Sarva Tathagata Adhisthana Sattva Avalokita Buddha Ksetra Samdarsana Vyuha Raja Dharani Sanskrit Cohen R

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The Sarvatathagatadhisthana-satvavalokana- buddhaksetrasandargana-vyiha: ‘A Mahayana Sitra from Gilgit Richard S. Cohen” In 1939, Nalinaksha Dutt and several collaborators made a landmark contribution to the study of Indian Buddhism when they Published transcriptions of the manuscripts discovered at Gilgit. ‘These transcriptions of assorted sittra, dharani, and vinaya texts made it possible for historians of Buddhism to investigate the religious life of Gilgit's local community. The value of Gilgit’s ‘manuscripts did not lie, however, solely in the fact that they could bbe used to reconstruct sixth and seventh century South Asian religiosity. No less significantly, the scratches and marks on Gilgit’s birch-bark books promised a rich cache of philological data; an archive within which scholars could work to reconstruct the processes and protocols of textual transm Indian Buddhism have tong looked to buddhavacana as their Biinciple souree for recovering. the religion that looked to "akyamuni as its founder. These Gilgit manuscripts contained rich evidence for how India's bauddha themselves treated the Buddha's hallowed words. Indeed, given the unparalleled data the Gilgit ‘manuscripts hold for the reconstruction of early medieval religion in India, Dutt’s transcriptions were all the more noteworthy, since the manuscripts themselves were not widely available for scrutiny. From 1959 (twenty years after the first edition of Dutt’s work) Until 1974, Raghu Vira and Lokesh Chandra published the Gilgit Buddhist Manuscripts (Facsimile Edition), giving scholars the * Director, Program for the Suudy of Religion; Associate Professor of South ‘Asian Religious Literatures, Department of Literature, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0810, USA, Email: rscoben@uesd edu "Dutt, (1939-1959), The STA is found in volume 1, pp. 63-70 (J 47-89 (Devanagari). See Dutt (1933) for other thoughts on this sutra, The earliest reports of the Gilgit manuscripts are found in Stein (1931), Levi (1932), and Shastri (1939). For an important recent reconsideration of the Gilgit manuseripts'fnd-spot, lok to Fussman (2004). 3), and 200 The Indian Imernational Journat of Buddhist Studies 1, 2010 ability to assess Dutt’s work and, if necessary, to improve upon it? Although these facsimiles are better than nothing, they are often unreadable and give the unfortunate impression that the manuscripts are covered by black haze of dirt. In 1992, 1 had an opportunity to spend one week at the National Archives of India in New Delhi, to read the Gilgit manuscripts directly, including those of the | Sarva- tathdgatadhisthana-satvavalokana-buddhaksetrasandarsana-vyitha (STA). Indeed, I received a pleasant surprise when I saw the STA’s actual leaves, since many of the facsimile edition’s unreadable black smudges were fully legible in the original. In fact, with « few exceptions, the only aksaras that I could not read were those that were damaged or lost through breakage. The following transcriptions are the fruit ofthat labor. ‘Twenty years ago, the Gilgit manuscripts came to my attention as sources of data for an historical anthropology of Buddhism the Ajanta Caves, the focus of my dissertation research, Although Ajanta and Gilgit are separated by a distance of approximately 2300 kilometers, their rough temporal contemporeneity combined with the fact that the Mizlasarwastivda Vinaya was known at both sites, as well as the possibility that Ajanta’s community included monks from India’s North-West, ‘gave me reason to view the Gilgit manuscripts as representing the ‘mentalité of a Buddhist community roughly parallel to Ajanta’s own. I ought to have published the fruits of my archival labor right then and there. For the edition of the STA was soon set aside, as the curiosities that guided my dissertation rescarch were supplanted by new interests, drawing my attention to new source materials. Two decades later, I now return to the STA. This time, my broader project treats the STA as an example of scripture — a category with a distinctly modern, Western pedigree — rather than as a manifest witness to ancient South Asian mentalités. Please consult my monograph, A Perfect Religious Text, for the fruits of this new labor, including further information regarding the STA’s history and significance, as well as a translation of the sia (Cohen * Vira and Chandra (1959-1974), The STA is found in volume 7 folios 1746- 1775, and volume 8, folios 1776-1837. >For the dissertation and futher discussion of the relationship between Gilgit and Ajanta, see Cohen (1995), especially Chapter Two. Additional pertinent work to come out ofthat research includes Cohen (1998) and (2006). ‘The Sarvatahgatidhisthina-sattvivalokana 201 Forthcoming). Still this renaissance of interest in the STA has inspired me to correct my earlier oversight. I finally present here the philological groundwork of my project: an edition of the STA's two Sanskrit manuscripts from Gilgit A Brief Note Concerning the STA’s Content and History ‘The Mahayana sitra entitled, “The Splendid Vision in which One Observes Living Beings and Reveals Buddha Fields through the Empowerment of All Tathagatas,” has not had a glorious history as a religious text. Although Tibetan and Chinese translations attest to a certain degree of interest in this siitra, | have found no independent record of the STA being read, cited, recited, or its rituals being practiced by Buddhists. Yet as a document for contemporary scholars the two Gilgit manuscripts of this suira merit a brighter future,’ for it provides a valuable source for recovering the liturgies and cult affinities of Buddhists at Gil In essence, the STA is comprised of a series of six monologues. In cach monologue, the speaker presents @ verbal incantation; each then explains a ritual through which to make that formula effective; finally cach describes a series of benefits and blessings that will accrue to people who chant the spell and perform the ritual. Interspersed among these monologues are cries of excitement and approval; lamentations about the woeful state of the world; and finally assertions, in prose and verse, of the sitra’s cosmic importance. Each of the six monologues is spoken by a different individual. And each of the six speakers was potentially the subject of ritual worship at Gilgit: Sakyamuni Buddha, bodhisattvas Vajrapani and Avalokitesvara, and finally three yaksinis, named Anopamé, Sahkhini and Bhima Mahadevi, At the zero-degree of cultic functionalism, we might say that the STA treats the Buddha, bodhisattvas, and yaksinis as structural equals, And thus, the STA’s narrative structure confirms Gregory Schopen’s broader claim that, in the Gilgit manuscripts as a whole, “AIL... figures ~ whether Buddha, bodhisattva, or deva — share basic identity of structure and an essential sameness of function. (Schopen, 1978: 146) Stil, it is also crucial to note that the STAs six dhdrani- Fite-enefit sequences are not identical. There are significant variations among the figures’ mantras, the particulars of their rituals, the boons they offer to devotees, as well us the 202 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Suadies 1, 2010 soteriological efficacy they claim for their dhdranis and rites. A reader who pays close attention to the nuances of the diverse figures’ individual pronouncements will be rewarded with a deeper understanding of each as possessing a specific personality as well as an individuated cultic identity. It is precisely the way in which the STA juxtaposes a rote, formulaic emplotment of cach character's actions with a sense of nuanced individuality that makes it an interesting and valuable text. To take this point one step further: Particularities of local ‘cult practices may help to clarify the textual history of the STA itself. There are three extant versions of the STA: (1) the Gilgit ‘manuscripts, dating to approximately the 6th century; (2) a version from the Ganges River basin, translated by Yijing into Chinese in the 7th or 8th century; (3) a translation into Tibetan in the 9th century. Let us leave (3) aside since it does not differ significantly from (I). Instead, the noteworthy datum here is that although (2) is ‘one century younger than (1), (2) is also significantly shorter than (1). Im fact, (2) includes only Sakyamuni’s inital discourse and ritual; the remainder of the sutra as known to Gilgit is missing. So, the STA is preserved in two distinct versions of significantly different lengths, associated with two significantly distant locations (about one thousand miles apart). I would speculate that the original core of the STA is represented by (2) rather than by (1) ‘ikyamuni’s discourse probably comprises the STA’s original core; the other incantations, rituals, and discourses were added at a later date. We cannot say when or where these additions were made. But the Buddhist pattem of “converting” local deities and appropriating their cults would suggest that the sections including Anopama, Sankhini and Bhima were added in locale(s) where these particular yaksinis were familiar divinities ~ possibly in the vicinity of Gilgit itself. [treat these matters further in A Perfect Religious Text, but not exhaustively, and there are many more delicacies in the STA to sate the scholarly appetite besides." ‘Two Manuscripts of the STA from Gilgit ‘Two manuscripts of the Sanskrit STA are available from ilgit, designated ms. 30 and ms. 35 by Lokesh Chandra in his * See Cohen (1998) for a general discussion of religious domestication and Cohen (foticoming) for an extended consideration of vaksips in relation to the STA, ‘The Sarvatathigatadhiyhina-sattvavalokana 203 Gilgit Buddhist Manuscripts (Facsimile Edition) (GBM). At the time of my visit, the National Archives of India also used these numbers. I will follow this convention. Ms. 30 served as the basis for Dutt’s edition of the text. To the best of my knowledge, Dutt did not consult ms. 35 when making his edition ® Ms. 30 is reproduced in GBM, volume 7, folios 1746-1775, and volume 8, folios 1776-1815. Based upon paleography, this ‘manuscript is dated to the sixth century by Dutt (who describes this manuscript as “written on birch-bark in Cursive Gupta”), by Lore Sander (who names this script, “GilgivBamiyan Type I"), and by F. W. Thomas.