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APN Nurse Educator Philosophy

The role of the advance practice nurse is to essentially be a leader in the field of nursing. These leaders
are master prepared nurses with significant clinical experience. Some advance practice nurses lead in
patient care, such as nurse practitioners, while others lead in the corporate arena in the role of nurse
administrators. The leadership path that I have chosen is in the role of a nurse educator.
Nurse educators are leaders, primarily in the classroom and in direct patient care, but should also be
leaders in research, advocacy, community outreach and political activism. They take on the challenge of
preparing the next generation of nurses to not only be safe and prudent nurses, but to embody the
nursing spirit.
My philosophy as a nurse educator is to first and foremost be a leader; primarily leading by example.
Showing students the importance of being involved in the community and with political activism, by
being actively involved in a professional organization. Illustrating the importance of research, by
subscribing to research journals and seeking out research opportunities. Demonstrating how to
complete nursing skills properly and how to use the nursing process effectively.
The obligation of an Advance Practice Nurse in the field of nursing education is to uphold the highest
ethical standards as well as holding students accountable for their ethical decisions. An advance practice
nurse should be a continual learner and remain updated on the latest research. Students should feel
safe while learning with the nurse educator and grow academically and in their confidence.
If new nurses are to succeed in this complex and evolving health care system, nursing education needs
to be transformed (IOM, 201)
I plan to do my part in the transformation by providing students with quality education by not only
providing the resources, but hopefully ignite in each student a love for learning. Effective teaching is
treating each student as an individual with individual learning needs and exploring those differences to
ensure his/her success. Effective nursing is leaving at the end of the day knowing you gave that patient
the best care you could. Effective nursing education is the combination of the two; role modelling ideal
nursing care by providing patients the care they deserve, while challenging each student to be a critical

Institute of Medicine (IOM). (2011). The future of nursing: Focus on education. Retrieved from

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