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hey 8,6 Oh POLYSEMY AND DISSEMINATION’ EDDOEVINK one makes «comparison between hemnenetics nd sonst, the frst hing that needs tobe feogaized i be get numer of seresnet Ine is ny both as anine with ea) poco xx ‘har deelops polis wit tex all designe of x ae cote ‘eine, hsorcl and iit; str and aes ae bi abet Ia the ‘ex he text develops is ova history reagh tr imereaons an 0.00, Bt ‘sul the relatos berween erences and dcoaseoton pied san ‘oppoiionbncen ny an teen hemes ie Cnc nd [Ricour a soppestdto be ving friniy neni lth, wows Derr and ter so-called “deconstacivit' daw ateton to ifeeace, tenes, iterupons and apis that eamnt be ented within the Iermeneic cele: There reser! sae to dacs he aes snd ditereacs tween Remenetes ant deemstnction’ Deda fas often Sssrbed this dinion as one tween paysemy and disemiaton sem beng te effort to maintain the any nearing fone word win ‘heextenveamevork of the hermenet cil nd th been zo, ‘hile dissemination ithe face that inevitably Break trough hie cise Tolyemy an dsemintin we ths reseed two diferent rte o eal wit he ratty of meanings in nga, “This arc discusses he aon between polyeny thd dseninaton by {focusing onthe way Pal Rl and neque Dera sly thes fe Soe in Derita's coments on plycyatd stemiation he notion of rion ply a ingest role, is once wl fe cae wl Tw ‘uestins are at stake ee: wat do Riwar and Denis mean by these ea Plsemy. iseminnton and hoon? Ad ae ter approaches realy Income? Fst. Risear's views on plysomy andthe Rermeneateal evan wl te outined (66 1 22), then Deri alemav ppc wil esteched (3) ander acuso by taking closer loka few af agunents(§ Fills conelesione lb awa ih rept ton between palseny and dsteminaton, ae well 10 Reonemeie, aed ‘econsraion (3) ‘Paul Ric replry woe term obey, nin to fro he ange ot meanings hata peas erm nde cso tly can ave. Only ‘ey does he sess olsen isle Thermos dtl als otis notion abe fund in "The Problem of Dosble Meaning Hennenctc Problem and Sct tn eR ptr si SS et eee See oes Scotia ae rg nt Societe cabanas SORES pe oe fae ca Sc ee ‘Sesame ering ne Sy a Se rinca eames iam aan as Samet ST eco ite te tome pe ge Tas deem vy om Ses ui rn of papa care pt cs ett errs Seeman erakinneencne IS so er pict thy ite rset 2 SEE conv te mentee 3 Sheena e se—a—aa'? Poyeemy socorig Ulnany,.in ymchonie ems] eas ht ‘oe word can have ethan ne stat Te Contents of speach Seeing hich meaning tate in singular language iu herp be ferences inmeaning hemor inpotane ese contexts become ia deine meaning: ‘nthe wore of linn, hey “canine meaning"? Bat context it the tly face. An inpotin Charatriic of polaeny te tat te several Imeanings ofthe sae word do wo nly have ifventeeences, ut a> Intend ech ote Te cifrent efereces re thus sl inked a ech ete, fp inthe diferent meanings of “endo operation’ fat thi ah ‘nortan eileen haween olsen and horanyny. nan, Ulta ‘deine that te ais btwcen hese res ages overeat ad Serene: vee Mid pecan cane node oe Al se eas oper Show the imporocs oa daha ppreach, Wit which the syne ‘tenomenon of pion cana te enraon® Forth scone of is ele, Isuees cortue his ptt Ua in Ulan ingusies, te contexs ‘of langage we hve «double fain wth er pose: on he one ‘an hy eaalze and init te pain of meaning pole oa he ‘te band,hy ae an mporant source of alse, because he actual seo Tenguge can rogues 2ew mean. Most of what Rica wees on polyemy is inline wth Utmann’s gic, although he prefers o wor wth linguist tne ‘eoinoor fd Sansa and Ikon Like Uliana emacs nace Yesweenasnchronic lange) and dlchons [parle appoch of eee ‘meaning Polyemy is defined by Ricour beds both perspectives ach thei vew on fe mip mcsigs se ‘les eve "forthe changes ia meaning ve hewsprceat reece {a the phenomenon of poysemy.."