* Ms. 30 begins on the original folio page 124, As Dutt rightly points out, we should not infer thatthe first 123 pages of the STA are missing. Rather, it seems that ms. 30 was part of a larger ‘multi-work volume of Buddhist sitras, perhaps all commissioned by the same patron(s) as a set. Dutt’s suggestion that the other texts bundled with Gilgit's STA would have been the same as those works accompanying it in the same volume of the sitra section of the Tibetan tripitaka, hy contrast, has no particular merit. Ms. 35 is reproduced in GBM, volume 8, folios 1816-1837. ‘This manuscript uses the same script as ms. 30. However ms. 35 handwriting is clearer, larger, and somewhat more stylized. It is evident that more care was taken with the reproduction of this ‘manuscript than with ms. 30, AAs first noted by Gregory Schopen, Chandra’s facsimile edition does not put the folios in the proper order (Schopen, 1978: 121), ‘The leaves should read as follows: 1819L, 1819R, 1820L, 1820R, I821L, 1821R, 1822L, 1822R, 1823L, 1823R, 1824L, 1824R, 1826L, 1826R, 1827L, 1827R, 1828L, 1828R, 1829L, 1829R, I816L, 1816R, 1817R, 1817L, 1818R, 1818L, 1830L, 1830R, 1831L, 1831R, 1832L, 1832R, 1825L, 1825R, 1833R, 1833L, 1834L, 1834R, 1835L, 1835R, 1836L, 1836R, 1837L, 1837R. Aside from this minor inconvenience, however, ms. 35 could not serve as the primary basis for an edition of the STA for two reasons. First, the left margin of every leaf is damaged to a Chandra (1959: 140) is mistaken when he claims that ms. 35 isthe basis for Dut's translation Dutt (1933: 227); Sander (1968: 121-136); Thomas (1954: 673-674), 204 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 greater or lesser extent, leaving a one to six aksara lacuna per line. Second, the manuscript is very fragmentary, as one can see from the following table of concordances between the STA’s two Gilgit ‘manuscripts: Ms. 30 Ms.35 1746.1 - 1754.3, lost 1754.3 - 1767.6 1819L.1 - 1829R.7 1767.6 - 1773.1 lost 1773.1 - 1782.3 1816L.1 - 1834R.7 1782.3 - 1789.6 lost 1789.6 - 1793.1 1835L.1 - 1837R.7 1793.1 - 1815 lost Yet despite the fragmentary nature of ms. 35, we have enough of the text to see that itis somewhat more developed than ms. 30. Ms. 35°s scribe has eliminated certain ambiguities found in ms. 30, and has made explicit connotations left merely implicit in ms 30, Likewise, ms. 35 is closer to the toxt translated into Tibetan. (Dutt’s proposition that the Tibetan is a literal translation of ms. 30 notwithstanding.) Two options were open to me for reproducing the Gilgit manuscripts. I could have treated ms. 30 as a constitutio textus proper. (Ms. 30 has the twin merits of being nearly complete and slightly older, or at least less polished, than ms. 35.) Thus, I ‘would have presented a transcription of ms. 30, supplemented by notes indicating ms. 35's variants. I did not follow that course, and instead chose the second option: including transcriptions of both ms. 30 and ms. 35. This approach is meant to give fellow scholars the greatest latitude for making their own determinations regarding the histories of, and relationships between, these two manuscripts. Additionally, T have avoided any kind of normalization of the ‘manuscripts. My transcriptions are largely unadulterated, adding little to what is present on the leaves. The few alterations I make are always noted as such, allowing readers to ignore emendations at their own discretion. ‘The Tibetan STA ‘The Tibetan translation of the STA was rendered some time during the ninth century by the Indian Panditas Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi, and the Tibetans Ye-shes sde and Klu'i rgyal- ‘The Sarvatathigatdchigthina-satvivalokana ... 205 mishan under the title, ‘Phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi yin gyi rlabs sems can la gzigs shing sangs rgyas kyi zhing gi hod pa kun tu ston pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'l mdo. For Buston, the Urga, and the Derge editions, it is found in both the stra and tantra sections of the Kanjur, while in the other major collections of the Tibetan Tripitaka it is found in only the siitra section. Although one decidedly cannot reconstruct the Buddhism of Gilgit by reference to Tibetan sources, the first two folios of ms. 30 are lost. For this reason, I have included a transcription of the ssitra’s beginning from the Tibetan, using Derge 98 (mDo sde, vol. Kha, 258al-278a4) as the base text.” ‘The Chinese STA ‘The Chinese translation of the STA, Taisho 1375, was probably rendered in the early eighth century by Yijing, after his return from India, under the title Fé-shud zhudngydn wing lué ni zhdu fing, (Veit ERERRERB), ic., “Sitra of the Dharani of the King of Adornment Spoken by the Buddha.” Although the titles of the Sanskrit and Chinese sitras differ markedly, within the Chinese text itself the Buddha is said to enter a samadhi, the name of which is equivalent to the STA’s Sanskrit ttle. Taisho 1375 represents a recension of the STA substantially shorter than that found at Gilgit or in Tibetan. It lacks the introductory section, as well as the remainder of the sitra after the Tathagata’s presentation of a mantra and ritual for its use. There are no striking differences between the Chinese and later versions of the STA at the points of overlap. Concordance of the Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese Versions Sections | Ms.30 | Ms.35_ | Derge98 | Taisho 1375 1 Lost Tost | 25802 | 135c18 2. Lost Tost | 25883 3. Lost Tost | 25884 4, Lost Tost | 25886 7 ““Phags pa de behin gshegs pa thams cad kyl byin gyi rlabs sems can la _gzigsshing sangs rgyas byt ching gi bkod pa kun tu ston pa zhes bya bathe. ‘pa chen po'i mde,” In The Nyingma Edition of the sDe-dge BKa’='gyur and ‘san yur (Oakland: Dharma Publishing, 1980), vo. 17, pp. 450-60. ‘The Sarvatathigatidhishna-sattvivalokana ... 207 206 The ndion eration Journal of Bud Ses 1, 2010 5. Lost, Jost 25887 37. 1763.4 1826L.1 263b1 x ‘ot | los | 35807 3a [tte | aaaeis | aeate |x a Tot | ost | 25801 %. reas tanene | zee |x & Tot | ost 25882 wa cites1 | aea7is | aes |x 3. a ae an | ca663 | aaaans [2648 [x 70. Test | lost 25901 afters | isk | 36006 | Xx i Tost | fot | 25005 a [iter | e296 | 26007 |X eo wa [itera [aon [ aonb [ x 3 17463 | lost [25900 ‘STs | lost| 266 |X 4 17473 [owt [25965 46 [1192 | tow] 26s | x 3 i7a7s | lose 25967 a LLL | 8 rye | 17493 | lost | 26007 @. ima | ot 26803 | x 1a | 194 oor 26061 | 135619 3 ima] to ests [x 8, TH93 [tose [26000 Sima | ow aes Tx 20. | 11805 | toot | 2600 DCL Fa venes [717733 | twi6L6 | 2665_[ x 2 1722 | to | 2003] a 3. [cima] aeons | aera [x [11826] fost 26tes | 3601 3 tims | wwsina | 26n6 |x 2a [ss] tose 26061 3 Timi | i3ine | 2617 | x 3 | 1se2 | nisisir | 201k 56. | tire | vasa2 [20m |x 36 | tases] twi9Le | 20s | ne st [Lara | was | 2ems_[ x | 1756.1 | ts20ba F260 sk | iro | ves | 26eai [x 28 irs64 | ion | 262 3. aoa | iasan-5 | 208aa |x . 17573] wait | 262ae | na @. rrera | Taiat3 | 2686 [x 30 17385 taza | 26061 [136619 CL 31 1759.2 | tazat.s | 2623] —13eea3 @ ras | test [20a [x 32] reo. [ieee [zeae @ 77633 [ est | 267 [x 3 i604 | 1s09R5 | 20006 | ED a meat | est | 2608 [x 34 i613 | 1928.6 | 26001 | 136615 & 17483 | toot | 20002 |x 35. Tne _| 1923s | 26803 [3618 a T7as.1 | tose | 20008 x 36 ines | te2a2 | 260e | x @ [ee 208 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 ‘The Sarvatathgatidhisthina-sattvivalokana 209 o 17865 | lost | _270al x 100. 18022 | lot | 27406 x @. 17866 | lost | 27003, x Toi. 19024 | lox | 27401 x 70. 17874 [lon | 27005 x 102. 1802.6 | lest | 27463 x 7. 17383 [lox | 27007 x 103, 1803.4 | lost| _2™4bs x 72. 1788.4 [lost| 27002 x 104, 1803.6 | lost| 27407 x 3B. 1789.2 183SL.1 | 270b4 x 105. 1804.1 Jost 275al x 74 17902 | 1835.5 | 27le2 x 106, 1805.2 | lost| 27506 x 78. 17904 | 1835R3 | 27103 x verses 1806.3 | lot | 27503 x 76. 1790.5 | 1935R6 | 27105 x 107. 1809.1 [lost| 2766 x 77. 17912_| 1836L6 | 2717 x 108 1809.3 | lost| 27601 x 78. 1791.6 | 1836R6 | 27101 x 108. 18102 | lox | 27604 x 79. 1792.1 1837L.2 271b2 x 110. 1810.6 Jost 27606 x 80, 1792.3 | 1837.7 | 271b4 x UL 18113 | lot] 27a, x 81 1792.6 | 1837S | 27105 x 12. 18122 | lot | 27705 x 22 1793.1 | tost__|_271b6 x 113. 19125 | lost| 2777 x 33. 1793.4 | lost| 27at x 114, 1813.3 [les | 2773 x %. 1793.6 | lot | 272a2 x 15. 1813.5 | lost| 2776 x 35. 17941 [lot | 27203 x 116 18143 | tot | 2776 | 136620 86. 17944 | lost| 2704 x 87. 1795.2 Tost Da? x ‘Conventions Followed in the Transcription 88. 1795.6 Tost Dbz x a Indicates reconstructions of aksaras that are damaged, ry 17964 haat abt x illegible, or unclear 2 ‘the manuscript. 90, 972 | oe | 2767 | x fens te iea oc ee aE are tea a 7 <> Indicates reconstructions of aksaras that were omitted from the manuscript. 2 as) heme eae) a {} Indicates aksaras found between the lines. 94. 1799.2. lost 27307 7 X Indicates the presence of an aksara that the editor could not 95. 1799.4 |" Tost [27301 x reconstruct with any degree of certainty 96. 1799.6 [lost | 27305, x Indicates a virama. 97. 1800.1 Tost 27364 x Indicates avagraha. This is always supplied by the editor 98. 1800.2 Tost 27365 x © A Bullseye-like punctuation mark found in the manuscript. 9. 