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Lake Tanganyika Species A bloat treatment that actually works!

Step by Step

Let me begin my saying that my Tropheus were in very bad shape. I was out of town on business when bloat hit
my 16 Golden Kazumba's. Four days later, when I got back into town, I began treatment.
I wanted to share this with all of you because there is a ton of information on how to cure bloat out there and
some of it works, some of it doesn't. By all rights my Tropheus should all be dead now as I started the treatment
so late. Out of the 16 I only lost four. The remaining 12 are eating like pigs again.

Day 1: I put 1.5 teaspoons of Metronidazole in the 75gallon tank at 9AM. I put 1.5 teaspoons of Metronidazole
in the tank again at 5PM.

Day 2: I put 1.5 teaspoons of Metronidazole in the tank at 9AM. At 4 PM I did a 50% water change. I put a little
bit of Spirulina (Soaked in Metro) into the tank to see who would eat and who would not. 6 of the Tropheus ate.
At 5 PM I put 1.5 teaspoons of Metronidazole in the tank again.

Day 3: I put 1.5 teaspoons of Metronidazole in the tank at 9AM. At 4 PM I did another 50% water change. I put a
little bit of Spirulina (Soaked in Metro) into the tank to see who would eat and who would not. This time all but
2 ate. At 5 PM I treated the tank again with 1.5 teaspoons of Metronidazole.

Day 4: I put 1.5 teaspoons of Metronidazole in the tank at 9AM. At 4 PM I fed the fish again as in days 2 and 3.
This time they all ate.

Bloat Cured!!!
They have all been eating like pigs for 2 days now and I could not be happier.

I must stress that this worked well for me and may not work the same for you. I know the doses I used were
higher than most other people recommend but I was starting 4 days late and the fish are showing no adverse
signs from it. In fact, the Juli's I have in the tank with the Tropheus actually spawned while the Metro treatment
was occurring. Go Figure.
I hope this will help any of you that are having bloat problems with your Tropheus.

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