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Submited By:-
1.Rajesh Kumar

2.Praveen Kumar
3.Sunil Kumar

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1. Title page

2. Acknowledgement

3. Certificate of project

4. Introduction

5. Why .Net Framework Required?

6. Design Goals And Principal Features

7. .Net Framework3.5 Basics

8. .Net Framework3.5 technologies

9. Software and hardware Requirements

10.How To Install .Netframework3.5



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Nothing concrete can be achieved without an optimal combination of

inspiration and perspiration. No work can be accomplished without taking
the guidance of the experts. It is only the views and advice from
ingenious intellectual that help in the transformation of a product into a
quality product.

We owe my sincere gratitude to Mr.Manik , our honorable project guide.

Last but not the least, no acknowledgment will be complete without

mentioning our parents and my friends. They have also supported us
throughout the development project.

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This is to certify that this is a bona fide record of project work done
satisfactorily by Rajesh Kumar, Praveen Kumar And Sunil Kumar as a ISAS

This report or a similar report on the topic has not been submitted for
any other course and does not form a part of any other course undergone
by the candidate.

PLACE: _______________

DATE: ________________

SIGNATURE OF THE CANDIDATES: 1.Rajesh Kumar,………………………………………

2.Praveen Kumar………………………………………
3.Sunil Kumar……………………………………………

SIGNATURE OF PROJECT GUIDE: ______________________

(Mr. Manik NIIT,Hauz Khas,New Delhi)

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.Net Framework is a platform or development environment to seamlessly

create web-applications that are accessible through client machines from
across the globe. These web-applications adopt open standards such as
eXtensible Markup Language (XML), HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to interact with applications that
are available in other platforms.
.Net Framework is platform independent and language independent. This
means that .Net Framework allows you to use different programming
languages such as VB.Net, C#, Jscript, VBScript, and Managed C++ and run
applications on different platforms such as Unix, Macintosh, and Linux.
Moreover, .Net Framework enables you to use various off-the-shelf
libraries that help the development of applications faster, easier, and
cheaper. .Net Framework now supports over 20 different programming
The reason how .Net Framework supports so many programming languages is
well answered by the concept of Common Language Runtime (CLR) engine. The
CLR engine, instead of compiling the code into native code, compiles the
code into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). The MSIL, a set of
instructions, then translates the code into native code. This concept of
CLR is significant in making .Net Framework, platform and language
independent. In addition, CLR is responsible for run-time services such as
language integration, security enforcement, memory process, and thread
management. Thus, .Net Framework provides a wide infrastructure to create
web-applications. Microsoft has classified .Net Framework into two
categories such as CLR and .Net Framework class library.
Common Language Runtime: The CLR, as mentioned in the above paragraph,
provides common runtime services to all .Net applications. In addition,
the CLR reduces the developer's time to write lengthy code for using
features such as life-cycle management, strong type naming, cross-language
exception handling, and dynamic binding to turn business logic into a
reusable component.

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.Net Framework class library: This class library includes predefined sets
of functionality that developers can use in their own applications. The
library consists of three key components:

o Windows Forms
The .Net Framework provides a number of advantages such as fewer lines of
code, complete compilation, ease of deployment, web settings and
web.config, and caching. By fewer lines of code, we mean that .Net
Framework allows developers to use Web controls, thereby spending more
time in implementing application design and the general flow of
application. Another important part of .Net Framework is that everything
including Web controls, Web forms, and server-side blocks of code are
compiled when a page is requested for compilation. Ease of deployment
refers to the concept that components in .Net Framework can be compiled on
your machine and then uploaded with all the pages in the /bin directory.
Unlike a web-application in ASP, where pages have to be uploaded and the
components of the pages have to be registered with the operating system,
the components in a web-application in .Net Framework need not be
Web settings means the configuration of .Net applications that can be
accomplished through web.config, an XML based file. Because a web.config
file is in XML, it is easy to understand and it is also programmatically
modifiable. When a web.config file is modified the machine detects the
changes immediately. This enables quick configuration of .Net
applications. Caching is the term used to describe the process of
collecting commonly accessed data into memory for quick retrieval. .Net
Framework support three types of caching: output caching, data caching,
and fragment caching.

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Why .NET Framework required?

