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Josh Lamet Cut Cards

FBI tracking and surveillance violates Amendments.

Alternet 5/24/15 (The FBI's Response To Another Killer Cop Set Free? More Surveillance of
Protestors //JL

the FBI has been tracking the movements of people protesting these types of
miscarriages of justice around the country, and that if the FBI became aware of any of those protesters
What he did mention was that

going to Cleveland, they would tell the Cleveland Police: When asked about local law enforcement's concerns over protesters
coming to Cleveland, Giuliano said, "It's outsiders who tend to stir the pot. If we have that intel we pass it directly on to the PD,
we have worked with Ferguson. We've worked with Baltimore and we will work with the Cleveland PD on that very thing. That's
what we bring to the game. The fact that the FBI is tracking U.S. Citizens engaged in First Amendment activity
is problematic, outside of their mandate, and possibly a violation of the law. Furthermore, the methods with which the
FBI has lately been caught tracking U.S. Citizens, from warrantless wiretaps, to tracking devices on vehicles, to Stingray
cellphone towers and planes have been ruled unconstitutional by an increasing number of courts. Most concerning was an
additional piece of information that Giuliano provided without solicitation: Giuliano added that the FBI will be a significant
support role for security when the [Republican National Convention] comes to Cleveland: "I feel very good that this will be a
well-protected event. I believe Cleveland will be very well prepared. In addition to the widespread monitoring of
#BlackLivesMatter, it appears the FBI has admitted to using these infiltration measures as a sort of testing ground for the
upcoming Republican National Convention next year. Again, despite the throw-away assertions about how the FBI respects
"lawful first amendment activity" (it's unclear what unlawful first amendment activity would be), their ethos is clear: prevent
unrest at all costs and assuring Cleveland's largely white power classes that everything will be business as usual regardless of
how many killer cops go free. It is now well documented that the FBI embedded an informant named Brandon
Darby in activist networks across the country in the lead up to the 2007 Republican National Convention in Michigan
to gather intel on, and track the movements of, protesters: Since then, within activist communities it has been considered a given
that the FBI embeds informants within local organization in the run-up to large events such as the RNC, and leaves them in place
long after these events have left town to collect information and to disrupt organizing efforts in other, more
damaging ways. After the 2004 RNC was held in NYC, many activists believed that others activists were informants who
were involved in protests exclusively to gather information and disrupt. Those who have been deeply involved in activism in
NYC since then know that this created a toxic environment for organizing that was, at times, completely debilitating. By

planting one confirmed informant and thousands of other seeds of doubt, the FBI effectively limited the
ability of activists to peaceably gather and work with those with whom they would otherwise organize,
severely restricting the power to plan effective political speech, a crucial component of a healthy
democracy. This brings us to the last mandate that the FBI failed to fulfill and likely violated in their preparations for the Brelo
verdict and the 2015 RNC as outlined by Giuliano: the FBI has a mandate to protect civil rights. In this case, that would
mean actively protecting citizens rights to travel between cities with the intent of engaging in First
Amendment activity, not tracking their movements by legally dubious means that have a chilling effect on
the First Amendment and conveying those movements to a police force that the Department of Justice has
found guilty of a pattern or practice of unreasonable and unnecessary use of force.

Surveillance of blacks is a violation of the First Amendment.

Mic 6/3/15 (Why Some Black Activists Believe They're Being Watched by the Government

public must consider the long history of state surveillance and suppression of black movements as a
specific problem of anti-black state violence and racial profiling. At stake is the extent to which state surveillance

measures, whether they mean social media monitoring or following specific activists' actions, violate activists' First Amendment
Rights, particularly the right to peacefully protest. Keegan Stephan writes at AlterNet, "For the FBI to interfere

with civic act through their information-gathering techniques and by passing that information to police

forces that cannot be trusted to use it without infringing on people's First Amendment rights is a clear
violation of the FBI's own mandate. Despite potential surveillance, activists are determined to continue their work. Their
continued quest for liberation should encourage contemporary activists following their example. "These allegations will not
curtail the movement and only provide further evidence of the embedded institutional inequities," Monica Dennis, an organizer
with Black Lives Matter in New York City, told Mic. "Furthermore, our movements are rooted in the black radical traditions of
resilience and creative resistance which simply means we are capable of quickly adapting and shifting despite external efforts to
disrupt our organizing."

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