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coe Internet of Things - Aspirations Platform oe Platform is Key Real value is created in the horizontal platform that ties it all together - the new OS. The platform consists of 3 layers: management, infrastructure, and data analytics and insights. eco Business value proposition ‘The adoption of loT will be much more like the traditional IT diffusion model businesses to consumers(B2C) than the Consumer-led adoption of social media and personal mobility. eco —— Connected Car Connected car disrupts loT By 2020, there will be a quarter bi vehicles on the road, enabling new i services and automated driving capabilities, according to Gartner. During the next five years, the proportion of new vehicles equipped with this capability will increase dramatically, making connected cars a major element of loT. Mobile phone - gateway for loT Smartphone is integral to loT, for example looking with iBeacons and Apple watch. What will become even more interesting is when data analytics uses the mobile phone as one of many processi platforms for geo-distributed analytics. Privacy and Security Security and privacy rely onencryption and application design. Methodical design processes will help ensure their protection. The biggest challenge with loT is scale. loT infrastructure — a networked infrastructure that connects countless entities, devices and systems will remain a complex maze of standards and design. Conclusion Paradigm Shifts by (71174) Standards will be key for loT, and will tip in the favor of a“Complete solution”. Vendors offering end-to-end wireless hardware to software / services / integration forming around business use cases will win. Important beach heads are - Google (Brillo, Thread, weave), Allseen Alliance, M2M Allliance to name a few. loT beachheads loT Landscape will evolve loT is a greenfield market - new players, with new business models, approaches, and solutions will appear out of nowhere and overtake incumbents. Big Data is the Lever loT technologies allow for real-time and accurate data sensing and wireless transmission of that data to Web applications and servers connected to the Internet, making Big Data the key to success. Smart city deployments Asmart city as an urbanized area where multiple sectors cooperate to achieve sustainable outcomes through the analysis of contextual, real information shared among sector-specific information and operational technolo} systems.Gartner says Smart Cities will use 1.1 billion connected things by the end of 2015. fo} Alphabet soup of standards Several different loT standards are currently competing with each other, and more may be joining the contest soon. A significant barrier to ‘mass adoption of loT is the lack of agreement over technical standards, and many like Qualcomm will join both AllSeen alliance and Thread. Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances loT will reach the ‘Peak of Inflated Expectations’ in about 10 years. Before we get there we have to head through the Trough of Disilfusionment, which we believe will leave a number of companies going out of business or being absorbed. Examples over the last twoyears- Nest, SmartThings, Neul, ThingWorx, 2Lemetry, etc. || Harish Vadada

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