X-GSU-UO1-GD00-0833 - Request Approval For WPS & PQR (Civil Piling Work For Berth #4) PDF

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nn El ep GS Constructiof ASSUED. " 17 MAR 2015 ‘SCA RABIGH TRANSMITTAL uot PROJECT: Rabigh ll interconnecting Package (UO1) PAGE 1 OF 1 [TRANSMITTAL NO. : X-GSUIUO1-GD00-0833 ISSUE DATE:: 18 Mar., 2015 ISUBJECT: Request Approval for WPS & POR (Civil Piling Work for Berth #4) COMPANY Ref. NO: X-UO1/GHU-GD00-1278 UNIT NUMBER 1 000 Genera or Commen 1D ca09 YOt Corman 1 0210 Seawater intake D230 Fite Water -DelugesNetwork 1D 0240 Posabie Water 1D10250 Cootng Water IE c300 Power 1D cdo waste water 1D 260 Buiaing D100 Interconnection (Existing Plant Area) 1N200 nterconnecton(New) 1 $210 Tenkoge Feed/Product ID S270 Maxine Loading 330 Fires [C1 x900 OVERALL Uiites and Raw Material / Chemicals Distibution Systems and Facies in Existing Panis CONTRACT NO. * 6600028401(IK) |TO : Rabigh W Project Execution Department interconnecting Package (U1) ~ Attention : Mr. Khalid Z. Al-Sulaim / Project Manager =CC__:Mr. Toru Kubota / Deputy Project Meneger INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Ea PROCESS ) EIMECH.() Brine, ) ELEC.) ast) Dieas() Bins.) Bre Ea scHeDULE( ) Chnvac( ) Bi sAFETY( ) Dem) Pom) Chem: ) Bem) om Bont) su) BGseecHor ) _ENVRONWENT() [THE FOLLOWING ARE TRANSMITTED HEREWITH TYPE OF DOCUMENTS LI Specification TiRexistion Ol Venderrint OI Draving i catetation One Oro 1 Dita Shost Oi Precedure Bones PURPOSE/STAGE © Fer infomation @ Fer Approval © Ascuit © Fer Constructon © Fer Construction With Hold For Intemal Work no ‘DOCUMENT NO, REY. ‘OLE shests 1 (Comments Reply Shoot 3 Z 2 S-EP-GD00-1662-0033 4 Request Approval for NPS & POR (Chil Pling Work orBerth#4) 2 18 “LAST ITEM = El PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY OF ABOVE WITH YOUR COMMENTS AND / OR APPROVAL fl PLEASE RETURN ONE DUPLICATE COPY OF TRANSMITTAL WITH SIGNATURE Received By: Date: IREMARKS ISSUED BY K, Oh Project Manager ar (Orga) C(Copy) R(Repreducile) E(Elecronle Fes) T(Transmta Ony) TNE me enum mpl oxy parts x2) room san 4M papi oneogunn sade nen ann AAI YOLONHLNOD] “avecaivmenavana| °°" | ay sepapeiy se ts ren comps une ema ev avcrseal mney | umrsereceim aiewee-auni] aie sooemi sams Slo smvumeapmeutseounsenieursonen sexton owen marina] ses soy ans suo san iepnnngoen ae vedas manana You'd nto San sone Se] 6 =r | suap paneer eneic] ae ‘Hon sda ‘mule Sdn tn 1 9ReEE RuPuenRDa DESO AUMUND NENT LOLOWAUNCO] + fea s4o12 rand] once anu sat sounsose} cpzrennieweetN aay | mucizexueirs tiveuniera| as scooreivod some supa p opt hv imine ane fe ueuawngn fsere)|—¢ rea vane (nore on ws 5M ‘time am ecco ue omar sen apenas er coy eoains nea seuy] ots coer od proaunseamia nie aie AIuOU MBI BRMRL ON AOD] ‘sosipodipe cane ray up sey | smectunenpevaeaciten| ave coord -ojonesye 956, sors omar Bre vowtod ee uD FA 4 ents eae Sei aig AHALNDD 609 anxiny Shere ‘ea persE ew 4 0M Bug) aD Sa HED sons ‘nu. need | e009) “nin ssoo-zent-oao sas ‘on naunosa sanwanioa] 200-2001 cn09 438 on weuma00 SHOLORELNOD on 0H s2z1-2008-nHe-10mr% owrenuswensanwvanco] ei veu | ezu0co00-torrnsox ON UHL BRIDLDWAANOD