Brahma Siddhanta

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About Brahma Siddhanta

[By Sreenadh OG & Veneet Kumar]
There are many Brahma Siddhantas. Let me list the one which I am aware of.
1) The original ancient Brahma Siddhanta based on which text like Aryabhatiya got
written later. (Not available)
2) The Brahma Siddhanta mentioned by Mihira in Pancha Siddhantika. Some
portions of Pancha Siddhantika is based on this text. (Not available)
3) The Brahma Siddhanta quoted by Hora Ratna, Muhurta Chintamani and the like.
(Possibly this is a different text than those listed above; Not available)
4) The Brahma Siddhanta that is part of Sakalya Samhita (This text is available)
5) The Brahma Sputa Siddhanta by Brahmagupta written in AD 628. Wikipedia
states - "The main work of Brahmagupta, Brhmasphuasiddhnta ("The Opening
of the Universe"), written c.628, contains some remarkably advanced ideas,
including a good understanding of the mathematical role of zero, rules for
manipulating both negative and positive numbers, a method for computing square
roots, methods of solving linear and some quadratic equations, and rules for
summing series, Brahmagupta's identity, and the Brahmaguptas theorem. The
book was written completely in verse.
nta) Possibly "Brahma Sputa Siddhanta" is a rectification/purification effort based
on original Brahma Siddhanta. Let us remember that the same was the case with
Aryabhatiya. (This text is available).
As you could see only two texts among the five listed above is available. The
Brahmagupta's text named "Brahma Sputa Siddhata" is quite popular. But here I am
going to speak about this text that is written by the 7th century scholar Brahmagupta, but
about the text "Brahma Siddhanta" which is part of "Sakalya Samhita". This Brahmasiddhanta or Sakalya-samhita is by Sakalya alias Sakapuni (c. 821 AD). It is not clear
whether this section is written by him or quoted by him based on some other ancient text.
The section is written as a conversation between Lord Brahma and Sage Narada. Or in
otherwords it is Sage Narada's lineage who is supposed to have preserved this Siddhanta
for posterity. Sakalya also considers himself as part of this lineage or not - who knows!
Looking back I also feel that if this considered so, we will have to say that Aryabhata and
Brahmagupta too follows (or falls into) this lineage of Brahma and Narada. (Comments
This Brhama Siddhnata is available for download in AIA-DL at:
Let me quote some lines from the beginning of this Brahma Siddhanta that is part of
Sakalya Samhita.


[After greeting Brahma, the teacher of the three worlds, who was seated comfortably and
was engrossed in yogic meditation, Narada asked (the following)]
( (  )* +, -.
/&0 1"& , 234 -.5 4&'62'
[O the god of gods! O the lord of the world! O omniscient one! O the one having a lotusseat! Speak the excellent knowledge of characteristics of planets, (the knowledge) which
is the basis of computing time]
7&8. %) * ! &&(
 ;+ *;  &( & 6  ('3'
[The entire knowledge of Chanda which I have learnt, appears to me like the trunk (of a
tree without branches and leaves). (It looks like that) which is supposed to have limbs,
but is without limbs. Therefore, be pleased with me and (tell me) this (knowledge of
<=(> ?= (  40+
!( 7& = @(&0&'4'
[Spoken in this way by his intelligent son, Maharishi Narada, the soul of the entire world
(Lord Brahma) said the following words with affection]
1 7 7 4 ) = !"!#$%
&(   &)( & 5#'5'
[Brahma said: O highly fortunate one! It is really good that you are asking me. I shall tell
you that in detail. Listen to me as I speak]
 (D (-(  E+&(
%) 5F & !G -H! !  &*'6'
5I5F J > ( 1
5L5F /&0 &  !#D( 1'7'
[Narayana, the supreme god, exists in the form of the Vedas. The shastra of Chanda are
his feet, Kalpa shastra as his hands, sabda shastra (grammar) is his mouth, nirukta are his
ears, shiksha shastra is his nose and Jyotisha is his eyes and also his back]
M&; ;  &( (4 
7 (( ((( 0P 1'8'
[With all these limbs, the one having the Vedas as his body, shines. The primary limb
amongst these six limbs is this (Jyotisha) itself]
M&$1 & 5& 5 !.=$1 & 
-$1 D$1 +! Q#4!&( '9'
R7 +& 5F  !.+
M&(S! -.7 , T?

[This (Jyotisha sastra), which is difficult to acquire, has emanated in eight ways - from
me (Brahma), Moon, Pulatsya, Vivasvana (Sun), Romaka, Vasishtha, Garga and
Brihaspati. These great men also know this knowledge, which is subject to time (i.e.
changes with time)]
&& 1 -U -. =(
[The irregular motion of asterisms needs to be incorporated (into the text) after the
passage of large amount of time]
4( & --.SG +78F 'WW'
&=-U -.-. &( S7
[That Trivikrama (Narayana), the cause of time, the basis of everything, is the cause
(and)O Narada!, divisions/measurement of time, which are his effects (creations), are
now being spoken]
From the above it become clear that during the period of Sakalya Samhita (AD 821),
eight Siddhantic texts and traditions such as - Soma Siddhanta, Pulastya Siddhanta, Surya
Siddhanta, Romaka Siddhanta, Vasishta Siddhanta, Garga Siddhanta and Brihaspati
Siddhanta was popular and available. Possibly this 9th century text Brahma Siddhanta
(which is part of Sakalya Samhita) is written based on or in tune with all these Siddhantas
of earlier origin. This also indicate that this Brahma siddnata is different from the original
ancient Bhramha Siddhanta, the one quoted or referenced by Aryabhata, Mihira,
Brahmagupta etc.
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