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Part-A Directions : Fill ep the appropriate prepoatton (1 to 5} Baggage can be covered.....oss or accident during travel (8) against (@) itn 4) tong (tor After the advice of nis father. he was seeoncitd.......nis wite fal to {Bh ith (ep by ir in ‘The ant exhibition is to ba offictaly opened, (Al on,at (8) fom: on Hs died from want. (A). sah 1B) agoinsa (Gh by (Dy of Vem red ...niting tp him {Ay with 1B) of (Cy) by {0} front Re-arange the sentance (Phe Indian softeare industry (0) both in volumné and international acceptance (A has grown {8} over the-yeare | (4) SOPR ie} spro (CO) SAPO iD) SPQR “Slisebtions: : (Ch7 to 9) In tha following exercises each question consists a! a hole word In ea plat letiers bby four options. Select the option that is most similar in meaning to the bold word in capital BENEVOLENT (A) Friendly (6) Chartabie (@} Alfectionate (OD) Helpful ACUMEN (A). IntelBgence (8) Insight (0) Wisdom (D) Knowledge ANOMALY (@)Annitviation {B) Anarchy {C) Desturbenge- 4D) Dresketion “Blrmdttone {4 16 to 15) Flag the following pass ays carefully and answer the questions given halow i + Corigin worde/phnases have been printed in bold to help you Ioeste Inem while answering some of the questions, 10. a 12. 18. A new analysis has determined that the threat of global warming can stil be greatly diminished it ations cut emissions of liaal-trapping greerihause gases by 70% this eentury. The analysis was done by sclanliste at Ihe Natianel Centre for Atmeapheric Research (NCAR). Whils global temperatures would rise. thé most dangerous potential aspects of climate change. induding masalve lossas af Arctic sea Ice and permalrest and significant sealaval sise, could be pattially avalied “This research indicates that we can ne longer avoid significant wanming during this century” eaid NCAR solartist Warran Washington, tha study papar’s laad author, “But, if the werd wera to Impfement this level of emission cula, we could stabilize tne threat of imate change”, he added.” Average global ternperalures have warmed by close i 1 degree Geislus sinoc the pre-ndustrial era, Much of ine warring is fue to human-praduced emissions of greenhouse ases, predeminantiy carbon dioxide. This hoal-trapping gas has increased from a pre-industrial level of about 284 pans per millon, (ppm) in the atmasphers to more than 3&0 pom today. With research showing that addifional warming of aboul 1 degtse CG may be the threshold tor dangerous dimate change. the Eumpean Union has called for dramatk: cuts in cmissians of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. To examine the impact of such cuts on the world's climate, Washington and his colleagues ran a series of global stutfies with the NCAR - based Gommunily Climale System Mods! (CCSM}. They assumed that camon dioxide levels could be hak to 40 ppm al the end of this century. In ‘contrast, emissions are new an krack to reach about 750 pom by 2100 if uncheskedl. The team's results showed that if carbon dioxide were held Io 450 ppm. glebal temperatures would increase by 0.8 degrees Celsius above cuent readings by the and af tha century. In cantrast, Wie study showed thal tomperstures would rico By almost four times that amounl, #¢ 2.2 degrees Catsins abova current readings. if emissions were allowed to continue on their present ccurse. Holdirg carbon ctoxide lovels ko 480 pom would hays other impacts, anccrding to tha climate madsling slcy. Why has the European Union called for dramatic cuts in carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions 7 (A) As global warming is not an issuo of (B)} As the temperatures may rise almost by eoncem an additlorial one dagree and thls nay kead to severe climate change (©) As the NCAR hag forced the European {D) As all the nations have decided te cut Linion to anneunoe ihe outs emissions 91 catban dloxde What would not be onc-of the impacts ol culling greenhouse gas emissions fA) Temperatures will stop sasting [B) foe in the Amiic sea wound melt at a slower pace (C) The rise in sea level would be lesser {D) Alot the above wouldhhe the impact What would bg the impact af unghacked greenhousa gas and carhan dloxkje emissions * {A} The temperature would rise from: the current (6) The sea-level would rise by about 55 torparature by 2 degmes Geleius inches (C) Thearctisi¢e would stablize by 2100 (BD) The arctic ias would reduce by ane-tourth Whatcan tbe the mosl appropriate till of the abowe paseage 7 (A) A study of the rise in water level IB} A study of rise in temperatures (C) A study of the effects ef greenhouse gas (D} A study of the Aretic region emissions aaa Which of the tallawing statements is #ue in context of the passage 7 4) At present the carbon dioxide emission is {B) The carbon dioxide emisseons will be pbour2a4 ppm bout 450 ppm at the end of this cantury if unehecked (©) The carbon divide emission was about (D) The cathan dioxide emlsstans will be 880 ppm during the pre-industrial era about 75 ppm at the end of this cantury if unchesked Wal does the scientist Warren Washingion mean when he says "we could elabilize the treat of cllmate change” ? tA) Ciltata change canbe atopped (B) Climate change cals be neftukerized completely (C) Glimate change and its effects con be (0) The ilLeffects of the change in climate can studiad extensively bo mininizad sDindetions—{@. 