Tonlatineeg buona putia nya sarod ime aliens 8 sin iansieaninin a shor ctinveinntsac| mo nncorimgou retin) is sema0 a nae i ice eine ORCS ac aed Fo ae «i as, sient reactesiwre tanec sl nat fetch seitiommeeh ope sari Rens dbamnmangienniiiaed) aie ry si oi onal sitios os sdennitin (area syaaneyuptaacpacnen socal iyi emote gencennersied © aware aiadipmoinestoas ed see sea wes pono sun cosy Peon 0 amnddy pr losas unrsoy pus ese, 9f09 + SBLIOG PYM parody -,9,9709 « SvsUAINg no panDry--¥. P00 « p09 séy suiTo8g PUEHOIESEG Shen 38a FTI (re wea.e) Wor ths mo) Bod # SAM 0) ]eaNddy wenden, pL woun229 0005 on eon cooozsarooaoss DN wourcog sanvanico] sepo-znaL-ooaa-as on wmuraog saloLOWALNOD oe auzi-e008 HOON on USI SAN onan | ecarc009-40n-n9o% ON FUEL SHOLDPENGD (on) Bera Gora ong SEH ‘COMPANY Doc. No. SONTRACTOR Doc. No. Gyggauull gSoll & > Ss GS Ea ‘Saudi Acamco ‘SUMITOMO CHEMICAL Aramco Overseas COMPANY BV. & Sumitomo Chemical Co, Ltd 8 Engineoring & Construction Corp. Rabigh II Project interconnecting Package (UO1) Request Approval for WPS & POR (Civil Piling Work for Berth #4) REV DATE REASON FOR ISSUE PREP'D CHK'D REV'D APR'D o 21 Jan. 2014 For Approval JH. Choi JK. Lim KS. Suh. 1 24 Apr, 2014 For Approval LH. Choi Y.T. Suh ALK. Lim KS. Suh 2 | somayaote| — Forropewt | MCh | Wim | JK | KSSm 3 31 May 2014 For Approval 7 LH. Choi Y.C. Seo ALK. Lim K.S. Suh 4 [ameane| reveoa | ance | pu | aie | ep ap Y UF : Reviewed by QA/QC : _O.K. Kwon. Document Issue Purpose EX For Approval [| For Information (For Construction DAs Built (For Intemal ‘Approved for COMPANY. Signature / Date Name Tors Rabigh I Project Intereoanecting Package (UO) Request Approval for WS & POR: GS Job Code 11880 Doc. No, ‘S-EP-G000-1062-0093¢4> Date TM 2015 Revision History Sheet Rev. Rev | Section Descriptions Remarks ° Firstissue 1 First Revision 1 Noted. Visible revised WPS has been attached with POR. 2 Second Revision 2 WPS & POR has been revised. 2 WPS No. was changed from HI-003 to HM-003A 3 Third Revision 3 Noted. A105 was delete from base material 4 Fourth Revision ‘As commented, Base Material A 105 was deleted from Material Specs * Sea EL in Base Metals. 4 | General The whole tachment has been changed as vse documents. 4 | Atachment#2 | Document sequence has been srranged in erder propery 4 | Attachment’ | Weld Map has been added 20s Rebigh I Project, So Cose 111580 Intercennecting Package (UO?) oc. No, S-EP-G00-1862.0089¢4> Request Approval for WS & POR Date 7. Mar 2015 Approval Request for WPS & POR (Civil Piling Work for Berth #4) With Reference to the Civil Piling Work for Berth #4, we'd like to submit the Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) with PAR which is prepared by CONTRACTOR. For installing offshore structures, CONTRACTOR is supposed to install steel pipe piles to the depth indicated on IFC drawing. Accordingly, pile fabrication by welding shall be conducted following approved WPS. ‘Therefore, CONTRACTOR herewith submits necessary information of WPS & PQR documents for Berth #4 construction as follows and attached. It would be highly appreciated that result of COMPANY’s review & approval on the