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Lesson Plan Format

Teacher: Emily VerSchneider

Grade 4th
Date 4/1/2014
Topic Research
Objective: Students will research different invasive species using technology as a
Materials: Computers, Worksheets giving examples, pencils, Citation practice
Introduction: Teacher will read students a story about Invasive species. They will
hear some information regarding invasive species and what they are. The teacher
will then ask students what they know about invasive species and how would they
go about finding information on it? The students should reply with doing research.
The teacher will talk about different kinds of resources used when researching
including books, technology, and even maps sometimes.
Lesson continued: Students will then discuss how to find good information, whether
it is real or fake. Students may say if it sounds silly it probably is fake or to not use
Wikipedia. Discussing valid sources is important with the students. Students will
discuss how to cite sources and its importance. At this level the teacher will only
instruct them to write the URL address and the title of the article as a source. The
students should begin researching any invasive species they would like to research.
Conclusion: Students will discuss what they found. Whether researching was hard or
not? The teacher will lead a discussion on what we learned today from our research
and our previous discussion.
Assessment: Formative assessment- what they are able to find and turn in on their
citation worksheet will tell the teacher whether they understand or need more
Further Practice: If students need more practice with research, the teacher could
have them research this topic further, or continue to practice researching other

1) Why did I model this lesson?
I modeled this lesson because fourth graders in our school have been having
difficulty using technology as a tool when researching for literacy purposes.
The teacher was not sure how to incorporate technology, and research into a
Language Arts time frame. The students later had to write a persuasive essay
on whether their invasive species was good to keep around or not.

2) I chose to model to the students how to cite different websites. I chose this
because this is something most students have not yet used, and to just throw
them into that wouldnt be beneficial.
3) I hope the teacher understood how literacy can easily be molded into many
other subjects. It doesnt necessarily have to be reading or writing. They are
reading and writing their opinions and research article online. I think this was
important because this specific teacher thought that literacy is only
Language Arts. I wanted to show her that I could incorporate it across the
4) I would tell the teacher to continue to have the students research throughout
the year because research is something they will need later on in life, like in
college for instance!
5) I would continue to support this teacher by meeting with her as needed to
discuss what other literacy needs she may have and maybe helping her write
lesson plans for those concepts.

Lesson Plan Format

Teacher: Emily VerSchneider
Grade 1st
Date 4/2/14
Topic Fairy tales
Objective: Students will be able to identify characteristics of a fairy tale story.
Materials: fairy tale story, Fairy tale Friday chart and dry erase marker
Introduction: The teacher asks students what a fairy tale is. Students respond with
answers such as a story that is made up or untrue. The teacher will begin reading
the story Cinderella. The students will listen as the teacher reads to them.
Lesson Continued: The teacher will then get their Fairy Tale Friday chart down and
ask students to help her fill in the chart. The teacher will ask students if it began a
long, long time ago, students will agree. The teacher will ask if there are mystical
creatures in our story, the students will agree. Any royalty, the students will agree.
Does the story end with a happily ever after, the students will agree. Were there any
groups of 3 or 7? No. This is when the teacher will explain that just because there is
not a check mark in every characteristic box does not mean that it is not a fairy
tale. Some stories do not have all of the big characteristics but in order to be a fairy
tale they must have many of them.
Conclusion: Students will go to their seats and make a list of any fairy tales they
know of and why they think they are fairy tales. The teacher will have a discussion
with the class as to what their list is and if anyone in the class has similar ones. The
teacher will ask what we learned today.
Assessment: Formatively assess whether students understand or not based on what
they write on their paper as a fairy tale.
Further practice: The teacher can read a different fairy tale to the students every
Friday to enhance this skill and fill in the chart!
1) I modeled this lesson because fairy tales are something that 1 st graders are
required to know but the teacher has only been teaching them by reading
them the stories. I discovered this and wanted to explain to students how we
know that they are fairy tales, not just telling them that they are one.

2) I chose to model to the students how to determine whether they were

characteristics of a fairy tale or not. I chose to do this because the students
werent exposed to this before. I also chose to have a visual chart so that all
students could reference it throughout the year.
3) I hope the teacher continues this throughout the year every Friday as it is
good practice for the students to know the main six characteristics and that
they understand them.
4) I would encourage her to use this every week as it is fun for the students and
help them practice the skill
5) I would continue to support this teacher by providing her with fairy tales that
may not be as well known.

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