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by Charles J. Carter, S., PE. Are you Pro pecifying secu A er ? rials cD The materials and products used in building design and construction are almost universally designated by reference to an appropriate ASTM specification. This simplifies the design and construction process because you can define all the characteristics of a specified product. However, with dozens of ASTM specifications applicable in steel building construction alone and several new ones now available, it can be a challenge to keep the standard designations in contract documents current. atc provides a summa “ofthe common ASTN specie ne used in steel building “design and. construction, Gincluding structural shapes, Plate prodvcts,festening products, and bther products. This information is based ‘pon similar and tore extensive infor mation inthe 3rd Edition AISC ERED Manat of Ste! Consruton. The reader right alo find i convenient wo have the AISC publication Seeted ASTM Stone das for Stee! Consraction, which is 4 Compilation of more than 70 stel-eated ASTM standards. You will find every [ASTM number in hs arte in that seer ence. Both the AISC Mant and Sec ASTM Standards are available for pur hase online at wwmaiscorg/boakstre STRUCTURAL SHAPES See Summary in Table 21 nas Prefered material specification for Waapes ie ASTM ABS2 (Fs = 80 Kl ted Fee 6 hs. The avait of Watepesin grades oer tan STR ‘ov? Should be eontirmed prior to their spucfcaion, Weshapes with higher yield and tee strength can be obtained by specifying ASTM ASTD grade 60 or GS ov ASTM AUIS fred 65 of 7, W-shapes with Etmospherle corrosion rsiotance (Wweatluring) characteristics can be thiained by epeciving ASTM ASSS rode 50 ov ASTM ADE grade 4,46 BF 50, Other material specifications applicable to W-shapes include ASTM A36; ASTM A529 grade 50 and 55, ASTM A572 grade 42 and 50, and ASTM A9I3 grade 50, Shapes, $-Shapes and HP-Shag. ‘The preferred material specification for Meshapes is ASTM A36 (F, = 36 ksi F,=58 ksi, although ASTM A572 grade 50 (F, = 50 ksi F, = 65 ksi) i increasingly very common. The avail ability of M-shapes in grades other than ASTM A36 should be confirmed prior to their specification. M-shapes ‘with higher yield and tensile strength can be obtained by specifying ASTM ‘A572 grade 42, 50, 55, 60 and 65, ‘ASTMAS29 graade 50 and 55, ASTM [A913 grades 50, 60, 65 or 70. M- shapes with atmospheric corrosion resistance (weathering) characteris- tics can be obtained by specifying [ASTM A588 grade 50 or ASTM A262 grade 50. The preceding comments for M- shapes apply equally to channels. ‘The preferred material specification for angles is ASTM A36 (E, = 36 ksi: F, = 58 ksi). The availability of angles in grades other than ASTM A36 should be confirmed prior to their specification. Angles with higher yield and tensile strength can be ‘obtained by specifying ASTM A572 srade 42,50, 55, 60 or 65, ASTM AS29 rade 50 and 35, which cover tensile groups 7 and 2 angles only (se also ‘Table 24), or ASTM A913 grade 50, {0,65 or 70. Angles with atmospheric corrosion resistance (weathering) characteristics can be obtained by specifying ASTM A588 grade 50 or ASTM A242 grade 46 0r50 Struct ‘Structural tees are split from W-, M- and §-shapes to make WT:, MT- and ‘ST-shapes, respectively. For the pre- ferred material specifications, as well as other suitable material specifica- tions, for structural tees, refer to the preceding sections on W-, M- of S- shapes as appropriate. Rectangular (and Square) HSS ‘The preferred material speciation for rectangular HSS is ASTM A300 grade B (Fy = 46 Kal F, = 58 ks Uithough