submitted information for WPS & PQR is advised to CONTRACTOR. Attachment Attachment #1. WPS (HM-003A_Rev.04) & Weld Map ——— Attachment #2. POR (HM-003 R3) -——- —-2 sheets 8 sheets Sas Attachment #1 WPS (HM-003A_Rev.04) & Weld Map 2 Pages HUTA SS&SEsC WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (WPS) "t# According te AWS DLVDLIM2010/ SAES-W-03 WPS No, HM.0034 WELDING PROCESS: sMAW rvre (6): MANUAL WPS Rev. No: Ut vision Dates TABraI 1: Mohd tinwan aresponding FQRNos HNL PQRRer.Nos_NA POR Re Date NA oP [POSITION ye: Groove TWekaess (TH) 168mm [ton game: 36 Position fillet 3 ingloweld (Y)Doubeweh!( ) fwetd Progression: Up it( J) Down El ) eucking Yor() Nov) Pocking ater ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Root opening (8) S~tamn Root Face (+ L2um ——|Currnt Aenps)> 90-160 Polarity oove angl(A):_IE Rau (-U} WA Wvotage vols); i830 Past Back Gouging BG): Yor_) Nol) Joter: None [BASE METALS: [Teaser mode for (GMAW), Shor Grcuiting ( [Aws Group No.:_t_ Globular( Motors specs: ADLSLGRNS2/A-53___[ Tungsten Electoue for (GEAW):_ Sizes NAA ro (TECHNIQUE: Material Specs: _ADYSLGRX52or Fquvatent Multispace single poss (pers) _ Multipass hickines: Groove 16~38mm Filta INumberctetetes: One Osc x= ys 28 Ow or Pate levctrode spacing ‘Lengitdial NA Type Lateral Angle ETOG E7OIS singer or wenvebest _Both FNo 4 ANo.1 |Contact Tub to work distance: rade Name: Mack Weld OR Signs Pocoing: Not onany pass etorpass clearing: _Yes rush & grating NA Composition s_ NA Flecto-hox (ass) WA eave Speed 615 fohes/ in Gascupsie: N/A [POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT: Prohoat Temp Min anc Temp: WA foipse Temp. _acalae ite Ae Note: impact is not Required WELDING PROCEDURE Perl vaca | ee Cet | vane [Bove Szeed| Heat tap Joint “ ma Youmans) BPE] am (envi) |} }/ieh) Det iy ciass [Dismter| BC | Amps Toa | Sua] ae] 32 YOCEN ip 9 ew | w2iRe tion | swaw | mois | 32 |ocer(| 00-130 s wi0 | 10-195 rao | svaw | eos | a0 focere foro) 72 | 6 wi | 253-200 capping] —swaw | emis | so focerelno~ral 2190 [9 wis | i692 or Tasdby JOM 1 thts sate Dr Act eS 2. Pele PR for Ths a 2 rrehats = CZ HUTA SS ESC Werpine PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION(WPS) J [According to AWS D11/M:2010 /SAES-W-013 WPS No. HM-0034 WELDING PROCESS: SMA TveEs): MANUAL WPS Re. No. 04 [Reviion Dates a7 Mor 2005 ay Mohd Riewan [coresponding POR Ne. = HN-OOSRS POR Re Non WA POR Rew Dats Wh PILE sraeas 56_sivss_ Fa ovind 2 ya yam 2mm Om (AE mem, ‘MISCELLANEOUS. oamenree \ \ J C2] acre Results NA HARDNESS TESTS Type of Tes: Hardness Survoy- ASTM E884-11 Reler to Exova Report #S 400085 Deposit Anais NA _ Other Radiography Refer to FSURT Report #142371 Wilder's Name: Santhosh Kumar “oats Conducted by: “The rqulcements of AWS Dete et competion of tes: Signature Test viinessed by: Stamp No 4902 Exova Laboratory Tost No. Exova Report 5 400685 ‘We cert tha the statement inthis record ara cvrect an thatthe test welcs were prepared, welded ard tesied in accordance wih Dison | Mantactur 7 Huta Marine Soratue = = Ss [ey Hector Eton SAUEIARAMED APPROVED SAP. # 10005620 Exova (Saudi Arabia) Co Ld: +9669 812 750 ‘35h, Caen Stoct F; 