale, sealing strips, supports, ard foundetion. ‘The Shndsrcs of tho Tubular Ex changer Manufactures Association (TEMA) (1) dosorbe these various com ponents in deta. "An STHE i$ divided it6 three pur the from head, the she, and the rear head Figure 1 illustrates the TEMA nomenclature for he various construction possbiles. Bckungers ave desenbe by the Teusr codes foe the tvee seetions — for example, « BFL exchanger has bon- nes eover = fwo-pass shell with Tongrai- ina! bale, anda fixed-tbeshost roar esa, Dlassification hiased on construction Flaed tubeshect. A fixed-ubesheet heat exchanger (Figure 2) has stright Tubes that are senured at both onde 10 rubesheets welded #0 the shell. The coo snwtion nay lave removable channel covers (ea. AEL), borwertype chanel ‘covers (2, BEM), or integral esheets (eg, NEN), “The principal edvantage of the fixed twbeshest construction I slow cast Be- cause of its simple consnction. In fic the fixes tubeshect i the least expensive onstruction type, as (00g as no expan- sion join is quired ‘Or advantages ae thatthe tos can be sleined mechanically afer removal of ‘yi ce ai La Ange Cg dea SHELLLAND-TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS TworPase St wonlimmcre Bate Chon i iar 1 Pagure 1 TEMA designations lor saa abe bea exchange (tescaL ENEIMEERNG PROGRESS + FURY 098 the channel cover o¢boanet, ond tht leakage of the shllside tad ss rie mized since thece are no Ranged joints. ‘A disdvaniage of this design is that since the bande is fixed 10 the shell and eanaot be removed the out Sides of the thes cannot be cleaned ‘mechanically. This, ste application is limited to clean services on the shell Side, However, ia sasictry chern- teal cleaning program can be em Ploysd, fxed-tubetect constuction Tat be selected for fouling services on ie shld Inthe event of large differential temperate betwesn the fibes and the shell, the tbesheets wall be un- Able 1 absorb the eerertil stes, thereby making i noceseiry « incor: porate aa expansion joint. This takes lay the alvantage Of low cost 1 & signfcane extent. Ustube. AS the mame implies, the tuber of 2 U-eube heat exchanger (Figure 3) are beot inthe shape of 'U. Thee only one tubesbeet ie aU tube heat exchanger. However, the lower cost forthe single wbechoet i ‘offset bythe tukbonal cote incur for the besding of the tubes and the somewhat larger shell diameter {due fo the minim Ubend radius), ihe ing the cost of a U-tube heat ex ‘hanger campurtble o el of a fis Tbeshect exchange The advange of a Uswbe beat exchanger is that because one ers fee, the bundle can expand con tract in response to stress differen wal, In scion, the ousiee of te tubes can be cleaned, the tube br ale san be comoved. ‘The disadvantage of the U-tube comsiraction is that the msiges of the tubes cannot be cleaned effectively, since the U-honts would require fe ible-end del shat. for clearing, “Thus, Ustube heat exchangers sould not be use for services with 2 ny uid inside tbe, Floating head. The Roating-beos beat exchanger isthe rose versatile type of STHE, ond also she eozties. In this design. one cumeshect is Fixed relative tothe shell, andthe other is {ee to “ost” within the sil. This changer, the shell cover is removed Dennis free expansion of the ube fst, then the split beckng ring. and bundle, af well as cleaning of both then the ffoaing-head cover, afer the insides and outsides of the mbes. which the tube bundle can be 1 ‘Thus, festingsheed SHTEs con be moved ftom the stationary end. used’ for services where both the Inthe TEMA T constoctin (Fig shelside and the tobesice Fuics ere ure 5), the entire tube bundle. includ Airy — making ths the standard con~ ing. the floating-ead assembly, can struction type used in dirty services, be removed flom the stationary en, ‘uch a in prrolera refineries, since the shell diameter is Targer than There are vases types oF flat the Noating-head flmge, The oating- ingbetd constuction. The two most head cover ig bolted citectly we common are the pull-theough with floating ribeshet so dat» spit hack ing ings not equuted, through (TEMA T) designs. "The advantage af this construction The TEMA § design (Figare 4) is is thatthe tube bundle may he se te most commen coniiquation in maved from the shel! without remov the chetnicalsrocess industries (CPI). ing either the shell or the Roatiew- The floating-head cover is secured head cover, thus redicing mainte ‘guinst the floaingtubeshost by bolt- nance time. This design és particular. ing eto an ingenious split Backing ly sulted w Kettle reboslers having ting. This floaing-head closure « lo- diy heating medium where U-ubes festeg beyond the end ofthe shell and cannot be employed. De to the on contsine! by a shell cover ofa lager lrged shell his construction has the ameter To dismantle the hset ex- highest cost of all exchanger pes Bamet Bact [Sateroy Stoney Sapa Suuomey samy Ti)” Reeatet Brera Teearest at ee v ( Figere 3. Waabe bat exchanger FRRUARY 8 + chCAL EIGEN PORES ‘SHELLAND-TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS “There ar also two types of packed ‘oating-head construction — outside- packed stufing-box (TEMA P) and futside-packed loutem ring (TEMA W) (eee Figure 1), However, since they are prone to leakage theit use is limuted to services with shellsde Ro fe that are nonhazardous end non- tonic