ASTM ASOD goide € (F,” So Kol, = 62 kai is nereasingly srery common, The availbiy of ee tangulor HSS in grades other than ASTM ASOD grade B shouldbe cow fimed prio fo thet specication. Rectangular HSS with stmospheri torrosin resistance (weathering) Characteristics can be obtained BY specifying ASTM ABI Other mate Tet specications applicable to ree tangulor HSS include ASTM ASO! anASTM ASI January 2004 + Modern Steel Construction The Latest Bent on Anchor Reds ASTM F1554, Have you heard of it? Have you specified it? Are you wondering what it is? Tis post summer, AISC's Stel Solutions Genter ave prsenlatons on tequetly asked questions 23 pat a breakast seminars in 14 cies across tne United Slats. One topic of inlerest was anchor ‘ods. While discussion focused on tres fo bent (or shor: rods, the “new” ASTM F564 anchor duced to meet sa teasing spcicabn, ist www alse. orga for nsuers fo mare techni Cal sions. ameter x prin wl thickness, each expressed three cerimal places—for example, NPS 14 Stan- Cad is designated Pipe 14000%0.375. The later ‘oxmat also applies to any sia pipe sie stale: than NPS 12 that dos nt have an NPS ses, Don’t confuse anchor rods with bolts. Do not speciy your anchor rods as ASTM A825 or A490. ASTM A325 and A480 ate for headed ols, wth nite traded length, gene ally avaiable only up to 6" in length, and governed by provision for stel-o-set structural joints ony ‘You say you've always spciid your anchorage vies this way and tS never been a problem? ‘Wel, the ely fs your fbrictr has boan aly nice to not embarass you by pointing out that youve specified a product that doesnot come inthe length you likely specieg—or asa hooked o1 longe-hreaded od. Use ASTI F155, wich cov- 8 hooked, headed and thveadenuled rods in thre strength grades Have all the information at your finger- tps. More exeasiv information can be found Inthe Sd Editon AISC LAPD Mnva of Sil Con Stueton and ne AIS publication Selected ASTAS ‘Standart for Sif Constcton, which ae aval able at wen aise orbonkstore {tenia deat, ota t,t tis is eum 1, Wel, isimportant ‘The preferred material specification for round HSS is ASTM A500 grade B (F, = 42 ksi: F, = 58 ksi), although 57M A500 grade C (F, = 46 ksi F, 62 ksi) is Increasingly Very common. ‘The availability of round HSS in grades other than ASTM A500 grade 'B should be confirmed prior to their specification. Round HSS with atmospheric corrosion resistance (weathering) characteristics can be obtained by specifying ASTM AB47. Other material specifications applica- ble to ound HSS include ASTM A50L and ASTM A6IB. Pipe ‘The sole material specification for steel pipe is ASTM A53 grade B (F, 35 ksi: F, = 60 ks). PLATE PRODUCTS See Summary in Table 22 ‘ral PI ‘The preferred material specification for structural plates is ASTM A36 (F, +36 ks for plate thickness is equal to'or less than 8", F, = 32 ksi other- ‘wise; E, = 58 ksi). The availabilty and cost effectiveness of structural plates in grades other than ASTM A36 should be confirmed prior to their specification. Note also that the avail- ability of grades other than ASTM. 