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Kali Hansen

BIO 1615
Throughout the world there are a variety of different types of arboviral
infections. Dengue fever is the most common type. Researching this dengue
fever, they noticed a large number of adults were affected in Singapore,
when it is normally found in children. With this particular infection there are 4
types: DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4. They are each similar for the
clinical syndromes, which is defined as the physical finding of diseases. Yet
the clinical manifestation was different. Clinical manifestation means:
determined by the history, is talking to the patient, and examining and
observing the patient. With these clinical trials they are trying to determine
why the disease is now becoming more prominent in adults instead of
children. They predict with this study that if they focus more on the envelope
proteins, various genotype, serotype and molecule levels this can help to
determine where in certain countries dengue fevers can become endemic or
what countries can become endemic.
According to this study conducted during the months of April of 2005
to December of 2011 they did two different types of experiments with
different groups of patients. The first group of patients are from primary care

clinics and the Communicable Disease Center. The second group of patients
are from Tan Tock Seng Hospital, which was a university teaching hospital.
They did the study for the different group. From the primary care clinics, any
patients with an acute fever where examined and were rescheduled for three
more visits to get a follow-up examination. For the hospital, they used a
variety of different patients from different departments. They observed the
patients up until they were discharged, to see if they showed any signs or
syndromes of the dengue fevers.
There were 3,468 patients who participated in the study. 617, about
18.2%, of the patients were confirmed to have the infection. With those
patients 469 (about 76%) had information from their serotype. They
concluded with the study that DENV-2 with 268 patients (about 57.1%) was
the most common found in both groups. They found that the DENV-1 most
common sign and symptom were red eyes. DENV-2 with 103 patients (about
57.1%) and was the next common infection type but the signs and
symptoms did show red eyes, but most symptoms were associated with joint
pain and low platelet counts. The other types werent as common, which
were DENV-3 with 80 patients (about 17.1%) and DENV-4 with only 18
patients (about 3.8%). With DENV-4 so low in number, they were unable to
complete any analysis data that helped to distinguish between the other
three types of dengue fevers.

The study overall was successful. They were able to find out more why
adults were getting the arboviral infection that was most commonly found in
children. During the research adult males were more prominent in getting
the disease. They also concluded that DENV-1 is a more severe case than
DENV-2. This study also helped the research to find the origin of the disease.
DENV-1 and DENV-2 were more common in Southeast Asia. This disease can
also be found in parts of the Americas, South Pacific, and Sir Lanka.

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