and that have moderate pres sures and temperwares (40 glen ‘and 300°C), Classification based on service Dasically a service may be single- pase (Such us the cooting or heating Of a guid or was) or nea-phase (cach fas condensing of vapor zing). Since thers are evo sides 10 an STHE, this cin kel to several combinations of Broadly, services ean be classi Hho + single-phase (both shellside and bes) + condensing (one size condens: Jing andthe othe snele phase) ‘apocizing (one side saperzing ond the other side single-phase) and + condensinaaporiing (one side condensing and the other side \aporizng The following somenctaure is casually used Heat exchanger: both sides single- hase aod process streams (that is sot uli) Cooler’ one stream a process uid sn the other cooling wate a a, Heater: ove steam a process Suid snd the other a fot uty, suck as Steam hot al Condenser" one scars 8 condens- ing vapo. and the ether cooling water Chiller: one stream a. process ‘uid being sandensed st sab-ttm0- spherle temperatures and die other 2 boiling refrigecant or praces stream. Referer’ one steam a boom stream From + isillaon column and fhe other hot wilt (sear oF hot bil) ora process steam This acl will focus specifically on single-phase applienios, Design data Before diccussing setual thermal design, lets look at the dita that must be fumished by the process censor before design can begin: 1 flow retest bath steams inlet and oul temperatures of Doth streams. ‘3 operaring pressure of both ssrearas. This is Fequited for gases, especially if te gos density is not fumished: it is aoe really necessary for liquids, as their propetics 60 not ‘vary with preesure ‘allowable pressure amp for both steams. This a very important paremeter for heat exchanger design, Generally, foe Tiquids, 9 vahic of 05-07 Kgl? is permite per shel A higher presse drop is nsualy wae ranted for viscous Iiguids, especially inthe mbesde, For gates, the allowed valve is ganenlly 0.0502 kyle vith 01 kafom? beng typical. 5. fouling revsiance for bot seca. I this is not furished, the designer should adopt values spec Sed in the TEMA standards or bated lon past experience 6. physical properties of both sireams. These iclatle viscosity thermal conduetvity, density. and specific heat preferably at both let, snd outlet eemperatues, Vscasity ‘lo must be supplid at inlet and outlet temperatures, especially for liquids, since the variation with tem pernture may be considerable and leregaar {nether linear nor fg los). Theat dats Toe dy. specined should’ be consisiont for both the sellside sd the tubes, ‘pe of heat exchanger Hf not furnished, the designer can choose this based upoo the characteristics of ‘he varius types of construction de- scribed eatin To fact, th. designer's formally ina beter postion than he process engineer to dats. line sizes. Tt ie desinble w match nozzle sizes with line sizes to avoid expanders or reducers, Howes cr, siing eiteria for nozzles ae ws ally more suingont than fine, «= pecially forthe seis inlet. Conse- CECA ENGINEERING PROGRESS» FARUARY 2 quently, poze sizes must somciimes be one size (or even mare in excep- tional circumstances) lager than the corresponding line sizes, especially "or sal ina 19. prefered tube size. Tube size is designated e5 O10. 1 thickest length. Some plent owners have 3 preferred O.D."x thickness (esualls Bisel upon inventory considerations) ‘and the available plot area wll deter imine the maximum tube. Kngth Many plant ossners prefer to stan rdize all three dimensions again bascd upon inventory considerations. TE, mecinun set diameter Tis is based upon mbe.undie removal te- ‘urements ais lined by eran ca ‘acts, Such omitaians apply any t9 exchangers with removable "ube bu les, urely Ustbe ane Posting head For fxes-tbasheet exchanges. the only Timiaton is the manufacturer's fabrication capability and the avail ably of components Such as dished tends and flanges, Thos Sosting head heat exchanges ae cfen lite fo 8 Shell 4D. of 14-1.5 man a tube Teogth of 6 m or 9 m, whereas fixed tubeshert heat exchangers can have shelly as large as 3 a1 and tubes lengths up wo 12.0 or more D2, materials of consirvetion. IE ‘he tubes st shell are made of iden ‘eal materials ll componsns shoal De of tis maturial Thus, only the holland tube mteriis of consteue tion necd to be specified. However, i the shell and woes are of efferent metallurgy the materials of ll princi- pal components shoald be specified {o avoid any ambiguity. The principsl components ae shell (and shel over), tubes, chanset (and channel cover, tubesheets, and bales “Tbesheets may be fined or ela. 13. spectal considerations. Those include eyeling, upset conditions, al- temative operting. senaries, and Wheiter operation is continuous or intermitert Tubsside design Tabeside calcolations are guite simaightforvand, since beside Tow represents simple case of How Viscosity influences the heatirans- cooling water (thermal condoctvity through a ciealar conduit Hestirane- fer coefficient in two opposing ways of around 0.55 kcaltwine"C) has an fer coefficient and presture drop bath — a3. parameter of the Reynolds extremely igh Reatuanster coctt- ‘vary with ubeside velocity, the latter “pundber and aba parameter of Brandl cient of typically 6,000 kealwini"C. ‘more strongly so.A good design will number Thus, tom