2015 School at Steppenwolf Audition Packet

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The School at Steppenwolf an ensemble training program Fr your Schoo at Steppenvofauston we would tke you to prepare 1 contemporary monologue (2 ‘minutes o les) as wel as 1 ofthe attached scones (choose one character to focus on), Where to begin and end are printed on the sides, gnorecressed aut sections, and note tat text in brackets should be read by you, but wil be omitted by the reader whan you ae reading for the other character. Please arrive 15-20 minutes before your scheduled audition time as we have a tendency to run eat. During the auction we are foking fr simple truth and honesty, We want to eee you make a connection ith te other person in your scene or manologue. Try to chodse material hats closefo you, tat ‘Speaks to wo you are asa person. We are rot interested In selng how crazy or intense you canbe, but fathec how simple and open. Choosing piece wih simple, clea nientons can only hep You. Aso, you might want to have a seoond menologue at your ingerips, as we may ask to gee something else. Pease ‘be very familar wih one ofthe attached scenes (Dut only be of bo0k hs wl help you) During your scene and monologue, please fee! ree to use the readers as much as you'd tke hey are your scene partner and they are thereto help you. Ifyou need something specie rom them, please ask. ‘ten, we have alumni and teachers om the program siting in onthe audtone, so dont be surprised | you id 4 oF 5 people inthe uation room. Flay, relaxang have fun, We've nice people and we want you to give your best audition possibe. 2016 Audition Sides Angels in Ameria, Part ~by Tony Kushner IM: Joe F Harper (1 Page) “see note above regarding brackets & intemal cus, ‘August: Osage County ~ by Tracy Lets IM Bil (Side 2 ONLY) (4 pages) F Barbara (Sido 7 ONLY) (8 Pages) Frankie & Johnny inthe Clair de Lune —by Terence McNally IM. Johony 1: Frankie (2 Pages) “see note above regarding brackets & ntmal cts. tney —by August Wilson 1M: Young Blood /F Rena (3 Pages) Life and Limb — by Keth Resin WM: Frankn/F Ee (2 Pages). Marvin's Room — by Scott McPherson F; Lee /F: Bessie (2 Pages) “soe note above rgarding brackets & infernal cus, ‘Thinner Than Water -by Misa Ross Cassie /M: Henry (4 Pages) ‘The Whale ~ by Samuel D. Hunter F Elie’ M: Eder Thomas (5 Pages) you have question, contact the School Coordinator Jeasamyn Ful ‘fullor@stoppenwolf.org or cal 312-654-8687 Angels In America, Part | ~ by Tony Kushner Mz Joe | F: Harper (s Page) S Sut ons Teh ec [eeepc eee a Cet aa ee econ eet meron Hei Frees gnome tet Sete Eu colin SS ee eer '¢ «| SEAR one tin en Bay cin vt tae Serna sy "Sg aig tan ine Boranotaet nt, ‘ecu Fr na Gone i Ente tse eed jae mio A ‘Shin ie ey ‘seotare EEPhee teu ee re ‘fate re ges eanyostrah ete aed en se Frolys Rote eu sitter eral act cme fem ine hers ep ele ele Perch econo a ‘hee Tye tar hoa tay ‘Rhine anes ‘Wiopwiewseema dee feeretopecemi “fers hy ate us Bony scm at way i m0 bec PRESS eno ed, eee ee stereaindai ror tena ay ie ‘ater (Bien pre ida Yuden oa ‘erent Sewn Yeyene. Hones aroma ‘Se Wom ares ‘sp desma e100 NOT Dv ‘onl we ‘Stott et salts letra ear Seton fanoe olor arsenide Yoo hea Sec feamse ano, irc Yona Yor ‘Poe Feta sete are harsh ee me tom oom? ‘arto lyse ao ‘Reems ‘atone ce aga Tree oe yh oon hs ne era agrees oem et August: Deage Courtty uv ecg te chars one Site {i aordad when, y Kon aloe hv ao (& passed through to the backyard. Barbara and Bil talk inthe keichen, occasionally interuptod by Jobrina as she moves betineen the kitchen and the ining room, setting the table with foo BILL ‘Jean dossnit understand allthis. You think she has any concep? BARBARA Phantom ofthe Opera BILL Do you remember what i was Ike to be fourteen? BARBARA ‘She's old enough to exhibit a ite character, But then | guess that’s something you normally lear from your parents. BILL ‘Thats shot across my bow, right? | missed something BARBARA Really? Instiling charectr: our burden, as parents. BILL | got that part. BARBARA ‘And you really haven't been much of a parent ately, 50 t's tough to expect BILL Just because you and are struggling with his Gordian knot ‘doesnt make mo any ess of =~ BARBARA ‘Nice, "Gordian knot but her ite fourleen year view t tferently, might consider It "abandonme self might BILL oh, come on- BARBARA maybe she views her father as "absent," of maybe "not resent," or perhaps even “a son-a-ablich™ BL Jean's a ite more sophisticated than tht, dont you think? BARBARA Prely fucking sophisticatod, the restored whatever trom ‘Phaniom ofthe Opera | know that makes your dick hard BILL Barbara BARBARA precocious tle shit BIL rm not tending hee. BARBARA BLL (oc rising) (voles rising) ‘mot blaming her, because Im on your sie. | dont expect hero act any How can we fight when

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