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Dear Mr.

Outstanding Invoice
Our records show that you have an outstanding balance dating back to January, 20XX. Your
January invoice was for $445.00 and we have yet to receive this payment. Please find a copy of
the invoice enclosed.
If this amount has already been paid, please disregard this notice. Otherwise, please forward us
the amount owed in full by March 1st, 20XX. As our contract indicates, we begin charging 5%
interest for any outstanding balances after 30 days.
Maria McPhee
Maria McPhee
Enclosure: Invoice #223

The attached invoice, INV-0100 to INV-1000 is showing as having an outstanding balance of
$2.10 our systems and is due for payment today.
Please arrange for payment today to avoid interest charges or further collection actions.
If youve got any questions, please just reply to this email and well get back to you promptly.

Once Invoice is 3 days late and every 7 days after this invoice reminder is sent.
Subject: Past due invoice reminder:
Dear XXXX,
This is a friendly reminder to let you know that invoice XXXX is XXXX days past due. If you
have already sent the payment, please disregard this message. If not, we would appreciate your
prompt attention to this matter.
Thank you for your business.

Payment Due Invoice No. #XXXX#

Hi #First Name# Last Name#,
As per our records an invoice with ID %InvoiceNumber% dated %InvoiceDate% is overdue by
%Overduedays% days. Hereby I request you to look into this and arrange the payment at the
earliest. The Invoice is also attached for your reference.
Thanks & Regards,

Subject: Invoice XXXX is overdue.

Hello XXXXX,
Invoice XXXX was due Jul 23, 2015.
If a payment has already been made, please let me know the details.


Subject: Invoice XXXX is now overdue

Hello XXXX,
Please find attached invoice 0031, which was due on 1st October 2015.
This invoice is now about 1 month overdue. Your prompt payment would be appreciated.

If Invoice 5 Days Past Due:

Subject: Past Due Invoice Reminder: #1000 from PPW
This is a friendly reminder to let you know that invoice XXXX is XXX days past due. If you
have already sent the payment, please disregard this message. If not, we would appreciate your
prompt attention to this matter.
Thank you for your business.

Send first reminder after 1 week and then send reminders every 1 week
Dear XXXX,
We want to remind you that your payment has been overdue for 7 days, please, submit your
payment as soon as possible.
Thank you.

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