'A36 varies through the range of thick- ‘ness as shown in Table 2-2 (see also ‘Table 2-4). Structural plates with higher yield and tensile strength can be obtained by specifying ASTM ‘A572 grade 42, 50,55, 0/07 65, ASTM ‘A529 grade 50 or 55, ASTM ASI4 igrade 90 or 100, or ASTM A852. Struc- tural plates with atmospheric corro- sion resistance (weathering) characteristics can be obtained by specifying ASTM A588 grade 42, 46 or 50 or ASTM A242 grade 42, 46 oF 50 Structaral Bars ‘The preceding comments for struc- tural plates apply equally to struc- tural bars, except that neither ASTM ‘A514 nor A852 is applicable. Patter F ate: ASTM A786 isthe standard specifica: tion for rolled steel floor plates. As floor-plate design is seldom con- trolled by strength considerations, ASTM A786 “commercial grade” commonly is specified. If 50, per Table 24. Applicable ASTM Specifications for Various Structural Shapes Applet Bape Soes Fin. | Fy as ‘ett | rene - sot | asru | teas | Sine 3] Fon Typo Designation | (=) | Os) | wim) slHeic |mc| i} &| & | Pipe Aso || mace [ose See [oe ne | =| | aero [eres _ ‘ca oy fen Sat Sena | ase [See ey x sora [2 % 76 © eo ae Corasion a ot eoreoee | gaia [ee a | re | | a | a ‘Aaa? 50 70 | II = reer eters open Oe sppcabe marl spss, he aval of wheh shouise conta pre's an [= mate specteton sos ot pp or snaps 428 1. he mierun of 38 ops. *Cioupe ate 2 shapes ony fo moro welt a maximum cation equnslntcan be spocited (per ASTM Suploorsy Requvetant SY) 1 Gears, masta ena seat o 3a ean be petiod (bar ASTM Supplomanar Renuroment S79 sear, serum one Seon of 7k! ca bo epectod (pr ASTM Supleantary Require SE), Groups Sart ahapes on "ASTIA ABT canto be spec os corosion yest se ASTM ABB. | inars opses or wale araly en cance Few erases ve in FAB an I facarea,mxrum yo sos f 6 fend maxarum yet ee sang ato of 0.8 canbe spect (par ASTM Suplemorary Requrement S79). \Rrnoumum yee tense sang eta 0.8 ad aon eqn oul st nae a mento astinaee ‘Group ara chaps on * Grosp kanes oh "Groupe fond 2 shapes one [ASTM A786 Section 5.1.2, “the prod- A786 Sections 5.1.2, Section 8 and uct will be supplied 0.33 percent Appendix Table XL. ‘maximum carbon and without speci- : fied mechanical properties.” Alterna ie8t rip tively, if a defined strength level is Sheet and strip products, which gen- desired, ASTM A786 raised-pattern erally are thinner than structural floor plate can be ordered to a plate and bar products, are produced defined plate specification, such as to such ASTM specifications as A570, ASTM A%, A572, or ASBE; see ASTM A606 or A607. é ih f ‘, Ughuary 2004 # Moder Stee! Construction Table 22, ~ Applicable ASTM Specifications for Plates and Bars fi —— The peered materi pectin pele em | lorie hex na a AST ase it] ein = Jeees |e 8s |r| salss se] | Retest SoM Asse Sais a fat | [2A AL Seley) seed per ASIN ass le xt 08 a net fink fine according to the bolt or threaded part 36 = - with which the nut will be used. For nn |S — ees! arose bok a, Sale finsh sumed a Se pce | gee tion Secon 24a seistly Lam afew tan be cnfedpir tape: eos, [Sets en asin aos se pe gale : Ford wan oben re - e din RC Seafonon Be Sai [Restart 30 T To ‘asher: Sen = The preled mule apectinton |Lewaiy | ast [a8 for hardened stee] washers is ASTM a Fe Th spetieion poids or faoas a bot tend tev eon le Fe) ie [| inino Ast rss ste a esse 1c | 0-120 ficient in most applications, there are Lon scrcrl spect cprentons wie es Ta Ione spel washers eqarel Thee Kieu | M0 | Tn wesher egureretsn ROSC how-Atoy _ Specification Section 6 apply when EE rem nto pecan ‘oversized or slotted holes are used in fa ee the outer ply ofa stee-to-stel stuc- ioe furl one anchor fod nd eer [T]he en, tinbeimentapplicton, hele sizes SF eee Sccttestel structural lng app cpeicbletobws ny abo Tn. tess cations (see Table 14-2 for maximum (ce a a nl Ret trashers used Sn such apphceos fension-Co: ott -nerally are larger and might require FASTENING PRODUCTS Sign contderston for proper ce See Sunnaryn Table 23 The prelered mater spelicaon _trarelen "particulary when the conventional bats fortwistoltype tesioneontel bolt enchorage sujet to enaon ‘the preferred material specification sosemiee i ASTM