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Passion for God,
Compassion for People
(March 2015)

Events Update
PSHS Seniors Retreat:
Campus gods
Feb. 20-22, 2015

We want to thank everyone for praying for the

Seniors Retreat of PSHS. We talked about
Campus gods during the retreat to prepare the
students for college life. Continue to pray for the
salvation of everyone who joined. We had a
mixed group of Christians and non-Christians.
Because majority of the students will also move
to UP Diliman and UP Manila for college, please
pray that the DCFers will be prepared to guide
and follow them up come August.

Events Update
PSHS Seniors
Mar. 5, 2015

We also had a send-off fellowship for the

graduating batch on March 5. It was their last
fellowship with ACTS for high school. We thank
the Lord for allowing us to serve them for four
years. Please pray that they will continue
growing in the Lord in college. Pray also for the
incoming seniors (Batch 2018) handled by IVCF
that God will prepare them as they become ates
and kuyas for three years. Pray as we adjust to
the new K-12 curriculum in high school. May the
Lord renew our strength and heart as we serve a
new batch students at Pisay this coming
academic year.

Pray for Pisay

Pray for God to draw the graduating students to
Pray that we will be ready to serve them when they
move to UP Diliman or UP Manila
Pray for volunteers to help next years Pisay Batch
Pray that God will soften the hearts of the parents
who are preventing their children from joining the
Bible Studies

Events Update
DCF Banquet, Ladies and Gents Night
Feb. 18-19, 2015

Kuya Marlon and Ate Elaine Clemente joyfully

shared their love story during our February
Fellowship. We thank God for the
encouragement and lessons they shared. We
also thank God for the students who joined up
until the overnight ladies and gents night. Please
pray that we will be able to deepen our
friendship with the students especially the
freshmen. Pray also that the upperclassmen will
be able to help the younger ones in their college
journey by leading Bible Studies and being
accountable partners to them.

Events Update
Talks About God (TAG)
Feb 7, 2015

The freshmen and sophomore fellowship (Discovery

TAG, Talks About God) is going through a series
entitled Campus gods. This is a continuation of our
January camp topic. We thank God for the DCF
alumni who willingly speak at the fellowships.
Please pray for the students who were challenged
to step up as leaders for the freshmen group. May
the Lord call those whom He desires to lead. Please
pray for strength for the students because of the
increasing academic workload. May they be able to
balance their time for Gods glory. Please ask the
Lord to draw all these students closer to Him that
they may truly have a relationship with Jesus.

Events Update
Bible Studies, Prayer Meetings, Birthday Celebs

We thank God because we have a continuing

Bible Study fellowship at Yakal and Molave for
upperclassmen. Ask God that they will not be
discouraged despite the challenges they face.
Pray also that God will rekindle the joy of the
upperclassmen at Centennial 1 and 2 that we
may once again have a fellowship in those
dorms. Ask God to help us re-start a Bible Study
at Kamia and Sampaguita. Please remember to
pray for strength and dependence for the
upperclassmen because many are discouraged
by the low attendance from the students.

March Big Fellowship (Leadership)

March 26, 2015

We chose to discuss servant leadership this

March GA! The students are busy with their
acads but we thank God for the freshmen who
volunteered to organize the months GA.
Continue to pray for the Lords enabling so that
these young leaders will grow in Christlikeness.
Pray also that the ates and kuyas will be a good
example to these younger students.

Kalayaan Dorm Open House

March 21, 2015

We visited the freshmen at Kalai during their

open house last month. We were able to meet
their roommates and friends. Were praying that
the God will open bridges of friendship so that
we can share Him even to the circles of
influence of our freshmen attendees. We praise
God for the wonderful bonding time with the
freshies even if most of them are busy with
school work. The day was spent room-hopping,
playing Monopoly, eating and chatting. May God
continue to deepen their love for Jesus as they
compassionately reach out to their peers.

Pray for the Dormers

Pray that God will continue to draw the students closer to
Jesus that they may truly put their faith on Him
Pray that the students will put Jesus at the center amid
piling org work, acads requirement and extra curricular
Pray for strength and wisdom for the upperclassmen who
are struggling in their academics
Pray that God will open opportunities to reach students in
more dorms on campus (Cente, Sampa, Kamia)
Praise God for the active freshmen. May we be faithful in
following them up as well as their friends
Pray that more students will attend the EBS and the
attendees will be more consistent

Events Update
2015 Missions
Exposure Trip
May 31-June 6, 2015
Please pray for the initial preparations
for this years Missions Exposure Trip.
Kuya Caloy has determined that we can
help a fledgling campus ministry in
Pampanga in partnership with a Korean
Please pray for wisdom for all the
preparations. Pray also for the financial
needs of this event and the student
missionaries who will be joining. May
God alone be glorified in this event.
Thank you!

Events Update
Holy Week Evangelistic Opportunities
Beach Missions
Pundaquit, Zambales
April 2-5, 2015

Stranger Evangelism on Campus

Dinner Fellowship
April 3, 2015

Please pray for the many evangelistic

opportunities during the Holy Week. Pray for the
Philippine Beach Missions. A number of DCF
alumni are joining. May God provide people and
finances for the ministry. Pray also for a number
of stranger evangelism events were planning for
the Holy Week. May we be able to share the
Gospel faithfully to students and residents on
campus. Thank God for the timely opportunity
to speak about the life, death and resurrection
of Jesus during this Lenten Season.

Passion for God,
Compassion for People

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