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Steve Johnson
Subject: Math

11 July 2015
Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Opening Hook/Warm Up: enter room with

pizzas paper plates and sheets of paper

TEK: 3.3A
Represent fractions greater than zero and less than or
equal to one with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8
using concrete objects and pictorial models,
including strip diagrams and number lines;

I want to ask some questions before we get started.

Discussion: Who likes pizza? What shapes are
pizzas made? I need to divide my pizza in , who
can show me half?

Objective: Student Friendly: I/we will represent

fractions with a denominator of 2 and 4 using
concrete objects.

Big Understanding: We will be able to represent fractions in all aspects of life.

Summative Assessment Evidence:

Show me a pizza that is eaten and show me a pizza that is left?
Which pie has been eaten the most , , and ?
How many pizzas does this look like 2/2, and 4/4?
Can you draw a picture of an apple pie with left out and a cherry pie with cut out?
Instructional Strategies / Student Activities/ Grouping Patterns:
Teacher Input/Modeling:
1. Hook
2. Objective
3. Big Understanding
4. Vocabulary:
* whole
5. Model throughout the class fractions: 1, , , 2/4, , & 4/4.
Guided Practice: WE DO:
1. Together we will begin by passing out pizzas (paper plates & paper)
2. T What other aspects (areas) in life do we use fractions and shapes like these?
a. Clocks, Glasses, Bowls, Money, Measurement (solids, liquids, gas), etc.
3. T Ask students to take their marker and divide their pizzas in
4. T - Demonstrates
5. S Students take both pizzas and divide them in half and writes on the inside.
6. T Ask students to take their marker and divide their pizzas in and writes on the outside.
7. T - Demonstrates
8. S Students take both pizzas and divide them in fourths and writes on the outside.
9. S Compares to ; to 2/4; to ; 2/2 to 4/4
10. T Number line (1-12) [place a blue line on the floor]
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11. S 8 students stand on the line and demonstrate , , 2/4, , and 4/4.
12. T Observes students as they demonstrate their understanding by using manipulatives (counters).
13. S Place counters on , , 2/4, , and 4/4.
14. T Remind students that fractions are division problems.
15. T Bonus question to students Who can tell me what 8/4 is? Who can tell me what 16/2?
CFU (Checking for understanding):
T Will question students, listen to student responses, and observe student progress as they perform the
tasks of demonstrating fractional representation.
Independent Practice: YOU DO (Individual students):
S Will demonstrate using manipulatives to show fractions
Higher Level Questions to Incorporate:
**See questions in the Summative Assessment
**Teacher questions throughout instruction
Grouping Patterns:
Ending, Summary / Reflection:
What did we talk about today?
Tomorrow we will discuss using 3 and 6 as a denominator.
Write three things you learned today.
Write two things you want to remember.
Write one thing and tell how it relates to your life.
Materials / Resources:
Paper Plates, Standard Paper, Painters Tape

Computer, proxima projector

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