! Every sty Of hemes ot ‘aegnae perfor i tat, ccotngo Rissa tacos tine eas omparatereains come othe for ino Sessa incon bose the language syst. end spoken language, and betneenssciine eee ‘ater a eet ed Fimo ri lesen inn Ti Taina tee Thee derlying mn army wl my tow osetia epee eee a em tg ee ninety sy i ie nfo ee ee Sai ae ‘Relics nmr ememmetnsan lay T—™rtétéi“—C*~™s—S ‘een ep ce tn ey do cen in” a pene Se Svc eens ee aes re Se 26 Seman is oni the ‘uml itention of wos, wit esting thom to jut coe seanng. “Operation, eg, inthe mening of medica ‘eatmen’ ao resto oer sons of “pension te military oot "ele operation. Anoter lint i given byte conten of languages, ‘The ue of language in spech ad wring always takes pace ins specie zen hereby closing one eating (rere teasings as we wl ce oF ‘be rangs of posite memings of «wor, Going bck tbe sae ae ‘ord, wen ay le’ go th ar ave ikl and oftarinean nf he ema lian be ken spoon lng: ‘se with sve smaltnecu meanings on he lng con “shed ppt ang ets pct in se ens i eaten race teste oy tac io sn rcp nd ec as ‘Azsio we sc beth he siting of mestings bythe etext does nt cate take aay eter meanings Tey Kes long eoumd Ant sas ‘outa several meanings afore word rat work ine tae cnet sme tine. Actual, Ricer hs taken hese the sp Gm polysey Symbol isl air eer rlt snp nieces ee we tke oot he sae example again withthe sentence "e's go 0 the bar ahve a ink Tay mean = ar ntl aa xt of oS, ‘x maybe eve he nina nm etl oom, The ler meatng would be Jie of cause, bl ira posible meming oe pasa “When Riser wits of ‘ested 0 opus polysemy, oe ght onder who repuass here an if tis aly neste 9 poakof cee ‘Thee a ose the wy th cote! els dh el eng ‘an arenes. Ant if we can Spek of les ber thse rena apy ‘tespusedin tec wit an eqtoca mening lz joes, tony, unos, an 30 oo. This i acl the noratve and imaginative tae of eer ‘huss Interest anf tat he tes 10 undesan the woke aE symbol, 1a ker appro his olism wth set igour, he exami linguistic appr, raking use of sna ings, ut athe same tne sslaning is ested place. Stace lnguies states the Ung System sa closl sytem, wiboutloatng tis efereces tothe ali cutis of langues. The Ingusic stuctses cannot be undo! a ely onomous, hey arth sedimern of ul langage we Ligue soap 2s of ie yt res int atcha ie "he pic of {be stays within the els ofthe laguii ives"? Winkel nese, however, tect of poleny setm tobe boule Tn sens ‘decreased once the analysis as en opened op oe lee of speck sig, He. lings ent end ain we ei eoes mule meaning of inguage of which poyeeny ithe stinecne ‘Te question ass, however, what caees te Ines eon of ‘meaning, ifthe closed synchron semaol el a ins fedetectoy on Active language uso fori renewal an development He amcatg Imapinton of language we i ese or even plated bythe cone ammenities een {nthe language stem, bt alo inthe system cll Tis 'ogoreee ism, when e wish eines proces of meaning expats fine rignatesn hss.” Anoter explanation mise atte eo ‘eauations of polysemy ss not ta ng, ais sendy suggeead te _ssumene of anbigiy an sols Pelyseny ince an eae aod ed ssRearscemstothitk Noi polseny ithe ecimenationat is sof ase, then themes expan of meaning mighe be nen Sedimentation of the lick of tounde nhs ipovane Leone ae The ‘ives bemetetes