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Veronica Louise Mendoza

Independent Study
Draft 6 -

There is a living room. A couch is center stage, decorated with bright throws and pillows.
Picture frames clutter the mantel and a few are hung on walls. The pictures on the walls
are of three girls going through childhood. First steps, multiple first days of schools,
graduations, prom dates, awards, etc. The eldest child has the most pictures on the wall,
along with her acceptance letter to UCLA. There is also a dining room next to the living
room, along with several doors leading to respective bedrooms.

The youngest Bechdel, AMY, is lying on the couch, snuggling with a blanket and a
Nintendo DS. She is half-asleep, but the game is keeping her awake.
MACY enters. She is in a daze. Her makeup is significantly smudged. Wet mascara is
running down her eyes. Her hair is a mess. She cant walk in a straight line.
AMY perks up.
AMY: Heya! How was the dinner?
MACY: Fine.
AMY: Did you do anything after? Mom and Dad wanted me to wait for you.
MACY: Yeah, I stayed with Ryan for a little bit.
AMY: Okay Wanna watch something with me?

MACY: Actually, I dont know. I need to use the bathroom.

AMY: Alrighty then.
AMY returns back to her video game.
MACY enters the bathroom. Sounds of gagging and gasps of air are heard. AMY notices
but doesnt think much of it the game is more important right now.
MACY comes out of the bathroom. AMY sees MACY, takes a moment to decide whether
she wants to continue playing or talk to MACY. Ultimately decides to talk to MACY.
AMY: Hey, Im sorry you didnt win. You totally should have.
MACY: Its fine.
AMY: Is that why youre still upset?
MACY: OhNo. Its something else. I cant really tell you. Youre too young What
are you playing?
AMY: Aww, come on. Tell me! Im your sister. You should be able to tell me anything!
AMY: But you always told me Im mature for my age!
MACY: Its nothing like that. Im sorry.
MACY turns to leave to go to her room. AMY switches off her videogame

The next morning: MACY is in pajamas in the living room.
Impatient knocks on the door are heard.
(From outside) DARCY: Hellooo! Guess whos back!!!

MACY rushes to open the door. AMY has a towel turban on her head. She has just
finished showering.
MACY: Darcy! Glad to have you back!
AMY: DARCE! Ive missed you so much!
MACY: I thought you werent back until Wednesday!
DARCY: Oh, my midterms finished early so I rebooked my flight. Mom and Dad dont
know. I wanted to surprise them! I already made reservations for Barrys at 7.
AMY: Yum. I better go change.
AMY leaves.
DARCY: Jeez, shes so tall now.
MACY: Ha. I know right? (beat) Hey, Darce? Do you have a minute to talk?
DARCY: Of course. Whats up?
MACY: Okay well I dont really know how to get into it. I know you just got back and
I dont really want to ruin the mood with anything.
DARCY: Oh, dont worry. Mom already told me that you lost the election. Im sorry
about that.
MACY: (nervously) No, its not that. Ryan won the election and thats great and all and
Im happy for him, although I dont think he deserved it at all. But anyways, his family
invited me to dinner last night and, of course, I was a little pissy and stuff but I still
wanted to support him. After dinner, were hanging out in his room and then he drinks
whats left of his stash to celebrate and I have some too. (talking fast) But then he wants
to hook up with me but at this point Im tired and kinda upset but also just not in the
mood cuz I lost and everything and I just didnt want him to be that satisfied, yknow?

But then he turned different. Like I dont know how to describe it. He was aggressive and
messy and it was disturbing. Weve gotten drunk before but he was nothing like Ive ever
DARCY: Then what?
MACY: Then Im really tipsy at this point and then next thing I know hes making out
with me and then trying to take off my clothes but I just couldnt take it anymore. I dont
quite remember what else happened, though. Everything was a blur.
DARCY: You cant remember?
MACY: No. I think I blacked out.
DARCY: So are you telling me he raped you?
MACY: I dunno.
DARCY: How can you not remember what happened?
MACY: I just dont, okay!
DARCY: Macy. This is not okay.
MACY: I know.
DARCY: What happened next? Did you call the cops?
MACY: No why would I call the cops? I walked home.
DARCY: What time was this?!
MACY: I think around midnight.
DARCY: Jeez, Macy. Why didnt you just call for a ride?
MACY: I just wanted to get out of there ASAP. I was scared, Darcy.
DARCY: My God. I dont know what to tell you. How are you feeling now?

