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SN -1818

III Semester B.B.M. Examination, NovemberlDecember 2008

(Semester Scheme)
Paper - 3.2 : Human Resource Management

Instruction : Answers should be written completely in English.

wer any ten sub-questions. Each questions carries 2 marks.


,a) Write any four qualities of a Human Resource Manager.

b) Name the external sources of recruitment (any four).

, c) What do you mean by Induction ?
d) Write a note on promotion.
e) What is "minimum wage" ?

~ Give the meaning of industrial dispute.

g) What is meant by industrial accidents ?
h) What do you understand by job evaluation ?


What is compensation ?

J) What is grievances ?
k) What is transfer ?

What is lay-off?

werany five questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

Brieflyexplain the causes of grievances.


3. Explain the basic principles of safety.

4. List out the objectives of compensation.
5. State the reasons for transfer.
6. What are the objectives of performance appraisal?
7. Briefly explain the impact of globalisation on human resources.
8. Write a short notes on "multinationals".
9. Distinguish between fatigue and boredom.

Answer any three questions. Each question carries 15 marks.

10. Discuss the benefits of Human ResoUfce Planning.
11. Explain the selection methods generally followed by the Indian companies.
12. Explain the impact of high and low morale on productivity.
13. What is training? Explain the different methods of training.
14. Explain the significance of Human Resources Development.

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