IP Aligned New With PGS SC

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Republic of the Phitippines National Police Commission NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF DIRECTORIAL STAFF Camp Crame, Quezon City MEMORANDUM TO RDs, PROs Dirs, NSUs FROM. TCDS SUBJECT Alignment of the iP Card with the PGS Individual Score Card DATE AUG 7 0 ante 1. References: 2. Chief, PNP's CODE-P. b. Command Memorandum Circular No, 26-13 dated June 05, 2013, subject: “My Individual Performance is the Key (IP Card)", PNP Peace and Order Agenda for Transformation and Upholding the Rule of Law (P.AT.R.O.L) Plan 2030, and. d. Personal Governance and Linking the Individual Performance Gard with the Agency Scorecard Presentation. 2. The PNP leadership blueprint, “CODE-P. 2013 and Beyond,” was eventually ntegrated into the framework of the PNP Integrated Transformation Progran Performance Governance System (ITP-PGS) with the aim to institutionalize the latter rough the attainment of all the programs in the PNP P.AT.RO.L Plan 2030. The implementation of *My IP is the Key” and Individual Scorecard complements both the CODE-P and the PGS. Hence, the necessity to align “IP Card’ with the Individual Scorecard, 3. The proposed Command Meinorancum Circular (CMC) shall provide juidelines for the alignment of the Chief, PNP's Policy on *My IP is the Key" (IP Card) with the "PNP Strategic focus re Individual Score Card’ (ISC). The alignment intends to synchronize PNP personnel's specific duties and responsibilities and their accompanying enabling measures in the IP Card with the activities, sub-activities, and ‘argets provided for in their Individual Score Card, 4. Pending the approval of the CMC, you are directed to undertake preliminary steps in the implementation of the system, such as, but not limited to, the discussion between supervisors/raters and the subordinates/ratees in the crafting of the latter's Individual Scorecard, 5. For appropriate action, a Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP Camp Crame, Quezon City COMMAND MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR No. SUBJECT: Alignment of the IP Card with the PGS Individual Score Card To : See Distribution DATE: 4. REFERENCES: a, Chief, PNP's CODE-P; b. Coiimand Memorandum Circular No. 26-13, dated June 5, 2013 re - My IP is the Key, c. PNP Peace and Order Agenda for Transformation and Upholding the Rule of Law (P.A.T.R.O.L) Plan 2030; and d. Personal Governance and Linking the Individual Performance Card with the Agency Scorecard Presentation, 2. PURPOSE: This Command Memorandum Circular (CMC) shall provide guidelines for the alignment of the Chief, PNP’s Policy on “My IP is the Key" (IP Card) with the “PNP Strategic Focus re Individual Score Cara!” (JSC). This policy intends to ultimately align land synchronize the PNP personnel's specific duties and responsibilities and the accompanying enabling measures in the IP Card with the activities, sub-activities, and targets provided for in their Individual Score Card It shall apply to all PNP personnel (Uniformed and Non-Uniformed), from the officers of the top management level down to the lowest personnel of every PNP office/unit nationwide. All PNP personnel shall he required to reach the required targets on the merging of their IP Card with theic ISC which will measure the performance tasked to individual PNP personnel 3. SITUATION: ‘The PNP leadership blueprint, “CODE-P: 2013 and Beyond’- was eventually integrated into the framework of the PNP Integrated Transformation Program- Performance Governance System (ITP-PGS), with the aim to institutionalize the latter a. Importance of individual roles in the altainment of the organizational objectives and ultimately the vision, b. Every task by each member of the team is linked to a specific overarching objective of the organization, c. No task is independent of the vision and the strategic plan; 4. All tasks are connected and each activily should have @ bearing on the bigger picture, fe. Identification with the organization is the most important motive for employees to dedicate themselves actively to the organizational objectives and to maximize their human resource potential; and 4D Research has shown that when an individual has some input regarding the shared ambition that affects his or her work, the person will be more supportive, motivated, and receptive towards organizational change The IP Card intends to revive among police personnel the pride in their craftsmanship afd for them to be fully aware of their job description and the enabling acts to be accomplished to perform their core functions. «Both performance tools were conceptualized with the following commonalities: ve oreo / Be ‘a. Alignment of inividual measures with the agency's scorecard which focuses on individual performance and accountability by realizing each police officers roles and responsibilities and realigning it with the ‘organization's overall goals and objectives, and b. Formulation of measures and goals are arrived at after a one-on-one discussion between the PNP member and hisiher immediate supervisor. 