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Leading at a Higher Level The HPO SCORES™ Model Shared Information and Open Communication High performing organizations employ a broad PALOW Gclinttion of what i relevant and necessary Information, Informnation needed to make i Unformed decisions is readily available Shared Power and High Involvement Power and decision making are shared and distributed throughout the organization and not guarded at the top of a hierarchy. Participation, collaboration, and teamwork are the way of life. rs to employees fo} SHARED POWER Vat SHARED and HIGH |=) INFORMATION INVOLVEMENT EJ and OPEN COMMUNICATION sor hg ENERGIZING §— 2 Unleashing 2. COMPELLING. SYSTEMS § Potentiaa + & VISION: ‘and * andPoner = PURPOSE and STRUCTURES é VALUES Om, 3 rent of OO RELENTLESS — ONGOING » “iSauisase i a FOCUS on LEARNING nd Capsbilties Compelling Vision Systems and eyetoweR RESULTS Organizational vision, including Structures pose and values, are clearly Systems, structures, Hoividual Learning Ersigaels dps he organization s purpose, values, understood and passionate suppovied byalledhieh creates a deliberate; highly focused culture strategic direction, and goals—which that drives the desired business results. makes it easier for people to get their jobs done. Ongoing Lear: High performing organizations are constantly focused onmproving their capabilites through learning Systems, building knowledge capital, and transferring iRaming througfiout the organization Relentless Focus on Results High performing organizations produce ouistanding results, in part because of an almost obsessive focus on results, However, what is unique is the way in which they focus on those results— from the perspective of their customer. ‘The six essential elements of the HPO SCORES™ Model operate interdependently to produce sustainable high performance and human satisfaction, Refer to the “High Performing Organizations: SCORES" article for more information on each of the elements and the research behind them. (© 2002 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate + V12120 Figure 1.1 The HPO SCORES™ Model Purpose and values are the glue that holds the team togeth- er and form the foundation of a high performing team. Identifying a clear purpose is the first step in getting a team off to a good start. In high performing teams, the team is dedicated to a common purpose and shared values. Team members understand the team’s work and its importance, and strategies for achieving clear goals are agreed on. mpowerment is what happens when the organization sup- ports the team in doing its work effectively. An empowered team has access to business information and resources. Team members have the authority to act and make decisions with clear boundaries, and they have a clear understanding of who is accountable for what. elationships and communication, both internal and xternal, are the team’s lifeblood. Team members must respect and appreciate each other's differences and be willing to work toward the common good rather than individual agendas. When relationships and communication are running smoothly, trust, mutual respect, and team unity are high. Team members actively listen to one another for understanding. The team uses effective methods to find common ground and manage conflict. lexibility is the ability to adapt to constantly changing con- ditions and demands, with team members backing up and supporting one another as needed. In a flexible team, roles are shared as team members work together, Team members share in team development and leadership. Team members identify and use their individual strengths. The team anticipates change and readily adapts to it. ptimal productivity is what's generated by a high per- forming team. When operating at optimal productivity, the team consistently produces significant results. Its members are committed to high standards and measures for goal accomplish- ment. The team uses effective problem solving and decision making to achieve goals. Recoanition and appreciation are ongoing dynamics that uild and reinforce productivity and morale by focusing on progress and the accomplishment of major milestones through- out the team’s life. Everyone—including the team members, the team leader, and the larger organization—is responsible for recognition and appreciation. When recognition and apprecia- tion flourish, the team leader and members acknowledge individ- ual and team accomplishments. The organization values and rec- ognizes team contributions. Finally, team members feel highly regarded within the team. orale is the sense of pride and satisfaction that comes from belonging to the team and accomplishing its work. High morale is essential for sus ing performance over the long term. When morale is high, team members are confident and enthusiastic about their work. Everyone feels pride and satis- faction in being a part of the team. Team members trust one another. Identify missing elements f= of your team charter 4... zits gapsin the PERFORM « characteristics for your team, PERFORM Diagnose your team’s overall a stage of de 5. elon states s higher team performance Match leadership style using the appropriate leadership behaviors Figure 10.1 Team Performance Process

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