Eq. 1: followed by hydrocarbon liquids make the best use of the allowable ‘thermal, conductivity between 08 rescue drop, a5 this will yield heh (UPD 128) and 0.12 kealdorneC) a8 250-1300 hughes beat-ensfo cosfcien: keabhem°C, and thea hydrocarbon Hall the tbesde uid were toh a QOH (2by gece (thermal conductivity ewes Tow through all the tubes fone 1ube G02 and 003 hesbivaw°C) at post, ould led tos certin veloc- Tn ether words, the hestiransfer 50-S00 kcal fy, Usually his velocity ie woaeoept- cvefcient i inversely proportional “Hydrogen is an wnusual gas, be- ably low and therefore has to be ia- to viscosity othe Oa? power Simi- cause it has an exceptionally high eased, By incorporating pas pari- larly, the heatsransfer coefficient is theriaal conductivity (greater than tion plates (orth spproprate gasket. directly propostionel to thermal cun- thet of hydocarbcn Higuids). Thus, ng) the hanno the tabeside Mid dueivty to the 0.57 power. fis eatctransfer cve‘Ticient is to- is ace to Row several times through These two fet lead fo sors inter- ward the pper Vmit of the range a fiction ofthe total murier of tubes. eating generalities abont haat tansfee. fr hydrocarbon liquids ‘Thus, n'a best exchanger with 200 Adigh thermal conductivity promotes The range of hearvansx cac- tubes and tvo passes, the Mull flows high heattransfer coefficient. Thus, cients for Aycocarbon Tiguids is ‘hough 100 tubes at 8 Gime, and the octyl be wwe wha ie would ly ane pass The | pags umber of tie pase i usally one, ‘eo fue, Sigh ad 59 on Heat-transfer coefficient The tubesie Nentranfer cot cient is 4 funstion ofthe ReynolSs nimber, ake Prong mer and the ee dlameter, These ean bz bro- ter down into tho Following fondae menial purameters: ahysical | o/s yey soe 7 easel properties (namely viseosity. thee- ‘sears - aie isineg te mal conduct, and specific hen) tube Beameter: ahd, very porta? Typ masa velo WW Fe 4. Pa oagh Bot esd chang wis bckng dees EMA 3) ‘The variation in tigid aco quits conser; so. his pyskal ase ake Pesuehaae bodent heuteansr inside tes is Nir= 007 (Rep EPPS (1a) vps 027 (OGY RP — (Ab) Rearaning Choma 8 Figure 6. Pullthiough Roatng-hoad exchanger (TEMA T). f= OMMEGUPNeLAY AD) (ley ENRUARY 690+ CAEICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS SHELL-AND-TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS rate ange ve t0 the lage Variation In their vascosty, fom less than 0.1 EP fr ethylene and propylene to more ‘en 1,000 cP or more for bitumen ‘The large varation i the heat ranster coefficients of hydrocarbon gases atibutnble to the large variation in ‘operating pressure. As operting pres se rises, gas density increases, Pres- Sure drop if deel proporionsl to the squate 0 mass vlesity and ine ‘etsely proportional to density. There fore, for the sue pressure drop, a bigher mass velocity cen be maine tained whca th density is higher This Tanger ass velocity tanta ito 3 bigher heatarmster effi Pressure drop Mast velocity strongly influneces the heot-trancer coefficient. For tur bulert Mow: ho ubeside hestsransfer coefficient vanes 10 the 0.8 powcr of rubeside mags velocity wheres tbe- sie pressure drop varies othe aque of mass veloety: Tass. with ncteas- ing mass velocity, pressare drop in- tresses more rapidly than does the hpeavtransfer sneteent. Consequent rere willbe a optimum mss ve- icity above which iil be wastefal wo icreas ass velocity further. Furthermore. very high velocities lead to erosion, However, the pres sure drop litation ally Becomes ontalling Hoag betare erosive velos- ities are atained. The minimum ree- mamanded guid velocity inside tubes is 1.9 278 while the maxi esse deep is. propetional 10 the square of Velocity and the total length of axel Tihs, shen the num Der of tube passes is fncresse fOr & iven rumber of bes end a given fubeside few cate, the pressure drop riscs to the cube of tis increase. T total practic, the rise is somewhat fess borause of lower fection factors at higher Reynolds numbers, 30 the exponent should be approximately Tuberide pissure drop des seeply ‘with an inoroes inthe umber of tbe passes, Consequsial, i often happens ‘har fora given qumber of tubes ‘ovo pases, the presse dro is rauch lower than the aowable value, but with Cour passes texozeds the allow able pressure drop. If in such eceur sences 0 standart tube bes tobe em ployed. the designer may be forced 1 Aeoept a rater low velocity. However ithe rub darter an length my be ‘aie, the allowable presse op can be beter ustized as higher wbeside velocity reed ‘The following tube diameters vsually wedi the CPE 3a, 34, IVa and 1S ie, OF these, Yn. and Fin. are tho post popular. Tubes smaller than 4 in. O.D. should not be sed for fouling servees. The use of sunall-dlametze tubes, such 36 2 in, is warmnted only for smal heat ex: ‘changers with heat transfer aras less than 20-30 m 71 is important ty relize dha dhe total pressure dcop fora ives stseam ust be met. The distribution of res: sure drop ie the various heat exchane ces for 2 given sear ia particular Next, a design with 20-mm-0.. ompt was made to reduce the tube thes was attempted (Case Bin Table side pressure drop by decressing the 2) The shall diascter and beat trans- tube length, When the the length fer surface ceresed corsiersb was reduced 18 7.5m, the oveniesigh from 928 mm to 780 mn, and