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bic Fens of Rao Roy Syme sere ae Basic Features of Radio Relay Systems Objectives ‘The particpantis able to '¢ deserite the principal structure of a radio relay link ‘explain the most important propagation conditions of electromagnetic waves scribe the pancipas of digital modulation methods frlainthe advantages. disadvantages of the cifferent modulations explain principals of diversity methods ‘desenbe the principle of rade relay antennas Contents 1 Basic Features of Radio Relay Systems. 3 1.1 Basics of Radio Relay 4 2 Increasing the Availity a 2.1. Bit Err Rate and System Loss 28 2.2 Principles of Hot Standby, Frequency Diversity and Space Diversity 20 3 Technologies 39 3.1 Antennas and Radiation Pattern 40 32. Terms and Technologies 42 4 Snapshot of Radio Relay Systems 45 4.1. SRAI 46 42 spate 50 43° SRAL 5a 44 sATIC 58 45° SATIs 2 5 Exercise 65 6 Solution n Basic Features of Radio Relay Systems Basic Festus of Rano Roly Systems sims 6 1 Basic Features of Radio Relay Systems Semen Basic Features of Radio Relay Systems. 1.1. Basics of Radio Relay 1.1.1. Principle of a Radio Relay Link Rao relay inks consists of ransmit and recewve systems wth highly directional ‘nencas th normal cicumstances an elfectve ine of sights requied between the transmitter and receiver antennas Fadi relay inks over larger distances raquice repeater stations, which ive the ‘vara transmission route into technically Feasible radio hops, Fig 1 shows two radio relay termina stations with one repeater station. The arrow indicates the drection of tre message, whichis only one way inthis example. The message islf i a ial signal, whichis modulated onto a high-frequency carer signal on its route across the raco ink ‘Apart from very few exceptional cases, e.9 foeder routes for TV and radio sound ‘Signals he rad connection 'sBesrectional, Usual, itis part of an extended ‘network whose nades comprise multiplexers end exchanges (switching stations). ‘This network is worldwide ard provides fll coverage of oth countries and ‘centinents, {tthe terminal stations there are baseband interfaces definded by the ITU-T. These feoresent the tanster points to multiplex systems, exchanges or other transmission Ccquipment. The bt rates of the baseband signals exchanged at these terminals are 2 bits, B Mb’, 24/Mbivs, 140 Mbils and 185 Mbis. The modulator and transmitter ata termina Station modulate these signals onto 3 RF cater, which is tvansmitted via the antenna system. The receiving station demodulates the signal ard returns it asa dqial signal va the baseband interface “The possiblity of instaling repeater stations where the termina stations are too far apart isa great advantage of dial technology, since cistron and interference can Be removed at every repeater station, For regeneration, the radio signals Semodulated and then modulated agai, The it rates atthe baseband trenstor points of repeater station are higher than at the terminal stations, since system Information bits spectic to rad relay are added to the digital signal ducing processing ‘The focusing properties and thus the antenna gain increase in proportion withthe frequency. The low frequency inst for digital adi relay is about 400 MHz fppanding on the type of antenna, The longth ofthe radio hop, in other words the distance between antennas is about Lh km at frequencies lower than0 GHz. AboveJ0 GHz the usable il length oernaes Tho eacenTorih «the addssadlatanustn of te do signa aused reba when he gat tenance The upper eaveTey Phar edo rab S7avony aba 80 GHz asc Features of aco Relay Systems Seow He {As communication networks extend beyand national botder, international 2 agreements are necessaiy Intemational standarss are parucuarly important tor radio felay, since radio waves do not stop at the nations! borders, Agreements onthe use of frequency bands are essential n order to pert regio communication and to avoid interference ‘Worldwide standardization is carried out by the International Telecommuication Union (TL. The responsibiities of the ITU-T extend to defining the entire connecton from user to user and the interfaces on the transmicsion path. Tho majorty of recommendations of signficance to raco relay such as the definition of the frequency specttum, is the responsibility ofthe TUR, In Europe, the European Telecommunications Standards Instute (ETSI) lays down Standards for telecommunications networks, which enable manufacturers to sell toa ‘wider market with standardized equipment. eminem poster taton “Temi sate Rasohep Rasorep =o lgoma lee. = 8 Bosebond sora MModuslor OD Madislr TTansniterR Recover Re ‘Seen