4, MISSION: One of the objectives in the Chief, PNP's Strategic Focus 2: Z ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT is to implement the concept of “My IP is the Key" at all levels nationwide which complements the advocacy on Personal Governance through the implementation of PNP P.AT.R.O.L. Plan 2030. With the institutionalization of ISC and IPC alignment, a 100% implementation of the'IP Card System, with specific tasks done, shall truly be achieved. Hence, the CPNP’s statement: “To institute Organizational Development in the execution of the PNP Program Thrust” will not only be a dream but a reality through the efficient implementation of the IP Key Card and Individual Scorecard 8. EXECUTION: a. Concept of Operation In the pursuit of the above-stated intent at aligning the IP Card and the ISC, the {allowing measures shall be implemented neintart in the IP Car (wotue) Tain Actioty: Etiienty and >> Sample of ISG derived from IP Card - EAT PATROL PHCO IDNIDUAL SCORECARD ettactively patrol my beat during my Four of Duly at Barangay 8, Zone cy Sean [m cost ot ee ee : ea (eee ease rae | lS ee art |S sony ‘iat ant cone | iaeg the | ee | cttes) Uinaeate other ies whch personally wade, Approved by: ~Bupaniag Ofer ain b. TASKS: 1) TOPRM. 2} Overall OPR for the implementation af this CMC; 'b) Shall monitar the proper implementation and compliance to this CMC; ana ©) Perform athar tasks as directed 2) TOC a) Provide necessary fund support for the implementation of this CMG, 'b) Provide the standard for the computation of the costs associated ‘with the sub-activitias in accordance with the standard per capita land per activity costing currently being used for standard recurring ‘activities (e.g, standard cost for conduct of meetings, travel, etc); ©) Monitor compliance of Chief RCDs and Chief, BFOs in actively Patticipating in the costing exercise in their respective offices units; and d) Perform other tasks as directed 2) Directors, D-Statf and P-Statt 2) Ensure compliance of this CMG in their respective Directoratesiottices, b) Conduct echo-seminar for supervisors at their respective offices regarding the determination of the duties and responsibilities (and the corresponding enabling actions) (along with the required target performance whether it will be on the weekly, monthly, quarterly or by semester basis) ©) Monitor compliance of Chief, BFOs in actively participating in the Costing exercise in their respective offices/units; and. d) Perform other tasks as directext 4) Directors, NSUs, RDs, PROs, and other Heads of Offices/Supervisors 2) Supervise and monitor the proper implementation of this CMC in thelr respective AORS, »b) Monitor compliance of Chiet RCDs end Chief, BFOs in actively participating in the costing exercise in thei respective officesfunits, ©) Conduct echo-seminar for supervisors down to station level on the determination of the duties and responsibilties (and the Corresponding enabling actions) (along with the required target performance whether it will be on the weekly, monthly, quarterly or by semester basis) 4) Prepare and submit compliance report, through channels, to DPRM (Alin: PPPD) NLT Iwo weeks after implementation of this ‘CMG; ana €) Perform other tasks as directed. 5) Director, Canter for Police Strategy Management (D, CPSM) 2) Co-OPR for the implementation of this CMC; ) Jointly monitor with the DPRM the proper implementation and ‘compliance to this CMC; ar ©) Perform other tasks as directed c. COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Heads of Offices/Units and Supervisors shall make sure that specific duties and responsibilities that are printed in an IP card are based on Job descriptions and attuned with the individual's score card (individual working plan); 2)Heads of Officas/Units and Supervisors shall make sure that Individuals Score Card are also attuned with their Units Score Cards, 3) Cascading of these policy guidelines is a high-priority task for all Chiefs of Offices and supervisors, and thus enjoined; and 4) Lateral coordination is encouraged, 6. EFFECTIVITY: This CMC shall take effect immediately ALAN LA MADRID PURISIMA Police Director General Chief, PNP Distribution Staff (nctuding DIPOs) P-statt irs, NUS Ds, PROS: Copy Furnished: ‘Command Group ‘SPA 10 SILG

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