The creation of the .NET Framework reflects what has been learned over the
years about the typical challenges that programmers face and useful
approaches to those challenges.
Individual programming languages and tools led the way in proving the
viability of features such as strong data typing, garbage-collected memory
management, exception-based error handling, virtual machine architectures,
and comprehensive class libraries. Visual Basic, Powerbuilder, the C++
Standard Template Library (STL), and other languages each implemented at
least some of these features, but the Java language and its frameworks
J2SE and J2EE became the most notable competitive threat to Microsoft.
After failed attempts to include a modified form of Java with Windows,
Microsoft set out to create its own products that incorporated the best
features of that and other languages. The effort resulted in the Microsoft
.NET Framework and its accompanying programming languages and tools.

Design goals and principal features

The .NET Framework was designed with several intentions:

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• Interoperability - Because interaction between new and older
applications is commonly required, the .NET Framework provides means
to access functionality that is implemented in programs that execute
outside the .NET environment. Access to COM components is provided in
the EnterpriseServices namespace of the framework, and access to
other functionality is provided using the P/Invoke feature.

• Common Runtime Engine - Programming languages on the .NET Framework

compile into an intermediate language known as the Common
Intermediate Language, or CIL; Microsoft's implementation of CIL is
known as Microsoft Intermediate Language, or MSIL. In Microsoft's
implementation, this intermediate language is not interpreted, but
rather compiled in a manner known as just-in-time compilation (JIT)
into native code. The combination of these concepts is called the
Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), a specification; Microsoft's
implementation of the CLI is known as the Common Language Runtime

• Language Independence - The .NET Framework introduces a Common Type

System, or CTS. The CTS specification defines all possible datatypes
and programming constructs supported by the CLR and how they may or
may not interact with each other. Because of this feature, the .NET
Framework supports development in multiple programming languages.
This is discussed in more detail in the .NET languages section below.

• Base Class Library - The Base Class Library (BCL), sometimes referred
to as the Framework Class Library (FCL), is a library of types
available to all languages using the .NET Framework. The BCL provides
classes which encapsulate a number of common functions, including
file reading and writing, graphic rendering, database interaction and
XML document manipulation.

• Simplified Deployment - Installation of computer software must be

carefully managed to ensure that it does not interfere with
previously installed software, and that it conforms to increasingly
stringent security requirements. The .NET framework includes design
features and tools that help address these requirements.

• Security - .NET allows for code to be run with different trust levels
without the use of a separate sandbox.

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The design of the .NET Framework is such that it supports platform
independence. That is, a program written to use the framework should run
without change on any type of computer for which the framework is
implemented. At present, Microsoft has implemented the full framework only
on the Windows operating system. Microsoft and others have implemented
portions of the framework on non-Windows systems, but to date those
implementations are neither complete nor widely used.

.Net Framework3.5 Basics

In .net framework 3.5 basics there a lot of things which are following :-

• The .NET Framework3.5

• Standardization And Licensing.
• .NET Framework3.5 History

• New in .net framework3.5

Now We Will Disclose These Things One By One . So lets us discuss :-

A. The .NET Framework3.5:-

Version 3.5 of the .NET Framework was
released on 19 November 2007, but it is not included with Windows Server
2008. As with .NET Framework 3.0, version 3.5 uses the CLR of version 2.0.
Which means it's not a complete new framework, but just an extension of

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2.0, and it can't run without it. In addition, it installs .NET Framework
2.0 SP1, (installs .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 with 3.5 SP1) and .NET Framework
3.0 SP1 (installs .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 with 3.5 SP1), which adds some
methods and properties to the BCL classes in version 2.0 which are
required for version 3.5 features such as Language Integrated Query
(LINQ). These changes do not affect applications written for version 2.0,
As with previous versions, a new .NET Compact Framework 3.5 was released
in tandem with this update in order to provide support for additional
features on Windows Mobile and Windows Embedded CE devices.
The source code of the Base Class Library in this version has been
partially released (for debugging reference only) under the Microsoft
Reference Source License

