Gps Reflection Guidelines

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Graduate Portfolio System Reflective Essay

In order for your reflective essay to be ready for posting on your digital portfolio, it must

Be ~ 500 1000 words

Be legible and coherent
Be organized in a logical, coherent structure
o Please break your writing into logical paragraphs. No 2 page long blocks.

Demonstrate at least one way in which you have grown in your ability to investigate the world,
recognize multiple perspectives, communicate ideas, and/or take action.
o Note: It is acceptable to focus on only one.
i.e. You decide to focus on how you have grown in your ability to investigate the
world, based on the vast improvement in your research skills this semester.
o You must use specific, detailed examples.
For example, you might say, I believe I have grown in my ability to investigate the
world because, in my experience with the career research project, I interviewed a
professional for the first time when I interviewed Dr. Shaw. I had to call to set up an
appointment, and I prepared questions in advance. When I got to the interview, I was
glad I had prepared so well because Dr. Shaw responded well to my questions, and I
learned that doctors work long hours, but are paid very well.
o You must specifically reference growth.
i.e Before I used to think. but now I realize that.

Demonstrate at least one way in which you have grown in your knowledge, college/career
readiness, and/or skills for academic success.
o Again, it is acceptable to focus on one.
o You must use specific, detailed examples.
o You must specifically reference growth.

When is this due?

- Your rough draft is due ______ with a final draft deadline of _______.
How is the reflection approved?

The students advisory teacher must approve the written reflection using the Approval Checklist.
A copy of the checklist can be found on the back of this sheet.

Approval Checklist
Approximately 500 1000 words in length
Writing is legible and coherent
Thoughts are organized in a logical, coherent structure
Demonstrates at least one way in which the student has
grown in knowledge, college/career readiness, OR skills
for academic success.
- Uses specific, detailed examples.
- Specifically references growth.
Demonstrates at least one way in which the student has
grown in his/her ability to investigate the world,
recognize perspectives, communicate ideas, OR take
- Uses specific, detailed examples.
- Specifically references growth.

(ready to post)

(almost ready)

(not acceptable)

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