18015 [lot | 27403 x 210 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 Before turning to the transcriptions, I wish to give notice on an ambiguity regarding the punctuation in my edition of the Sanskrit manuscripts. With a few exceptions, the STA’s ‘manuscripts use two marks for punctuation, “+” and “:” The difficulty is that "2" also serves as a mark for the visarga, Because classical sandhi is not observed and cannot be expected ~ visargas are used only intermittently ~ and because “:” is frequently used in places where it could only serve as the equivalent of an English comma, semicolon, or period, I record “:” as either “h” or as *:" depending upon my sense of its use. In a number of instances I fecl that it is, in fact, doing double duty, and accordingly the *:” is transcribed as “h :” in the edition. Please be advised that in no case does the manuscript ever show *: Finally, be aware that all section numbers and title headings are also my addition. ‘Transcriptions of the STA: Derge 98 ‘The Assembly 1, <258a2> “di skad bdag gis thos pa dus geig na | beom Idan ‘das ri gru ‘dzin na ‘phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi gnas <258a3> 2. tha’i nor bu rin po che dpal gyi snying po dang | me tog rgyas pa dang | Iha’i seng ge'i khri bkod pa na | dge slong Inga brgya tsam ayi dge slong gi dge ‘dun chen po thams cad kyang dgra beom pa | zag pa zad pa | sems kyi dbang thams cad kyi dam pa'i pha rol tu <258a4> son pa sha stag dang | 3. byang chub sems dpa’ thams cad kyang snying rje chen po’i shes ppa la gnas pa thams cad kyang skye ba geig gis thogs pa dang | skye ba gnyis dang | skye ba gsum dang | skye ba beu dang | skye ’ba nyi shu dang | skye ba sum cu dang | skye ba brgya’i <258a5> par dag gis thogs pa | thams cad kyang sa brgyad pa dang | sa bow pa la gnas pa sha stag ste | ‘phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug dang | ‘jam dpal dang | dri med tog dang | nor dpal dang | glog gi tog dang | dri med ‘od dang | <258a6> tsan dan dang | bdud rtsi" tog Ia sogs pa byang chub sems dpa’ sems dpa’ chen po bdun braya dang | “The Survatathégatidhisthina-satvivalokana aun 4, dge bsnyen dang | dge bsnyen ma thams cad kyang lung bstan pa dang Idan pa | ting nge “dzin thob pa | ‘jig rten gyi khams tha dad pa nas ‘dus pa Inga stong <258a7> dang | ‘5. tha dang | klu dang | gnod sbyin dang | dri za thams cad kyang sngon gyi sangs rgyas la bsnyen bkur byas pa | de bzhin gshegs pai cho ‘phrul mthong ba brgya stong dang | 6. gnod sbyin ma chen mo thams cad kyang byang chub sems dpa‘i ye shes thob pa | lung bstan <258b1> pa thob pa | phyir mi ldog pa ‘dpe med pa dang | dri med ‘od dang | ‘od can ma dang | ‘jigs byed ma dang | dpal Idan ma dang | ‘phrog ma dang | dung éan ma la ssogs pa gnod sbyin mo chen mo brgyad cu dang | 7. braya byin dang | tshangs pa dang | mam thos kyi <258b2> bu dang | yul ‘khor srung dang | ‘phags skyes po dang | bzang dang | nor bu bzang po'i bu dang | gang ba bang po la sogs pa ‘jig rten skyod ba thams cad kyi bar dag dang thabs cig tu bzhugs so || 8, de nas de dag thams cad kyis de bzhin <258b3> gshegs pa seng ge’i khri la behugs par rig nas rang rang gi dge ba’i risa ba dag gis de bzhin gshegs pa la Iha’t rgyan dang | na bza’ dang | me tog dang | me tog phreng dang | spos dang | byug pa dang | rol mo’i sgra ‘mams kyis mchod par byas | ri mor <258b4> byas so | | kha cig gis ni lan “bum phrag du mar bskor ba byas te bstod do | | Setting the Scene 9. de nas de'i tshe beom Idan ‘das sems can thams cad la dmigs pa snying rje chen po’i shes pa la gnas pa zhes bya ba’i ting nge ‘dzin la snyoms par zhugs so || ting nge ‘dzin de’i mthus <25865> stong ‘gsum gyi stong chen po'i ‘jig ten gyi khams ‘di ‘od kyis snang bar ‘gyur cing | gzugs thams cad snang bas khyab par gyur nas | sems can dmus long gang yin pa de dag gis ni mig gis gzugs mams thong bar gyur to || ‘on pa mams kyis ni ma bas <258b6> sgra dag thos par gyur to || nad kyis btab pa mams ni nad dag dang bral bar gyur to {| gos med pa mams ni gos dag thob par gyur to | | smyon pa rams ni dran pa thob par gyur to || lus nyams pa dang dbang po ma tshang ba mams ni lus dang dbang po yongs su rdzogs <258b7> par gyur to | | dbul po mams kyis ni nor dag thob ‘par gyur to || sems can gang dag nor dang | yo byad dang | longs spyod med pa de dag ni nor dang | yo byad dang | longs spyod dag. dang Idan par gyur to | | sems can thams cad kyang bde ba thams 212 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 cad dang Idan zhing bsam <259a1> pa thams cad yongs su rdzogs ar gyur to || 10, stong gsum gyi stong chen po'i ‘jig rten gyi khants kyi sems can gang yin pa de dag thams cad la yang bskul nas thams cad chos ‘mnyan pa'i phyir | beom Idan ‘das ga la ba der Ihags te | sems can <259a2> gang dag ha mams kyi nang du skyes pa,de dag thams cad kyis ni Iha’i bde ba yongs su spangs nas sangs rayas rjes su ran par byas te chos mnyan pa’i phyir | bcom Idan ‘das ga la ba der Ihags so | | sems can gang dag mi mams kyi nang‘du skyes pa de dag gis kyang mi’i bde ba <259a3> yongs su spangs nas chos ‘mnyan pai phyir | bom Idan ‘das ga la ba der lhags so || sems can gang dag klu dang | gnod sbyin dang | srin po dang | yi dags dang | sha za mams kyi nang na skyes pa de dag gis kyang sangs rgyas rjes su dran pa so sor thob nas sems <259a4> can thams cad la byams par gnas pa dang | lus dang sems bde bar gyur nas chos ‘mnyan pa'i phyir | bom Idan ‘das ga la ba der Ihags so || sems can ‘gang dag gshin re’ ‘ig rten mams su mun pa mun nag gi nang du skyes pa de dag kyang sangs rgyas kyi mthus <259aS> yud tsam zhig dran pa so sor thob nas gcig gis geig kun tu shes par gyur te | de dag mun pa chen po de nas yongs su thar bar gyur to || sems can thams cad gcig la gcig byams par gnas shing nye ba’i nyon mongs ‘pa mams dang bral bar gyur to | | 11. de nas de*i <259a6> tshe sa chen po ‘di mam pa drug tu rab tu yo te mtho ba dang dma’ bar gyur to || 12, de nas ‘khor ‘dus pa der ‘jam dpal gehon nur gyur pa ‘dus te ‘dug par gyur nas | des byang chub sems dpa’ sems dpa’ chen po ‘phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug la ‘di <259a7> skad ces smaras so | [rigs kyi bu byang chub sems 4pa’i ‘dus pa chen po kun tu snang zhing ‘dus pa chen po'i snga Itas kyang kun tu snang la | rigs kyi bu byang chub sems dpa’ bye ba khrag khrig ‘bum phrag mang po dag lung ston pa yang kun tu snang zhing chos kyi ‘bel ba’i <259b1> gtam chen po'i snga Itas kyang kun tu snang ba las Transcription of the STA: Gilgit Ms. 30 <1746> _{p]ifrlvanimittiam — samdréyate + anckanim ca savakotiniyutasatasahasrind —sarvaSéparipiiri mahi pratilambho bhavisyati * tat kulaputra satvandm karunyatim ‘The Sarvatathigatidhishina-sattvivalokana aa utpadya hitaya * sukhaya * yavad anuttarasyam samyaksambodhau pratisthapanartham tatha[ga)tam pariprecha : 13 sami Hlaputasatvabpatcime Kile patcime samaye + papakirinah daridra Kli§& durvarmasarira Jartyhdipcptid paritabhogaparibhavitakayah : alpayuska alpabuddhayah : ragadvesamohaparipiditah : tesim arthiya kulapu<1747>tra tathagatam adhyesaya dharmadeSaniyai : tat te ‘tam bhavigyati dirghardtram satvandm hitiya sukhaya sarvavyadhipragamaniya : sarvapapanivdrandya * sarvaplpa- pragamandya * —sarvisiparipimartham —yavad —anuttara- parinirvanartham [| 14, athi aryBvalokitesvaro bodhisatvo mahdsatvah dasadigam avalokya gamginadivalukasamani tathdgatakoti manasikurvan, yena bhagavims tenmjalayah prandmya trspradaksinikrtya paiicamandalena pranipatya bhagavantam etad avocat, 15, samti bhagavam satva pascime Kale <1748> bhavisyamti + jaravyadhiSokamrtyukantdrakalamrtyuparipidita * Kli6i durvarna ayuska parittabhogs + aparibhavitakdysh : te parasparini matsaryadaubsilyacittaya ghitayisyamti * paraspardni dhana- Dbhogaigvaryény apahrsyanti + hasyaldsyandtthya:kridabhiratah = aSubhe Subhasamijfinah : 16. te taddheto tannidnd satva ndndprakirair _vihethya narakatiryagyoner yamalokesu ‘copapatsyante * tat tesim aham bhagavan arthaya * hitiya * sarvaSaparipurnartham + yavat tathagatajfindhdrandrtham + buddhaksetropapattaye sarvapapa- nivarandrtham tathigatam adhyesyami + bhasasva bhagavan bhisasva sugata : ndsti tathagatasya ta jfii<1749>nam yad aviditam, adgstaem_asrutam avijfidtam, babavo bhagavam bodhisatva bhiksubhiksunyupasakopasika devandgié ca samigati sarvatathagatadhisthanasatvavalokana- buddhaksetrasandarsanavyaha nama samadhih : yé maya pirvam prathamacittotpidam —upidaya —grutam sukusumajyoti- sandarSanasya tathigatasyantika Srutam tatsahaSravandd eva tasya samidher namadheyasya navatindm satvakotinim tathagatajfi@na- pratilambho “bhit, sarve ca vylkrtd tathagatair nanabuddhaksetresu ‘may ca kulaputrah vydkaranam anuprapta : ta smaramy aham ‘eulaputra divyena tathagatajfiénena * 20. tyméatya tathdgatasahasrair ayan dharmaparyayo bhasitah satvinam arthiya : sarvatra tvam_—eviryvalokitegvara tathigatidhyesakah : mamjusriyas ca kumarabhiitah : ayam [ca] <1751> yathasamagata._parsa bodhisatvanam_ bhikgubhiksuny- upasakopasikaparga Srota manandm pijaném kurvante sma : 21. tatorvendnekdni satvakotiniyutasatasahasrani vyakaranam pratilabhante sma : bodhisatvasamadhiném ca labhind bhavamti | sarvakimam gamah : sarvasa samrddhyante + vigatavyadhayo paripakvakusalamulah : sarvavaranaprahindh : abhiripa séaniya + dhanadhdnyakosakosthigirasamrddhah ya sarvasatvair vandaniya * smrtimantah : prajfavanta + buddhe dharme —saghe hedyaprasédena samanvaga<1752>ta + dhrtimanta + ayuvamna- tejabalasthimavantah" : sarvakaravaropetasamanvagatah : na ca kadici priyaviprayogam na priyavyasanam samvrttam * 22. eva kulaputra bahugunasamanvagatis te kulaputra va kkuladuhitaras ca bhavigyamti * yad ayan dharmaparyayam pamcamandalena pranipatya _puspadhipagandhamilyavilepar cchatradhvajapatékai samalamkrtya namo buddhdyeti krtva namaskarisyamti + sadhukaram dasyamti + dharayisyamti + vacayisyamti + vcdpayisyamti * likhisyamti * likhapayisyamti + paramagauravam cittam utpadya tasya dharmabhanakasyantike * 23. te drsta <1753> eva dharme sarvagunasamanvigata bbhavisyamti » abhiripah : prasadikah : darganiyah : vigatavyédhayo dirghayuska sthirabuddhayah : smrtimanta* dhrtimantah ajfandm sarvarajfiinam rajaputrimatyandm sarvasatrinam sarvasatvanim cibhinandaniyo bhavisyati_* vandaniya + satkaraniya » prabhitavittopakarano bhavisyati + candanagandham casya mukha pravasyati« nilotpalasadrsanetro bhavisyati + "Ms. 30: vale ‘The Sarvatathigatidhisthdna-sattvavalokana 2s 24, ratmdivam cAsya buddltabodhisatvadarsanam bhavisyati + sarvavaranam cisya ksayam yasyanti + pamcanantaryaprabhrtayah kstva devati cisya raksisyamti + maranakile césya buddha- daria<1754>nam * bodhisatvadarsanam bhavisyamti « na irsyluko + mm viksepacitta kalam kavisyati || yava cyuto sukhivatya lokadhiatav upapadyate * 25, wyakitah te maya kulaputra sammukhavyakarancna drsto ‘ham taih satkyto midnitah : na tath sainéayam utpédayitavyam bodhau yo ‘yam dharmaparyayam dhrayisyamti + samtkrtya likhisyamti + likhifpayisyamti + dharayisyamti » pajayisyamti + udgrahisyamti * nfmadheyam ca Srosyamti + bodhisatvo ‘pi sa manasi krtva satkirtavyah :* 26. ye tasya plirvakarmavipakena sya rapavaikalyam bbhogavaikalyam buddhivaikalyam paribhasya va * _priya- viprayogam va + rajyakgoham va « te asya samadher anubhavena Sravanena + kecic chirsarogena : kecid bhaktacchedena * kecit kucailabhidhdranena : kecit Kiyacittapidena * keci duhkha- samsparéa<éa>yyakalpanena * kecit paribhasyena sarvam tat kearm>avaranam ksayam yasyamti * tena caivam cittam Uutpidayitavyam : pirva maya samsire sasaradbhi papam akusalam — satvesu —ndndprakiram = upacitam)=—: tam prati<1756>desayamy Aviskaromi + na praticchadayémi * buddhe dharme samghe ‘bhedyaprasadacittam utpadayitavyam, 27. ye ca tasya_—kulaputrasya —kuladuhitur vai cchedabhogaphalasamvartaniyam karmavaranam bhavisyati_ = buddhe va dharme va. samghe va sravakapratyckabuddhe va + irbhit vi karmakrtam upacittam bhavisyati * tat sarvam parikgayam ysyati » maha-aiSvaryasamrddho bhavisyati ¢ 28. ye ca tasya kulaputrasya va kuladuhitur va dubkha- narakivedaniyam —karmavaranam —bhavisyati_* _ priyavipra- yogasamvartaniyam + jatyandhasamvartaniyam * strisam- Vartaniyam * duvyamjasamvartaniyam * irsyimanakrodhavasena * yamalokapretatiryagyonisamvartaniyam tat sarvam pariksayam yyasyati * evam kulaputra sarvagunakaro ‘yam samadhi : 29. asti kulaputrisya dharmaparyayasya cirasthitikarah : tesam ca kkulaputranm —kuladuhitrym = raksévaranaguptini : sarvesim ‘gunanam sarvaSaparipirakarani + mahabhogaisvaryasukhakarani * The {ine above this has two interpolated characters that T cannot clearly make out; nor is there a specific mark to indicate where they belong. 