F882, which for conventional (heavy-hex) high- offers a strength level that is equiva- Compressili\o-\Washer-Tyj strength bolts in steel-to-stecl struc lent to that of ASTM A325 bolts. Telis an Indicziors turabconnections is ASTM A325, When'aRgher euength is dered, When bolted Joint ave specified as although ASTAT AO canbe speck’ Ewistofetgpetensionecontel bel pretouioned or spesiea and te fed when higher stengh is desrel,assenbice‘can be cbtained ima Biesttentocindigatorpeetesion, Incihereacs Type imediamear: atengin evel aris cguivlen'o ganthad asst AST BSS coos ee ee ee fed: When atmosphere coveeion provisions for emativedeign se _‘Indlars wt species. ype 5 Sr rhlrmrLr—U—C “‘$§', (| S§« Sposa Whites fomully pent. 28 n eer case Type medium belts and type 400 8 ened with ees sl Ls rr —rC =| ov other materia specifications med. When atmanpherc cotenon weal thane devine musteenor to ————C—r— — Sitons us become quite uncommon, specified The use cf these davies ation! which. provides, detailed AASTMUAGI ble amen asinte! stant conforms tthe equvemmntein_seouements for grestalaton vet oenly speci today tore ASTM (HeRCEC Species’ whic pres Heston Get) lator Sev ‘sand Aso es, ee, stallation verification (Section 7), RCSC Specification also permits alter- installation Section 8) and inspection native washer-type. indicating (Gection 9). devices subject to the provision the CSC Specifcntion Section 2.6.2. ‘Modern Steel Construction # January 2004 Table 23. or Rods Applicable ASTM Specifications for "Tine praferraaaiatialapéifcatn Various Types of Structural Fasteners for anchor rods is ASTM F1554, 1 which covers hooked, headed, | 2 tieaded and nutted anchor rods in 3 jarenor Roce three strength grades: 36, 55 and 105. 5 8/2 ASTM FI554 grade 36 is most com- tin |r, lig 7 ‘monly specified, although grades 55 vets | tontte aif lil and 105 are normally available. | ,AeTH., | Sets | Suess) Came | &| 8} 3 i2 ASTM F1534 grade 36 or ASTM. | 20 os) | tea] _Rajontny_1 5) 8 | 2 S| FSSA grade 55 with weldability sup- | acap [= cor dni Sed plement S1 and the carbon equivalent = 25 het formala in ASTM F1534 Section |“ [= crore [I S1.5.2.1 can be specified to allow | Frese [-——- 41 welded field correction should the : [ate nat anchor rods be placed incorrectly in | ALG 24 |= oz04 the field. ASTM FIS54 grades 36,55 [8 [= [oases 7 and 105 are essentially the anchor- |__Fw@ [= | = [08m rod equivalents of the generic rod [Tes [= eo specifications ASTM A36, ASTM [438 | 8 | seo | eto) [AS72 grade 55 and A1Y3 grade B7, =| oo | oeraser respectively. Several other ASTM | Aimcesr [=| tis | oerzsie specifications also can be used. For | = [sear applications involving unheaded | gap LA | = | ope = rods, ASTM A36, A193, A307, A354, ec [=| we-0 | 03504 ‘A449, A572, A586 and A687 can be | qaseGr a0 | =| “2 | _28104na t specified, For applications involving =| 0 [08 625 i headed rods, ASTM AMO”, ASSH and |) | =| | siete t AB con be pei. ee I heeded eal a | ios ‘The preferred material specification eso] | es ea for threaded rods, whether provided [4872 [Gus 8 [ro [ez | swith plain of upset ends, is ASTM sso |e |i 128 | [A36, Other material specifications es es [ne vos aS that can be specified include ASTM 2 | 03 | Over i, t A193, A307, A354, A449, A572, A588, As88 se | er [Overt to 5. net 1 paras | 70 [Sandee moar 706 | max | — 82503 |_| d Steet Structural Hardware oe | [see [obs a Forged steel structural hardware /F1654[ 6r8s | s5_| [07804 products, such as devises, turmbuck- 105] 10s [ves-t88| os Tes, eye nuts, and sleeve nuts, are _ || =Preered rater wceccsion cccasionally used in building design |[] ~ctereptcable