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Hannah D.

134 San Carlos Rd
Minooka, IL, 60447

Phone: (815)467-2829
Cell: (815) 341-7902

Phoenix Noise & Vibration: (Frederick, MD, November 2014 to February 2015) Associate Acoustical Engineer:
Worked both independently and as part of a team on various types of noise, vibration, and room acoustics
consulting projects including evaluating noise impact on residential and commercial developments from
transportation and mechanical systems. Responsibilities included communicating with clients to determine their
needs, taking field measurements, computer modeling, and writing technical proposals and reports.
Columbia College Chicago: (Chicago, IL, January 2013 to May 2014) Supplemental Instruction Leader for Basic
Audio Systems: Lead multiple weekly peer tutoring sessions for students enrolled in Columbias Basic Audio
Systems course that focuses on the theory and application of different types of audio systems including
microphones, signal processing, and loudspeakers. Devised strategies for effective communication of course topics
as well as applied customer service and marketing skills to attract and keep participants of this optional resource.

The Evaluation of Impulse Response Testing in Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio Environments: (July to October
2014) Analyzed various impulse testing stimuli and the systematic errors that occur with a reduction of signal-tonoise ratio due to a testing environment with high background noise. Abstract No. 2aED17 presented at the 168th
Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America.
Evaluation of a Gymnasium for Indoor Percussion Practice and On the Importance of Signal-to-Noise Ratio:
(January to May 2014) Evaluated the room gain of the Minooka High School gymnasium at the request of the indoor
percussion group and compared it to a computer model. Assessed noise dosage and drafted recommendations w to
ensure safer practices for the students. Evaluated systematic errors associated with low signal-to-noise ratio during
impulse testing.
Columbia College Motion Capture Studio: (November 2013 to February 2014) Assisted with the assembly of
variable acoustic boxes to enhance the motion capture studio at Columbia College Chicago.
Loudspeaker Study: (November 2013) Analyzed the frequency response, the crossover cutoff points, and the polar
directivity of a loudspeaker in both an anechoic and a non-anechoic environment.
Room and Material Study: (October 2013) Analyzed the reverberation chamber at Columbia College Chicago and
derived its reverberation curve and primary axial modes. Determined the absorption coefficient of a material sample
inside the chamber using the indirect method outlined in ASTM C423 and two different signal stimuli.
The Black Box: (September 2013) Deduced the contents of a locked box using only the powers of deduction and
requested equipment including a voltmeter, TEF, SpectraPLUS, signal generator, and oscilloscope

Immaculate work ethic; prepared to go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure outstanding performance,
always looking forward to improve efficiency/strengthen skills.
Organized and detail-oriented; skilled at management of time and resources.
Diplomatic attitude; interact effectually with customers, management, and staff.
Strong communicator; able to explain complex concepts in simple terms.

Extensive data analysis and technical writing experience.

Observant and quick thinking; able to perform accurately in fast paced environments and quickly comprehend
all aspects of complicated situations.
Adaptable and trainable; skilled at succeeding in new, often-changing environments.
Thorough experience using audio equipment for testing including sound level monitoring equipment,
microphones, speakers, and audio interfaces.
Solid computer/software skills; proficient in both Microsoft Windows and Mac iOS operating systems,
Microsoft Office Suite, Garage Band, Finale, ProTools, EASE, TEF, SpectraPLUS, ARTA, AutoCAD, TAP, VA Select, CadnaA and various technical programs.
Programming experience in C# console and Excel VBA.
Extensive musical experience; years of private instruction in both clarinet and voice, self-taught saxophone and
piano, and advanced music theory classes including AP music theory

Columbia College Chicago: (Chicago, Illinois, 2011 to 2014)
Received Bachelors of Science in Acoustics
Have completed courses in Acoustical Testing, Acoustical Modeling, Architectural Acoustics,
Environmental Acoustics, Vibration, Materials Science, Physics, Audio Production, Audio Theory,
Psychoacoustics, Basic Audio Systems, Sound System Design, History of Audio, Calculus, Numerical
Analysis, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, and many other advanced courses
Honors track student
Graduated in three years due to Advanced Placement high school coursework and high standardized test
Treasurer for the student chapter of the Acoustical Society of America and a national member
Attendee of the 164th , 165th , 166th , and 167th national ASA meetings, presented a poster at the 168th
Minooka Community High School: (Minooka, Illinois, 2007 to 2011)
Completed extensive college and honors work through Advanced Placement courses and Dual Credit
courses through Joliet Junior College
Involved in many extracurricular groups including National Honors Society, theater, band, choir, and
scholastic bowl and held many leadership positions within these organizations

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