B.Standardization and licensing:--

In August 2000, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, and Intel worked to

standardize CLI and the C# programming language. By December 2001, both
were ratified ECMA standards (ECMA 335 and ECMA 334). ISO followed in
April 2003 - the current version of the ISO standards are ISO/IEC
23271:2006 and ISO/IEC 23270:2006.
While Microsoft and their partners hold patents for the CLI and C#, ECMA
and ISO require that all patents essential to implementation be made
available under "reasonable and non-discriminatory terms". In addition to
meeting these terms, the companies have agreed to make the patents
available royalty-free.
However, this does not apply for the part of the .NET Framework which is
not covered by the ECMA/ISO standard, which includes Windows Forms,
ADO.NET, and ASP.NET. Patents that Microsoft holds in these areas may
deter non-Microsoft implementations of the full framework.
On 3 October 2007, Microsoft announced that much of the source code for
the .NET Framework Base Class Library (including ASP.NET, ADO.NET, and
Windows Presentation Foundation) was to have been made available with the
final release of Visual Studio 2008 towards the end of 2007 under the
shared source Microsoft Reference License. The source code for other

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libraries including Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows
Workflow Foundation (WF), and Language Integrated Query (LINQ) were to be
added in future releases. Being released under the non Open-source
Microsoft Reference License means this source code is made available for
debugging purpose only, primarily to support integrated debugging of the
BCL in Visual Studio.

C..NET Framework History:-

The goal in application development is always the same: create the best
possible software in the least amount of time. Yet the bar is continually
raised, as demands from customers increase. To meet these demands, the
platforms developers build on and the tools they use must get better and
better—they must evolve.
The .NET Framework provides a clear example of this. First released in
2002, version 2.0 ofthe Framework appeared three years later. The .NET
Framework 3.0, released in 2006, was a major update that added a number of
new technologies, while the latest version, the .NET Framework 3.5,
includes more useful additions. Alongside this evolution, Microsoft’s
flagship tool for creating .NET applications has also moved forward. The
latest release, Visual Studio 2008, offers a range of improvements for
creating .NET applications. Every step in this path has been aimed at
providing a better and more productive environment for the people who
create Windows software.
So there were some virsion of .net framework available before 3.5 so now
lets discuss about them :-
Microsoft started development on the .NET Framework in the late 1990s
originally under the name of Next Generation Windows Services (NGWS). By
late 2000 the first beta versions of .NET 1.0 were released
The .NET Framework stack.

Version Release
Version Visual Studio Default in Windows
Number Date

Visual Studio
1.0 1.0.3705.0 2002-02-13

1.1 1.1.4322.573 2003-04-24 Visual Studio Windows Server 2003

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.NET 2003

Visual Studio
2.0 2.0.50727.42 2005-11-07

Windows Vista, Windows

3.0 3.0.4506.30 2006-11-06
Server 2008

Visual Studio Windows 7, Windows

3.5 3.5.21022.8 2007-11-19
2008 Server 2008 R2

4 Beta Visual Studio

2 2010

A more complete listing of the releases of the .NET Framework may be found
on the .NET Framework version list.

.NET Framework 1.0

The old .NET Framework logo

This is the first release of the .NET Framework, released on 13 February
2002 and available for Windows 98, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, and XP. Mainstream
support by Microsoft for this version ended 10 July 2007, and extended
support ended 14 July 2009.

.NET Framework 1.1

This is the first major .NET Framework upgrade. It is available on its own
as a redistributable package or in a software development kit, and was
published on 3 April 2003. It is also part of the second release of
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (released as Visual Studio .NET 2003). This
is the first version of the .NET Framework to be included as part of the
Windows operating system, shipping with Windows Server 2003. Mainstream
support for .NET Framework 1.1 ended on 14 October 2008, and extended
support ends on 8 October 2013. Since .NET 1.1 is a component of Windows

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Server 2003, extended support for .NET 1.1 on Server 2003 will run out
with that of the OS - currently 14 July 2015.
Changes in 1.1 on comparison with 1.0
• Built-in support for mobile ASP.NET controls. Previously available as
an add-on for .NET Framework, now part of the framework.
• Security changes - enable Windows Forms assemblies to execute in a
semi-trusted manner from the Internet, and enable Code Access
Security in ASP.NET applications.
• Built-in support for ODBC and Oracle databases. Previously available
as an add-on for .NET Framework 1.0, now part of the framework.
• .NET Compact Framework - a version of the .NET Framework for small
• Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) support.
• Numerous API changes.