216 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 sarvacintitaprirthitasamyddhikarini : sarvakarmaksayamkarani sa<1758>rvakalamrtyuduhsvapnasarvavyadhiprasamanakaréni —: sarvayuddhajayamkarani : ayurvarabalavityasthimakarini + sarvayaksabhiitamanusyémanusyavasamkardni : sarvajvaravigigni- udakaprafamanakarini + yavad vydkaranapratilambbakarani + dhiranimantrapadini + ydni Srutva dhiitva vacitva satkaritvé likchitva likhipayitva + guptaye sa te kulaputra va + kuladuhitaraé ca sarvin etim gunam pratilabhante * 30, atha tasmin samaye ‘yam mahiprthivi saqvikiram akampat, <1759> sd ca yathdsamagatd parsa tathagatam puspadhipagandha- milyadusyayugai samcchadya sadhukaram adat sidhu sidhu bbhagavan, kataméni tani mantrapadani 31. namah sarvatathagatindm tadyathd buddhe + subuddhe + buddhamate + loke * viloke * lokatikrante + satvavalokane + sarvatathdgatadhisthanadhisthite + sarvasapariptrane dyutindhare + naradevapijite tathdgatajfinadade © —_tathigatadhisthanena sarvalokam sukhi bhavatu pirvakarmam ksapaya mama" nam-tse hammarapati Silksinasya dysidika * mahaéraddhopasika <1760> he mame of die dias lmcted bee = ntqse Aanmdrepal [Silks)inasya dysadika . mahdsraddhopasika éulivujhasya -- are presented {coring to Oskar vou Tiniber's word breaks Commenting on these tes, von Hiner write “The qeition of wbeber hs sa sale name th anys or several ames st remain unsolved.” However, be dos Snegest a derivation ora least comntaion foreach name and tie: 1) drei might be a Chinese name, na standing fo nang anda fr oF {a2} the alysis of hamdrapal sacra the corbization of han with -pati connotng for im an tranian tile; drya 3) Sasinasya, similarly, suggests @ name of title of Iranian provenance; 4) dysddika is Saka for tolle, 3) mahdtraddhopdska isa sandard Sask epithet tat needs 20 emrict xcept not tha his seems tobe an ile commonly adopted by Gilgits donor for themselves, in Sulnghane, fl suggests citer i aa Soi ti be Gua word ot Sezouy, me ewe 1 ter Hiner but he suggests the may be a Rypernanshtization for gna (Namen in Sehutzeabera aus Gigi” Suden zur Indologi und Frans SU98H, p67). Inthe clophon ofthe Cight ras. of the Ramatet- porbvarts tid the Diddaladondatoniméstaatvinalitarond we od 0 Supe whose names sem to parallel the ofthe STA's donors in that the fan's ae cade -tsina andthe woman's begins dys: a mahodanapatl amd Mtalgmilina and his wife named fystiaramonvits (Oskar von Finther, “Dit Kolophone de GilgiHandscriRenStudien zur Indloge ind Pranistit 516 (1980), pp, 5860), Comparing bth sc of names, We mph consider the STA ar baving bad two donee, etbape hisand and Sie, altsina possibly bearing the pies nme hammarape, and ‘Sulivujiid more surely bearing dysddika mahdsraddhopasika as her epithets. ‘The Sarvatathgatichisthina-satvavalokana 207 suliaaya raksi bhavatu « sarvabhayebhya tathigatadhisthanena svi 32. iméni ténikulaputrahomantrapadini > trméatya tathigatasahasrair bhasitini adhisthitani + mayapy ctarhi bhasitd sarvasatvindm arthdya * hitiya + sukhdya + raksévaranaguptaye sarvavyadhiprasamanakardni buddhakgetropapattaye 33. yah kaseit pars evam jéniyuh kathan nu vayam sarvan ctim tathigatabhasitim gundm pratilabheya * tena kalyam evotthaya sarvasatvand dayacittena karundcittena maitracittena <1761> irgyiminamrakgakrodhaparivarjtena + ekigracittena * buddhasyo- daratarim pijam kytva dasadisam sarvatathigatanim namaskrtva yathakamam gama manasikrtya astaSatam japya puspam ekaikam tathdigate deyam + 34, tatastasya sarvaSisamrddhir bhavisyati : svapne ca tathagatadarSanam bhavisyati + yam varam icchati tam labhate © maranakile ca tathagatadarsanam bhavigyati + cyutva sukhavatyam co lokadhatu upapatsyate * ayurbalavarpaviryasamanvagatah" : sarvasatrava cisya {asi} giminyo bhavisyamt | <1762> 33. asmin khalu puna dharanya bhasyamindya sastindm ca rlnisahasrindm anutpattikesu dharmesu ksénti pratilambho ‘bhilt, sarve ca sarvavaranavinirmuktah — sarvabhipdyaparipiima samvrtt | Vajrapani’s Discourse 36. atha khalu vajrapainir bodhifsaltvo daSadiSam vyavalokya bhagavantam etad avocat, asti bhagavam abhayatejam nama dbarani bodhisatvandm pratiji + yini maya abhayavythardjasya tathdgatasydntikad udgrhita : udgrhya sarvasatvebhyah prakisita : tatorvena bhagavam nabhijanami yasya 1763> sii dharani kka{roapute nipatitanta}rgata va tasya syac charire daurvalyam vi Klefo va vyidhir va: jvaro va + kayaSulam va « cittapidim va © akalamstyur va * udakam va Sastram va * visam va © garam va ko j8po ditavyah : tathagatasya pija kartavyé sarvatathigatinim namaskrtya catvari pimakumbha sthipya aktacandanam ayam mandala krtva Svetavastrapravrtena* ckigramanasena caturdise rasagandhamadyapayasabalin” datva astagatasumandpuspaih vajrapdnir ahantavyah : d'* yavat paicadasi 41. tato. mabdnirghogo bhavigyati prthivikampas ca_raémay nigcarisyamti || tato yathepsitam varam disyami + sarvakarmani Ms. 30: vajravala Ms 30: vilamva “Ms 30: valae Ms. 30: valin "pore this phoneme, whichis maybe the trace of a hiatus bridge orale, ‘The Sarvatathigatidhisthina-satvivalokana ... 219 sarvakiryani_japitamétrena samrddhyisyamti + vigatavyadhayo cirajivi sarvapapavivarjito bhavisyati » gunasahasram pratilapsyate marapakale ca buddham pagyati * aham ca darsanam 48<1767>syami 42. atha bhagavam sadhukéram adat, sdhu sidhu_vajrapani anatikramaniya iyam mudra natra kamksd na vimati na vicikitsa kartavya sadevakena lokena jj Maiij Questions - Sakyamuni’s Answers 43. atha mamjusrih kumérabhiito bhagavantam ctad avocat, kendrthendyam bhagavan_ sarvatathagatadhisthdnasatvavalokana- buddhaksctrasandarganavyaha nama samadhi ucyate + 44, bhagavan aha : sarvatathagatanam adhisthanam + sarvabodhisatvanim + adhisthitaSca_sarvasamadhi wukhani pratilabhate * sarvasatvanam cittacaitasika- sprasaritni prajandti * devindm naganim + © yaksinam * gandharvanam + pretanam. tiryagyonigatinam ” yamalaukikéndm =: ami satva punyopaga sukytakdri buddhadharmasamghesu prasadam. prafilabhante : ayam narakagimi duskrtagimi papakirinah : tesam satvandm papadrstigatanan dharman deSayati + sarvapapebhyo nivarayati_* buddhabodhau pratisthapayati + sarvabhiprayam paripirayati + irsyamanakrodhamatsaryam vinodayati « te ca satva ‘buddhadharmasamghesu —prasidam —_pratilabhya —_ buddha- kgetresipapadyante * na jétu duhkham anubhavamti na daurmanasyam * tendyam kulaputra sarvatathdgatddhisthana- satvavalokanabuddhaksetrasandarganavyaho nama samadhi ucyate + yam Srutvi niyatavaivartikabhiimim pratilabhante 45. aha : kendrthena bhagavams tesim kula<1769>putranat vyakaranam bhavati + kiyantas tesam punyaskandham bhavisyati kim duskaracarya duskard ca bhagavarn athatvam prag evanuttara samyaksambodhih 46. bhagavn aha : yas ca maya kulaputra prathamacittotpadam upadaya : dinasilaksantiviryadhydnaprajiiparamitd pariparita + ya ca _Sirakaranacarananayanottamamgapriyaputrabharyduhitrdas Gisiparityagakrtah : ya$ casyadharmaparyayasya _pOjand satkaranalikhanalekhapand vacanodgrahandya punyabhisamskarah parebhyah samprakaSanay& punyabhisamskarah tesém ca 220. The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 dharmabhinakindm pijand samskirana punyabhisamskirah tasyayam pirvimakah pinyabhisamskiro Satatama<1770>m api * apn nopaiti * 47. ya ca maya kulaputra dharmo bhasita paryvapta » tim sarvam satkire gurukare mdnaye pijaye + satkrtya likhaye + likhapaye yas ‘ciyam dharmaparyéyah likhe vacaye * pijaye + samprakasaye * bahutaram ito punyabhisamskaroparigrahisyamti* 48, tata cathdgato vyikaroty anuttaréyém samyaksambodhau tat + evamripasya duskaran dharmaparyayasya sravana- udgrahanadharanaptjanalikhanam * te ca satva papasami syandtyabhiratih : aSubhe Subhasamifinah : kama- krodhavyapidababulah : asukhe sukhasamjiinah : prahardkrosa- {arjanataidanabhira<177 >t na jidsyamti * na manasi karisyamti * 49. te tato_ papakarmanidand) akalynamitraparigrhita jarivyadhigokamstyuparipidita maranakile paritapyamte = * ‘smasanasadrSamamcibalamvyamanam * parasparam pasyamti * na ca kugalacittam utpédayisyamti + nabhedyaprasadam + te tato cyavitva punar api duhkhini pratyanubbavisyamti + 50. nayam _kulaputrakrtakusalamal avyakaranapriptaih érotum mdnayitum * pijayitum * udgrhitum * na likhitum * na likhdpayitum * [na] éraddadhatum * na ca tim dharmabhinakim satkartum * —minayitum = pijayitum tathgatakrtyam kulaputra tatra <1772> visayfe] bhavisyati* yatrayam dharmaparyaya pracarisyati: SI. atha sa yathisamagatd parsa sidhukiram adat, sidhu sadhu bhagavan vayam api bhagavamn dharmabhanakam dharma- sravanikam tathagatakgtyena satkarisyimi + gurukarisyami manayisyémi « sarvasukhopadhanam césyopasambarisyama * ayam ca dharmaparyayam vaistarikikarisyima * ra[ksi}syama + yendyam dharmaparyayam cirastitika bhavisyati | 52. atha bhagavims tasy4 veliyam yathdsamagatam parsadam avalokyaivam abu : sadhu sidhu kulaputraho evam api dyusmakam karaniyam Kayacittanirapeksair bhitva sarvo>plavana- paribhavanaparibhasanatarjanapraharakrogai ca la<1773>bha- minam imamn dharmaparyayah Stivayitavyah _likhitavyo vicayitavya + tam ca dharmabhdnakam * dharmasravanikam sarvasukhopadhdnena copasthatavyah : sa ca visayo sa ca dvipo sa cca nagaro”raksitavyah _sarvabhayopadravopasargopayascbhyalls ‘The Sarvatathigatidhisthin vivalokana 221 tasya ca kuflaJputrasya kuladuhitur va satatasamitam samanvahartavya Verses atha bhagavams tasym veliyém ima gatha abhasata | Srnuta kulaputra apramatta 2. mi pascakile paritipyu bhesyata : 3. buddhasya utpddyu kadaci labhyate 4, —_-kalpanakotibhi Satai lf sahasraih : 5. guna ca Smvaty abhisraddadheta 6. na durlabha tesu samadhi bhesyati © 7. kalfp}inakoti yatha gamgavalika 8. yo danu dadya dvipado<1774>ttamesu * 9, dhanam ca dhanyam tatha vastrabhiiganam. 10. gandham ca malyam ca vilepanam ca * 11. aS caiva sitram abhisraddhadhitva 12, Sruneya vaceya likhdpayeta 13, na tasya punyasya pramanu vidyate 14, tv pramanam sugatena desitam, 15, ranyam ca seveta sadapramatto 16, dhyanam ca dhyayetu sadanyacitta!” am ca dadya priyaputradhitard 18, hastau ca parityajeta © 19, yathaiva sitrasya dhareti » ka)sci 20. ayam tato punyu visisyu pripnuyat, 21, arthasya data varasiitram etat 22. sarvisy apaya sada varjtasya 23, dhanasya dhanyasya ca dayako hy ayam ‘anyacitta” here is a difficult word. The Tibetan nega tion, sems grhan med pa, makes more sense since one would not expect that meditation performed half eae would be wed to exemplify «highly effective pratce. Bu 1e manuscript is clea. me 24. 