MACY: Honestly, just numb. I cant focus on anything else. I barely got any sleep last
night, had a nightmare that Ryan was at it again, but then I dont know if that was just me
dreaming or me actually remembering what happened.
DARCY: Holy shit. You know you have to report him.
MACY: NO! Whatever you do, I cant report him! Come on, he didnt mean to hurt me or
anything. I havent talked to him yet about it either!
DARCY: Macy, what he did classifies as sexual assault. You know that dont you?
MACY: No He may have done something wrong, but I dont think its anywhere near
sexual assault. Darcy, hes only 17!
DARCY: MACY! LISTEN TO ME! This guy has fully taken advantage of you. You
dont even know if he raped you or not! Do you know how insane that is?
MACY: We were just drunk! I didnt want it to happen, yeah, but I dont want him to get
in trouble!
DARCY: No. He has to. Do you know how many times this happens in college? The
number of times I hear
MACY starts panicking.
MACY: NO! YOU CANT DO ANYTHING. What the hell, Darcy! I thought you would
actually give me good advice.
DARCY: (with care) Macy. You dont understand what happened and thats a dangerous
position to be in. Either way, we have to do whats right. Trust me.
DARCY leaves. MACY starts breaking down. AMY has finally changed. She comes into
the living room.
AMY: Hey, is everything okay?

MACY: No. It isnt.

AMY: What? Wheres Darcy?
MACY: I have no idea. Could you just not tell anyone this happened?
AMY: I dont even know what happened, you wont tell me.
Lights fade out.
Music interlude. *PLAY IJWUTB BY LIGHT FM*

MACY is in her bedroom. There is a bed with white sheets and a blue comforter. She has
a nightstand with a glass of water on it. A vanity with a sink is next to the bathroom. She
brushes her hair, looking in her vanity mirror and notices red marks on her neck and her
wrists. She touches the marks and winces, but quickly shrugs it off. She drinks the cup of
water and goes to bed. As MACY drifts off into sleep, she hears a husky voice echoing
throughout the bedroom.
COACH: It is not my position to get involved with students personal lives. Ive been his
coach for three years, now four. But, when I heard that she was claiming that our Ryan
MacLaren, our star quarterback, our MVP of the year, was a perpetrator of sexual abuse, I
couldnt believe it. Hes an extremely well-liked kid. Seemed like he loved her a lot, too.
Shed always come to watch his games and stuff. Beats me if he did it or not, I just cant
believe it.
MACY lies down looking blankly at the ceiling before starting to cry. Whimpers are
heard as she hugs her pillow. Suddenly, she falls asleep. Fog comes from underneath the
bed. A faint grunge song ALL APOLOGIES BY NIRVANA is playing in the

background. RYAN appears at her bedroom door, in a button-down and a loose tie. He
has a near-empty vodka bottle in his hand. He chugs down the rest and begins
undressing. MACY wakes up. She sees him advancing and screams for help.
MACY: Ryan. What are you doing here?
RYAN: I just want to see my babe. Is there anything wrong with that?
MACY: Get out.
RYAN: Whats the matter with you?
RYAN: Come on, babe. Let me see you without those on.
RYAN starts to touch and caress her. She swats him away. The grunge song is getting
louder and louder.
Suddenly, RYAN is gone. The fog and music come to an abrupt halt. There is complete
MACY is thrashing on the bed, speaking inaudible words as she is throwing punches at
an imaginary RYAN. The lights come up. AMY is at the bedroom door.
AMY: MACY! Whats going on?
AMY sits at the foot of the bed. MACY is awake. She looks at AMY.
MACY: Please sleep next to me tonight.
AMY: Of course.
Lights fade out.

