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Joint Structure Pre Function ne A Comprehensive Analysis DavisPiig, Online Resource Center DavisPlus is your online source for a wealth of learning resources and teaching tools, as well as electronic and mobile versions of our products, STUDENTS. INSTRUCTORS Unlimited FREE access. Upon Adoption. No password. Password-protected library of No registration litle-specific, online course content, No fee. Visit httpy/ Explore more online resources from F.A.Davis... DRUG GuDE con “Y* is Davis's Dig Guide Online, the complete Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses* Union Medinet database of over 1,100 monographs onthe web aber’s — www-tabersontinecom Online deliverthe power of Taber’s Cyclopedic Metical Dictionary on the web Find niger more than 60.00 terms, 110 as, and more. www.davisptnetworkcom SD ANA SRI erepect oro mines oicai ek naga otesend Ffomain se cams Joint Structure and Function .... EDITION A Comprehensive Analysis Pamela K. Levangie, PT, DSc, FAPTA Professor and Associate Chairpersan Department of Physical Therapy .MGH institute of Health Professions Boston, Massachusetts Cynthia ¢. Norkin, PT, EdD Former Director and Associate Professor School of Physical Therapy Ohio University Aaens, Ohio Ea, Dis Company 1015 Arch Suet Phen, PA 19105 Copyright © 201 by EA. Davis Company © 2011 by EA. 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Thee code ores fhe Tanna Reporting Sess 803616211 D os, PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION With the dh eon of an Senco and Fain we Innis taton ef rnc in elvcon teeta tore ta £5 ye ago We tn tpn tote Sram oor png a wel cans ng etn reach copy ni be Se ins who suse hunni ‘tof two nd inner ewig ased ive ‘estoy anew os hat al spend eae Tales ern ‘Carter ae hen rth erin hares cfr psn aching qr er apes ih baran caren cadens sn ital renee: et ies Gath Pade asl "Ptt Aptos) cis an cndnantng oft conta fees nol fling fn Say of cg ees td ples eng elon sigs once mess Canning Erte re Seater se he rae al fey sg ing pcre What eas schnged nt eon of oi Sac sand Poni rc cone ining # et ‘tha provides a song foundation in the prneps that un eaie an understanding of human srutare and fanton hile alo being readable and as concie as possible. We hope that our years of experience in contributing to che tcigeation of health-care professonale allow us to suike 3 ‘nique balance. We cannot fl mo recognine the increased tcueatonal demands placed on rany eatty-level health ‘are professionals and hope thatthe updates tothe fith ‘edison help seadents mest that demand. However Jum Siruare and Fenton, while growing with ts renders, con tinnes to recogze tha he new reader equires elementary tnd interinked bulding blocs tha ya strong but Hebe foundation o best support contnged ering and growth in complex and changing word ‘We'vary mach appreciate oo opportunity to contribute to healthcare by assiing inthe profesional development ‘ofthe student and pracotoners who are our readers Paaeta K. Levan (Cavrata C, Nonxin ‘The fifth edion of Joint Sacre and Punction is ade posible only by the continued and combined efforts of Iaty. people and groupe We are, fist and foremose, agrxeful forthe time, efor and expres of our esteemed onributors with whom it has beta pleasure eo work (Ove thanks, therefore, eo Drs. Sam Ward, Sandra Carwin, Gary Chleboun, Diane Dalton, Jute Ser, Pam Riaine, rola Ludewig, Joha Borstad, RobRoy Martin, Lynn Snyder-Macller, Michael Lewek, Erin Harcigan, Janice Eng and Sandra Olney, aswell as to Me, Noele Austin and Mr. Benjamin Kivlan. Additionally, we wane to express turappeeciation tothe individual who helped develop che fnclary materials chat soppore the ith edition, inelding the Instructors Resources developed by Ms Christine Conroy and the videos developed by Dr. Lee Marinko and (Cert City Film & Video. We would als ike to acknom = ge and thank the miidaals who contributed heir ovens nd seni einer en Pe swell as those who pused along their unsolicited sugges ‘ons through the yer, including our student. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We extend our continuing gratin to FA. Dai for their invesanen inthe future of Jue Suan end Fun tnd is ancilary materials. Parcalae chk goto Margaret ‘Bibls Publshee), Meliss Duel Acquistions Editor), Karen Carer (Developmental Edioo)” Yonne Gillam (Developmental Estos), Geonge Lang (Manager of Content Development), David Orzechowsla (Mazaping Eston), Robert Butler (Production Manager), Carlyn O'Brien (anager of Art and Design, Katherine Margeson (ha ‘ion Coordinator), and Stephanie Rakowier (Assant De- ‘elopmental Eaitae who provided gest suppor As vay Wwe must chank the atts ho, through the ears, provided the images tha are so valsable othe readers These include ards of past editions, Joe Farm, Timothy Malone, and ‘Anne Raines New to he fith edon is Daranouth Publish ing, Ine, adding bth new figures snd enhanced color to thes Finally, we acknowledge and thank our collegues and families, without whose support this work could not have been done andro whom we ae eterally indebted, ‘Noelle M. Austin, PT; MS, CHT G) Eéocation and Consulting, LLC Woodbridge, Connecticut wi educaioncom ‘The Orthopaedic Group Hamden, Conese John D. Borstad, PT, PAD Assitan Profeoe Psa Therapy Divison Ohio Sate Unerssy CCalurbos, Oo Gary Chleboun, PT; PhD Profesor School of Physical Therapy Obio University Athens, Ohio Sandra Curwin, PT, PhD Asocite Professor Dalhousie Universiy Half, Nov Sos, Canada Diane Dalton, PT, DPT, OCS (Glinicl Assan Professor Physical Therapy Program Boston University Boston, Masschuseas Janice J. Eng, PT, OT, PhD Profesor Deparunent of Phycal Thesapy ‘University of Brith Columbia ‘Vancouver, Brigsh Columbia, Canada Erin Hartigan, PT, PhD, DPT; OCS, ATC Assistant Professor Physical Therapy Deparment Universi of New England Portland, Maine Besjamin Kivlan, PT, SCS, OCS, CSCS Doctoral Stadent Duquesne University Piesburgh, Penasylania CONTRIBUTORS Michael Lewek, PT, PhD Assent Profesot Division of Physical Therapy University of Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill, (Chapel Hil, Noth Carolina Paula M. Ludewig, PT, PhD ‘Asecate Professor rogram in Physical Therapy ‘Unresiy of Minne Mimmespolis, Minnesota RobRoy L. Martin, PT, PRD, CSCS Assets Profesor Dguesne University Piucburgh, Pennyrania Sandra J. Olney, PT, OT, PhD Profesor Emerinas School of Rehabilitation Therapy ‘Queens Universi Kingston, Ontario, Canada Pamela Ritzline, PT, FD Associate Professor Departnent of Physic Therapy ‘University of Tennessee Health Science Center Memphis, Tennessee Lynn Snyder-Maciler, PT, Se, SCS, ATC, FAPTA ‘Alun Disingushed Profesor Deparment of Physcal Therapy Unies of Debware Newark, Delaware Julie Ann Stars, PT, DPT, CCS ‘Glncal Asocate Profesor Physial Therapy Progra Boston Univer Boston, Masschosers Sam Ward, PT, PhD Deparsmenss of Radiology, Onhopacie Surgery, nd Bioengineering University of California Son Diego alJella, California

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