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ARCHE Co-Op Physical Science

Class Name: Physical Science
Meets: Fridays at 11am
Duration: 55 minutes
Class Description
This course is designed to give the student an understanding of the physical environment and
the laws that govern it. We will cover such topics as the environment, the atmosphere, the
structure of the earth, weather, motion, Newton's law, and astrophysics. There will be many
hands on experiments throughout the course that will allow the student to apply what they
are learning.
Prerequisites: 7th Grade Math
Target Grade Range: 7th 8th
Teacher Information
Teacher: Tiffany Koop
Phone: (903) 780-3407
Required Course Materials
Exploring Creation with Physical Science 2nd Ed. By Dr. Jay Wile
Exploring Creation with Physical Science Student Notebook
2 Three Ring Binder (Green)
Dividers (5)
Sewn Composition Book (Green)

Class Conduct
Generally, each class will consist of a lecture by the teacher to cover the main concepts in the
module and a lab(s) to reinforce the concepts. Depending upon the school calendar and the
number of labs in each module, there may be one or two lectures over each book. This is not
enough time to cover all topics/sections, the lectures are intended to be a help in conquering
difficult concepts and to help in calculations and application of concepts. It is very important
that the student is prepared for each class, having read their assignments and attempted
problems assigned as daily work. Students will be performing labs that are supervised by the
lab instructor. A schedule is provided to help the students keep up with their work
Grade Scale and Grading Policy
Grades will be made up of:
50% Tests
30% Labs
20% On Your Own Problems (Due each module)
Make-up/Late Assignment Policy: If a class is missed, whatever work due needs to be
scanned and e-mailed to me or sent by a parent or friend to class. If arrangements have not
been made in advance, the student will receive a zero.
Academic Honor and Integrity
Colleges and universities, and indeed every professional and educational environment, take
issues of academic honesty very seriously. Research shows that plagiarism, what most people
automatically think of when hearing the phrase academic honesty, is most often committed
when students are pressed for time, care very little about the assignment, or are unaware of
what plagiarism is. These issues may be addressed by planning, attitude adjustment, and
careful instruction, and these areas of concern may be visited as needed in this class.
However, academic honesty is also much more. It is a matter of integrity. Being a student or
professional of integrity includes submitting your own work, working in a timely manner, and
demonstrating effort and diligence.


Academy of Rockwall Christian Home Educators

Class Schedule and Calendar


Academy of Rockwall Christian Home Educators

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