tragic Faas of Radi Relay Systems 1.1.2. Structure of a Radio Relay Link ‘The baseband signal is formed before the transmitter terminal ané separated again alter the recener termina. This 6 cone by means of ruhiplexers and demultiplexers “iho in sutable combination, generate and break down digtal signals. At the output Of the multiplecer stage with the highest bt rate a digtal signal is produced which is forwarded as ¢ baseband signal (BB) to the raco relay equipment for tansmssion. In the transmit part ofthe radio relay station, the baseband signal is routed to a ‘modulator (Mand medulated onto an intermediate frequency (IF) cares. Special ‘adulation precedures for cgi ransmission such as phase shift keying (PSK) and ‘Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) are used. Inthe transmitter (7) the signals is then converte into the redo Frequency (RF) and ampified tothe transmit level ‘Typical renamssion lovals for radio relay aren the order of LW. The radio frequency band is between about 400 MHz and 60 GHz Itis also possible to modulate a baseband signal directly onto the RF caries and this, ‘method is uses predominantly where the baseband signal has alow bitrate From the transmiter, the AF signal is passed toa channel branching fier, which in eamplet for corpses Condos iter and scrsuaarThe Srouatr seve 1 separate the vansmit and receive rections. The signal is then passed tothe ‘antenna via the bangpass iter, the ciculator and the antenna cable (a low= ‘attenuation condi cable or wave guide) It the distance between the terminal stations exceeds about 50 km (or less ‘depending on the radiofrequency used), a repeater station is installed between the terminal stations ‘The receive artenna inthe repeater station passes the signal. whichis in the order of 1UW, va the tand pass fiter and Greuator ofthe channel branching filter to the receiver (Rl The feceiver amples the signal and converts it back into the IF. In the {demodulator she regenerator generates the cxginal baseband signal andthe ‘madulatar masuiates again fo an ntermesiato frequency. As atthe transmitting Station, the signal again passes through a transmitter (1), a channel branching fier, 2 {reuator and the reciting antenna. In cgi rachorelay, the number of repeater stations is na kmited in principle because, unite anslog systems, no nose s added. By recovering the baseaand signa, ts alvaye possibe to regenerate the sgnal which, disregarding biteors. corresponds exactly fo the modulating baseband signal ofthe terminal staton ater feach modulation, Te terminal station ofthe radio relay connection emits the baseband signe! avaible at the output of the cemodulatar D to the multiplex equipment and the signals ‘erultiplexed again. {A single anterna is used for both transmit and receive signals and filtering used to separate the two directions of transmission. These frequences are identified inthe fallowing transparencies asf and f @ _ bec Feaures ot acto Rly sstoms Sens He eae , gah ne o eel Syie ' i aL e ose “. os “pl 4-0 tere M Modatar BS) Digtasgnintrace a per evr 1D Demodut Ie trermedat enuency gn T Taneniter FF Digtaly mosloted rad reguency nat R Racower Et" Ratiottequesey in own or uppe bane Ce Chanel branching iter Greta Es ee Somers Basic Features of Radio Relay Systems 1.1.3 Path of the Radio Signal in the Atmosphere Terrestval rao celay systems operate inthe Trequency ranges between about 400 MHz and 60 GH2, A distinction Is mage between line-of sight and oversthe horizon connections. The vast majonty of radio Inks are line-ot-sight connections. Connections beyond the Norizon gelivratoly expt atmospheric scater effect they require 9 considereby higher investment in equipment and are ony used in exceptional cumstances, e.g, if distances are to be spanned far n excess of the sible horizon. For this reason, we are limiting ourselves to propagation effects on ‘ad relayline ot sight connections ‘The generation of the radio signal requires antennas on the transmit side which ‘radiate energy supplied by the RF transmitter ito free space. A receive antenna of the same type absorbs @ proportion of the radiated anergy and passes it a8 ine ‘wave tothe receiver but It we fist assume antennas are isotropic radiators, which radiate energy eveniy inal ‘rections, then the basic free-space transmission lossa'can be calculated accorcing tothe formula aldB = 92.4 + 20 9 dlkm + 201g GHz ‘where dis the distance in km between antennas and fs the transmission frequency ‘in Giz. Inserting the typical values d = 50 km and f = 10 GHz inthe equation gives a 2146.4 08, This value fs very high and can only be accommodated at reasonable