.NET Framework 2.0

Released with Visual Studio 2005, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and BizTalk
• The 2.0 Redistributable Package can be downloaded for free from
Microsoft, and was published on 22 January 2006.
• The 2.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) can be downloaded for free
from Microsoft.
• It is included as part of Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server
• Version 2.0 without any Service Pack is the last version with support
for Windows 98 and Windows Me. Version 2.0 with Service Pack 2 is the
last version with official support for Windows 2000 although there
have been some unofficial workarounds published online to use a
subset of the functionality from Version 3.5 in Windows 2000.[18]
Version 2.0 with Service Pack 2 requires Windows 2000 with SP4 plus
KB835732 or KB891861 update, Windows XP with SP2 or later and Windows
Installer 3.1 (KB893803-v2) although you can just copy the
directories "Microsoft.NET" and "assembly" (located in %SYSTEMROOT%)
from the computer where the .NET Framework is installed, also
mscoree.dll, msvc*80.dll, gdiplus.dll in "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32" and
add value to the registry "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework",
parameter "InstallRoot" with value
• It shipped with Windows Server 2003 R2 (not installed by default).
Changes in 2.0 in comparison with 1.1
• Numerous API changes.

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• A new hosting API for native applications wishing to host an instance
of the .NET runtime. The new API gives a fine grain control on the
behavior of the runtime with regards to multithreading, memory
allocation, assembly loading and more (detailed reference). It was
initially developed to efficiently host the runtime in Microsoft SQL
Server, which implements its own scheduler and memory manager.
• Full 64-bit support for both the x64 and the IA64 hardware platforms.
• Language support for generics built directly into the .NET CLR.
• Many additional and improved ASP.NET web controls.
• New data controls with declarative data binding.
• New personalization features for ASP.NET, such as support for themes,
skins and webparts.
• .NET Micro Framework - a version of the .NET Framework related to the
Smart Personal Objects Technology initiative.
• Partial classes
• Anonymous methods
• Data Tables
• Generics

.NET Framework 3.0

.NET Framework 3.0, formerly called WinFX,was released on 21 November
2006. It includes a new set of managed code APIs that are an integral part
of Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 operating systems. It is also
available for Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 as a download. There
are no major architectural changes included with this release; .NET
Framework 3.0 uses the Common Language Runtime of .NET Framework 2.0.
Unlike the previous major .NET releases there was no .NET Compact
Framework release made as a counterpart of this version.
.NET Framework 3.0 consists of four major new components:
• Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), formerly code-named Avalon; a
new user interface subsystem and API based on XML and vector
graphics, which uses 3D computer graphics hardware and Direct3D
technologies. See WPF SDK for developer articles and documentation on
• Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), formerly code-named Indigo; a
service-oriented messaging system which allows programs to
interoperate locally or remotely similar to web services.
• Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) allows for building of task
automation and integrated transactions using workflows.

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• Windows CardSpace, formerly code-named InfoCard; a software component
which securely stores a person's digital identities and provides a
unified interface for choosing the identity for a particular
transaction, such as logging in to a website.

.NET Framework 3.5

Version 3.5 of the .NET Framework was released on 19 November 2007, but it
is not included with Windows Server 2008. As with .NET Framework 3.0,
version 3.5 uses the CLR of version 2.0. Which means it's not a complete
new framework, but just an extension of 2.0, and it can't run without it.
In addition, it installs .NET Framework 2.0 SP1, (installs .NET Framework
2.0 SP2 with 3.5 SP1) and .NET Framework 3.0 SP1 (installs .NET Framework
3.0 SP2 with 3.5 SP1), which adds some methods and properties to the BCL
classes in version 2.0 which are required for version 3.5 features such as
Language Integrated Query (LINQ). These changes do not affect applications
written for version 2.0, however.
As with previous versions, a new .NET Compact Framework 3.5 was released
in tandem with this update in order to provide support for additional
features on Windows Mobile and Windows Embedded CE devices.
The source code of the Base Class Library in this version has been
partially released (for debugging reference only) under the Microsoft
Reference Source License.
Changes since version 3.0
• New language features in C# 3.0 and VB.NET 9.0 compiler
• Adds support for expression trees and lambda methods
• Extension methods
• Expression trees to represent high-level source code at runtime.
• Anonymous types with static type inference
• Language Integrated Query (LINQ) along with its various providers
○ LINQ to Objects
• Paging support for ADO.NET
• ADO.NET synchronization API to synchronize local caches and server
side datastores
• Asynchronous network I/O API.
• Peer-to-peer networking stack, including a managed PNRP resolver
• Managed wrappers for Windows Management Instrumentation and Active
Directory APIs[24]