an opening on diseninao, Rica othe herent horton ‘swe have sec in The Problem of Double Mean, Rica makes a GIS Ssineion between the Ievels of linguiics and hemmemesees Hementucs sais te acta we of language end sts sepa "engsge onthe velo etnee and tex, sd thereby bang cat ons In other wort, within hemencues the mulpicty of mesning snot ‘ecossod nh eto lnpunge ban between lnpitgsendrean oans sine has ven ngs an nsec ermine the main caer of meaning, ter ton uy of ches ere insane te ken ogethr "an ene‘osmnmy"ancnresigaig whole" The molipiciy of mening with ts uy open op ook ‘eytled wid sera sms of ferent. In ot culo ees ‘we emi info nds teil ine yan ‘nity af demersal ea in SO Shaolin ie nope meson mea evel of ments wethafnd praxis pardon ‘of bonuestess snd eston onthe level of senate, asence, secorig wo Rica, within the closed systam of language the poo of ‘meaning expansion is limite, ba find ie estion when th sia ‘peel vp inh spnsicaion oflangues in peechanlwiing hearse ‘he malpticiy of sigan irene a many dens, bene ee ‘oces a evelation of mean, wih the ey of eg hs wig ‘scooo” anda spying whol tat include anbiguty ad eave, te suvoslnes of Being”. The we paradoncs isos he aint ‘meaning extension i cloiedsytan ad Gite f meaning nthe open ‘sven of emeoeuis, Inthe revious section ws sw hat ules oo init can agen ina closed sytem: Now we wil sce at soe ee ‘ose how uy an egvoslas can go ont. “hiscombiosbon of unbivaleas and uty ba ema cused by Risearin ter was in ems of ion In several books Be fllons Harcceege Gadane's wage ofthe metaphorical tations of "rao tal eee ok ozo The orien sth which end ity and colerence tothe sooea Inhichphenomenn aperto sas well aot ones win whch iene ‘dot expresso ceveop ter meanig Whea we meet ste, fa ow stating point in lings ices! and ela sion fa soot tefochnd ou expetations ofthe text. On theo at hx ns ose sitions ofthe text eanaot mean enehing tesa ne ‘Ontheoter hind hs limits ery Deb ad ope: chege int sos of ertton wich sa alogua erizns. Horns soaps ave ah they ea never be excl ted nd lasted A hin can te compen ith esl hat imi and hws an opeanes os ose ie ea time. Morsover for Gamer a oczn i alwys a cobetene tne ‘ter sts agate whole which we already clon Is Walcot ‘Mathie, Gadameresaly emphases he Hegelian monet ctmig ea rece, seit always wids a Heldecorien world of feds Sat History Ricau almost emiey apres with Gamer’ view onthe boas of interven He on ads his own tows in tc appa oes rg ‘by seating of horizon of expat’ In Fenris ope ‘ermindony of the German historias Reinhard Keweleck wb ape ‘ace f expen’ (Eahrmgeraum, espace depeien) td ore of "xpecsion’ (Erwarangthrion, horn aot)" "The cxpectaon it ‘hich ve sar an nerpeeaton the eration dt ois apes 20 without completsy determining it, nig the possibilty fatal change th expecttion. Harizns cng in th asin. These changes cat be Een, bay ae al not completly witht Geton “Meza ‘nde fore combination oi eee und opens ut anf saan, fits and fee inaglnaon According t9 Rim the tory of fason of Irions finds the right balance between xed objec nd shale derstanding as well between Hepsansboltism and» Nicechean “tulcal plaralsn”» The fasion of hounae tite lead to Ding ‘neommunicao or abso kale. ‘Wet a ne ir in i at sg) heey et Scr him gta oi fs one Sa In short cr inerrant way in hrzosthat move with thar provide coberetce to ur tndertaning, that cannot be sone ot Tocizd, that ae open 1o Rew perspecves and tate sceptve for ‘agate. tows he abigie snd eindcteminacy ath hore ‘0 opeher