fro ‘was 5.729%. but the beak piessirs 342 1" wo 300 me, respectively: The Crop vas 091 kglom which was boride velocity (217 mvs us. 1.36 vs earlier. pressure drop. (G.81 pier? vs. 0.17 bpien, and heat aranster cootTcient (1.976 vs. 1,285 KeaVinm's°C) were all much higher ‘The overll heat tanufer coefficient for this design vas 398 Keane 8 356 for Case A. Stepwise calculations for viscous liquids ‘When the variation in tubesde vis- casiy- ie pronoonecd, a single-point ‘ulculation foe tho tuboside beat transfer coefficient and pressure drop swill pive unvealisc sesults, Tis is particularly tus i cares Where & Combination of turbuleet (ar wansi- tion) flow and laminar flow exist, since the thempal performance is ver) diferent in these €vo regizes. Th sich cases, i wll be necessary te potform the calculations stepwise ‘or 2ave-wise, The nunibe of seps ot “zones willbe detmined BY te Ya jon in the taberide viscosity and ths the Reynolds aembes Example 2: ‘Stopwise eatcviations The principal process purameters for a Ketle-type steam generator in 3 ceineey are shown in Table 3. The ‘isosity oft heavy vaevar gos oil ‘aries from 116 oP mt the inlet to 6.36 Pat the ole A design was produced without wing the calculations stepwise that ion te bass oF ai ‘ene temperature and corresponding physical properties, Details his de Sign are shown in Table 4 Performing the wwbeside caleuls- ions stepwise, inten gual host dy ‘eps, vealed that the original ex changer was undersuraced. The le- ‘rant parformance parameters for the ‘ngle-poin and stepwise ealeulatons se compared in Tals 5. ‘The man reason forthe dtfeence was the variaten in Reynolds acr- ber, fran 9.813 fm the fst zone (0 ZA51 in the last zone, Tn adlion, the sean temperature, difference (MTD) decreased cratieally. trom 13847°C in the firs zone to a mere EORUARY 0 + CHEMICAL EMGERING PROGRESS SHELLAND-TUBE MEAT EXCHANGERS 17.089C Jn the last, Thos, while the initial zones (he hot end) had both 8 high hostrensfer cooMiciemt and a high MTD. these decreased progras- sively toward the eulet (e016) end of the exchanger. Consequently, while the ft zone required 2 length of nly 2.325 1, the last zone quired 2 length of 967 m, even though the heat duties were the seme, The tubeside preseuce trop was only sarginally higher by the stepwise ‘method, because the Iubeside fs en ‘ely ithe transition regime (Re e+ ssicen 2.851 and 9.813), Shellside design ‘The shelle caleulations ae fa more complex thin thate for the tubosice. Tie ts miinly because on the skellsde there not just one ow stream but one pricipl eross‘Dow ‘steam and four Teskage or Bypass Steams. There are varieas shelsde Fow areagersents, 1,000), the heattransfer cositent varies to th: 06-07 power af veloc ty however, pressure drop varies the 1-7-2.0 pene, For laminar flow (Re< 100), he exponents are 0.3 for the heat-ranster coefficient and LO for pressure drop, Thus, as battle spacing is reduced, pressire drop i creases eta stuck faster rate than ‘doce the heatranefer coefficient, “This means that there wil be an optimum ratio of bale spacing & tell inside diameter tha will result in the highest eficieney of conver soa of pressure drop to heat transfer. ‘This optus ratio i nom de- secon 03 and 0.8. Batlle cut. As shown in Figure 8, hate cutis the height of the segment ‘ha ig cut im exch BaF to permit the shellee io flow ares the af ‘This is expressed as a percentage of the shell inside diameter, Atough this, oo, an imporirt parameter ee STHE design, it effet is lee pro- four han hat of bale spacing Baffle cut ean vary between 15% and. ofthe shell nse diameter ‘Both very small end very feng ffl cuts are detimicatal to eth cers heat tanafor on the shallide due (© large deviation from an idea} ‘situation, 9 lustate in Figure 9. It fs strongly recemmended tht only baffle cuts betwen 20% and 3596 be employed, Redoc ont below 208% to increase the ahelside heataransfer coefficient of increas ima the baffle cut beyond 38% 10 de- crease the shellside pressure drop ‘usally lend 10 poor designs. Orber faspeets of ube handle. geonreny should be changed instead 1 achieve those goals. For example, double- ‘segmentat bofMes or # divided-iow shell, of evon a seossflow shell may be used to reduce the sbllsige pressure deep. For single-phase fluids on the shelled, a horzanal ae ext (Fig- ‘re 1) recommended. decause this iminonizes sccumlation oF deposi at the bottom of the shell and als prevents statfication. However, in [CHEVICRL ENGREERNG PROGRESS» FERUARY 138 the case of 2 two-pass shell (TEMA ). vertical cat is prefered for ease of fabrication and bundle assembly Bailing is discussed in peter de ssilin 2) and) Equalize cross-flow and window velociti low crn tubes fs refered 0 cvosefiow, whereas fw through the ‘window area hat rough he ale ‘ut area) is refered to as window Now ‘The window velocity. and the tio velocity should be as close fs possble — preferably within 20% sat | an 4 Saat tarot Neu Bute tate Sasi _| BE Figore 0 i of sll ant are be ate of cach other Hf they dior by mone than Gat, repeated aceleration and deesleraion ake place along the lena: ofthe tube bundle, esalieg in inefficient conversion of posture drop to het transfor Shellside stream analysis (On the sellide, there i not just fone stream, but & man erogstiow stream and’ four leakage or bypass sircims, os illostated in Figure Th Tinker (4) proposed calling these sirens the inte erosion steam (5). 