25. 20. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32, 33. 38. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 4 42. 43. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49, 50. SL 92 33, 54, 55 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 gunaé ca sarve ‘pina tasya durlabha ayurbalam viryu na tasya durlabham pi sa vyakytu buddhabodhau za tasya papam ‘pi kadici vidyate sukhdvati draksyati lokadhatum * ‘yam capi tasya sada karmu bhesyati * sarvam ksayam yasyaticittapide + kayasya Sale tatha sirsatape na tasya jatu vinipatu bhesyati + ssimadrstikams cdpi gundm sa lapsyate sarvam yatha cintitu prarthitam ca * tasmabhi tebhi sada bhikgubhiksuni upisakopasikarajabhi sada : ‘dam ca sitram sada dharitavyam satkdru nityam ca kartavya dharake ‘gandhais ca malyais ca vilepanais ca satkdru kytvd ca likhapayeta gurugauravam krtva ca dharmabhinake yatha narendrasya tathagatasya ‘ma paScakale jaravyadhipidita ancka dyasasahasravyakula narakegu tiryaksu paribhramand $a<1776>ndhas ca pandyas ca jupsyaniya : jityandhabhota kunapas ca gandhina ‘sacm>jasyate nicakulegu strigu irgydlukasya sada papacirina krodhabhitasya ca matsarigya buddhesu dharmesv akaritva gauravam imesu jatisu ‘papadyate ‘sau * tatraiva duhkhdni ca vedamand ‘The Sarvatathgatdchighna-satvavalokana 23 56. ma pascakile paritipyu bhesyata 57. tasmabhi tehi sada pijitavyo 58. yas caiva dhareta prakaSayeta : 59. a6 caiva paribhasanu tasya kurvate 60. _jugupsana tadanabandhanas c: 61. mayaiva tena paribhiigand krta 62. mayaiva satkaru karitva dharake + 63. tasmas ca tair hi sada dharmabhanake 64, a6 caiva dharetalikheta vacaye * 65. satkaru taié ca sada nityu kury 66. snigdhas ca vacdm madhujed bha<1777>neta : Avalokitesvara’s Discourse 53. aryavalokitesvaro bodhisatvo bhagavatas caranayor nipatya bhagavamtam etad avocat, anusmarimy aham bhagavam sti vyavalokanapratihirya nima dharani ya maya pirvam jfnaketuprabhakarasya tathdgatasyéntikid udgrhiti. sruté yam Srutva satva udgrhya dharayitva vacayitva satkaritva.likhitva likhdpayitva avaivartikabhiimim pratilabhante * sarvin etim tathigatabhasitdm gundm pratilabhante + sarva cdsya yathabhipriya sampddhyante + sarvakarmavanam casya ksayam gacchati « samadhim ca pratilabhate + vigatavyadhayo bhavamti + ‘buddhadarganam bodhisatvadarsanam bhavati © 54, tad bhagavam sédhukiram adat, sidhu sidhu kulaputra + pravartaya » adhisthitam <1778> tathagatena : 55. _athiryavafloJkiteSvaro_bodhisatvo dasadigam —sarva- tathigatebhya namaskrtva iméni mamtrapadani bhdgate sma 56. namafh sarvaltathagatinam sarvasapariparakaranam * namah ryavalokiteSvarasya bodhisatvasya mahakirunikasya tadyatha ha ha ha ha : mama : dhiri dhiri Sante » prasante » sarvapapaksayafkari + avalokaya Karupika bodhicittam manasi kuru * vyavalokaya mim ssmara smara + ya tvaya pirve satyédhisthinam krtam tena satyena sarvasam me pariparaya + buddhakse[trJam pariSodhya ma me kaéci cihetham karotu buddhadhisthanena svaha || ta<1779>dyatha tcje teje mahiteje * yan mama kayaduscaritam vagduscaritam manoduscaritam daridryam va tan me ksapaya + alokaya * vilokaya 224 The Indian Imernational Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 + tathdgatadarsanam ciham abhikimksémi + bodhisatvadarsanam + @hu dhupa » da dasva me darsanam, serv me_ kuSalam abhivardhamtu * namah —sarvatathdgatindm = + namo avalokiteSvarasya smara pratijfia mahdsatva sidhyamtu mamtra- pada svaha || 57. asya dhdrany bhisyamdndyé mahiprthivikampo “bhut, mahamkilikilaéabdah : divyam ca puspavarsam abbipravarsan, sadhukaram adat, sidhu sadhu subbasitam idam mahasatvena sarvasatvandm trandrtham, sarvisapariptirakaréni <1780> raksé sarvabhayebhyah sarvakarmaksayamkara : maraduch>svapna- kantarapragamana : vayam api sarve bhitvé dhdrayisyami * satkarisymi ¢ 58, avalokiteSvara aha : yah kascit kulaputra imam gunim abhikimkse {yatha tathigetena parikirtitam vydkarapamm am acbhi>kamkse ||} mamapi sammukhadarsanam, samdhilambha buddhabodhisatvadarganam —bhogaisvaryalambha : buddha- ksetropapattim * 59, tena $uklapakge Sucind —_susniitagitrena_bhiitva Sryastamgopavasopavasitaih astamyam arabhya sucau pradese buddhadhisthite gandhapuspai dhvajapatakai _pimakumbhair abhyarcya sa prthivipradesoh sa ca _dharmabhinako suci susnatagatro _Svetavastrapravrtah _nnpuspamalyagandhair abhyarcya likhipayitavyah : _sarvasatvasidharandni kuSalamiclé>ni—krtvasarvasatvamaitracittena dayacittena kKarundcittena tathdgataguragauravam cittam upasthapya * tena dine dine likhata « tiva likhe ya{vald ardhadivasam astamyam arabhya ‘yavat paficadadi + dine dine saiva pijé kartavya : 60, tatah anenaiva vidhind likhiftama]trena pamcdnantaryani armani sarvapapani cdsya ksayam yasyamti + kuSalair dharmair vivardhigyate * uttaptaviryo bhavisyati_ + sarvadharmesu kayasukham anupripsyati * tanvibhavisyamti rigadvesamoh manakrodhah 61. tena likhdpayitva pirvamukhi sadhatuka tathdgatapratima avalokitesvarapratima ca sadhatuki_ stha<1782>{pya] sadhatuke ceaitydyatane puspadhipagandhai dipais ca udarataram paja kartavya © astamy’m arabhya yavat paficadasi sarvasatva- mahakarundcittena bhavitavyam, Sucasuklabhojand aryastimgopa- ‘The Sarvatahigatidhighina-sattvivalokana ... 25 visopavastena | subrsahiyakena" _ minakrodhamsary- parivarjitena + dine dine udataram pija krtva trsandhyam ja astaSatiko _ datavyah ipechipapuspegaadhini data sumandpuspastaéatai sa aryAvalokiteSvarapratima trsandhyam ahantavya* vajrapineé ca dhipo datavyah : dagadiéam abhinamaskrtya paScimena bhimdy devyah : pirvendnopamyah : irdhvena samkhinyah : ba<1783>linanarasapayasadadhyodanam caturdisam kseptavyam : 62. tatas tasya na kaécid viksepo karisyati + samtriso na ayathtvam cittasya sarvesindm ca astatatiko japah astaSatasumanapuspaié ca samcodanam, || 63, [ane]naiva vidhind purvasevam krtva tateh pamarpamca- dasyam cai para umbhd sthipya dhipacandanakunduruks arpiiran datva dipd§ catvari nénagandhadhvajapatapatakasuvarna- rupyabhindai sa prthivipradesam samalamkytya dhimadhu- payasadadhyodanam + anyani ca yathalabhena balim” caturdise datvanivedya sumandpuspastasatair ekaikam japya catufrd]ise kgeptavyam pirvavat, tatah tr-astaSatai_ sumandjatipuspair ckai<1784>kam japya aryavalokitesvarapratimé-r-ahantavya * 64, tatah si pratima kampigyati + mahdnirghoso bhavisyati + raSmayo.nigcarigyamti* prthivikampah : tatah sarvakarm: sarvakiryéni cdsya[saJmrdhyisyamti + tathigatadarsanam, bodhisatvabhimipratilambhah sarvasatvavandaniyo bhavisyati. + Ghanadhanyakosakosthagirasamrddhah __sarvavyidhiparivarjita cirajivi sarvasatrava sarvardjardjaputramatya darSandbbikamksind bhavisyamti « kimkarah sarvakleSaragadvesamohaprahinah : na ca Jjtu priyaviprayogam bhavisyati « mahidrghabalaviryasampannah tejavam tikgnendriya buddhimam sarvasat{vJadayacitta + dharmajfia: yavascyavanakile buddham —bhagavantam ‘ryavalokitesvaram pasyati + maitravihari kélam karoti dharman deSayamanam yathepsitesu buddhaksetresu * mahdcakravartikulesu yyatrénusmrtim karoti tatropapadyate * anyni cnckini ‘gunasahasrini pratilapsyate | 65. evam bhagavan, bahugunakaro ‘yam dharmaparyaya iméni ta dharanimantrapadni na vind tathdgatidhisthdnasyayam dharma- parydyam gakyam srotum * na dhdrayitum * na pijayitum + na "Ms. 30; subrsasai Ms, 30; vali 226 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 likhitum * na likhdpayitum * na Sraddadhatum, sace daréanam bhave na Sravam bhavisyati * sace Sravanam tad viksiptacitta Srosyati + na Sraddhasyati <1786> na satkarifsyalati 66. sacet satkaret akleSavyapadacitto * sace likhe likhépayet avyaksiptacitto : [tat kasya hetoh :] tathd hi tasya porvapépakarma[phallahetutva karmam anubhavitavyam, sa Vicikitsapripto bhavisyati * pamcinantaryakarisyépi tybhib sidhanaib sarvaS3samrddhir bhavisyati + nétra kamkga'na vimatir ra vicikitsotpadayitavyé || 67. atha bhagavim sédhukéram adat, sdhu sdhu kulaputra tathigatakrtyo "yam dharmaparyayaa karigyati + sarvasatvanam || ell ‘Anopami’s Discourse 68. atha Khalv anopamah mahayaksini_yena _bhagavams tenopasamkrémam —_bhagavantam —_ndndpuspadusyayugair fabhyarelya (bhalgavafata paldayor nipatya bhagavantam etad avocat, 69. evam smari<1787>my abam bhagavamn maya bhagavata Kauimyam ghosilasyardme viharatah” —puratah pratijad samudahyta sarvasatvinm arthaya aham api bhagavam sarvavidyadharanam hrdayam jandmi + tan me bhagavimn fanujinatu bahujanahitiya + | ‘bahujanasukhiya —sarv paripirandrthiya + bhiksubhiksuniupasakopasikin 70, namah sarvatathdgatindm samyyathidam ¢ hd hi || hi hi ha ho sara sara: lahum lahum + Sighram sighram mahavidye * sarvavidyadharanamaskrte hasa : kim tisthasi kanaka- Vieitrabharanavibhiisitimgi pata pata : bhara bhara : bhiri bhiri hora bhiiru : sarvartha me sidhayartham sédhayartham dehi me nam-tse hamma <1788>rapati Silksinasya siddhim ha ha * padme + ppadme * mahapadme * vigade visade * mahavisade + bhava bhava bhavodbhavaya * tam aham ghore * tam ghore * tan me vidyam prayojaya + siddhim kuru sarvasam me paripiraya ‘buddhadhisthdnena svaba | Ms, 30:viharahatah ‘The Sarvatathigatidhisthina-satvdvalokana 27 71. yah kaScid bhagavam —gunarthi dhanadhany€rthi sarvasatvavasikaranarthi bhave * mahdn aiSvaryam rajyatvam + vidyadharatvamm abhikimkge * mamapi sammukhadaréanam 72. tena astamyim Suklapakge nave patake acchinnadase kesapagate * Sucind citrakarena aryastimgopavasopavasitena aélesai ramgair navabhajanai sthai citrdpayitavyah : madhye tathigatapratima : dharman defayamdnam : daksinendryavajra- krodhah vajram bhramayamanam * sarvala<1789>Akaravibhiigitah ‘malardhacandraharaévetavastrapravrtah : vimaparéve anopama Sarankandagauri sarvélamklravibhisitS Svetavastr’ padmahast samaSvasayamti nanamady& kseptavya a<1790>nenaiva vidhind balih any ca yathalabhena * dhiipa- sdurukacandanam * sprksam ditavyam sugandhatailena sace buddhe ‘aprasddalabdho bhave yas ca vimatipréptah : yas ca papdmm akusalim kytvé na viratim anugrhnati klespaklegacittah : tasyaham cdpi daréanam na dasyami + labbam karigyami : 77. atha bhagavim sédhukdram adat, sidhu sédhu bhagini sidhu khalu punas tvam bhagini * yas tvaya sarvasatvindmm arthaya papasamacdresu satvegu ima evamripa mantrapada bhasitd pratijid krtah : Sakgyasi vam anay& evamripayS mahakarunaya 228 The Indian Imernational Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2Q10 sarvasatvin anuttarayam samyaksambodhau _pratisthdp. ‘evam eva tvam api karaniyam|| © | ‘Samkhint’s