The next day: Living room.
MACY is talking to her best friend BEATRICE. They are coming from school and set
down their backpacks in MACYs bedroom. They enter the living room to converse.
BEATRICE: Mace, you know that your sister is right. You cant just keep this concealed
MACY: I dont even know why shes making it such a bigger deal than it needs to be. I
know what Ryan did wasnt right. But still. I dont want to get the school involved. I
dont want to get his parents involved. I dont want to get the cops involved!
BEATRICE: Yeah, I know. Have you talked to Ms. Farrow about this?
MACY: No. (gravely) I barely trust my own sister, let alone a school counselor!
BEATRICE: You have to tell someone if your sister hasnt already.

DARCY is listening and overhears BEATRICE talking to MACY.
DARCY: Theres nothing wrong with talking to the police. Please. Did you know 68% of
sexual assaults go unreported? / Are you going to be a part of that number?
DARCY: Believe me. Im majoring in Gender Studies! This is Violence Against Women
101. You dont know whats good for you. First of all, youre a minor, which is what most
victims are. Second of all, I dont think youre in the right mindset. Just because Ryan is

your boyfriend doesnt mean that he didnt abuse you. / Gosh, we just learned about this.
Over 51% of victims were assaulted by their boyfriends! We need justice, Mace.
MACY storms off. DARCYs instinct is to follow MACY and comfort her, but as MACY
flips DARCY off, she leaves disappointed.

BEATRICE is back in MACYs bedroom. She is holding her smartphone in her hands.
BEATRICE: MACY! I cant believe it. Did you know the entire school is talking about
what happened?
MACY: I know.
BEATRICE: Dude. What are you gonna do?
MACY: I dont know.
BEATRICE: Hey, I know its tough. But are you gonna be okay? Is there anything you
need? Im here for you.
MACY: Just. I dont know. Im numb. Its weird. You would think that I would be riled
up and all give me justice but I just want all the attention to go away.
BEATRICE: Its not going to, though. Did you see Twitter last night?
MACY: What?
BEATRICE: @kenzyrenley17 Some people just dont know when to keep their personal
business PERSONAL smh @theb0yzareback Lol cant even remember what
happened, whats the big deal?

BEATRICE: I just wanted you to know.

MACY: You have no idea what Im going through. No one does. I havent slept in days,
B. Last night, I woke up Amy because I was screaming from a nightmare.
BEATRICE: Jeez. These tweets suck Like everyone is literally making the worst
assumptions. They dont even know half the story.
MACY: Its all Darcys fucking fault.
MACY: Im just SO MAD AT HER! Ive been dating Ryan for what, 8 months now, and
then she has to come along and meddle in my business. This has only happened once and
all I asked for was MY OLDER SISTER to vent to because, I dont know, maybe she
may have been in the same situation! AND THEN SHE HAS TO GO REPORT HIM TO
BEATRICE: Hey, hey, hey. I know youre upset. Dont worry, she meant well. She saw
you were hurt and wanted to do something about it.
AMY awkwardly comes in. MACY and BEATRICE dont see.
MACY: Well look at me now. (Under her breath) Do something about it. Pfft. Shes just
a control freak! Thats what she is! I cant even begin to tell you how people look at me
in the hallways. Teachers even know whats going on. Do you know how messed up that
is? Mr. Morey couldnt even look me in the eye this morning. I feel so uncomfortable
raising my hand in class, too!
MACY notices Amy.
MACY: Oh, Amy!
AMY: Whats wrong? Oh, hi Beatrice.


MACY: Oh my god. Cant you see Im talking to Beatrice? My God, what can I do in this
family to get some fucking space!
MACY storms off.
BEATRICE: Stuffs happened But hows soccer tryouts been?
AMY: Its fine I think your moms here.
BEATRICE: Oh, thank you so much. Im sorry about everything.
BEATRICE rushes and picks up her backpack to leave.

AMY and MACY are in the dining room eating. The dining room has a four-legged
dining table and a painting of The Last Supper on the wall. She is staring blankly at a
MACY seems to be talking to herself.
MACY: I dont know how Im going to go to school tomorrow. I dont know. I dont
Hey guys, its me, the loser who didnt win the stupid fucking election. Oh, hi
Ryan. I love you but too bad you might go to jail! Oh, hello Ms. Farrow. How is
MACY goes to the kitchen, which is offstage. She returns to the dining room with a vodka
bottle and discreetly grabs a throw from the nearest couch in the living room to wrap it


AMY watches MACY, confused and intimidated.