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• Enhanced WCF and WF runtimes, which let WCF work with POX and JSON
data, and also expose WF workflows as WCF services. WCF services can
be made stateful using the WF persistence model.
• Support for HTTP pipelining and syndication feeds.
• ASP.NET AJAX is included

D.New In .NetFramework 3.5:-

Microsoft released ASP.NET 3.5 on November 19, 2007. Along with it, was
released Visual Studio 2008. In this version Microsoft enhanced features
of .NET Framework Version 3.0 and add some new too. Now we will take a
look at new and enhanced features in the .NET Framework version 3.5. The
which get updated or added by Microsoft are:
• .NET Compact Framework
• Add-Ins and Extensibility
• Common Language Runtime
• Cryptography
• Networking
• Windows Communication Foundation
• Windows Presentation Foundation
• Windows Workflow Foundation
• Windows Forms
• Expression Trees
• Programming Languages

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.Net Framework3.5 technologies

There are a lots of technologies and features in .netframework 3.5 . so

the following are the described technologies and feachers :-

Introduction to new Technologies in .net frame work 3.5


Visual Studio will now support targeting multiple versions of the .NET
Framework, and we will be able to start taking advantage of the new
features Visual Studio provides without having to always upgrade their
existing projects and deployed applications to use a new version of the
.NET Framework library. Using VS 2008, we can create in any of the .Net
Framework Versions 2.0, 3.0, or 3.5. The VS 2008 multi-targeting support
only works with .NET 2.0, .NET 3.0 and .NET 3.5.

2.Web Designer and CSS Support

VS 2008 includes a significantly improved HTML web designer. This delivers

support for split-view editing, nested master pages, and great CSS
Split View Editing: VS 2008 adds support for a new "split-view" mode when
working on pages. This allows us to see both the HTML source and the
Design View at the same-time, and easily have any changes we make in one
view been updated in the other.
CSS Style Manager: VS 2008 supports a new tool window inside the IDE

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called "Manage Styles". This shows all of the CSS style sheets, and their
corresponding rules, for the page we are currently editing. It can be used
both when we are in design-view, as well as when in source view on a page.
CSS Properties Window: One of the other cool new CSS features that is also
supported in both design and source view is the new CSS Properties Window.
When we select an HTML element or ASP.NET server control, the CSS property
window will show us all of the CSS settings currently applied to it. We
can also change any of the values using the CSS property grid.
CSS Source View Intellisense: The HTML designer supports the ability to
select an element or control in design-view, and graphically select a rule
from the CSS list to apply to it.

3.Nested Master Page Support

One of the feature is the ability to have "nested master pages" - where we
can create a root master page for a site that defines a site's overall
layout, and then create nested master pages that are based on the root
master and further customize the layout. This nested master page feature
is extremely flexible, and enables developers and designers to quickly and
very cleanly make changes to the layout and organization of a site with
minimal code changes and no content duplication. VS 2008 fully supports
nested master pages, and makes using them super easy.

4.ASP.NET AJAX and JavaScript Support

.NET 3.5 has ASP.NET AJAX built-in (and adds new features like UpdatePanel
support with WebParts, WCF support for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation),
and a number of bug fixes and performance improvements). VS 2008 also has
great support for integrating JavaScript and AJAX into the applications.

5.JavaScript Intellisense

One of the features that we will really like with VS 2008 is its built-in
support for JavaScript intellisense. This is enabled in both the free
Visual Web Developer 2008 Express edition as well as in Visual Studio, and
makes using JavaScript and building AJAX applications significantly

6.Intellisense for External JavaScript Libraries

VS 2008 supports intellisense not just for in-line script, but also for
externally referenced JavaScript files.