osTBY Me Use of directional antannas, For this reason, he energy Is cancentTated fand radiated in the dection ofthe receiving antenna ‘The top of Fig. 3 shows a signal wave raciated from 2 directional antenna using the representation method of geometric optics. The nial assumption is that aracio ‘signal propagates in straight lines in a vacuum. The eath's atmosphere however Ceansists of gases and water vapor and has acelectiic constant Er. This isnot ‘constant, but decreases as the alttude above the earth's surface increases, ince the density of the almosphere also decreases with altitude. The gracent ofthe electric constant isthe physical cause for continuous deflection ofthe signal as it passes through the simosphere This deflection is always from the thinner toward the denser medium and under normal atmospheric conctons causes a sight bending ofthe ay toward the earth's surface ‘This effect is great advantage to radio relay connections. As the top diagram on these shows, the bending means thatthe radio horizon is further from the transmitter antenna than the optical horizon. Since light has much shorter ‘wavelengths than those of raco signal do, the effect ofthe dielectric constant on the ‘optical propagation is negligible oe) @ 7 Banc Feats of Radio Relay Systoms sens i Radio boom ‘Actua of he Serb ee 10 Sere tase Features of Radio Relay Syscoms 1.1.4 Radio Hop with Clear Fresnel Zone [A transmission oute between Wo radios relay stations including the associated antennas and rac relay equinment is termed a ‘radio hop" Between the antennas les the transmission path in which the best possible transmission conditions for electromagnetic waves should exist itis not enough, however, to draw a straight ne between antennas and to ensure that ths line is not intertupted by obstacles. As shown in Figure 4, a certain area ‘ust remain free below the straight ine, which is enclosed geometrically by 2 Fresna elipsoic this remains {te of obstacles, then the propagation conditions \wilbe similar to those n ree space ang can also be calculated using the formulas res for this purpose. ‘The theoretical bass for these effects isthe wave theory of Huygens and Fresnel [According to this theory, the energy of the waves is concentrated in concent rings ‘about the connecting ne between antennas. The creuar cross-sectional ragons between the afeas of high-energy concentration have an elipsoidal shape. 1+ toate the distances between point Pand antennas 1 and 2 which are located at the foous ofthe elipse. dis the distance betwen antennas, the wavelength and n the order ofthe elipse. n= 1 gives a Fresnel elipse ofthe st order, which should remain free from absttuetions. To estimate the size of the elipse itis sufficient to caleulate the semi-minor axis, This relationship applies: Tim aa, mie tnimarra Sed ire ena eae Va (OrR ym = 869, any point of d) ‘According to this formula, ey i$ 40 m fora radio hop whose langth d=40 km and, frequency f=2 GH, and only 20m forthe same length where f=8 GHz ‘The height ofthe antennas is determined such that the zone remains free fom ‘obstructions. To caloulate the attenuation, the formula fr free-space loss can be sed: a1dB = 92.4 + 201g km + 20g IGH2 -Gyldd - GtsB ‘where Gand Gare the gain values ofthe antennas. The term gain” at the Uuansmitter antenna means te rato ofthe radiant intensity goneratad in the main Fadlating Grection to the raciant intensity that would be generated atthe same posnt| by an isotropic rasiator. At the recever antenna, gain refers to the ratio ofthe recewver power emitted by the antenna to that which would be supplied by an isotopic radiator Fora 80 km radio hop at 6.7 GHz and typical antenna gain values of 40 dB, the radio hop loss ani around 64 dB ‘obstructions protrude into the Fresnel elipse, aditional loss cecurs. Smooth reflecting surfaces § favor multinath propagation. This falsiies the esult ofthe cealeiation la Basic Features of Rao Rela Systems sens i " 5 — Bac Features of Radio le Systems A 2 ar , a a | re fet) 1.1.5 Fading on Microwave Links Ceol ‘The term “fading” refers to time-dependent behavir of the received signal. This ‘can be subject 19 marked fluctuations phase, polarization and amplitude du to tho effects ofthe earth's atmosphere. The propagation of electromagnetic waves is atlected too lesser or greater extent by the meteovological contions, [A distinction is made between multipath lading and lat facing "Multipath fading occurs primariy inthe transmission of Trequencies below about TOGHE Due to the considerable dependence on frequency, multipath fading is also felerted 1038 — ‘The cause of multipath fading is multipath