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January 2015

Zeta State

O p po rtu nit y, Wi sdo m , Lead ershi p

President....Donna Hopper
1st Vice President..Lainie Anthony
2nd Vice President....April Dill
Recording Secretary....Marilyn Maddox
Corresponding Secretary Cathy Curtis
Treasurer.......Kathy Dawkins
Parliamentarian...Patty Newsom
Historian .... Hellen Polk

MAY 5, 1976


MAY 5, 2016

Empowering Women
As we listened to the news these past couple
of months we heard quite a lot about the
insecurity of the internet and the possibilities
of catastrophes just waiting for us. This can
be frightening. How can we protect our
personal information? How can we protect
our bank account? How can we protect our
classroom from viruses?
Dr. Mariah Morgan, Assistant Extension
Professor from the MSU Extension Center for
Tech Outreach, will address these issues with
us at our next meeting. Hopefully we will
come away with advice to help us protect
ourselves in this technology age.
On another noteLets face it. We are
fortunate. We have made good choices to
get ourselves where we are. Some ladies

have not had the advantages that we have

had and some ladies may have made poor
choices. Believing in second chances, we
support our local Christian Womens Job Corp
which is a ten week school for ladies who
wish to gain new skills in order to enter or reinter the workforce. Jackie Pruett will give us
an update on the CWJC and we will again
bring office supplies, gently used business
clothing, or monetary donations to aid this
large endeavor which is free to all
Of course, it is also our Souper Luncheon so
come hungry! This is a busy meeting but full
of worthy moments, all helping to empower
women. I hope you will agree!


January 31, 2015

Annual Souper Luncheon
@ Oktoc Community Center
10:00 a.m.

Sandy Maynard

Lainie Anthony

Mitzi Alpe

April Dill

Laura Armstrong

Cindy McLaughlin

Cathy Curtis
Kelli Dawkins

Edie Ivin

Susan James

Marty Friend

Barb Adkins

Lisa Lindly

Dr. Terry Jayroe

Sally Laughlin

Lucy Bryant

Fleming Rogers

Ellen Goodman

Tina Scholtes

Donna Hopper

Wendy Walters

Jackie Pruett
Mitsy Bailey
Lynn Chamblee

See you then,

Donna Hopper
Hoping for a sizeable group to attend the upcoming Zeta State
Convention and to support our own Woman of Distinction,
Paula Mabry! Mark your calendars for April 10-11 at Whispering
Woods Hotel & Conference Center in Olive Branch. Girls Trip!!

Identity Theft
Dr. Mariah Smith Morgan
Update on Christian Womens Job Corp
Jackie Pruett

Bring: office supplies or gently

used business clothes or
monetary donation


January 2015

With our focus being on Schools for Africa, our

own Cathy Curtis shared her first hand
experiences from her twelve years of living in
Africa with her husband and three sons.

Review of The History of Zeta

Cathy explains various items and their uses.

Emily Cain gave a

brief review of the
Zeta State
publication The
History of Zeta

From our last


We filled 12 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child!

| Issue #15.1.4
Minutes of Delta Kappa Gamma Meeting

Alpha Kappa Chapter

Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Place: Renasant Bank
The third 2014-2015 meeting of the Alpha
Kappa Chapter was called to order by First
Vice-President Lainie Anthony for
President Donna Hopper, who was absent
due to the death of her brother.
Lainie expressed appreciation to the
Communications Committee members for
being hostesses for the meeting.
The Collect was read by Krista Vowell.
Marilyn Maddox called roll, and each
chapter member answered with the one
place in the world she would most like to
Lainie reminded members that the minutes
from the last meeting had been included in
the newsletter and asked if there were any
corrections to the minutes. There were
none, and the minutes stood approved as
The officer reports were next. Second VicePresident April Dill distributed copies of
two pages for inclusion in each members
yearbook. One page contained the
information for new members, and the
other contained the correction to the page
of past presidents. April reported that the
yearbooks have been sent to the Zeta State
officers as required.
Kathy Dawkins presented the treasurers
Beginning Balance: $4,947.55
Deposits: Installation Ceremony and
Hostess Gift $ 230.32
Dues 1,040.00 Payment of Chapter Dues
Ribbons and Pins 77.00 Total
Expenditures 3,335.32
October Interest .12
Total 6,064.67
Total Expenditures $3,335.32
Current Balance $2,729.35

