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Instructional Planning Grid

Fig. 19 D

2. Big Understanding
Drawing conclusions

The students will be given sentence
stems to which they will draw conclusions
in order to correctly identify the

3. Assessment Evidence
Students will be able to accurately draw conclusions when reading literary
4. Opening Hook
Begin class by asking probing questions after students have read the
introductory paragraph.
5. Instructional Strategies/Activities
Focused Instruction (I DO IT):
Teacher will explain lesson and provide a short video in order to model
examples for the class.
Guided Instruction(We DO IT):
Students will complete an example as a class.
Collaborative Learning (YOU DO IT TOGETHER):
Students will work in small collaborative groups.
Independent Learning (YOU DO IT ALONE):
Students will complete assignment on their own.
6. Materials/Resources
7. Grouping Patterns
Work in partners or small groups
8. Ending, Summary/Reflection
Ask students for summary of the days events

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