propagation, in which several ndiidual signals originating from the same transmitting antenna ae picked up by the receiving antenna. At the receiving antenna the field carmponents are added together. I these ‘signals ae in phase they can amplify each other, white if they are in antiphase they can weaken or even cancel eachother aut ‘The gradient of the refractive index dNIdh i responsibe fr the bending ofthe propagation ine ofthe electromagnetic wave fits negatve, the signal bands ‘downward, Ths is desirable and accurs under normal meteorological conditions. Figure a show an example of mulitoath fading under specific meteorological Consitions im which the retractive index N ofthe earth's atmasphere does not have a linear lationship wit the increasing eight h above the earth's surface, Figure shows the accurtence of multipath fading due to surface inversion layers. n an inversion layer, the temperature increases wth alttude ard the retactive index ‘ecines. Below the border layer, cNVch is greater than O and the signal bends. ‘upward. The propagating signal above the border layer remains unatlected In the case of flat fading, only a part ofthe radio signal reaches the receive antenna. ‘Since this fading isnot as frequency selective as multipath fading itis termed lat, facing Flat fading can last considerably longer than multiath fading and elfect transmission for Several hours, since the weather conditions that cause it ae stable Figure b shows flat facing caused by an inversion layer that extends above antenna height. Oniyan upwardly curved ray can be formed which s strongly attenuated by the earth's Surface, Precipitation - especialy ‘ain and wet snow - causes flat fading which has a patoular cffect in frequency bands above 10 GHz. Countermeasures include increasing the transmitter power and reducing the recever noise figure, Reducing the langth othe ‘acho hops similarly has @ positive effect a Basic Festues of Rado Relay Systems ye See He oh rs ‘2 = Dir gg Flat fang ZB reomrie 3 6 sero as Feats ol Rado Rely Sytem “4 1.1.6 F-Channel Arrangement for Digital Radio Relay Systems ‘Te classical radio bands for radio relay operation previously ranged from about 400 MH to 13 GH. In future, higher requency bends up to about 60 GHe and pethaps beyond wil be used for local network appications. in one frequency band there ate always several transmt and fecive frequencies which are detined by 2 channel arrangement ‘The RF channel arangements are standardized a an international evel by the ITU-R. This enables inks to be made between neighbonrg countries without any problerns ‘and also guarantees interferences operation inthe vicinity of national Borders, FF channel arangements for bauds below 13 GH were ongnally designed for ansiag transmission af telephone and television signals, mostly using Irequency ‘modulation (FM), Special attention had tobe paid fo the power concentration inthe Cai band. Carer signals must notin any circumstances fall within the basebands Of other signals. With the artival of cigita technology in radio relay, these bands were: released bythe ITU-F for the operation of digital radio relay systems. In adeition new frequency bands above 13 GHe were released which are intended exclusively for digital reco relay. FF channel arrangements are always set up onthe fllowing principle: the entire band is divided into two sub-bands of equal siz. tne upper band and the lower band. ‘The racio frequencies are arranged equidistantly wsthin the bands, Al transmitters of radi relay station which are operated via channel branching fiters on one antenna ‘operate ether inthe upper or lower subband. The associated receive frequencies of this rado relay station are always inthe other subband, which contains no transmit, requencies Figure 6 shows typical RF channel arcangements for radio relay which ave recommended by the TUR, 6.7 GHz arrangement per ITU-R Recommendation 384-8 This arangoment was designed for analog signal vansmission and is now used also {or digital radio relay. also pects hybrid operation with anslog and digital signals. Inthe 6.7 GHz band up to eight radio relay channe's can be transmitted In each ‘rection. Alternate horizontal and vertical polrzaton can be used. It can be assigned to 140 Mbit/s and 185 Mbits signals, 13GHe Arrangement per ITU-R Recommendation 497-2, This arangament was designed for use with 24 Nails signals. As in the case of the 16.7 G2 arangement, the signals can be radiate ram an antenna with alternate horizontal and vertical polarization. With appropiate bandwdth-saving modulation, 1140 Mb systems can also operate inthis band neon @ Basic Features of Rao