9 tubeto-toslehole leshage swat (4). 3 bundle bypass stream {C), & pashpertiion bypass. seam (F), and. a befl-to-shelleskage secamE), While the 8 (main_erossflow) sixeom is highly effective for host rst at tanste, the other sueanss are not 2s fective. The A stoum is fay ef ‘Sent, because the shellside Muid in contact with the tubes. Siar, ‘he C stcam i i contact with the peripheral tubes around the bundle, fand the F steam i ie coutast with ‘the bes. slong the pass-artiion Tunes. Consequently, thse steam also experience heat wunste, l {though aa lover efficiency that the B sucam, However, since the E stream flows along the shell all ‘where there are no tubes. it ence (ere no heat trast at all ‘The fractions ofthe ttt low rep- resented by these five steams can be determined for a paricular seo - changer geometry and shel'side fo conditions by any sophisicted heat ‘exchanger Uhsmial design software, Essentially, the five screams ate in allel and Fow along paths of vary {ing hydrwalic resistances, This, the ow fractions will be sch chat the pressure drop of each steam: is iden- tical, snee al the streams begin and fend at the inlet and outlet nozeles Subsequently, based upen the eft ciency of each of these streams, the ‘overall shellsde steamy eMiiensy fad thus the shelside heat-ranstor coefficient i esblisbed Since the fow fractions depend strongly upon the path ressonees, varying any of the following vox sfraction paramcters will affect am salle ind thereby the shel- Side performence ofan exchanger + "bafle spacing and bate cot, + tube layout angle ane tbe pitch; ‘ime of anes in the low ection and lane width clearance between the tube and the baffle hole, + clearance between the stell LD. ced the be: and * Tocition of sealing strips and sealing rods st Pguve 10 Bae cw ormaton ‘HEMNCAL ENoMeEHING PROGRESS SHELLAND-TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS Using a very low bale spacing tends to increase the leakage and by” Dass streams. This is beouse all Five Stelside strears are ia paalel and, thevefore, Rave the seme prewire drop. The leakag> path dimensicns tue fixed, Consequently, when baile spacing is decreased, te resistance of the main cross-flow path und thercby its pressure drop inereses. Since the protre des of al five streams mis Be equal, the leskage anc bypass susan inceaso. uml Ue. prassure drops of all the steams balance out ‘The nt eesut a ise in fe prose drop without 2 covesponding nsresse in de hea-transfor coo, The shellside Auld viscosity also affects cream anaysis profoundly. Ir sédition to influencing the shellside heat transfer and pressure do por formance, the steam analysis slo affects the mean temperature differ fonee (MID) of the exchangee. This ‘ill be disease in detail Inter Fest, ‘hough, k's Took at an example that demonstrates how to optimize bale design when there Imo sini temperature profile distortion, Example 3: Optimizing baftte design Consider the heat exchanger 22 ice specified in Table 6. Since there 278 em independent variables — bat fie spacing and bale cut — ws will first keep the bale cot constant at 25% and vary the bale spacing (sble 7, Liner, the bee spacing will be kept constant and the bale cut varied (Table 8) fy real practice bath paranieers should Be varied = nuultaneously, but keeping one pa ameter consiant and varying the ther will more vividly demorstase the induence of each parameter. “The first design developed is dese jgnsted Design A in Table 7. Here. the bale ut 18 25% and the Dame spacing is 309 msm. In Designs B and the baffle spacing was changed to 350 mm and 400 ihm, respectively ‘There is no temperature profile ds- tortion problem wih these designs, ‘Notie thst a th bale spacing is Relea BOIO. Fe ate eabeloayr eran Faso os aren ps aan acson Src ars ‘reste ‘We ee Shalote resarecton teat east coin alae ‘Ste Teteise Ort ‘areion fnereaed from 30 mim to 400 mm, the main crosefiow, bundle bypas, and pass pation bypass seems i create progressively. whereas Ihe tube-to-baMl-hole leskage and af ‘e-to-shell Ieakaze streams Ceerease progressively. The overall heat trans far effleieney of the shellside stream increases progyestively, Neverthe: HEMEALENGREEENG ROGRESS «FEBRUARY 158 Sa . ffle cut for Example 3 ‘eras ewan egy Faia asi Seine onion tayo amen, Pei) asi a we e088 z ae oan 24am CT 20 aaa ant saz wae tae less, since the shellside velocity ant the Reynolds number deercase. beth (he shellaide het-transfer eneficient and the shelside presore drop de- reste, but the fGrmer at a amish tower nate than the later Since the allowable sbellsige pressure drop is 1.0 ky'en®, Desion 4 sealed out, as iis sholside pressure drop far ex SHELLAMD.TUSE HEAT EXCHANGERS ‘one-sight he pressure drop in an ot= crwise identical single-pass exchanges. The advantage of a divided fox shell aver dovble-sogmiental beffles ie that i offers un even lange reds in presute dnp, since mot only cross- flow velocity but even window veloc ity can be reduced. The disadvantage isthe inerense in cost de tothe a inal piping eequied ‘Disited-ow shell sind double- segmental dues, IF aven 2 aivided- flow shel with single-segrental but ‘les is unable to roeet the allowedle shellside pressure dtep limit it wb be