with he canny thu hes or as tobe oity ad oiene? {heals posi equvesines or moi of mening that cares Ye ‘destoed a appearing win acaeret ty? An ambit witans nol caerence? Accoring Rica, is weal lead compe at ‘treating os sennation tat nods 9 avoided. Risers sts Smile cure Serween two exteres For Rime dein, a he Tardy ass, san exe oe shuld ey tend “The ersion Between unity nd very Is vent hee in Ric's otk Let me give te df examples In Temps tri he seas ofthe ‘arave unity of sie sea coherence tha canis togsihee incor ements within whet eels ascot concordance A reader canbe Sortie by an unexpected site nthe try, ut hi shane amet he oo Sang in iether sil be ale allow he ery Res ‘avid hee bth asa nderanding in cos too Figs foal ‘of consistency Buthow cant ane betwee hse woe ated Te necessarily uiy to be on in stress ity note ough a8 ‘gute a, ow ea tide eloped? “nics they tres ropa comtued and applied in tee eps ‘efigation The constellation of acoran concrete pace inthe eglotent of eonignaon In oder question hs they oth nt Rice ‘lke menons an anova” that seo tllnge the en of ty sad ‘figuration ie, Jes Joyce's Umer Hoven eons bere possi ‘orequd the emplouent ofthis owe a digg Iai fh, ome. fran n'y, ‘Sep ees ym ie wt he ae a ak mn 200 ‘enc an nt at ay a Sener Bux is on ecto Wes nt wp Risa om sing at cert va coe eat mie sak One et wht gon st oon si cee igi tol wer gpa no esos tae ty eta nan ‘eat cant mia Sotmén com a, en Rice cs ng he on wee po ey hee os sie i ean win araves Acsig cua Se ony wy wits peo nity nds fo Ros ry sett eer ye rit Se on een ey iy ay Sa Roar eas of pe of eons apn Sheets to ng in ims on een pr ‘Sel eye i sean tac rnc a ‘Wins emo Syriana ew mn on emu a oes Ths ny eto agents mde y ema suite fn demain weapons We ‘rts mld ime fn is at ay ne ‘cutest The pj horton ony ec oso ts i nef oso as Sele Doniaivesavo wy tsetse lochs in te apnea fay ser an sry os Gara {ists conan ay ee cena oe fv ssa ithe w pov he wien a, ‘er dss pans igus a eas Sealife melo te pcs oe yo slat Shen Tein pln cis nt ee see Sine dae whoo ganas star ae ‘mc clartoginng one oss pti Rasen inte gman nl aa ec a aes me nfs. Rewer rings tothe fore doale rble: nt enly do otal of he seve pos of my fe ary have ee ein tha ies he core, ‘ne can ko fee Sever oy cs ctl need wo be ken oe in determinable sity fone ie tr. But in is effort rovide answers 10 the problems Ne as ste bere, th guest tht was edo he co ‘oblem, fn no answer. The gusto of the ity of maraive ey ts Fetopen andi undersood by Rice sofas an etic assignmeat “Tears tena coer foe when Ris dings eral ivls of nty within amare te evel races, fe pln nd unity of ‘oti ie He reas Alan Mange fornn easly sping ey ie ina ography InSemdme commence emsie apn goes {oeRiear whether several fe plans (care love fe fai ise) ean Be ned in te employes of ene biography In general one ean ay tht ‘coring Rr the uty fee's persona enya tcl at an never comply fle. Tm conclusion, accorting 1 Ris, the polyemy of words anghage ‘stems I the stdmentston ofthe vant and change of meaning that ‘cabled in langge >and ht ids trae cence na ete nd moving horizon. The aft of meaning expsion within lose language ‘sem ella te ite ty and coherence of meaning pedicle ‘Ensim Rico piosopy- Rice prefers to emp the “poste? ‘Se of dcorire and imagination tht wes heterogenous elements ide fever changing boiz an hus esto wold We diverse aod Tos of erat on poem) nt dsnerinaton Deri ings tents olsen semaine tpn avery

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