Relay Systems — s 418 GH Arrangement per ITU-R Recommendation 595-1 The 10 lie aangenient wes speuly esi fr asset o gil gnats, canbe assigned 192 Ms, 8 Mls, 28 Mts, 20 MDs or 156 MBs sats, “he wansparency shows examples of allocation wit 140 Mbit and 4 Mis signals, providing cochannel operation: exch ofthe eavencis is assigned hotzontsly and vertical. This proves @ channels per haleband a 140 Mis and 36 channels at 34 MUS ‘A trequency spcing of 27,5 Miz has been stiultes for 8 Mbivs gna and 5 Miz for2 Mow signals Avrangements fo 140 Mbivs signals can als be used for 155 Mails signals, provided thr spectrum widths reduced by bandmitng measures. ao, vi ‘RS 140165700 {CCIR Recomm: avon 362-1 ay ce sou ‘ons a4rs3000 ‘Das 14012000 ICoinRecsmman sexton 437.2), 70 fume sso (RS 140"8700 {CKIR-Recamran ‘exon 3851) \ naduabl ira ise ia ‘bas 248700 (CoiRAecommen- If datos 596 VS aoe aS « “ ae) 5 eo 16 Bacic Foaturos of Radio Relay Systeme 1.1.7. Routing of a Radio Relay Link In most cases a single radio hop between two radio relay stations is not enough. Due to the distances to be covered, several radio hops must be connected ina ine by ‘means of repeater stations, which do nat have any signal distributing function. Such fan arrangement is calles a radio relay route, When assigning the frequencies to inva sections af a route the fallwing points must be considered ‘© Spectrum efficiency: the radio relay route should use as few different frequencies as possible, '¢ Adequate separation ofthe individual radio hops to prevent mutual interference ‘These points have the following consequences: 1 Fado relay route through the train: the radio hops are routes aoross the terrain ‘xaloting the topography in such a way that each hop is shaded from the next but ona. In other words, staton A shouldbe well obstructed from station D and station B rom station and 80 on The raiation diagrams of the antennas must be taken into account '© Frequency selection: apart rom special cases, radio relay routes ar operated Using freauencies taken from the RF channel arrangement. The same fequencios ‘must not be used for Wansmission and reception at one radio relay stalion. These ‘requirements can be met by alternately using frequencies from the upper band (Wand the lower band ( In the example shown on figure 7, all ransmitters from A to Bare operated with the frequencies fy through fs inthe lower band ofthe selected arrangement 1 stands for ‘one of mote frequencies ofthe lower band). For the rac relay station B these are feopive Hequencies,AtB there i @ change ftom lower band to upper bard Trequencies, From 8 toward C the transmitters are operated in the upoe1 band with Frequencies y tote these frequencies are shown as on the transparency). This principle of alternating band is maintained throughout the route. ‘Alternation between the bands also applies tothe opposing direction. Since the wansmit and receive Irequencies af a radio relay route must be diferentin order to avoid interference, the Irequencies of the signal propagating in various drections ‘thin a single radio hop aren different halves ofthe band, The bottom diagram on figure 7 illustrates inference caused by unwanted rado relay coupling: Base Festus of Rado Relay Systems Sevens He 9 Hs ts posse er uate nats ecaves ove tee cai aoe sncethe tensmitand recov requ code Tos st aeons rete Doorn rong ord expang re ptestonatecea te en 1 merlerene cecum th ute ese atest he {risa woo at rad any sation her mete Wena en ‘edo ope nich unin cet ertone 4} nearer fom ada hap aaah. tterean of ts pecan so be Caused by steers cumdmastcios ag cauping — mene A Basie Features of Racio Relay Systems 1.1.8 PSk-Modulation of a Sinusoidal Carrier Signal fg. 8 shows the 2PSK- and the 4PSK/4QAM modulation [A sinusoidal carer signals delined by ts frequency, amplitude and phase. In phase shit keying PSK] modulation, such a cartar signals moduated i ts phase and thus Used for transmitting information. In 2PSK modulation the carter signal is modulated in its ahase by the sigtal ‘baseband sigral. The phase O° is assigned to the” bi, and phase 10° fo the“ bt {see transparency), At the transition from 1 100 of rom O01, the phase shits through 180°. The ampitude of the carer signal remains constant. The exer signal tan only assume two possible states Ifthe possible caer signal states are Sesignated as symbols and the qumber of symbols transmitted per unit time is ‘efineg atthe symbol ate, then the following epplies to 2PSK modulation: symbol fate (ol cari signa = it ate (of modulating beseband sign. By comparison with a reference signal, the onginal modulating bitstream of the ‘baseband signal