Discourse 78. atha amkhini mahddevi_bhagavantam _nndpuspair nandgandhaier.abhyarcya pradaksinikrtya pada<1792>yor nipatya bhagavantam etad avocat, 79, aham api bhagavan tathagatidhisthinena pratijfi karisyémi + tathigatasdsanacirasthityartham, tesim ca dharmabhanakindm dharmasravanikindm sarvasiparipirakaréni mantrapadini dasymi raksayai tan me bha(gav{@]n anujéndtu © 80. namah namah sarvatathagatdndm, om, Samkhini devi 3 tigtha dhane dhanajaye + vri vri vriddhikari + dhy dhr dhetikari + nanavividhavesavastréyu dha dhdrin’ + yu yu dyupilane + tathdgatam smara bodhicittam ma vilamba * dehi me varam ai mantrapadaih sa bhagavam kayagatai yasavrddhim anuprapsyati + tejavrddhi : bhogavrddhi : aigvaryac1793>vrddhi vantam abhyarcya bhagavatas caranayor nipatya bhagavantam etad avocat, 85, aham api bhagavams tesdm dharmabhanakaindm dharma~ Sravanikandm tesim ca lekhakinam tesém ca dharakindm vacakanim —pijakandmm —arthaya —_sarvaséparipirakar ns hiranyamanimuktibhogaisvaryardjyatvadirghiyuskakardni + Satru- vvasikaranani mantrapadini disyéma * 86, yah kaSci r3jf@ va rajfi va bhiksubbikgunyupasakopasil dharayisyamti + satkarisyamti + likhisyamti + likhapayisyamti tathdgatagurugauravena pratipatya yathopadisti pratipatsyante + tasyaham bhagavam raksisyma : paripdlanam karigyma : yyathepsitam varam dasyéma + bhogai§varyair avai<1795>kalyam kkarisyima vivadayuddhadimbadamare jayam karisyima + ayuch>sampadam upasampasamharisyma * tasya ca vigayasya nagarasya paripalanam karisyma ° tan me bhagavamn anujanatu : 87. namah —_sarvatathdgatindm sarvabodhisatvaném {rydvalokitesvara + vajrapani prabhrtindm * om, mahidevi bhime bhimamate * jaye * jayavabe * yaSajave * tcjajave + vyikaranapripte * sarvasatvavalokane — krpatejabahule + tathagatinujfiitam playa * smara pratijiam buddhadhisthanena dehi me varam siddhim kuru devi mahédevi satyavacanadevi * bhime satyavacanapratisthite guhyanivasini svaba || 88, i<1796>mani tani bhagavan mantrapadini tathagatadhisthitani * tathagatinuyjfidtani + maya bhai ivindm arthaya * yam yam eva kimam gamam manasikrtva japisyate tathdgatasya puratah puspadhipagandhadipai pijam itv _payasarasabalim caturdige datva tam tam eva astafatajapena sarvasim paripirayiyyama * £89. yah kaéci mam svardpendbhikimksi bhave * tena acchinnadase keéapagate aslesai_ramgair —navabhajanasthai astamym ryastimgaparigrhitena citrakarena : citrépayitavya : éarakinda- gauri sarvalatkaravibhilsitimgi svetavastra madhye tathagata- pratima dharmadesa<1797>yamanam daksinendryavalokitesvara + simkathyam kurvam * vimaparéve bhima mahidevi + kundiganetrkaparigrhita samasvasayanti : 90. tato astamyam pirvasevam krtvl puspadhipagandhamalya- vilepanai * sadhatuke caityasthdne balipdyasadadhyodanam caturdiSe yavat, plmapamcadagyim $ucind_vidyadharena uudarataram puspadhlpagandhadipai pajam krtva balim datva ‘ndndrasai anyni ca yathalabhena Suklabalin datva * sarvasatvanm ‘maitracittena * dayacittena bhitva jatipuspastabhih Sataih si pratimé-r-ahantavy@ : ekaikam japya 91. tatrdham svariipenopatisthisyma : yathepsitam varam dasyima : <1798> rajyaisvaryam akaSagamanamn ° nidhividam dhatuvadam 230 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 + vidyadharatvam anydai akilamrtyupratisedhanam + sarvarogaprasamanam * paracakrapra- ‘mardanam * putralambham + arthgamanam pritih sarvasatveyu ¢ 92. yadi caham bhagavam pamcdnantaryakirisyapi_na sarve paripirayeyam ma cham bhagavann anuttarim samyé sambodhim abhisambudhyeyam + saddharmapratiksepako sthapya yaé ca vicikitsaprapta buddhadharmasamghe | 93. bhagavan aha : sidhu sidhu bhagini sidhu khalu punas tvam bhagini yas tvam sarvasatvandm hitdya sukhdya_pratipanni asyaiva ca dharmaparyayasya cira<1799>sthityartham pratipannd tena hi bhagini * nityam eva imi pratifids tvaya nityam eva samanvahartavya 94, atha iyam mahdprthivi tasmin samaye pracacala + divyaft ca ‘kusumavarsam abhipravargat si ca sarvavatth parsat sidhukaram adat sadhu sidhu subbasitam idam pratijfid sarvasatvanam sarvaSaparipirako bhavisyat | Reprising the Merit of the Satra 95, athdryavalokitesvaro bodhisatvo _mabisatvo punar bhagavantam etad avocat, kim punar bhagavam sa kulaputro va Kuladuhita va likhanavacanalikhdpana + samprakaSanapathana- svadhyayana * pijanasamprakisanayé pugyam anuprapsyati + imasya dharmaparyayasya 96. bhagavin aha : tena hi <1800> tvam oviryévalokitesvara paripraksyami * yathd te kgamam tatha vyakura : 97, avalokitesvara aha: bhagavan eva vydkuruta = nisti tathdgatasya adrstam vl aSrutam vi avijfiitam va'® 98. bhagavén aha : yas ca kulaputra asya dharmaparyayasya likhanalikhépanavacanapijanasamprakaganapathanasvadhyayanat, punyam anuprapsyanti * sa upamendpi na Sakyam vargayitum, tat kasya hetoh : sarvasatvanam yathabhiprayaparipGrakam danam datva te satva aparimukta eva bhavamti jarivyadhimaranasoka- paridevaduhkhadaurmanasyopayasebhyah : _vargaSatasahasram pamcabhih kimagunai kridapayitva a<1801>parimulktd eva te satva bhavamti nérakatiryagyoniyamalokapretavisayesu : punar api duhkhdny anubhavamti || asya dharmaparyéyasya sravanam satvebhyah ktva pijanasamprakaSanam krtva artham cAsy[éval: Sritya pratipatyé pratipadya parimukti eva bhavanti jatijara “The Sarvatathigatidhisthéne-satvivalokana . aan -vyidhimaranasokaparidevadubkhadaurmanasyopayasebhyah sarva- narakatiryagyoniyamalokebhyah : tasmat tathigata aya punyaskandha upamendpi pramanam na kurvamti * 99. yaé ca kulaputrah asya ca dharmaparydyasyoddisya sarsapaphalamdtrakam ca hiranyasya ckapuspam va * ckaphalam va» ekapatikam™ va + vadyam va gandham va * vastram va sanam va + abharanam <1802> vi parityaje lithe » likhapaye * dhiraye vacaye * pijaye satkaret parebhyas ca vistarena samprakaéaye tim ca dharmabhanakim vacaye pijaye 100. yas ca tisthamte tathagate sammukhapij manaye sarvasukhopadhdnena varsaSatasahasram —_upatis ‘gandhamalyavilepanai dhvajapatakabhih : vihiracamkramodyanam Karapaye ardhayojanocchritam saptaratnamayém stipim karayec- cchatam va sahasram va {tathagata disatims ca divyapijaya ijayet, varsasatasahasram} 101. ayam ca tato bahutaram punyasamskram sya asya dharma- paryyasya likhanalekapanadharanapathanapijanasamprakasanaya fa tv eva imam tathagatasammukhapajam na tv eva satvebhya ameabhih kimaguoai kridapayitva 102. tasmat tarhi <1803> tais ca kulaputrai kuladuhitrbhir va rajardjaputramahdmatrimatyair va satatasamitam imam dharma- paryayam pijayitavyah : tathdgatasamjiiam evotpadayitavya tes kalydnamitrandm yo iman dharmaparyayam Sravayati + kathayati artham cdsyopasamharati | taih satkrtya iman dharmaparyayam Srotavyo ‘dgrahitavya + ~—dhirayitavyo _vicayitavyah ‘manasikartavyah : 103. evam cittam utpadayitavyam, labhasmabhi sulabdhé yo ‘smibhih érutam * apathagéminm patham upadarsayati + anarthe arthasamjiiném : anitye nityasammjiinam * asukhe sukha- samjfinam * yad —asmabhi —_narakatiryagyoniyamaloka- parimoksanartham * tathagatakytyakrtam © 104, avalokitesvara aha : mahikrtyena * <1804> tathagatakrtyena iman dharmaparyyam sarvasatvanam praksitam * 105. bhagavan ha : ayam ca kulaputra dharmaparyayam paécime kale pascime samaye daksindpathe pracarisyati | tatrépi bhiksu- bhiksunyupasakopasikérajardjaputrarajamahmatramatya bhaj ye the 2) M30: -batkam 232 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 bbhiti pajaka dhdraki vacakd bhavigyamti + éraddhasyamti * pattisyamti * sac uttaraplirvapascimaya —pracare tat Parakarmabhiyuktas te satva bhavivisyamti + na Srosyamti + na Sraddhasyamti + na pattisyamti + na pOjayisyanmti * hinaviryé nastasmrlayah : _ nanavyaksepakutumbadasadasibhogaisvarya- ‘hdsyaldsyandtyanrttagita-i[rsyamaltsaryasmytayo <1805> na Srosyamti » na pattisyamti + na pijayisyamti * te aparimukta eva Jjardvyadhimaranagokaparidevadubkhadaurmanasya-updyasebhyah pretaryamalokavigayebhya bhavisyamti * 106, tasmat tarhi taih kulaputraih kuladuhitybhir va sarvapdy: tminam —parimoktukimena satkrtya_ ima dharmaparyayam ijayitavyah —dhirayitavyah_——_satkartavyah_—_parebhyalt samprakasayitavyah manasi dharayitavyah : dimbadamara- dubsvapnadumimitesu™ __akalamrtyugomarapaSumaramanusya- ma<1806>rebhya_nandvyadhibhayopadravebhya iman dharma- parydyam pijayitva vacayitavyah : dhvaje va ucchrepitam krtvé pijayitva nandgandhapuspadhipavadyai pracestavyah : caturdise palin datvabhi:namaskrtya puspadhiipagandhai sarvai_sarva- ityupadrava pragamam yasyamti [| Verses, Second Set atha bhagavams tasym veldym iha gatha abhdgata |” 2 Ms 30: duhspapna- 2 The Tibetan translation ofthese verses represents a manuscript that difered fadically from ms. 30. The Tibetan has seven lines that have no parallel in the Gilgit manuscript. Because of the degree of divergence, I include the ‘Tibetan, Derge 98, mDo ade, vol. Kha 275b4-276a6. The lines are keyed to ms, 30, Starred lines have no parallel in the Gilgit manuscript. 2, sngon gyi sid par ‘dren pas gong gsungs shing | sems can thams cadres su gzung bai phyir| da tar ngas kyang khyod la bshad pa yi | ting “dzin “i i zung shig kun dga’ bo| sangs rgyas chos dang dge ‘dun dkon mchog la | igang gis khams gsum sbyin par byin pa bas | 10. mdo sde “di a mchod pa byas na ni| sbyin pas de yi dper yang mi phod do | ‘gang gis sangs rgyas la ni dad byas te | tshad med gtsug lag khang dag brisigs pa bas | gang zhig mdo ‘i ‘dzin pa gang yin pa | ‘The Sarvatathigatadhisthina-satvivalokana 23 7. deni de bas byod nams mang por ‘gy | 12, gang zhig me og geig tsam ‘thor byed cing| 13, gos dang phreng ba byug pa de bzhin te + ting ‘dein ‘ila bsnyen bkur byed gyurna| sod nams tshogs char snga ma de mi ‘gyar| 15, gang gis mdo sde ‘di la mchod pa’i phyir| 16, byang chub phyir ni byams pa‘ sems bskyed na | 17. deni de bas bsod nams mang po ‘hob 19. byang chub sems dpa’ gang gis sems can la 18, ting “dzin “di bshad lung phog de bzhin du | 20, bla med byang chub pyr i bkod gyur na | 21, de yi bsod nams dper yang mi bzod ‘gyur| 24, deltas phan yon ‘di dag thos nas kyang | 25, sems can kun lade bahin byams byas te | 22, mdo i grung 2hing yi ger bri bar bya) 23, blag par bya 2hing de bzhinbshad par bya | 28. rga dang de behin na‘chis gnod gyur cing | + sdug bsngal rab drag braya yis yongs gdungs Ia | 27, sems dmyal yi dags mams su skye bana | 26, phyi mai dus na ‘gyod par gyur ta re| 29, ‘chi ba’ dus na yidskrag ‘jigs gyur la * yang dag yang du sdam pa “don byed cing 32, bag gi dpung gnyen skyabs su ‘gyur ba zhes | SL. byis pa’ blo ean phan tshun rog gare | 33, gang phyirde thin gshegs pa ma mchod cing | 234 sangs rgyas chos dang dge ‘dun nor ‘phrogs pa | 135. mi bzad gsi se ‘jig rten Kiri ‘gyur zhing | 36, phyin chad rag tu skyabs ‘gyur ‘ga’ yang med | 37, bu smad yod min aye du rsa lag med | 38, yul ‘khor yod min behad gad ‘jo sgeg med| 39, nor dang "bru dang de bzhin gos dang rgyan| 40. kun spangs sdug bsngal yang dang yang mi zad| + ting ‘din “di la dad par ma byas pas| 4, de ‘dra sdug bsngal mi zad myong ‘gyur bas | 43, sdug bsngal "i dang phan yon de thos na| 234 The Indian Internationa Journal of Buddhist Studies 11,2010 1, gghodi ananda imam samdhion 2. yA bhisita pirvabhavesu ndyakai 3. yas caiva traidhatukadinu dadya 4, saptina ratndna ca pirayitva : 5. buddhesu dharmesu sadapramatta : 6. —_yaScaiva sitrasya dhareti« kasei 7. ayam tato bahutara punyu bhesyate | 8. _yaé caiva buddhasy abhisraddadhitva 9 vida karépayi caittikani 10. imas{y}a sitrasya <1807> ‘bhipijayitva 11, upamapi tasya na sa bhonti dinam, || 12, ya capi eka ksipayeta puspam 13. 