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Evaluation of Horror Film Poster

1. Annotate your film poster to show how it follows the

conventions of the horror genre, and a film poster.
The Silent Whispers poster in comparison to
the Blair Witch Project poster is mostly
different. The Silent Whispers posters title and
tagline are in black which has the conventions
of death and darkness which fits the typical
horror genre, whereas the Blair Witch Projects
title and tagline is in white which has the
conventions of innocence and purity.
Silent Whispers has a background of black
and grey this has the conventions of mystery
and horror, the Blair Witch Project has a
background of a blacked out woods which has
the conventions of death and horror.
Both have the film productions and cast on
their posters but the Silent Whispers poster
includes the age rating certificate of 15 as the
film involves blood as you can see on the
poster, this tells us the film can involve some
sort of violence. The Blair Witch Project poster
has no age certificate.
Other criteria the Silent Whisper's poster has
which the Blair Witch Project doesnt is the
release date, star ratings and links to social
media such as Facebook and twitter. The
release date fits into the horror genre as it
comes out during October which is Halloween
month. Silent Whispers fits into the horror

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