C BSC PHYSICS MC College May 15

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Physics C course
Max Marks:40
Pass Marks:13

Time allowed:3hrs

Note: Attempt any four questions

(a) Define electric field intensity and find electric field due to
charged disk.
(b) If a water molecule which is acting as electric dipole is placed in
uniform electric field
E=1.5X104 N/C. what maximum torque can field exert
on it
(c) At point in the median plane of an electric dipole is electric field
parallel or anti parallel
to dipole moment.
(a) define Guass law and find electric intensity inside and outside
spherical charge
(b) The magnitude of earth electric field is nearly 150N/C. what is net
surface charge on the
earth. Assume earth to be a conductor with uniform
charge density.
(c) A point charge is located inside hollow metal sphere. What charges
appear on the (a) internal surface (b) external surface of the metal sphere
(a)Define electric potential and find electric potential due to electric
(b) To what potential would a charge of q=1.5X10 -8 raise an isolated
conductor of radius
(c) Why is electron volt is more convenient unit of energy than joule.
(a)Find energy stored in electric field and hence energy density
(b) The plates of parallel plate capacitor are separated by distance d=103m. wthat should be the plates Area if capacitance is 1F.
(c) Two circular disks of copper facing each other a certain distance apart.
In what ways
would you reduce the capacitance of disks
(a) Explain charging and discharging of capacitor and define time
(b) A capacitor of 1uF is connected in series with a resistance 10kilo ohm.
Find its time constant
(c) Describe the physical significance of equation of continuity
(a) Find torque in a currnet carrying coil placed in uniform magnetic
field. Also find find its
potential energy
(b) A rectangular coil of area 0.01m carrying current 2mA is placed in

magnetic field of 0.3T. Find torque exerted on the coil if its plane is at 30 0 to
magnetic field.
(c) Describe physical significance of Guass law for magnetism
(a) Explain RLC series circuit using graphical method
(b) Discuss in your own words what it means to say that alternating
current leads or lags
alternating e.m.f
(c) For a certain RLC circuit, the maximum emf is 125volts and maximum
current is 3.2A. if the current leads emf by 0.982rad, what is impedance of the
circuit (3)

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