14, ya$ cipi karsapanu danu dady& 15. imasya siitrasya ca pijanartham * 16. janitva bodhaya ca maitracitte 17, ayam tato bahutara punyu prapnuyé | 18. yas cépi satvegu imam samadhi 19, prakaéaye desayi bodhisatvah : 20. pratipdidaye bodhim anuttare tathi 21. upamapi punyam ‘pi na tasya bhoti | 22. tasma hi sitram imu dhirayeta 23. likheta vacetatatha prakasaye + 24, imam ca Srutva tatha anugams 25. — krtvd ca maitram tatha sarvasa{tv]aih : 26. ma pascakale || paritépyu bhesyatha 27. —_upapadyamdnam narakesu pretayo || 42, byis pv blo yang su zhig dad mi skyed| 4, de pir rag tw dge slong pho mo dang | 45, dg benyen rams dang gyal pos khor zug dang] 46, mdosde “i i ag to grung bya zing | 4 “dzin pa la yang ag tu bsnyen bur bye | ‘The Sarvatathigatidhishna-sttvivalokana 2s 28. _jaravyidhi{mr}tyuparitapyu pidi<1808>ta 29. sa mrtyukale bhayabhitaminaso * 30, abbiksna uévasata uévasanta : 31. mukhe mukham preksati balabuddhi : 32. _kosmabhi trinam bhavate pardyana 33. yasmabhi pijyam na kytam tathagate || 34, bauddham ca dharmyam ca tatha simghikam ca 35. _harigya nesye yamaloki darune + 36. na tasya trdnam sada kasci bhesyati: 37. na putradiram * na ca mitravandhava * 38. na clpi rdstram na ca hasyaldsyam 39. dhanam na dhanyam + na ca vastrabhisana : 40, sarvam jahitva punar api dubkhadiruna 41. anubhesyate balu tathapi daruni || 42, ko balabuddhi na jane prasidam 43, imu dubkha érutva imu Snuamsd : 44, tasmas ca tair hi sada bhiksubhiksuni 45. upisakopasikarajabhi sada : 46, imam ca si<1809>tram sada dharitavya || 47, satkéru nityam ca kartavya dharake j ‘The Concluding Discourse 107, athayusman nando bhagavantam etad avocat, udgrhito maya bhagavam iman dharmaparyayam ‘astrsamjfay: dharayisyimi plijayisydmi « sarvasatvebhyah samprakaSayisyami : 108. bhagavan aha : yadi tvam ananda yan may ruta [pari]dhdritam tat sarvam na dharaye na vacaye na pijaye na ikikuryata tvay mama néparddhye na cASusrugd kyta bhavet, nna cdsrivakatvam ya$ ca iman dharmaparyayam na dhdraye na acaye na pijaye na samprakiSaye na manasikuryata tvam mim aparadhye * aSusrusi krtd bhave + asrivakatvam krtam bhavet, <1810> tasmat tarhi tvam nanda satkrtya iman dharmaparyayam dharayitavyah : ayam te tathgatasynuttara samyak- 236 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11,2010 sambodhi tathigatakrtyam karisyati * paicime kale pascime samaye sarvasatvndm, I] 109, asmin khalu punar dharmaparyaye bhagavatl bhaisyamane sastinm pripisahasranim anupadaydsravebhyaé cittini vimuktani || saptandm —Saténdm bodhisatvasamidhipratilambho “bhit, pamcdndm Satinam nénabuddhaksetravyikaranapratilambbo “bhi, avatindm — prinisahasrindm — sarvaklesé—vinirmuktd | sarvakganapéyadurgataya prahing || 110, athéryavalokitesvaro bodhisatvo mahisatvo punar bhaga’* bhagavamntam —ctad-—_avocat, aya —_-bha<1811>gavan dharmaparyaya paécime Kale paécima samaye tesm kulaputranam Srotrindm dharayitrindm manayitrindm pijayitrindm tesm ca Jekhakdinam tathagatakrtyam karigyati + vyakrtis te yathepsitesu nindbuddhakgetresu 111. te ca satvah pascime kale pasci hasyandtyagitavaditesu_* nandvyaksepabahulah mohindhd rati + kridasamjfinah : anitye nityasamjfina + irsyamatsaryadausilyaparigrhitd + na pUjayigyamti + na manayisyamti + na sraddhdsyamti + na pattiyigyamti + na smti * na Srosyamti + na pratipatya patipatsyante + te A naniduhkha- pi s daurmana<1812>syam narakm duhkham anubbi anekiini kalpaktisatni dubkham anubhavitva narakatiryagyoni- yamalokesu vopapatsyante * 112, dirghardtram akalyinamitravasa pascdnutipino bhavisyamti * {mar kganam virdgayitva tasmat tarhi kéyaAmanabsamvarena bhavitavyam * buddhadharmasamghe ‘bhedyaprasidena * sarvasatvesu maitracittena + irsymatsaryadausilyacittaparivarjitena + krodhaparivarjitena * bhavitavyam, | 113, atha si yathisamigat@ parga svai svai punydbhisamskarai tacl813>thagatam pijyante sma * divyapuspagandhamalya- vilepanavastrabharanai kilikitapraksveditasabdais ca divyattrya- télavacarasamgityai sidhukaram pradadub : sidhu sadhu bhagavam subhasitamm idam mahidharmaparyayam sarvasatvanmm arthiya tathigataSsanacirasthityartham || “These two akyaras are no doubt due tothe copyist's slipped attention, “The Sarvatathigatidhisthina-sattvivalokana 237 114, athdyusman énando bhagavantam etad avocat, kin némij n cat, kin ndmay bhagavan dharmaparyaya kathan nu vayam Bhagavan dharayama * 115. bhagavan aha: tasmit tarhi_ tvam ananda iman dharmaparyayam —_sarvatathigatinujfata:bodhisa<1814>tva- bhimakramanam ity api ndma dharaya || rddhivikurvanamahitma- sannipatam ity pi nima dhiraya : sarvatathégatadhisthina- Szrvbvalokamannakyereanderanaeyaham ity) api nara dharaya Conclusion 116. idam avocad bhagavan attamandh aryavalokitesvara + mamjusri + vajrapaniprabhrtayah sarve bodhisatva. mahisatvah sarve ca mahasrivaka sarve ca sakrabrahmalokapalah catvaras ca ‘maharajah sarve ca ano{pama] + vimalaprabha * (va)<1815>ti- [dhari?] "+ bhimasrisamkhini®ndharvasuragarudakinnaramahoraga + si ca sarvavati yathasagavato bhdsitam abhyanandan, -trasandarsavyitha na{ma} ‘ ‘Transcription of the STA: Gilgit Ms. 35 Sakyamuni Buddha’s Discourse 18191. ...m utpaidayitavyam * buddhabodhau * yo yam dharmapa <2>... yo dharayigyamti«satkrtya likhisyamti Ii <3> [kha]payisyamti + vicayisyati + pijayisyam -<4> [ti] + udgrahisyamti + nimadheyam ca Srosyamti © The material baween the "<>" hte reconstructed frm the Tibet reconsncted fom the Titan, At this point ms, 30 1s completly rubbed oat ut the algo sil remaining sri mie nd he par Stuen thm ge oe gees Sotidhave shown waren dagen amon what m0 238 The Indian Imernational Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 [te}sam va kamapute nipated bodhisatvo ‘pi sa ma <6> ... kgtva ¢ satkartavya : yo tasya pirvakarmaripa <7>... d ripavaikalyam bhogavaikalyam paritasé 1819R ... prayogo va + rajyasamksobhamn v <2>... dher anubhavena * Sravanena kecic chirsaro 2>.. ‘<4> ... tkéyacittapidena + kecid dubsamsparga ‘<5>... [yyalkalpanena + kecit paribhasyena * sarvam ta <6> ... varanam ksapayisyati* tena caivam cittam utpada <<7>... vlyalm, pirvam maya : samsére samradbhi papam a 1820L, ... Salam satvesu ndndprakéram upacitam * tam prati <2> ... yamy aviskaromi na praticchdayami + buddhe Wha <3>... samghe abhedyaprasd(d]ena cittam utpadayita ...» ye ca tasya kulaputras[ya] va kuladubitu ... cchedaphalasamvartaniya karmavaranam bh <6> ... Xe va dharme va samghe va sravakapratyekabu <7> ... td]pitrbhir va karma krtam upacittam bhavi 1820R ... ksayam yasyati + mahan aisvaryasamrddho bha <2>... yac ca tasya kulaputrasya va kuladubitu <<3> .. hkhanarakavedaniyam karmAvaranam bhavisyati * <4> ... [ya]viprayogisamvartaniyam + jatyandhasam ... niyam strisamvartaniyam + dvivyamjanasamvartani <6> ..,[i}tsyamanakrodhavasena * yamaloka:pre <<7> ...ryagyonisamvartaniyam tat sarvam pariksayam * 1821L ... syati * evam kulaputra sarvagunakaro ‘yam sa ‘The Sarvatathigatidhisthna-sattvivalokana 239 asti kulaputrdsya dharmaparyayasya ci .. sthitikard : tesam ca kulaputréndm kuladuhi <4... nam raksdvaranaguptikarani sarvesim gu ... [ni] sarvasiparipirakardni + mahabhogaiéva <6>... [su]khakardni sarvacintitaprarthitasamrddhi + sarvakarmaksayamkarini + sarvakala ... svapna sarvavyddhiprasamanakardni + sarva <2> ... yamkérani Ayurvamavalaviryasthimakara ... [sa]rvayaksabhiitamanusyavasamkardnie sarva <4... visdignyudakaprasamanakardini y8 <5. karanapratilambhakardni dhiranimantrapada <6> .. ni Srutva dhdritva satkaritva vacayitva likha ‘<7> ... tv te kulaputra kuladuhitaraé ca sarvan e 1822L ... gundn pratilapsyante + atha tasmin samaye imam <2> ... haprthivi sadvikaram akampat,s8 ca yathisa <3> [m]igatd parisaet tadyathd buddhe subuddhe buddhama <4> [te] + loke viloke + lokatikrinte « satvva .. kane « sarvatathagatidhisthinena sarvalokam su ~<6> .. bhavatu : plrvakarmam ksapaya mama sarvabhaye <7> ... gatadhisthdnena svaha )) iméni tani mantra 1822R ... laputré vimsatya tathigatasahasra sdhigthitani « mayapy etarhi bhai <3> .., tvindi arthdya + hitiya sukhaya + rakgdvara <4> ... (gulptaye sarvavyddhiprasamanakard ... [bu}ddhaksetropapattaye ya kascit parsd e -<6> ... niyu : kathan nu vayam sarvan evams tathagatabha ‘<7> ...1.gundn gundn pratilabhate * tena kalyam evo 240 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 1823L, ... ya sarvasatvandm daydcittena karunacitte ‘<2> .., maitracittena irgymanakrodhamraksaparivarjite cekigracittena + buddhasyodirim pajam kytva dasa Sam sarvatathagatandm namaskrtv ... kimam gamd : manasikartavya : astaga ..- Japya puspam ekaikam tathagate deyam + tatas ta <7... fv]aSisasamrddhir bhavisyati * svapne ca tathaga 1823R <1} .., Bhavisyati * yam varam icchati tam labhate * ma <2>.. (kalle ca tathdgatadarsanam bhavisyati + cyutva .» (kha]vatyamp lokadhatav upapatsyate * Ayurvalava <4... [vjiryasanvigata : sarvasatrava casya va <$> ... [g}mino bhavisyanti + asmin, khalu punar dharanyam -<6> ... manayé sasfindm ca prinasahastindm a <<7> ...ttikegu dharmegu ksfintih pratilambho “bhut sa 1824L ... varanavimuktah sarvabhiprayapa <2 Xplimah sammvttah )) Vajrapani’s Discourse atha khalu vajrapani bodhi <3> ... Xo dagadisam vyavalokva bhagavantam etad avoca, ‘<4> ...asti bhagavann abhayatejé ndma dhara ‘ (n}i bodhisatvanam pratijia ya maya abhaya -<6> .., hardjasya tathdgatasyintikéd udgrhita ...