necessary fo adopt 8 combination af a divideesow shell end double Segmental Befies. With such a sam bination, & very large redicion in shalsde pressure drop is possible — to as low as 4% of the presse drop in a single-pass exchenger with the some bale snacing and baffle ext I sharp contrast, the heattransfer ene Aeiant will mde 1 about 4% Noctubesin-window _sepmental baffles. As baffle spacing is incieased to reduce the shelside pressure drop, a exchenger becomes more prove tube flue Cue 10 Roweinduced vie beaion, Exchanges with double-ceg rental bales ae less likely t0 expe= rience soch probiens than those with single-segmental bales, However,» vibration probles may persist even with double-segientat baile. In tush oases, 2 noctberin- ‘window design (Figure 7) should be sdopled, Here, esch tube ie eupporea hy every aM so that de unsport- co tbe span is tho ba Me spacing. fp xchangers mith normil single-sex ‘ental Rss, the unsupparid tube sain is tgs the baie spacing, ‘Should it become necesary to wie 4 very lnige baffle spacing to restit the shellside pressure drop tothe per ‘mitted value. intermediate supports Imsiy be used to inetease the risa frequeney of the tubes, thus pros ing'a design that is safe agvinst be failure due to Row-induced vibration, ‘The no-tuber inavindow design equires «larger shell diarnccr for 2 given number of tes. This eseates its cost, typical higher cost is eflse © sons extent by the biber stelside heatransfer oo efficent, since pe ceussflow rare efficient than the combination Of erossflow and window flow ia ‘onventanal designs ‘Crostflow shell, There are some services where the pressure drop li tation is so severe that gone of the shove sheltafling configaations xn yield © satsfuceny design. A steam ‘ejector condenser cperting at & pres fre of SU mem Hg nd having an a Iourabie peste drop of $ mm Hg i ‘an example, Such situations require te ‘se of exose-owt shell (TEMA X) Her, pore crest ow tkes place at 8 vary Tow velit 5c thre i vroally fo prssute drop inthe shell, Want-ver pressure drop gocurs i almost enti fy fn the nozzles. Suppor plates will be feded to meet TEMA requirement, nd prevent any posible fomindced tube visation. Siace to shelsde few i parallel tothese support plates, shell side presse dep is ot ineresed Increasing tube pitch For @ given murtber of tubes, the ssnaller the tbe nish the smaller the Shell Ginmeter and sherefore the lower the cost Conscqucntly, dsigr cts tend to pack in as mary woes mechanically possible. "AS noted sarin, designers gener sily set the we plteh ut 1.28 times the tube O.D. For square or rorates ‘guare pitch, a. minimum cloning Tae a in, or 6 ris recommenc edby TEMA, [As far a6 dhrmal-hydrauies exe concerned, the optimum tbe-pcch- to-tubo-dameter fig for conversion fof preesire drop f9 heat transfer is typically 1-25-1 38 for urbuiet flow sand sround | fo laminar flow: Thereasing the tube pitch to re- ‘ce pressute drop is generally ot recommended fortwo reasons. Prt, it increases the shell diameter and thereby, the cost. Second, reducing pressure drop by modifying tho ba Ae spacing, hate cut, oF shell ype ‘will result faa cheaper design. CHEMICAL LGNEERNG PROGRESS FEBRUARY Figure 13. Coca Bo However inthe ease of X shlis migy be necessary fo erease te ride pitch above the TEMA minimus to ect pressure drop limitations. since there are 90 thre parzmeters tht ean be modified Mean temperature difference Temperature cifference isthe div fing fore for beat ranfex. ‘hon two streams Dow ih op posing directions across tube wall there i= true. countercurrent Mose (Figure 12) In this situation, the fonly limitation is that the hot Steaipshould at all points be hoter than the cole scam, The outer lemperanute oF the cold stream ey de higher than the outlet tempera ture of the hot stream, a3 showin in Figure eee Soraca poco Sree eee aes Deen Dent Den" Design esi ~ oe @ = veds this fins, Designs B and C are bath nccsptsble. The everdesign varies marginally. Thus. i¢ would be prudent to adopt Design C, sine it Fa lowser prose deop und Bete ler seein anal Now consider the afeet of varying ine bate cat ile keoping the bamMe spacing constant at 400 mm, 45 shown in Table B. AS the baffle ut is progressively nereased fon 23% in Design D to 36% in Design G, te following changes are observed 1 the main cross-flow stream (B) fraction eereasesagpeeciably * the tbe-o-baMe-hole (A). ba Aeforshell (E, and pase-partiion (FY scream Feasions decease steal the Dunalle bypass [C) stem fection rinsins steady, the overall eatranster ff cioney ofthe sellsie stra fist de ‘stessss and then inteases an asthe window velocity deeras- es, the shells heataranster coeil ent falls: the pressure drop also de- reas, fut net a8 fst 08 the fete Warsiorcoeicien, “These observations are rofzcted in ‘the overdesign values. Desiga Fa eats to be the best choice, since De Sign D cannot be accopeed because of the excessive shellside pressure dap. Reducing aP by modifying batfte design Single-pas: shell and single-seg- ricotal ates. The frst bate aler- rstve isthe single-segmental baile ing single-pass (TEMA E) sell Homeves iz many situations, the sholisde pressure drop is 100 high ‘its simgle-segmertl fle n a sn- “Je-aass shell, even afr increasing ins bale spacing and bale eat 0 the highest values recor:mended. Suc situation may