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Net Promoter Score : KFC VS MCD VS PIZZAHUT Survey Report

America may be synonymous with fast food, but with several franchises going
international, fast food is a growing global phenomenon. Several popular
American fast food chains in Indonesia include KFC, McDonalds and Pizza
Hut. These three brands are among the Top 100 Brands in the US. As well,
they are among the top brands in Indonesia as evident by their prominence in
the foodservice industry. Yum! Brands Inc., which owns both Pizza Hut and
KFC collected 1.7% of the total foodservice market share in 2012 and
McDonalds came in 3rd after Top Food Indonesia PT with 0.4% of the total
market share (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 9).
We wanted to find out how loyal Indonesians are to these three brands so we
at JakPat conducted a survey to measure peoples likeliness to recommend
these brands online to their friends. The survey results come from 2866
Net Promoter Score
One way to measure loyalty is through a Net Promoter Score (NPS). The
number is obtained by finding the difference between the percentage of
promoters (those who answer with a 9 or 10) and the percentage of detractors
(those who answer with a value up to 6). The higher the score, the greater the
number of promoters which indicates greater loyalty.

From this JakPat survey, we got the following NPS -

KFC: -62.34%

McDonalds: -63.31%

Pizza Hut:-42.10%

What this indicates is that of the three, the full-service restaurant Pizza Hut
has stronger loyalty among consumers followed by KFC and McDonalds not
too far behind.
Coincidentally, this trend is also the case in the United States based on NPS
Benchmarks reporting from 2013 Pizza Hut (22), KFC (14), McDonalds (-8).
However, the biggest difference is that in Indonesia, there are not as many
people who are strong promoters and loyal to these brands.
Lets take a look at the data for some more information.

Given a score of 1 which means not recommend at all, McDonalds got

the most respondents out of the three at 19.36%. That means that almost 1
in 5 people would not suggest online that their friends visit McDonalds!
On a gender breakdown, females tend to offer a higher NPS in
comparison to males.

Looking only at the provinces with the largest numbers of respondents,

we find out that for all three chains, the highest NPS comes from
respondents from DKI. The lower scores come from DIY.

It seems that for the most

part, respondents are indifferent to the brands, meaning that they do not have
strong loyalty, but they do not necessarily have strong rejection either.
Generally speaking, most respondents gave a score of 6 on how likely they
are to recommend the chain to a friend. What is really interesting though is
that while a mid-score was most common, a score of 1 was not too far behind.
It is a tough market to please because Indonesians know what they are
looking for when shopping for food.

For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. JAKPAT
report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation
for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you
demographic profiles ( gendr,age range, locationby province, and monthly
spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic
segment preference on each answer.

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