AMY: Youre scaring me, Mace. Stop that.
MACY freezes.
MACY: Im sorry. Im sorry. Im so sorry.
AMY: Can I just know what happened?
MACY: I I This could not have happened at a worse time. Im supposed to be
working on college apps, not thinking about the future of my boyfriend who might get
expelled now because of me. Im just glad Darcy didnt go straight to the cops. That
would be too much Its all my fault. Its all my fault. Mom always told me I had a big
AMY: Stop that! Im so confused! What the heck happened?
MACY: Okay. So you know Ryan?
AMY: Yes.
MACY: Okay. So he and I were out celebrating because he won the election and we both
got really drunk (ad libs)
Lights fade out.
Music interlude. *PLAY YOUTH BY DAUGHTER*

Soft grunge music is playing in the background. *PLAY CREEP BY RADIOHEAD*
MACY is now in her bedroom. She is looking at the bottle, questioning if she really wants
to start drinking. There is a knock on the door and MACY hides the bottle under a pillow.
MACY: Who is it?


AMY: (offstage) Its me.

MACY: Oh, okay. Come in.
AMY: Look, Im sorry what happened, but Ive been thinking of ways to cheer you up!
MACY laughs.
MACY: How so?
AMY: Can I braid your hair?
MACY: Yeah. Id like that.
AMY begins by brushing MACYs hair, which is a bit knotted. MACY grimaces as she
untangles the knots, but smiles as she begins the braid.
AMY: I never really liked Ryan.
MACY: Really? Why not?
AMY: He never wanted to play soccer with me. He was always just about seeing you.
MACY: Yeah, haha. I guess thats just how he is.
AMY: Does this mean you guys arent together anymore?
MACY: Yeah.
AMY: Good.
MACY laughs.
AMY: No matter what, Darcy and I will always be on your side.
MACY: Thanks.
AMY finishes MACYs braid and then hugs her goodbye. MACY looks at herself in the
mirror, admiring the intricate braid. As she looks at her reflection, she notices that the
red marks have turned purple and blue. They are on her neck and on her wrists. She
pulls up her nightgown and sees similar marks on her thighs. Her hands tremble as she


grabs the vodka bottle from under her pillow. She begins to drink. A womans voice
MRS. MACLAREN: As Ryans mother and on behalf of the MacLaren family, we
sincerely apologize to the Bechdels. We hope that this has given both Ryan and Macy a
lesson on what exactly alcohol can do to you. We hope to move on past this issue.
MACY smashes the bottle in the sink in anger.
Lights fade out.

Lights come up, but dimly.
RAPE ME BY NIRVANA is playing. Her hair has fallen out of the braid. She is lying
in a fetal position on her bed. A figure is waiting in the shadows. Strobe lights start. The
fog is back.
RYAN comes up from the darkness.
She shudders awake, realizing what is happening.
MACY is silently watching RYAN take advantage of her. She has lost her voice.
RYAN pins her down, gripping her hard right where the marks are on her wrists. The
fight is a choreographed dance to the song. While MACY is struggling to get out of his
bind, he hits her on the thigh. She screams in pain and he kisses the mark. He goes on to
kiss the marks on her wrists and on her neck. He begins undressing. Suddenly, MACY
stops flailing. RYAN is gone. The music and fog stop abruptly once again.
MACY is weeping in her sleep. DARCY peers in. She briefly watches MACY from a
distance. MACYs cries have diminished. DARCY debates whether she should wake her


sister or not, eventually deciding that she will just tuck her into bed instead. She has a
concerned look on her face.

MACY has just come home from school. She is distraught and in tears.
BEATRICE rushes into the living room with her.
MACY: I cant believe it.
BEATRICE: I dont either.
MACY: I cant believe he got a lawyer and now filed a restraining order against me. I
should be the one filing one against him!
BEATRICE: Macy, the way he treated you at school today was not okay.
DARCY is in the kitchen offstage and overhears the conversation. She comes onstage
with a snack.
DARCY: He what?
BEATRICE: Everyone at school is crazy. Ryan filed a restraining order against her.
DARCY: Oh. My. God.
BEATRICE: And whats worse, his best friend is trying to start a movement at our
school. Read this.
BEATRICE hands Darcy a flyer.