can be recovered in the demodulator of the recewver (coherent demodulation. In calculating 2andwieths of modulated digital signals, t becomes ciear that the: bandycth is srectly proportional to the symio! rate. Fr this reason, 4PSK. or 4AM ‘modulation isoften used in order to effectively reduce the bandwidth in ado relay systems. In APSK modulation, unlike 2PSK, the cartier signa can be modulated in fur different phase sates: 45°, 135", 226° and 315". The relerence phase O° is deterrvned by the Eignal ofthe carer oscilator, The graphic representation of the signal is roxmaly By smeans of @ vector agram, the level of the ciagram being desciibed as 10 level. The {2PSK signals created by vector addon of the | and Q signals which can be modulated intependenty of one another and phase silted through 90" For diferent siscrete states ofthe cai signs! are now avalable for medulaton purposes, Groups of two bis, Le. OD, 01, 10 and 11, can be assigned to 2ach of {hese four discrete carer states. The ine required for transmitting a sybol Corresponds exactly to twice the bit period. Thus for 4PSK modulation the folowng ‘applies symbol rate = U2 bit ote This means thatthe 4PSK signa has hall the bandwicth of the 2PSK signal 8 Basic Features of Radio Relay Systems ree 9 20 sean asic Features of aso Rolay Systems: 1.1.9 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation QAM ‘Theoretically, it would be possible to cut the symbol rate sill urther using the PSK prneipe, thereby reducng the bandwidth, Investigations ofthe signal-to-noise rato, FRowever, have led tothe conclusion that itis advantageous to abandon the principle Of the carer that can onty be modulated in its phase in faver of quadrature armpitude frodulation. in which both the amplitude and the phase ofa carer are modulated. ‘The simplest type of medulation inthis group is 16QAM. “The vector diagram shonn on figure 7 shows the amplitude and phase of 16 vectors, snose artowheads meet the inersections of 2 quadratic gid. Not ont the phases, but also the amplitudes now difr from vector to vector. Four bits ofthe modulating tlghtal signal can be assigned to each af the 16 vectors (2" « 16) The fist two bits ‘etine the position inthe quadrants ofthe vector diagram, ‘The 16QAM symbol ais thus reducod tos quarter of the bitrate ofthe dit baseband. The bandwidth is a quarter of the 2PSK bandwieth and haf ofthe 4PSK bandwith [As the vector diagtem shows, the 1GQAM signa tthe output of modulator has three various amplitudes and 12 diferent phases. Highineanty ampli stages are requied for processing this signal, Stringent technical demands are also made upon the ampltudelpulse modulation corwersion of these stages. in order t avoid distortion of the 16CAM signal ~e., by limiting effects. By contrast 4 PSK arvpiifiers {an operate in the satu'tion area. The use of G4QAM permits furthers reduction of the bandwsth, The vector diagram show 6a different vectors or symbols which are ‘ranged in quadratic gid according to the 16QAM scheme. Each symbol Comprises 6 bits of the baseband signal 2" = 64). The symbol rates reduced 10 0 Sinth ofthe bitrate and the bandwidth of the 64AM ts only 23 of the 1GQAM bandwith in principle, the bandwadth can be reduced stil further in another step to 2560AM. Each symtol now consists of 8 bits ofthe digital baseband signal (2% = 256), The bandwidth af the 256CAM signals half that of the 16QAM signal { the number of modulation stages increases, so the requiements concerning linearity and low AMIPM conversion of all the stages used aiso nse sharply (even the [SAGAN signal consists of 52 cffarent phases and 10 afferent amplitudes, and the numbers far greater ov the 256M signal, Apart from this special equalization measures are roquiedin order to limit the effects of multipath propagation. 16QAM Modulation In quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), each four bits are combined to one ‘symbol. A symbol cantake 16 diferent values (0900, 0001, 1111). These 16 ‘alles are expressad by thee diferent amplitudes and 12 different phase angles of the cartier In figure 6. only four othe possibie 16 symbols are represented, Esch symbols ‘expressed by a particular phase angle and armpiituds. asic Features of Radio Relay Systems » LAN AN 8) Diptal bsobard st 8) 1e0aM mote cer fou tts foing one symbalts, 4) moray 2 “aM Basic Features of Racho Relay Systems ~ +i 23 4h co tmefonweaacoiyswemne 1.1.10 Bandwidth at the Modulator Output. ‘The unfiltered the. not bandied) signal atthe ourput of an eal modulator is 8 very ide band sianal. Figute 11 shows a typical sgnal in which sidebands are {realog symmetncaly about a carer