49963 812 1837 Domman2ud incustal Arse & saucarabalab@enove.com ct Bammer ‘ew enor 20m ngclomot Saud Aa aw Test Certificate Fugro - Suhaimi Ltd, Report Number '$ 400695 Issue 1 PO Box2165, 2 Sore Bammam 31451 Cite Number BO No, ost Saud Wrabia Date Teste paved Date Reported 20/03/14 Ain: Mr. Gopa Kunvar Item - Client: Fugro / Huta Marine: 36°NB X 19 mmWT Pipe Butt Weld - Weld Procedure Qualification Bere ee ae ek Foner ais Fine Specfication: API SL Grade X52 iding Process / Position: SMAW / 3G Uphill Waderhame No, Santhosh Romar Grartren/ 4982 FLS Job No. SA14-7112 Specification - AWS D1.1/D1.1M lens ons area] uml | UTS, [Fracture Location | coments a) tow?) |__| ean?y 7 Gross weld rw.sm 20.00 | 370.79 | 206.20 | 6 [vere ecplable a:ross eld es 20.00 | 377.00 | aioe | 9 [vets Acceptable om Se soa | w we | @ [rcwremre [oa oh ses mi we | [icgtone [ah or sna m | we | emmaie Mn Ove sso mm | ve | [femmte mn Foi] som [Boonen] est Teper hod nap [cms = na} cy | Clowes} —_| toutes) owramacmere ie fam frome |nn oe feiss | us fan Stone sees xe fam fiona [am 30 | ua ae a | a fan waa wa finer fin 2a | eB i igo cd pH pe eh elt oe Exova Report Number -§ 400695, PO Box 2165 Page Client: Fugro / Huta Marine Issue 1 2of4 36'NB X TommWT Pipe Butt Weld - Weld Procedure Qualification Position Wethod — | Load Depth | Munber of | Max | Details é ==.sI (eof _| _tany_| traverses 7 10:Held Section WA Vickers 10.0 ao] 2 228 | see Table O1L:Held Section WA Vickers 10.0 ao] 2 234 | See Table Cerificate Comments ~ End of Text -- Tested by Exova Saudi Arabia Laboratory For and on authority of Exova (Saudi Arabia) Co. Ltd. Lig_us| Exova ua rt Number 400895 sue + Page Sore Fugro - Subai PO Box 2165 Glient: Fugro / Huta Marine ‘36°NB X T9mmWT Pipe Butt Weld - Weld Procedure Qualification Them 010: eld Se ae ‘Schomti on Rot dr eke ARAMCO Drawing Ho. W-AB-036386 Vickers Hardness Test INDENT — LOCATION HARDNESS INDENT =—_LOCATION. HARDNESS 1 Base Metal 187 nd Base Metal 1/6 2 WAZ 189 12 HAZ 2 3 HAZ 226* 13 HAZ a? 4 HAZ 206 4 HAZ 186 5 Weld 227 15 Weld 169 6 Weld 213 16 Weld 166 7 HA? 09 7 HAZ 180 8 HAZ 197 18 HAZ 14 9 HAZ aur 19 HAZ 183 10 Base Metal 196 20 Base Metal 169 *Denoles location of maximum hardness Fugro - Suhaimi Lid. PO Box 2165, Client: Fugro ! Huta Marine 36°NB X 19mmiWT Pipe Buit Weld - Weld Procedure Qualification Report Number Page Aof4 Sean red 178 u 2 188 12 3 225 1B 4 24% u 5 ay 15 6 208 16 i 209 Vv 8 200 18 9 au 19 10 Base Metal 188 20 *Denotes location of maximum hardness Seale nl) Nedra wo sale ARANCO Drawing No. W-AB-036386 Vickers Hardness Test. HVID INDENT LOCATION = HARONESS INDENT LOCATION HARDNESS Base Metal HAZ HAZ HAZ Weld Weld HAZ HAZ HAZ Base Metal 175 169 4 42 181 186 172 7 179 172 ae NEMO Mid ~ BME BOR HOH = ANID: AUMA UoHNABO “80 sojeaceu sworn er TSS NSO | ia al ¥ eau at FY 2 glele'sie ie lz P52 2 2 28/2 | 2 : SPUR ERRRDTELE Re | |3) a e/S/* 2] le]? [sien |< Pala ts lbs le | lt ___| 3 Ze] ee Bi fl | : eee LE Tt LI i | Est sunyevog aR | ee eee re SR PA aw a WZ) nn a on ag a5 Wo ae eet TS] coumsiauns-sonos| | 251 K.CO| "ens =t ‘seuno, 109 Neaeo-.0. 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