mle! pecicaton, te siaSaily ef which snub conte orto nd construction. These products ze Soostesien generally provided to AISI material |[~) pg geiteston oes ote Beccicatong AIST C1GSS material [<== ee commonly is used in the manufacture [=e taisysba 80sec me ene Of clevises and tuenbuckles. AISI C- | Speca' master equntnent no appy per RCS Sacteton Tae 6.1 fr some eats ong 1030 material commonly is used in |, soeatens snp Parl 14 rancor apps sc icaon Seeion A. tnttors on nao ASTI A49 bas. the manufacture of steel eye nuts and steel eye bolts. AISI C-1018 grade 2 material commonly is used in the information usually is provided as a__factor of safety of 3 is used more manufacture of sleeve nuts. Other safe working load and based upon a commonly. products, such as steel rod ends; steel factor of safety as high as 5, assuming yoke ends and pins, cotter pins and that the product will be used in rig: Fillor Meta Coupling nuts commonly are pro- ging or similar applications subject to The appropriate filler metal for struc- vided generically as “carbon steel” dynamic loading, If so, the tabular tural steel is as summarized in ‘The dimensional and strength charac- value might be overly conservative ANSI/AWS D1.1-2000 Table 3.1 for teristics of these devices are for permanent installations and simi the various combinations of base described in the literature provided ar applications subject to static load- metal specification and grade and by their manufacturer, Note that such ing only. In these applications, a. electrode specification. A tensile January 2004 # Modern Steel Construction strength level of 70 ksi is indicated for the majority of the commonly used steels in building construction. Sannecta ‘As specified in ANSI/ AWS D1.1-2000 Chapter 7 (Section 7.2.6 and Table 7.1), Type B shear stud connectors made from ASTM A108 material are used for the interconnection of steel and concrete elements in composite ‘construction (F, = 60 OTHER PRODUCTS ieet Bas i Steel castings are specified as ASTM |A2? grade 65.35 or ASTM A148 grade 80.35. Steel forgings are specified as ASTM A668. is Crane sails are furnished to ASTM A759, ASTM AI and/or manufac- turer's specifications and tolerances. Most manufacturers chamier the top Modern Stee! Construction # January 2004 and sides ofthe crane-rail head at the ends unless specified otherwise to reduce chipping of the running gur- faces. Often, crane rails are ordered as end-hardened, which improves the crane-rail ends’ resistance to impact from contact with the moving wheel during crane operation. Alternatively, the entire rail can be ordered as heat treated. When maximum wheel load- ing or controlled cooling is needed, refer to manufacturers’ catalogs. Pur chase orders for crane rails should be noted “for crane service.” Light 40-Ib rails are available in 30 lengths, 60-Ib rails in 30°, 35’ of 39" lengths, stan- dard rails in 33’ or 39" lengths and crane rails up to 80°. Consult manu facturer for availability of other lengths. Rails should be arranged so that joints on opposite sides of the crane runway will be staggered with respect to each other and with due consideration to the wheelbase of the crane. Rail joints should not occur at crane girder splices. Odd lengths that ‘must be included to complete a run or obtain the necessary stagger should be not less than 10 long. Rails are furnished with standard drilling in both standard and odd lengths unless stipulated otherwise on the order, Charles J. Carter, 8.6, PE., is Chief Structural Engineer with the American nsti- tute of Stel Construction, Bne. Chicago

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