Codigos para Pasar A Multizona Dvds

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Codigos para pasar a multizona dvds

Sansung P250K
1: Prende el DVD, sin tener disco en la bandeja.
2: Presiona la tecla de REPEAT en el control remoto (Tecla de abajo a la derecha)
3: presiona 76884 (Debes ver un 4 amarillo o cualquier otro numero)
4: Presiona 9 (o multiregion)
5: Abre y cierra la Bandeja del DVD
6: Apaga el aparato y vuelvelo a prender

samsung combo 4600

1 - Elegi DVD mode
2 - No tiene que haber ningun disco metido
3 - Apaga el Dvd con el control remoto
4 - Prendelo usando el control remoto
5 - Apreta el boton "subtitle"
6 - Pone 7688478 en el control remoto
7 - Apreta y mantene el boton 9 en el control por un tiempo
8 - Abri la bandeja(la verdad q no dice con el control o sin el control, probalo vos)
9 - Cerra la bandeja(idem al anterior)
En teoria tendria que estar en multiregion ahora.
Samsung Ht x250t

Remove Disk from Tray.

2. Switch Off Player.
3. Wait 30 Seconds, Then Reconnect Mains.
4. Turn On player with Remote Control. Wait for player to Finish Loading and Display 'No Disc'.
5. Press Enter on Remote Control. (There will be No On-Screen Response.)
6. Press 8, 4, 2, 6, 9 on the remote. (There will be No On-screen Response.)
7. Press Enter on the Remote Control. Player will Automatically Turn Off.
8. Turn Player On.
9. Open Tray
10.Close tray.
11.Turn Player Off then On Again.
12.Player is Now Region Free.

Otra opcion
1. Remove disc from tray.
2. Switch off player and unplug from mains.
3. Wait 30 seconds, then reconnect mains.
4. Turn on player with remote. Wait for player to finish loading and display 'no disc'.
5. Press enter on remote. (There will be no on-screen response.)
6. Press 8, 4, 2, 6, 9 on the remote. (There will be no on-screen response.)
7. Press enter on the remote. Player will automatically shut off.
8. Turn player on.
9. turn off.
10. Turn player off then on again.
11. Player is now region-free.

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