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TalkToMeInKorean Level 1 Dialog

This dialog is based on the grammar points introduced in TalkToMeInKoreans Level 1 lessons. First listen to the dialog alone, without looking at the Korean transcript, and then check
how much you could understand by comparing your understanding with the original text as
well as the translation

Korean Transcript
: .
: , , , ! ?
: ? .
: ? . .
: , . .
: ? ?
: .
: ? .
: , , .
: , , !
: . .
: . .
: , . ... . .
: . .
: ?
: ? .
: . , ?
: ? ...

This dialog is based on the grammar points introduced in TalkToMeInKoreans Level 1 lessons. First listen to the
dialog alone, without looking at the Korean transcript, and then check how much you could understand by comparing your understanding with the original text as well as the translation. - Free Korean Lesson Notes

TalkToMeInKorean Level 1 Dialog

: , ? .
: ? ... ... ? ?
: . .

: . .
: ?
: ! , ! .
: . .
: .
: .
: , ? , .
: ?
: ? ?
: .
: .
: ?
: .
: !
: .
: .

Korean Transcript + English Translation

: .

This dialog is based on the grammar points introduced in TalkToMeInKoreans Level 1 lessons. First listen to the
dialog alone, without looking at the Korean transcript, and then check how much you could understand by comparing your understanding with the original text as well as the translation. - Free Korean Lesson Notes

TalkToMeInKorean Level 1 Dialog

Mina: Minsu, hello.
: , , , ! ?
Minsu: Oh, hi, Mina. Hi. What is this?
: ? .
Mina: This? This is a present.
: ? . .
Minsu: A present? Wow. Thank you.
: , . .
Mina: No, its not a present for you, Minsu. Its a present for someone else.
: ? ?
Minsu: Someone else? Who?
: .
Mina: Today is Hyeonjus birthday.
: ? .
Minsu: Really? I didnt know.
: , , .
Mina: Oh, there, Hyeonju came.
: , , !
Hyeonju: Mina, Minsu, hi!
: . .
Mina: Happy birthday. Its a present.
: . .
Hyeonju: Wow. Thank you.

This dialog is based on the grammar points introduced in TalkToMeInKoreans Level 1 lessons. First listen to the
dialog alone, without looking at the Korean transcript, and then check how much you could understand by comparing your understanding with the original text as well as the translation. - Free Korean Lesson Notes

TalkToMeInKorean Level 1 Dialog

: , . ... . .
Minsu: Hyeonju, happy birthday. I... dont have a present. I didnt know your birthday.
: . .
Hyeonju: Its okay. Thank you.
: ?
Mina: Minsu, until when do you have time?
: ? .
Minsu: Me? I have time until 7 oclock.
: . , ?
Mina: Good. Hyeonju, what do you want to do?
: ? ...
Hyeonju: Me? Well...
: , ? .
Mina: Minsu, are you hungry? I want to have pizza.
: ? ... ... ? ?
Minsu: What? I see... um... Hyeonju, how about you? Do you want to have pizza?
: . .
Hyeonju: Yeah... I like pizza too.

: . .
Minsu: Excuse me. Give us one kimchi bulgogi cheese pizza.
: ?
Mina: Kimchi bulgogi cheese pizza?
: ! , ! .

This dialog is based on the grammar points introduced in TalkToMeInKoreans Level 1 lessons. First listen to the
dialog alone, without looking at the Korean transcript, and then check how much you could understand by comparing your understanding with the original text as well as the translation. - Free Korean Lesson Notes

TalkToMeInKorean Level 1 Dialog

Minsu: Its delicious! Oh, excuse me! Give us three cups of cola.
: . .
Mina: I dont want to drink cola. Give me beer.
: .
Minsu: There is no beer here.
: .
Mina: There is.
: , ? , .
Hyeonju: Excuse me, do you have beer here? Yes, give us one beer.
: ?
Minsu: How drinks beer in a pizza place?
: ? ?
Mina: Why? Is it strange?
: .
Minsu: No.
: .
Hyeonju: The pizza came out.
: ?
Mina: And beer?
: .
Hyeonju: Its here.
: !
Mina: Lets eat!

This dialog is based on the grammar points introduced in TalkToMeInKoreans Level 1 lessons. First listen to the
dialog alone, without looking at the Korean transcript, and then check how much you could understand by comparing your understanding with the original text as well as the translation. - Free Korean Lesson Notes

TalkToMeInKorean Level 1 Dialog

: .
Minsu: Bon appetit!
: .
Hyeonju: Lets eat.

Vocabulary Breakdown
= thank you
- = to want to
= its okay
= Well...
- = until
= to come out
= yes
= who (subject)
= who
= different, other
- = also, too
= to drink
= its delicious
= beer
= to not know
= what
= to be hungry
= person, people
= birthday
= happy birthday
= present
= three cups, three glasses
= time
= attached after a persons name when addressing someone in polite language
= its not
= no
= not
= hello

This dialog is based on the grammar points introduced in TalkToMeInKoreans Level 1 lessons. First listen to the
dialog alone, without looking at the Korean transcript, and then check how much you could understand by comparing your understanding with the original text as well as the translation. - Free Korean Lesson Notes

TalkToMeInKorean Level 1 Dialog

= when
= it doesnt exist, I dont have
= today
= to come
= this
= 7 oclock
= it exists, I have
= thanks for the food, bon appetit, lets eat
= me
= over there
= excuse me, hey
= really, truly
= its good, I like it
= give me
= cola
= pizza
= one

This dialog is based on the grammar points introduced in TalkToMeInKoreans Level 1 lessons. First listen to the
dialog alone, without looking at the Korean transcript, and then check how much you could understand by comparing your understanding with the original text as well as the translation.

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