signal with the frequency fn theory there is {nifinte number of sideband whose amplitude becomes smaller an smaller as the order inveases Se ee eas nae uvucnmes oo ia tes eee ecetrr ramet ycie woaeean ie Searles esata al Soomesane en a @ itis nteresting thatthe envelope curve is completely independent af the message Contents of the modulating digital signa, provided it can be guaranteed that is Signal isa random signal, To do ths, @ scrambler is connected ahezd of the Toculator. which adds 10 the baseband signals known, but pseudoandom, bit Sequence with a vary long period. inthe demodulator. this same bi sequence is ‘subiracted and the orginal baseband signals restored ‘The srambleris a feedback shift register, which generates @ pseudo-random signal swith ong period e.g. 2"-1 bit) It's added tothe basebend signal module 2, Ths ensures a pseudo-random distibution even for perocic baseband signals. TNs {vod spectral ines and an uneven distribution ofthe eneray in the spectrum and Simplifies the clock recovery on the demodulator sige. The added pseudorandom Sigral is generated agam inthe terminating demodulator and subtracted from the basebend. nm # a Basic Features of Radio Rey Systems ‘Modulation-bandwidth-susceptibility to interference-considerations ‘Modulation 25K 4°5« 108M «0am Mod, Nyauist-bandwidth for STM tibutary susceptibility (10-0) 15552 Me 7776002 38.63 Mee 25.92 M2 ‘e-03 202.19 Mee oi 09M 50.54 Mite 33.70 MH Ie tact to inter r-05 22028 Mie low 116.64 at lowed. 58.32 Me med-high 3280Mie high 25 25 Basic Features of Radio Relay Systoms @ wie Fosse of Rad Rly Syetame — He 2 Increasing the Availability ri ar + we 28 Serena Basic Features of Radio Relay Systems 241 Bit Error Rate and System Loss ‘The quality of a digital transmission route is evaluates in he fst instance by the ‘measurement ofthe bit error rate [BER) which is defined as the ratio of errored bits Feceived to the total numberof bis transmities, ‘Tne diagram bolow shows typical error curves of a 16QAM system and a 4AM system. In both cases, the steep riso ofthe curves with a diminishing receive level s characterisig, Only 27 JB reduction of the receive level causes tho bit error rate to rise from 10 to 10°. Curve onthe let of the raph inicates a mare "tugged System, In this case due to the 4AM modulation. Curve & belongs to a more: "sensitive" system with TEAM madulaton. By the use of adoptive equalizers, Haquency and apace diversity and standby Citouts, the avalblity of radio relay connections can be considerably increased, © @ _sese Feaes of Rado Retr Systoms sens He a sistem es [Pas 64 dB Toms Modu. Trans branching, --=}>— branching Demodu- BER HH ea co Heal ES feoteeiee ge eee Poe Be Pofod 224 Bs Se ees @ a) Measurement of bit error rate ea wt Falture (Outage) | : . 7 - wt swans MONMINE=a8 & 1b: Ix140 Mbitis /1GQAM/NF= 548 @ 'b] Bit error ratio BER as a function of the receive level Pa ream 29 i sore Basic Fetues of Rai Relay Systems 2 t 2.2 Principles of Hot-Standby, Frequency Diversity and Space Diversity {As the propagation conditions forthe transmission of radio relay channels are ‘dependent on external factrs such as preciptation temperature of atmospheric layers etc. protection switching techrigues ae often usad to increase avalabilty. An ‘dcional effect of protection switching i protection fron equipment failures. The following section detals the basic configurations. The diagrams only show one transmission direction, ‘Substitute unit - (141) hot standby ‘The digital baseband is branched and fad to two transenttrs, which work on the same frequency. By means of a changeover switch (TXS], one ofthe two Ttansmitiers is connected tothe antenna, If ransmite’ shoul fal, ransmission is ‘swntched tothe remaining one, On the receive: side, the RF signal s branched to ‘wo recewers, The baseband chengeover switch passes the output signal of one of the receivers to the baseband output. Here, top, if one receiver should fll reception is swrtched to the remaining receiver. This configuration offers no protection fr the transmission paths; itis mostly used for single channol systems. @ @ rose Fenses ot ato Ray Stems som oft -- . Ge . Eee © vccsiensnnnyinenn ° a Frequency diversity - (141) In frequency diversity operation, the baseband is transmitted and received on two afferent froquencies. As propagation imparrments usually affect only one frequency, this method inctudes addtional protection forthe transmission paths, i seve Basic Festus of aco Relay Systems © 32 mu & Basic Features of Rado Relay Systems Serens ff . Bee » HEI lx} ™ i ee Seman Basic Features of Radio Relay Systems Frequency diversity - (N+1) In