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Safaa you are an amazing

little girl. You love playing

with all the children at AnNur and you find ways to
play and get along with
everyone. One day, I found
you playing with two
different groups of children.
In the morning, you noticed
that the two year olds were
playing with playdough so
you chose to join them. You
really enjoyed making balls
and cars with Khizer, Samy
and Wafiy. In the afternoon,
you played dress ups and
shopping with the four year

What is happening with

Safaa and how can we offer
her more?
Safaa usually makes her own choice about what she wants to do. This is an excellent quality as it
means she is intrinsically motivated and isnt doing something to please someone or because she
was told to do it. Children achieve more satisfaction from choosing to do something by themselves
than when the choice is made for them and they usually learn more and retain whatever they
learned better.
Safaa is a quick learner so it is ideal that she explores and interacts directly with adults she can learn
from. It is important for Safaa to work together with her teachers on an activity so that she can be
observed and encouraged to feel accomplished and recognized for any work she does well in.

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