DARCY rips up the flyer.
MACY: Monster? You created this monster!
DARCY: How? In my gender studies class, we had to do a case just like this.
MACY glares.
MACY: Im not one of your stupid cases.
DARCY: I know that! Were not going to let you become one. (starts pacing) In the end,
the school will help. Their next step should be to investigate whatever went down that
night. I wonder whats putting them off. But dont worry
MACY: Thats not the point. Dont you understand whats happening?
DARCY: Yes! But
MACY: No you dont! Everyone thinks Im a slut, Darce. A slut whos jealous of her own
DARCY: Listen, this absurd behavior will stop once the school reports him to the cops, /
which they already shouldve done.
MACY: Theyre going to WHAT?! Darcy, this is getting out of hand. I thought we
werent going to do anything until we knew the facts. No one really even knows what
DARCY: You dont either and youre the victim. This (holds up flyer) shouldnt be
happening to you.


BEATRICE: I dont get it either. Mace, show her whats been going on on Twitter.
MACY: No. I dont need her seeing all those nasty tweets.
BEATRICE: Its important. She needs to understand.
MACY: YOU SHOW HER. Im done talking to you both.
BEATRICE pulls up her phone and shows DARCY. MACY lingers at the door,
overhearing their conversation.
BEATRICE: Listen to this. @henriettasmalls156 just called Macy a little girl who cried
wolf #girlswillbegirls. @brockkkk_98 said Soooo does this make me a criminal for
kissing my girlfriend at a party? #noseriouslytho, @mariadeventi We get it, you lost, he
won. Get over it and stop
DARCY: Thats enough.
DARCY shakes her head in disbelief. She has a dawning realization that what shes done
may have made things worse for her sister.
DARCY: What have I done?
MACY is at the door, eavesdropping. She leaves to go to her room.

MACY is in the bathroom. There is a toilet, sink, and mirror. She is sitting on the toilet
(the cover is down). There are eyeliner and mascara smudges down her face. She is
holding a 50 mL bottle of vodka in her hand. It is half-empty.
MACY: (to bottle) I shouldnt feel this way. I was the one who was hurt in the first place.
Drunk or not, that shouldnt have happened Oh, who am I kidding? This is all Darcys
fault. Its always Darcys fault


Lights fade out.

AMY is braiding MACYs hair again.
AMY: So what did you do next?
MACY: I just kind of. Took it all. Braced myself. Im glad I heard those tweets before I
went to school. At least I knew what to expect.
AMY: Mom and Dad are meeting with the principal tomorrow. Ryans parents are going
to be there, too.
MACY: Wow. This is crazy, isnt it?
AMY: Yeah, it is.
MACY: What do you think I shouldve done?
AMY: I dont know. Darcys told me a lot of things while youre gone trying to figure
everything out. She said that shes learning about this stuff right now at school and she
wont stop researching what to do next. She hasnt gotten off the computer all day!
MACY: What? Really?
AMY: Yeah. But she keeps saying that its just protocol, blah blah blah.
MACY: Protocol?
AMY: Yeah, like if someone tells you they were abused, you have to report it to some
authority figure or else youll just be a bystander.
MACY: Even if the story may or may not be true?
AMY: I dont know, Macy. Why would you make that stuff up?
MACY: I dont know.


AMY: You wouldnt.

MACY: But what if I did!
AMY: No. You told me you felt weird after.
MACY: I did.
AMY: Macy, Im remembering it now! You came home that night. Remember? I was
waiting for you I just thought you went to a party after the dinner. And you looked
MACY: I did?
AMY: Yes. Your hair was a mess. I wanted to ask you if I could braid it but then you went
to the bathroom.
MACY: Oh my gosh. I did.
AMY: Are you starting to remember?
MACY: Vaguely.
AMY: Darcy told me you were crying in your sleep again.
MACY: I know. Nightmares.
AMY: Of what?
MACY: Ryan.
AMY: What do you think it means?
MACY: I didnt know. But now I think I do.
Lights fade out on AMY braiding MACYs hair.