arise when handling & ver high sheiside flow eat or when the sheliside fui is a low-pressre ges. In these aes, the next alterna tive shar should be conscered is the soubieseginertal tale (Figure 7). ‘Single-pass shell and doubleseg- mental ba Mes. By changing the bak fing from single-segrntal c double segmontat st the same spicing in an Cthorvae _icenticnl heat exchanger the cross-flow velocity 8 reduced a> proximately to half, Because the shol- Side Mow i divided in «0 parle! “be ate in ioatgs a. Wasion ocd ida os Row ar (fain a ‘Bea bce ae Fan oie Satie shal ape sear EL Caza ‘oir Passion gas rear oten fc Sowa ae arr tienes i Ta Shasta Gossow in i wr on w “Yo tow Ea 1 1s iat at Sieisee pesado ae o oa ae is i eat arr cetelteatna™E ‘Soetde am 2 20k 180 2 aeoise ae 4 se sane tate Sea Sh es se na awa seu Deoega ra = si Ey 66 stteams. ‘This greatly reduces the frosefiow prestine drop. Hovey the window velocity ard therefore the ‘window prossure drop cannot be to duced appreciably (assuring tat the ‘maxiaram recommended bale. cut was algady ied with single-segaen- ‘al baffles bofere svtching w dowbie- segmental baffles, Nevertheless since crosslow pressure drop is) variably much greater than window pressure urop, there i an appreciable fein nthe tal pressure drop, ‘There is also a dzcronse inthe shell se heaciranster cocci, but this ‘scansideraly less than the reéuction in the pressure drop. The ase of dou blesegmontal bates is covered! in sei in (3) Divided-flow shel and single se mental baffle, 1 he allowable shell side pressure diop cannct be susied ven with doable: sepmentel bees at 2 relative large rousing 2 divided ftow shell (TEMA J) with single-seg rental bates (Figue 1) shows be ia- ‘estate next, Since pressure drop is proportion tothe square af the veloc fry und wo the lenath of rave, a divide ‘fiow shell will ave opproxsmately : IRUARY em + CHCA ENGOMERIG PROGRESS Since the temperature difference varies along the length of the heat exchange, 1 has t0 be weighted to fobtin @ ican value fr single-point Soternination oF heal-ranster area, ‘The Togarthmie. mean temperature difference (LMTD). represents. this ‘weighted vale. Ifthe hot and cold streams flow in the same ditection, ow 15 coeuerent (gue 13). The mean temperstare Aiference 15 sill represented by the EMTD. However, the LMTD. for ovurrent flow is lower than that for sountercurtent ow forthe sane tet tinal diferences, This s because al- though one tenminal temperature dif- ference i very high, the ater i far too fow — tht i, the temperane dlferences long the path of heat vranser sce not balacod ‘What is even mere serious with ccurent flow i thatthe outlet temn- perature of the cold steam must be Someshat lower than the outlet tine perature ofthe hor steam, which Serious limitation. Consequently, sountsteuirent Row is always. pro= Ferre to oceorent Row These principles apaly only sin wlepass exchingers However, as rote eatice shellamdsbe heat ex shhangers invariably have two or more lube passes. Since the shelisice fd lows in one diction, bal the mibe pases experience countercurrent Mow and the other ball experience cocarrent fw. The MTD for his sit fantion i meter the LMTD foe coun- tercuerent Now aoe hat foe cacurrent flow, but a value between the ta, ‘A correction flor, F, wich de- pons on tke four tmigal rempees tores and the shell syle can be det mined frm char in the TEMA stan- ads. The LMTD for countercurrent flow is raltipie by this taetr 9 ob- tain the woreted MTD. An innporast limitation foe 1-2 shells (one sf pas and two or more tube gases) fs thatthe outlet erp {are of the cold stam cannot exsved the outlet temperate of she bot ‘sceam, This is bocause of the presence fof one or more cocursat passes. In ality,» very aul emperature ier- ‘ence is possible, Bu this represents a9 farea of uncerinty"aad the ere ‘ery seal, oi is usually ignored ‘When there isa temperature cross (dati, the outer temperature ofthe cold steam f higher than the outlet, Temperature of the hot steam), and pure countercrret How isnot possi= Bie, multiple shells in series must te ‘ose, This will be discussed in det in the followup afticle scheduled t0 be published inte next issu. ‘An Fell as two pases, 59 hee ace two tobe pass this ia pare our ‘ercaren stuzion’ However, (fon F shall has four or more tbe pases. itis be loaga s eontersunent sitet ‘and, ence, the F, cometon has (© be plied. Ar F silt having our or more (ue pases is represents asa 2-4 sal “The F; factor for 82-4 sell i eral ro hat forovo 12 sells insess or wo ‘hell pass The TEMA F fcr char or tase bel pases really copes three shells in eis, hat for fou sel pss four shes in eres an 30 on, his important a realize thatthe MTD and F, factor concep assumes thar there so significant variation in the overall Rexetrassf cosmTeient along te length ofthe shell. Howes tng argh ‘er thors are come servioes where this ts not Wap, Am example of this the cooling of x visexu Fguid — as the Tiguid i cooled, ts viseosty ineveas- ‘, and this results in a progressive reduction in the shollside hest-ans- fey coeficiont. I this care the sim lists overall MTD approach will be Inaccurate, and the exchanyor must be broken into several sections and the ealealtions performed zone-wise Temperature protile distortion ‘Aa important issue that has not been considered so far