Nisce Flyer

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Ministry & Field Trips



NISCE gives students many opportunities to get

out of the 4 walls of the classroom in order to
minister, explore, and learn.


Pre K 12th


Mendota, Illinois

Pursuing Academic Excellence

Great education in the 3 Rs

Character-building through Bible study
Manipulatives for hands on learning
Fun, Physical activity times

Saints Athletics


Promoting an Excellent Spirit

Basketball - Volleyball - Soccer

High Academic Standards

*Contingent upon having enough interested players

Low Student/Teacher Ratio

Very Experienced teachers
One Low tuition rate (all-inclusive, no fees)
Positive peer-pressure in the student body

Middle School
Study skills and High School Prep
Academic and Fine Arts competition
Home Ec., Health, and Life Skills
Great Athletic instruction & participation

Contact Us
Ph. 815.830.8941
Accredited by the AACS and IACS


State of the art ABeka curriculum

Bible memory
Numbers and early Math concepts
Shapes and Colors
Letters and Phonics
Fun, interpretive Play

High School
College Prep Courses
Ministry and Leadership emphasis
Academic and Fine Arts competition
Foreign Languages and Digital Media
Top-level Athletic training & competition

We cannot say enough about the quality of Christian

education that our child is receiving at N.I.S.C.E. The
entire staff is dedicated, nurturing, and
compassionate. They truly care about each childs
personal well-being and success both inside and
outside of the classroom.

Inspiring, Caring, Gracious, Excellent Educators, and

Genuine. These are just a few words or phrases that
come to mind when our family thinks of NISCE and

Pastor and Mrs. Hamiel. We have been blessed to

have them educating our five children since 2006.

Our children have each thrived in their learning

environment. Our children love going to school and

look forward to it each day.

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