16 to 18) Which of the phrases: (Ai. (BI. (C)-and (0) given beiaw each sentence should _foplace tha phrase prinfod In bole in the sontence to make it grammatically correct 2 Athough acarad of heights, she gather all har courage and staod a top the 24-storey building to Participate in the activites, (A) gathered all her caurage (B) gathered all courageous (0) gather dl couregeous {D) is gathered! a courage ‘Naturally, wih evervhing gone go well for them, II ysas time for eelebration, (A) goso well {B) going so-well (©) goneas well (DB) gaing as weil The ban wae émpaeed by the aiste's commercial faxes depeament laot Friday afier protests hy a certain community, which had Ihreat fo burn crema halls screening the cortrovereis| movie. (A) “had aheeats af burning (B] had thmeated to buin (C) had threatened fo burn (D) had thmatened to buming : (G18 10 20) Each quastion blow has twa blanks. each blank vaikating that somathing has beers ‘ernie. Ghooge the oe of wards For eqn blank whion best fis the mearing of tie sentence ag @ whol. 4%. Behaving ine... and serious way, ever in a ..... eftuation, makes people respect you (A) cain, difficult (Bl steady, anory {G) flamboyant, tricky (2) tao), astounding Alongwith 2 charp rise In ....., 4 eacession would eventually zasult in more men, women. and Children. living in (A) crime, seathy (Pi fatalities. poor | (C) deaths, sume {0} unemployment, poverty Collection of interconnacted networks sometimes called {A)> Internet (8) Wireless nenwork {OC} Mobile Network (0) None ofthase Which of tha fellowing is wrong example of network layer ? {A} X26 Level 2180 {B) Source Routmg ané Domain Naming Usenet {C) Internet ProtocoK{P}- ARPANET {D; 3-26 Packet Level Protocol {PLP) - ISO Mobila computers and personal cigtal sssistanl (PDAS) ara the examples af 7 {A} Radio broadcasting (B) Wireless network {G1 Gessynshronous (0 LAN ATM (Asynchronous Trangfer Made) is fundamentally a... technology? (A) Circuit swttching (2) Packet switching {C) Narew band (D) Noneof these hick of the following is. variation of Frequency Division Multiplexing (FON) 7 fA) Time Division Muttiptexing{ TDM; (B} Pulse Code Multiplexing (A) rust necessarily be negative (8) could be negative ar positive (C) Must necessarily be positive (D) must necessarily be either zero or 5 V The output-Gn of & J-K flip-flop is zero. It changes to 1 when a clock putse is applied. The inputs -dn and Kn ara respectively ; (A) tendx (B} Gand xX (Q xeneo (BD) Xandt ‘Tho larger the RAM of a. computer, the faster Is Is epaed, sinoe.W eliminates (A) need for ROM (8) need for extemal memory * {C) ‘Trequency disk 0s (D) need fora dale-viie path 4. DB, DiW-and DD direciives are used ta place data in particular tacation ar to simply allocate space ‘withgut peeassigning anything to Space. The DW ard OD ditactaries are used ta genesale 4A) _ offsets (By bull address of variables 4C) full address of labels {D} offsets of tull address of labels and variables ‘The number of bits needed 1 address 4K memary is a 6 Bi 8 ©) 12 (6 “The decimal value forthe Binary Coded coded number 0910070 is @ 6 (Bi 10. a () 12 (D1 oe ‘The Boolean expression (A+C#D) (B1D40} (a) aB4 CB (B} ABIWORD IC) AsBCD- (Dh avec ‘Afull adder takes....... Inpulfs and produces... Quinutis ta) one, tho wo. (C) three. we () we, three. How many 1 are present in the binary representation of 15 x 256+ 5x18 + 37 ww 8 ) e8 {10 (oy 1 ‘Whhieh of tha following combinations af gates does not allows tha implementation (A) OF gales and inverters only (B) AND gates only {C) OF gates and exclusive— OR gates only (D} OF gales and NAND gates. Which logis elreult Is the fastest? ooh (3) oT. (©). RTL (0? Allhava cama speed, ‘The main advantage of fip-tlops over transistor clout is A) Immunity [rom noise 4B) tow heating {C) lowe propagation detay lima 4D) high propagation. When n resistances each of value 6 are connected in paralis|, then resulant resistance Is x. When these n resistanves are connected in series, total resistance is @ oe {B) mx (c) xsn 4D) hx. Pasiatance ef a wire is r chms. The wire is stratched to double its Jangth, than its resistance ‘Obit’ is. ial ri2 40 te) 2r wD) rea telad Two resistances Ry and Fi give combined resistance of 4.5 ohms when in series and 1 ohm vehren inf parallel. The resistances are : (Ab 8 ohms and ohms (B) Sohms and 4 ohms {C) 1.S0hms and 3 ohms {D) 1. 80hme and os ahs. Five resistances are connected as shawn in figure below. The equivalent resistance palween the points A and B will he 70 2 5 A 100 B (a) 35: ohme. (B} 25 ohms (C}) 150hme {D) Sohms ‘The form factor fs ratio of (A) peak value to nhs vetue (8) ms value to average value (C} average value to ms value (D} none of these Fhetums ratio required to match an 80.0 soures to a $20 0 lead is (a) 20 (8) 0 ) 4 (D} 2 “The induced voltage aorose a statonary conductor in a stationary magnetic Reld is A) 200 (8) reversed in poterity (C) increased (2) deereased tte foop in abasic de generator suddenly negine rolsting la taeter speed, he inckiend voltage (A) remaine unchanged (B) reverses polarity (C)- mnereases (0) dacreases 1924

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