the Nt frequency diversity method, N+ caso relay cnannels are avaliable for N baseband signals If one of the N operating channols should fa, its baseband is ‘svtched to the standby channel. This requires return information to inform the fransmittr side which channel must bo setched tothe standby chonnel. Te frequency diversity configurations can extend to several radio hops, 1e. between the stations with basoband changeover swntches there are several repeater stations, ‘This type of route section is known as 3 protection ewiteing section oO ee 36 Semen Basic Features of Radio Relay Systems Space diversity The background of the space dwversty methed ‘as follows: the transmitted RF signal may be dellected by obstacles or atmospheric conditions in the radio hop. This could mean that art ofthe signal reaches the reception antenna direct. whereas another part reaches tndrectly via reflection on the radio hop if the phase relationship ofthe two signals st the reception iocaion is feversed due tothe diferent path distances (muitinath propagation, ths ean esuse {acing ofthe signal. Ths effect is avoided by the use ofthe space diversity method Here, the signa is received in two antennae at o"erent locations (man antenna and siversity antenna). If signal fading oocurs at one ofthe antennae, receptions switched tothe remaining antenna. This procedure is used for poreulalyerticl Fado hops, soi Footuroe of Racho Relay Systome Basic Features of Radio Relay Systems 3 Technologies 33 cu 40 Serene Basic Features of Radio Relay Systems, 3.1 Antennas and Radiation Pattern ‘The rado relay antenna essentially determines the qualty ofa rac relay connection. Tt eonverts the output power ofthe transmitter nto an electromagnetic wave and radiates through free space precisely inthe direction of the receiving antenna. This fecoives sina proportion of the power and converts back into a conducted wave, ‘whic is passed to the radio relay receiver. “The radiated energy must be very crectional in order to keep the transmission losses down. Radiation pattern dlagrams indicate th distabution oft energy raciated by the ‘antenna to free space, This can be represented by pda coordinates oF using the rectangular coordinate system, Figute 4 shows as an ecample the diagram of a 3m parabole antenna for 1.7 GH. It shows the follwing important vanabies: vegan @ _ bese Fetes of Rai Roly Systems 7 +H al ~ Shad tt TL Sad, ® Inner pte poe ante as ce we ‘eter aes en bt EP sate antenna — Gregorian sheltype antenna “ Semen Basic Features of Radio Relay Systems 3.2 Terms and Technologies ‘Adaptive Time Domain Equalizer ATDE Without suitable canceling measures, distortons caused by mulipath propagation ‘would make digital rade relay a transmission medium subject to great deal of Interference. Excolent behavior agamnst such propagations 6 achiaved by adaptive tuansversal equalzer, which operate in the time domain inthe beseband. Note: Space dversiy is stl more efficent specially rear ful antiphase condition Cross Polarization Interference Chancellor XPIC Distortions are caused in Co-channel operation by interference between cross polanved radio channels The XPIC provides a compensation signal to counterect the Cross polarized interfenng signal ‘Automatic Transmission Power Control ATC. “This mechanism is @ compromise, which allows the radio tarsmitter operating with the lowest possible output power while rece'ving atthe distant end e signal with stil Eufficont qualty, Ths method lows reducing interference and furthermore to feduce effectively the power consumption in soa (mn general crowded nodal status pled sh Forward Error Coding FEC ‘The: method slows correcting bt 08 on the receiving end. Smmpified FEC is comparable to a party bit transmission and evaluation, owever wth correction facity onthe receiving end. The viterby decoding algorithm s frequently Used ang ‘works only in combination with coctesponding modulation types (0.9, Trelis Code Modulation TEM), The system gain is such increased by approximately 3 dB (epending on medulaton type. Indoor and Outdoor Installations “Typically low frequency radio relay systems are installed ridoors for ambient Temperature reasons. High frequeney radio relay systems are usually spit mounted ‘because of high AF attenuation on the antenna waveguide, Le. the modulators mounted indoor, the RE unit is mounted outdoo on the antenna mast back to the Sntenra. The required F connection between door and outdoor unt typically negligible in terms of attonuation @ case Feoues of at ay Syme sere He a a Sire ri aa Basic Features of Racio Relay Systems

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