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Mathematical Methods

and Quantum Mechanics

PHY 321 2.0
Dr S. Jayawardhana

First 7-8 weeks Quantum Mechanics
- Dr S. Jayawardhana
Next 7-8 weeks Mathematical
- Dr N. G. S. Shantha
Total 30 lecture hours

Medium of Instruction
Some extra explanations in Sinhala

Examination paper in English Only


~ 15 lecture hours
Spot test -1 10%
Spot test -2 10%
Final exam 80%

Quantum Mechanics
Syllabus Outline

Inadequacy of classical mechanics

Wave particle duality
Heisenberg uncertainty principle
Schrodinger equation
Correspondence principle
Copenhagen interpretation
Born interpretation
Conservation of probability & probability current
Eigen values & eigen functions
Operators and observables
Applications of Time independent Schrodinger

Documentary Fabric of the Cosmos part 3 Quantum
leap (
Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, Resnick & Walker
Feynman lectures on Physics (Vol. III) Richard Feynman
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics - David Griffiths
University Physics Young and Freedman
Quantum Mechanics Schaums Outlines
Quantum Mechanics Landau & Lifschitz

At the end of the course, you should

be able to
Understand and describe the behaviour of
nature at the fundamental level.
Explain the main concepts of quantum
mechanics (QM) and how they differ from
classical mechanics (CM).
Recall the main equations of QM.
Be able to solve a few basic problems.

Blackbody radiation

Max Planck

Photoelectric effect

Albert Einstein

Atomic Spectra

Niels Bohr

How the Compton effect be
explained using a quantum theory
rather than classical theory?

Wave Particle Duality

where - De Broglie wavelength
P - Momentum
h Plancks constant

Louis De Broglie

Can an object be a particle and a
wave at the same time?

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