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The Range of Coverage profile is define specific to a plant in IMG and then assigned to materials in master data MRP

2 view. To define the profile, use menu path

IMG->PP->MRP->MRP Calculation->Define Range of Coverage Profile. In the definition, there are two sections of
data that you need to fill in.
1. Parameters for calculation of average daily requirements and Period indicator.
2. Minimum, Target, and Maximum stock calculation parameters.


Choose the period indicator as Month, Period, or Week.
Specify the number of periods. This is used by system to calculate the average daily requirements.
Select the "Type of Period Length", ie. as workdays or calendar days or standard days (days per period). If the type of
period length is selected as standard days, they you have to specify the "days per period". Using these three
parameters, the system calculates average daily requirements using the formula:
average daily requirements = Sum of requirements in the number of periods / number of days in the number of

[Refer for example|]

Please try and come back if any problem.
IMG path PROD-MRP-Planning-MRP calculation-Define range of coverage profile.
To maintain for 26 weeks.
Period indicator - W
No. of periods - 8
Type of per length - 2
Range of cover in 1st period Min - -Tgt - 91
Max - -Range of cover in 2ed period -

No of period - 13

Min - --

Tgt - 91

Max - --

No of period - 13

Tgt - space is for only two digits so we have split it in 91 & 91.
Please advice us.
Thanks in advance.

Correct Answer by Matthew Hunt on Sep 11, 2008 3:30 PM

Are you looking to maintain a continuous 182 days of supply? If so then putting target = 61 and # of
periods = 3 will not give you 182 continuous days of supply. What it will give you is 3 weeks with a
coverage of 61 days each week. I had a similar problem to this so i sent SAP a message and they
replied back and said that their development team is aware of the fact that range of coverage is only 2
digits but that they were not planning on changing that any time soon.

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