Committee reports were next. Emily Cain
from the Communications and Publications
Committee reviewed the book, The History
of Zeta State, which begins with the
founding of DKG in 1934 and includes
biographies of all Zeta State presidents
through 1984. Emily discussed many
interesting facts from the book.
Lainie Anthony, chair of the Educational
Excellence Committee, reported on the
Personal Growth and Services component
of this committee. Lainie announced that
the Woman of Distinction for this year is
Paula Mabry. Lainie presented a short
biographical sketch of Paula, who was
unable to attend the November meeting
since she was working with the Starkville
Community Theatre on the next
performance. Paula will be honored at the
state convention, which will be held at
Olive Branch in April. Lainie reminded
chapter members that our chapter will have
hostess duties at the convention. She
encouraged members to attend this meeting
as a show of support for our chapter and for
Paula Mabry.
Lainie also reported for the Supporting
Early Educators (SEE) project. Lainie
brought cards for new members, as well as
for any other members who missed the
opportunity at the last meeting, to write
words of encouragement to Taylor Brown,
the new teacher the chapter is
mentoring. She also brought a birthday card
for everyone to sign, since Taylors
birthday is December 15th,
Barb Atkins shared with chapter members
that Taylor has already received
several gift cards anonymously from
chapter members and that she has given
Taylor bulletin board supplies. Taylor is
conducting a reading fair tomorrow, and
she needs judges from 8:15-10:15.
Edie Irvan reported that Taylors Career
Fair was successful, and guests for the
children included a deputy sheriff, a
photographer, a teacher, a football player,
and a hygienist. Pictures of the career fair
were passed around for members to view.
Sandy Maynard, chair of the Membership
Committee, distributed copies of the
Member Biographical Data Sheet to new
members and also to returning members
who still needed to provide updated
information. She announced that the name
tags were on the back table.

New Business:
Ribbons that members had ordered at the
August 25th meeting were on the back table
ready for pickup.
Our chapter webmaster has applied for and
has been granted official DKG website
certification. The official seal has been sent
and affixed on our home page. The chapter
website is linked to the Zeta State website.
The chapter rules were submitted for
review as part of the honor chapter criteria.
The Zeta State By-Laws and Standing
Rules Committee has met and reviewed our
rules. The results have been returned and
will be reviewed and discussed by our
executive board.
This concluded the business portion of the
program. The focus of the November
program was Schools for Africa, the
societys international program. Cathy
Curtis, chapter member, presented the
program about her life in Burkina Faso,
West Africa, with her husband and their
three sons, all of whom were born in
Africa. She and her husband served as
missionaries there, and Cathy taught in the
local high school. She shared information
about phone services, education, the
literacy rate, life expectancy, waters
importance, living conditions, and valued
friends. Cathy also had brought African
tools and artifacts and briefly identified
these and discussed how they were
constructed and used in Africa.
During the next part of the meeting, the
chapter members divided into respective
committee groups to prepare the Christmas
shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.
Karen Graham will deliver the boxes to the
next destination point.
The meeting adjourned.
The next meeting will be held on January
31st at 10:00 at the Oktoc Community
Center. Gently used business clothes, office
supplies, or a monetary gift will be brought
to this meeting for donation to The
Christian Womens Job Corp. The speaker
will be Dr. Mariah Morgan, Assistant
Extension Professor from the MSU
Extension Center, who will speak on
identity theft.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Marilyn

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