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First Gate:
The first gate consists of setting up a dream. Becoming aware of that you're dreaming and
maintaining intentionality. You should have the overall command over your dream. Once you
stabilize this you're on to the second gate. The first gate is the easiest gate.

Second Gate:
The second gate is about changing the dream by will. In order to do this one needs to find a good
spot in their dream to fall asleep and wake up in another dream. This will help you exercise to dream
whatever you want to dream.

Third Gate:
You'll have to find yourself sleeping. I mean you have to find your real sleeping body and look at it
closely without ever waking yourself. In this gate you'll be building a bridge between the "dreaming
world" and the "waking world". This may sound incomprehensible but after you've exercised the
dreamers' dream (second gate) you'll be a step closer to understanding this. This is something that
could take years and years of practice.

Fourth Gate:
In this gate you'll have to learn to travel in this world and in other worlds. And bring yourself back of
course. You're playing with real energy here as you're intending your dreaming body into the
ordinary concrete world as we know it.

Fifth Gate:
If you come this far you already realize that the dreaming world is as concrete as the waking world.
And that even your dreaming body has an internal dialogue that needs to be shut off. It's basically
your internal dialogue what makes these two worlds concrete.

Sixth Gate:
The sixth gate is about transporting the physical body to other locations. This gate is very difficult
and could be very dangerous because you can lose yourself while transporting.

Seventh Gate:
This is the last gate and is crossed when you can jump back and forth between the silence of the
waking state and the silence of the dreaming state and even beyond our worlds. This is done with
intending your total being. It's transcending.

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