7.Adding Intellisense Hints to JavaScript

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function btnClick()
/// <summary>This method show confirmation message and returns
true/false value. </summary>
/// <returns>string</returns>
var conf = confirm("Do you want to click more?");
return conf;

8.Intellisense within External JavaScript files

One of the interesting characteristics about external JavaScript files is

that they can call and use the JavaScript functions and variables declared
within other JavaScript files that a page loads

9.Calling Web Services using ASP.NET AJAX

function callWebService()

10.JavaScript Debugging in ASP.NET pages

One of the annoying things with VS 2005 is that we have to first run our
ASP.NET pages before we can set JavaScript breakpoints in them in the
debugger. VS 2008 makes this much better by adding new support that allows
us to set client-side JavaScript breakpoints directly within our server-
side .aspx and .master source files.

11.Automatic Properties

Automatic properties allow us to avoid having to manually declare a

private field and write the get/set logic -- instead the compiler can
automate creating the private field and the default get/set operations for

public class Person {

public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }

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public int Age { get; set; }


When the C# "Orcas" compiler encounters an empty get/set property

implementation like above, it will now automatically generate a private
field within class, and implement a public getter and setter property
implementation to it. This means that -- unlike public fields -- we can in
the future add validation logic within our property setter implementation
without having to change any external component that references our class.

12.Object Initializers

In Previous versions, we write:

Person person = new Person();
person.FirstName = "Gyan";
person.LastName = "Singh";

Now we can write the above code as:

Person person = new Person { FirstName="Gyan", LastName="Singh" };

The compiler will then automatically generate the appropriate property

setter code that preserves the same semantic meaning as the previous.

13.Collection Initializers

With previous version wr write as:

List<Person> people = new List<Person>();

people.Add( new Person { FirstName = "Anoop", LastName = "jain} );
people.Add( new Person { FirstName = "Chandra", LastName = "Prakash" } );
people.Add( new Person { FirstName = "Gyan", LastName = "Singh" } );
Now we can write above code as:
List<Person> people = new List<Person>(){
new Person { FirstName = "Anoop", LastName = "Jain" },
new Person { FirstName = "Chandra", LastName = "Prakash" },
new Person { FirstName = "Gyan", LastName = "Singh" }

When the compiler encounters the above syntax, it will automatically

generate the collection insert code like the previous sample for us.

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14.Extension Methods

Extension methods allow us to add new methods to the public contract of an

existing CLR type, without having to sub-class it or recompile the
original type. Extension Methods enable a variety of useful scenarios, and
help make possible the really powerful LINQ query framework that is being
introduced with .NET 3.5. Define Extention Methods as:

public static class ExtensionMethodTest

public static bool IsValidEmailAddress(this string s)
Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$");
return regex.IsMatch(s);
And now we can call it as:
string email = Request.QueryString["email"];
if ( EmailValidator.IsValid(email) )

15.LINQ To In-Memory Objects

//Create a list of person

System.Collections.Generic.List<Person> person = new

System.Collections.Generic.List<Person> { new Person { FirstName = "A",
LastName = "X", Age = 15 }, new Person { FirstName = "B", LastName = "Y",
Age = 17 }, new Person { FirstName = "C", LastName = "Z", Age = 24 } };
//Retrieve person whose name starts with "A", display count and FirstName
in textbox
IEnumerable<Person> queryResult;
queryResult = person.Where(p => p.FirstName.StartsWith("A"));
txtPerson.Text = "Total Count: " + queryResult.Count().ToString() +
Environment.NewLine + "1. " + queryResult.First().FirstName + ", 2. " +


Let's assume we have an XML file on disk that contains the data below:

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<person age="15">
<person age="17">
<person age="24">
//Using LINQ Extension Methods against an XML File
XDocument people = XDocument.Load(@"C:\Documents and
//Casting to XElement
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<XElement> xmlResult;
xmlResult =
txtPerson.Text += Environment.NewLine + "XML File" + Environment.NewLine
+ "2.Total Count: " + xmlResult.Count().ToString() + Environment.NewLine
+ "Seq 1. " + xmlResult.First().FirstNode + ", Seq 2. " +


//LINQ TO SQL Example

LinqToSqlExampleDataContext dbTask = new LinqToSqlExampleDataContext();

var query = from p in dbTask.UserTasks
where p.EmployeeID == 5263
select new
{ p.EmployeeID,p.Task.Tsk_Message,p.UT_ViewDateTime,p.Task.Tsk_TypeCode,p
gridView.DataSource = query;