isthe tompert- ture profile distrtion. As noted atte ex the leakage and bypass streams are Togs efficica for eat transfer than the ‘main cvs ae steam, ‘Considers eas2 whore the stllsde stream is tho cold Haid. Sinco the mnain cross ow steam encounters 8 ‘ery large frachion af the tet hoa transfer surface, it bas to pick op @ very large part of de tus sot dy ‘Aszurme thi the cross flow stears is 58% ofthe total sholide scien, but that comes Sn contact with 80% oF the tubes. AS a results eImperauTe rises move rapidly than ifthe entive shelsge steam were t9 pick up die ‘entre beat uy. Therefore, its emer 1 Figure 14 Temperarare profile distortion acter duc bypass an leakage FESR an © CHEMICAL ENGNETIIW PROGRESS SHSLLAND-TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS nye profile will be steeper than th Of the total secaos (he apparent tne perature prafle) withoo® considerng the varios Row factions (Figure 13) The tempers profes oF He baesholeso-nibe leakage, shelhto- bundle leakage end pass-parition by- pass sams will depend or thir re- spective flew fretions and tho fae- oral hesttansfer area encounre, However, since the shellto-bale II leakage seat dees not experience = on any heat tenser, the temsining four) Remgrepniin streams musi pick up the entre heat Sty, 30 tht these Rout -stresins toe gether wil have a temperature profile eeper ¢han that af the apperat stream. Conssquenify the temperature diference berweon the het end the cold steam: will be lower alt slong the length af the est exchanger, thoreby resulting in the reduction of ‘he MTD. This edution ithe MTD is known a8 the temperate profile tara es distortion (ce coretion feta scm fee eee — Tite 6p. 0 oa OD Pm ng, leakage and bypass streams are fieh, ae = especitly the sillao-bnile leakage Roe Rieger) seam, andthe ratio of shellsidetem-— Bating Sng gree On spain, 7 perature diference tthe tempercare —. Comaeion nen soles im ones proach atthe chell gale is igh fenrrenser eam ar Thee Inter is because the closer the temperate approach the shall ut Jet the sharper tis reduction in MTD. The leakage-aid bypass sitecrns In many situations, 2 emperarre tend to be high wthen the shelide profile distortion factor is unevoid- emma semaine scosiy ig high and when the bate able, suchas when coating 3 viscous Nomenclature Becigievey ioe Tncaranto gi uses ge Tenpene sat ei TSrorcnodn tke csi of scout torge, end there no somtve fo SF eae pent het liquid ‘coolers tach a8" s'-vacgara the uve of inihipie shells i selon 22 artis owe reldueconterin crue ciency.” However, in many ae stone, omc "The mebrnam reccnunended tn improper bale sping wanecesat @ = cramer et rs rerwtre prfie dsortin factors siymposts such» petaly where 2 LORS Racn ene 73. Below thi two or more shells val avotdaie. Desigocs nor Leelee in serias must be employed. By using _ mally tend to pack bailey es close 4 een tual oan snultiple shells un series the ratio oF a5 possile to get the maximum paces Shelluide temperate. diflennce fo thelleido best-ransfer coefficient ott thevenpesm apres artrsiel presure Gop pomitng Ty hony oobammnaestik cute Drctced The mich ofeach etc MS eof samen Presa Sais cosine wih Or ngs all epcing vl eas te echt fovea hap tue arco Shetoate cage rahe ar Kos fohcer te ply deo enclaves Inpve cmt inake of ne Sepecanre protte Re AMID earecton cr pe Becontree tod Knee neescr be empotnce Saye ey roku eh Profile distpion factor beter aesien, (CHEMOALFHORIEERING PROGRESS + FEBRUARY 1588 Raresocra ea Suis ons non ab Tack ning) On tH a tn cise ie 6), i ae ase Sehoonieion® ae ant a Selb ake aa ~ a ae Pasvntsonbipesreane) 0 ® 1 a uate mmaciy «7 iis e ‘gens patie urn acer Gb ae as ie an sae aa a a Sekar oan HE 3 = = Bie ais rere don a a aT Grenier ct ie Exomple 4:Tomperature Aistorion and bats spacing XMawmntascann nti Literature Cited Consider an existing maphina —-sautaagec gna” abuar Badung Mtnatatrn, coor in refery sod avackemne ORL oma scat Sete Sisco he pacac mcr Gemma, Ege ean tre ined fe Table rand in con ameter, ie Sston ponte on Table 10. Sameera arg, ea Uae “The xing dnign was orcs eeuehereshes ge Bait Yo: Chew tg Paras faced ty 21% rannly cnc the - Semana we tape mage he terpestre profile dition factor ieatttprmtntatecangn > Mt: "the Diemer wat 6, witch iy lower than the atom arama [tates a Shot a piriaaa Samet oct ora Sanger” Chem Ene Progr, 88 8.75, The existing design ad o bat ZRSSSTR are eres titra Chess ot fie spicing vf Iam end bate Gnpeeenmenge Siebaadiae’ tw Eee & ut oF 2% (of the dancin), The eumeauamieenteone ath Reg Spur Coen SHolvto-builslesage steam tac. eae sp ema sales Bango Te ME thon ws 028 settee cha ianaion Sm eseen, To improve ths design, the bale SE REN SR poring us propesively mccased, — penreberwedacponae Frcvunkrrtacng deceanel wid) Sumer Bemannpotano Further Reading increasing bale Spang, up fo a _ aeteton tate ea, "Vl Bangers Te Spacing of 190 mins eteater, pe atipemaic rotons) OS formutte again sured to deeronas sseanapnat Se Haepghe sng Cop ‘Tae. 190'mm b the optimum bale Menninger Minot sang “ime eetinaabmnan Sunder Eso ay ea “He: He Fike cama of the vate» eRe ‘Sage, Doge Hick Head torcconentene ‘Shee Ping Cops New Sek ous erations ‘ate competed. in. Seateerpecedear aay om, Tabte 31 FEBRUARY 1b « cHENCAL ENGNECHING PROGRESS

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