{dgr]hya sarvasatvebhyah prakasité: tatorve 1824R ami yasya 84 dharani ka intdrgata va: na tasya syah 6a ; -<3> .. daurvalyam vi « vyidhir va: jvaro va : Kayadilam vi The Sarvatathigatidhisthdna-satt -» pidam va: akdlamrtyudakabhayam va ~- yam vi visabhayam va garabhayam va daki bhitabhayam va yakso vA Satravo vi * mafnu)sya ~~ hethdm kartum + vihimsa va vighito va nedam stha 1826L, ... {viJdyate © tad anujanatu bha{gavan} yfad aJham bo <2... satvapratijfimudram dsyami tesm ta dharma <3>.... kindmm arthaya Srotrindm dharayitrindm ... [yiltrindm pUjayitrindm sarvasa ‘ ... pirakarini + namah sarvabuddanim sarva Tokana <6> ... dhisatvrhatam + tadyatha om vajradhara : vajra <7> .. ya vajravala ¢ vajrateja : him him vajrapa 1826R ‘thigatajfié palaya : smara pratijfiam » . vyidhin sarvapapavindSaya + dehi me ya . tam varam yam yam evabhipréyam yicami tam .» mrddhyatu : he he turu tura ¢ & +» ¢cha ma vilamba dargaya vajrakayam histhinena svaha )) asym dharanyim bhigya ~~ [nléya : m ayam, mahaprthivi unmajjana 1827L, ... majjanam akarot, saXXXkgardksasa <2... nf sarve ca tevata yvan manusyémanu <3> .. vfijsmayam panna : sidhu sidhu mahisa <4 [t]va paramasiddhanimani dharani mam ... padi bhasitani + atha vajrapaiir bo <6> ... satvo bhagavantam etad avocat, yah kasi 1827R ... [bha]gavan bodhim abhiprarthayate dhanadhanyabho <2> ... Svaryam rijyabhogaisvaryam vidyadharatvam ayurvala 242 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 <3> ... ryadirghayuskatvam tena Suklastamyam Sveta [na}mayo vajradharah kéryah atattah _ lamkiravibhigitah sadhatukabrdayam © . (talvya : sadhatukam vajram samaévasakam vidydha ... pam dahyaminam * Sucind ahoratrosite -<2> .. rya: tato “stamydm pirvasevam krtva éuce sa <3> ... te sthne mahata puspadhipagandha <4> ... papiijam krtva astasatiko jépo da ‘ ... vya : tathagatasya pija kartavy@ : sarvatathaga <6> .. namaskrtya catvari pimakumbba sthapya ratna <7>... yam mandalam krtva Svetavastrapravite ... ma XXXX turdise rasagandha <<2>.. piyasavalin datvastagatasumanapu <<3> ... vajraplni-r-Ahamtavya : yavat pameadast tato <<4> .. {hlJnirghoso bhavisyat prthivikampas ca - ... yo nigcarisyamli* tato yathepsitam varam -<6> .., mi ¢ sarvakarmani sarvakiryani japitama <<7> ... samrddhisyamti ¢ vigatavyadhayo virajivi sa <1>-... pavivarjito bhavisyamti gunasahasram pra . lapsyate * maranakile ca buddham pasyati dasyami +) atha bhagavan sadhukiram adit si «.. [sjdhu vajrapane anatikramaniya i ... mudrl natra kaksa na vimati na vititsé ka .. vy sadevakena lokena * aham ca Maiijusrt’s Questions - Sakyamuni’s Answers atha mamjusrih kuma <7> ... bhito bhagavantam etad avocat, Kendrthendyam ‘The Sarvatathigathisthina-satvavalokena 2463 + van, saXXX([galtédhisthinasattvava 1829R_ . fbu}ddhaksXXXXnavyaho nama sam <2> ... te * bhagavan aha * sarvatathdgatanadhi ‘<3> ... sarvabodhisatvandm adhisthdnam * sarvasa ‘<4> ... ya: sarvadharanimukhani ¢ prati ... ne» sarvasatvindm cittacaitasika;sammi <6. mprasitni :prajndt de -<7>..{a}8m manusyndm yaksSndm gandha 1816L ... s[rlavayitavyah likhitavyo vacayitavya * +<2> ...mabhanakam sarvasukhopadhanenopasth <3> sa ca vigayoh sa ca dvipo sa ca nagaro <4> ... vyah sarvabhayopadravopasargapa ... bhyoh tac ca kulaputram kuladuhitu va sa -<6> ... mitam samanvahartavyam *)) Verses atha khalu bhaga <7> ... [8] tasyém velayam ima gathd abhasata : )) 1816R ‘... ta kulaputra apramatté ma pascakale -<2> .., tipu bhesyati + )) buddhina utpadu kadci la Ipakotibhi Sataih sahasrai : guns ca <4> ... §raddadheta na durlabha tesu sa . syati © Kalpdnakoti yatha gamgabalu <6> ... nu dadya dvipadottamesu + dhanam ea dhanyam <7>-...tra{m] bhiisanam gandham ca mélyam ca vilepa 1817R ... §caiva sitram abhisraddadhitva sruneya 244 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 ‘<2 ... khipayeta * na tasya punyasya prama ‘ ... ti tiv praménam sugatena gitam, ra ... veta sadapramattam dhyfinam ca dhya ... sadanyacitta : danam ca dady&t priyapu .- taro hastau ca padau ca parityajeta + yas caiva .» sya dhareti kaécid ayam tato bahutaru pu {pnulya Xthasya dtd varasitram etat, sa yl sada virjtasya + danasya dhdnyasya dada «+ gundé ca sarve ‘pina tasya durlabha & iryu na tasya durlabham dhdreti sitram ya ... ddam *)) draksyanti buddham amitiyu nd .» yapi sa vyakrtu buddhabodhau * na tasya «dic vidyate sukhdvati draksyati lo ... yam edpi tasya sada karmu bhesyati . yisyati cittapide » kayasya $0 <<3> ...rgatipe na tasya jt vinipitu bhe ... dystikms capi sukbam sa la -<5> .rvain yathd cintitu prértitam ca ¢ tasmad dhi -<6> ... sada bhiksubhiksuni upasika raja <7>...di:)) imam ca sitram sada dhdritavyam <1> .., tya ca ka(s}tavya dharak{e] XahX[S ca] XyX <2> ...naig ca satkairu krtva ca likhapaye <3. gauravam krtva ca dharmabhanake yatha <4z .. tathagatasya * ma pascakile ... piditd ancka ayasamasravya -<6> .. kesu tryakgu paribhrdmana Sandha <7> ... jugupsaniy@ jatyandhabhitd kuna ‘The Sarvtathigatichisthina-sattvvalokana mas 18301 ... dhinah sajasyate nicakulegu strigu )) ya sada papakarmana : krodhabhibhiita » rigya * buddhegu dharmegu karitva gauravam «~ GjJitigu ‘papadyate ‘sau :) tatraiva cca vedamiina sa pascakile paritipu tasmibhi tebhih sada pijitavyo yas caiva rakasayati ) yaé caiva paribhisa 1830R ... rvate jugupsand tiganabandhanaé ca * ma <2... paribhigand krté mayaiva satkaru kari “... tasmi ca tair hi sada dharmabhanakai : yas cai ... kheta vicaye satkaru tai ca sada .. gdhais ca vacdm madhuram bhaneta : )) Avalokitesvara’s Discourse atharya <6> ... bodhisatvo mahisatvo bhagavata:é ca <7> ... bhagavantam etad avocat, anusmard 1831L ‘ ... nn asti vyavalokanapratiharyam néma <2>.... pirvam jftinaketuprabhisasya tathigata ‘<3> ... dgrhita Srutd yam srutva udgrhya dha <4> ...cayitva pares ca Sravayit ‘<5> ... hya dharayitva vacayitva satkaritva li ‘<6> ... khapayitva : avaivartikabhiimim pratilabha ...rvan etdims tathagatabhagitin, gunn pra 1831R, .... sarve cisya sarvabhiprayah samrddhyante © <2> ... rand pariksayam gacchanti + samidhim ca 246 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 <3> ...* vigatavyidhayo bhavamti + buddhadaréanam <<4> ... darSanam ca bhavati *)) atha bhagava < ... dit sidhukiram adat sidhu sédhu Kula -<6> ... ya adhisthitam tathigatena +)) atiniry <7> ... bodhisatvo mahisatvo dasadisam * 1832L, ... tebhyo namaskrtya imni mamtrapa .. [s]ma + namah sarvatathagatinm sa _-- pirakénam * namah dryavaloki .- mahaikirunikasya + tadyathd * ‘ma mama * dhiri dhiri Sante * prasi paksayam + avalokaya kirugi bho __ nasi kuru * vyavalokaya mim smara * 1832R ...satydhisthaname krtam, tena satye <2> ... paripiiraya buddhaksetram parigodhya ...d vihethim karotu buddhadhisthanena sv ..,teje teje mahteje * yan ma <$> .. ritam va vagduscaritam va manodu -<6> ... dryam va tam me ksapaya * loka _..darSanam caham abhikamksami * _ rGanam * dhu dhupa * da dasva me dars .. kusala abhivardhantu * )) namah sa ‘indi + namah dryavaloki _ smara pratijéiim mahasatva siddhyam _ da svaba || asyan dharanyam bhasyama {halprthivi kampo “bhit, mabaprki 1825R, ... bda : divyam ca puspavarsam abhipra 2a7 <2>... sidhu subhdsitam idam mahasa <3> .[rtha]m + sarvaSéparipirakarni ... yebhyah sarvakarmaksayam ... svapnakintaraprasamaka : <6> .. [sa]rve bhitva dharayisyémah sa <7> ... avalokitesvara aha * yah 1833R ... tra imam gundm abhikimksed ya +<2>... parikirtitam + vyakaranam abbikam <3> ... sammukhadarganam + samadhilam <4> ... dhisatvadarsana bhogaiSvaryalam. .., tropapattim tena Suklapakse <6> ... [sn}itagdtrena bhitva aryastamgopa ‘ .. sitena-r-astamyam arabhya Sueau prade 18331 ... {sthilte gandhapuspaih dhvajapatakaih pa <2> sa prthivipradeso sa ca dharma <3> ... ci susndtagatro Svetavastrapra ... spamalyagandhair abhyacya likha ... [sarvasatvasadhdrandni kusalama -<6> ... satvind maitracift}t[ena] daydcitte <<7> .. tathagataguru(gaujauravam citta 1834. . ne likhata + taval likhe yvad ardha <2> ... m drabhya yavat pamcadasi » dine di <3> .., Kartavya : tato anenaiva vidhina likha <4> ... pameinantaryani karmani sarva <5>...ksayam yasyanti kusalamalai <6> ... ne + uttaptaviryo bhivisyati + sarvadharme <7> .. kham anuprapsyati * tanmibhavisyamti * 248 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Stadies 1, 2010 1834R <1>-... hamanakrodha vena likhipayi ‘tuki tathagatapratima + avalo ‘mi ca sadhatuki sthapya sadhatuke cai <4> ... dhipagandhai dipaié ca uddrataré <7>-... [valsitena subytsahayakena ° ma Anopama’s Discourse 1835L @ ndndmadya caturdise kgeptavya : piima iva vidhind valim anys ca yathd <6> ... ta varam dasyame * samidhilambham akasaga 1835R w» ntardhinam rijyatvam valacakravartitvam + vidyédharatvam .. dam dhatur vadam paracittajiinam, dirghayuskatvam ..fvindm maitracittena bhavitayyam + manakrodha irgyl ryah parivarjtena + staupika dharmika sa pahdraparivarjtena bhavitavyam, )) tindm abhedyaprasidena yadi caham bhaga sya kirisyépi tybbih sidhanair na samanvi ... m ma céham bhagavann anuttardim samyaksambodhi <2... sambudheyam + saced buddhe aprasidalabdho bha <3> ....vimatiprdpta: yaS ca papam akusalam. <4> ... vamatim anugrhnat « klesopakle < ta: tasyéham epi darSanam dasyami + labham ‘The Sarvatathigatidhisthana-sattvivalokana <6> .. syfimi ») atha bhagavan sidhukéram adit, si <7>... gini » sddhu khalu punas tvam bhagini + 1836R ... [ydvat sarvasatvandm arthaya papasama <2>-... satvesu ima evamripa mantrapada bhasi <3> ..jia kr Saksyasi tvam anaya evamriipa <4> ... akarunayé sarvasatvanam anu .. myaksambodhau pratisthapayitum, <6> .. va tvaya karaniyam, ‘Samkhini’s Discourse atha Samkhini <7> ... vi bhagavantam nindpuspai néndgandhair a .» daksinikrtya pidayor nipatya bhagava avocat, aham api bhagavams tathiga +» $thdinena pratijfidm karisyami » tathdgata .. Fasthityarthan tesam ca dharmabhna dharmasravanikindm sarvasapari i mamtrapadani + dasyami raksdyai ta ‘<7> ... gavin anujandtu : namah sarvatathaga 1837R ‘ ... mkhini devi » agacchagaccha tistha * dhane dha <2> .. © vi veddhikari + dhy dhe dhrtikari« ndnavividha <3>... strdyu dha dharini + yu yu ayupalane « ta ‘... smara bodhicittam ma vilamba dehi me ‘ svahai )) imair mantrapadaih sa bhagavim <6> .. taih yaSavrddhim anuprapsyati tejavrddhi : bho <7> .. Svaryayrddhi : nirghdyuskatd Satruvasi The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11, 2010 250 Abbreviations STA =Sarvatathdgatddhisthana-satvavalokana-buddhaksetra- sandaréanavyitha. GBM Gilgit Buddhist Manuscripts (Facsimile Edition). Bibliography 1959. “A Note on the Gilgit Manuscripts.” Chandra, Lokesh, University of Baroda 9, ‘Journal of the Oriental Institute, 135-140. Cohen, Richard S., 1995. Setting the Three Jewels: The Complex Culture of Buddhism at the Ajanta Caves. Ph.D. dissertation. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan. Cohen, Richard S., 1998. “Naga, Yaksini, Buddha: Local Deities and Local Buddhism at Ajanta,” History of Religions 37:4, 360-400. : Cohen, Richard S., 2006. Beyond Enlightenment: Buddhism, Religion, Modernity. Oxford and New York: Routledge. Cohen, Richard S., Forthcoming. A Perfect Religious Text. New ‘York: Columbia University Press. Nalinaksha, 1933. “The Buddhist Manuscripts at Gilgit.” Indian Historical Quarterly 9, 227-236, 567-576. 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