18.Lambda Expressions

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Lambda Expressions provide a more concise, functional syntax for writing

anonymous methods. They are super useful when writing LINQ query
expressions - since they provide a very compact and type-safe way to write
functions that can be passed as arguments for subsequent evaluation. The p
=> expressions in above examples is Lambda expression.
In C# a lambda expression is syntactically written as a parameter list,
followed by a => token, and then followed by the expression or statement
block to execute when the expression is invoked:
params => expression
So when we wrote the lambda expression: p => p.FirstName == "AAA"
We were indicating that the Lambda we were defining took a parameter "p",
and that the expression of code to run returns whether the p.FirstName
value equals "AAA". The fact that we named the parameter "p" is irrelevant
- we could just have easily named it "o", "x", "foo" or any other name we
wanted. Lambda parameter types can be inferred at both compile-time and by
the Visual Studio's intellisense engine (meaning we get full intellisense
and compile-time checking when writing lambdas).

19.Query Syntax

Query syntax is a convenient declarative shorthand for expressing queries

using the standard LINQ query operators. It offers a syntax that increases
the readability and clarity of expressing queries in code, and can be easy
to read and write correctly. Visual Studio provides complete intellisense
and compile-time checking support for query syntax. Under the covers the
C# and VB compilers take query syntax expressions and translate them into
explicit method invocation code that utilizes the new Extension Method and
Lambda Expression language features in "Orcas". We can use query syntax to
perform a LINQ query over the collection and fetch only those people whose
LastName starts with the letter "Y", sorted by the people's FirstName (in
ascending order):
//query syntax
objResult = from p in person
where p.LastName.StartsWith("Y")
orderby p.FirstName
select p;
The query syntax expression above is semantically equivalent to the below
code that uses LINQ extension methods and lambda expressions explicitly:
objResult = person.Where(p => p.FirstName.StartsWith("A")).OrderBy(p =>
The benefit with using the query syntax approach is that it ends up being
a little easier to read and write. This is especially true as the
expression gets richer and more descriptive.
Every syntactic query expression in C# begins with a "from" clause and
ends with either a "select" or "group" clause. The "from" clause indicates

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what data we want to query. The "select" clause indicates what data we
want returned, and what shape it should be in.

20.Anonymous Types

Anonymous types are a convenient language feature of C# and VB that enable

developers to concisely define inline CLR types within code, without
having to explicitly define a formal class declaration of the type.
Anonymous types are particularly useful when querying and
transforming/projecting/shaping data with LINQ.


.Net Framework 3.5 and VS 2008 is more exiting to work with that any
previous versions.


1. Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003; Windows Server

2008; Windows Vista; Windows XP
2. Processor: 400 MHz Pentium processor or equivalent (Minimum);
1GHz Pentium processor or equivalent (Recommended)
3. RAM:96 MB (Minimum); 256 MB (Recommended)
4. Hard Disk: Up to 500 MB of available space may be required
5. CD or DVD Drive: Not required
6. Display: 800 x 600, 256 colors (Minimum); 1024 x 768 high color,
32-bit (Recommended)

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How To Install .NetFramework3.5

To install .netframework 3.5 we have to follow the following steps :

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See in the above picture . we have setup file . just double click on that

file it will start like this . we can see in picture setup starting …..

now the next step u can see in the following picture :

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This is the next step . now we have to choose here the first option so

click on 1. (I have accept term and conditions). Option.. setup will go to

next screen . it will appear like the following screen :

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After completing this downloading and installetion we will see next screen

like the following screen and it shows the setup is complete and u have

installed .netframework 3.5 successfully

Now click on exit . setup is completed .

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The .NET Framework 3.5 is the latest incarnation of the mainstream Windows
programming environment. Built on and extending its predecessors, its goal
is to support the creation of modern applications. By building its various
technologies on a common foundation, Microsoft is striving to make the
whole greater than the sum of the parts, letting developers create
applications that use the various parts of the .NET Framework 3.5 in a
coherent way.
From its first release in 2002, the .NET Framework has matured into the
dominant platform for new Windows applications. Used widely today by
enterprises, ISVs, and Microsoft itself, the Framework has proved its
value. Together with Visual Studio 2008, the .NET Framework 3.5 represents
Microsoft’s current state of the art in application development.

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Reference Web site:-



Reference Search engines:-



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