Later that night: MACYs bedroom.


MACY is tossing in her bed. The voices haunt her again.

MALE STUDENT: Dude. Ryans a good guy. Ive been his best friend since like, sixth
grade. And everyone could definitely tell that he loved her. So much. And I thought she
loved him back. But who goes calling the police before talking it out with your own
boyfriend? A crazy person, thats who.
MACY starts shaking.
FEMALE STUDENT: I dont get it. Why is she so surprised that people dont believe
her? Macys reputation has always been the party-girl. She only recently settled down
with Ryan, and now, just because she doesnt remember what happened during that night
and neither does Ryan, she goes babbling about how he raped her or something? Bullshit.
She turns over in her bed and takes a pillow and covers her head.
The fog, strobe lights, and grunge music have returned.
The chords of an instrumental RAPE ME BY NIRVANA start to play. RYAN is circling
around her like a bird of prey. She pulls the sheets over her in terror.
RYAN: Come on, baby. I love you. Arent you happy for me?
RYAN finally pounces on the bed and the lights fade as the song finishes.
There is a moment of blackout. When the lights return, she wakes up alone.
MACY starts to panic. She runs from the scene into the bathroom, where she frantically
looks for sleeping pills. She finds the bottle of pills and collapses onto her bed.
Lights fade out.

The next day: Living room.


DARCY has packed her bags. Shes at the door about to leave.
DARCY: Mwah. Ill miss ya, little munchkin.
AMY: Bye! Ill miss you, too.
DARCY: And Macy, Mom and Dad promised me that theyll fly me back here for your
trial, too.
MACY: Alright.
DARCY: Macy, be strong. Please dont be mad at me. I wish there were a way to do this
without hurting you so much. I didnt want you to suffer more.
There is silence.
MACY: Bye, Darce.
DARCY: Im sorry.
MACY: Yeah. Me too.
DARCY: This was the worst break of my life, but hey. Itll all be okay.
Car beeps.
DARCY: Oh shoot, Im gonna be late! Bye guys! I love you so much! Ill see you at
DARCY accidentally forgets one of her carry-ons.
MACY and AMY are left sitting on the couch.
AMY: Hair?
MACY: Go for it.
AMY: So, now that shes gone, how do you really feel?
MACY: Better, I guess. Things have already started to die down. I guess Im old news


AMY: But what about Ryan?

MACY: Oh, I dont know. Hes on probation for a little, I think. But I dont think they
will expel or suspend him. Hes too good of a student.
AMY: Thats not fair Wait a sec, I forgot my hair tie.
There is a knock on the door.
DARCY: (offstage) Hey! I forgot one of my bags! I hope you didnt lock the
DARCY enters.
MACY looks up from the couch. They make eye contact.
DARCY: I just forgot this. (points to the bag)
MACY: (sarcastically) Glad you figured that out.
DARCY: Macy, Im sorry.
MACY: You only realize this now?
DARCY: Ive been wanting to talk to you about this. After Beatrice showed me those
tweets and I heard you crying at night, I began to wonder if what we did was right.
MACY: You heard me crying?
DARCY: Yeah. I dont know why everything just spiraled out of control. I didnt mean
for any of this to happen!
MACY: Yeah, I know.
DARCY: No one messes with my sister.
MACY cracks a smile. AMY returns with a hair tie.
AMY: Home so soon?
DARCY: AH! You reminded me. I have to go. Oh my gosh, Dads gonna kill me. Im
super late Come on, group hug first!


The sisters all embrace.

MACY: Bye, Darcy! Well miss you.
DARCY leaves.
AMY: Where were we?
MACY points to her hair.
AMY: Ah! Yes!
MACY: Rough week, huh?
AMY: For what, you or your hair?
MACY: Both, haha.
AMY: Yknow you deserve someone much better than that asshole.
MACY: HEY! Language!!!
AMY: But you do.
MACY: Yeah, youre rightWhen did you get so smart?
AMY: Im only smart when Im doing your hair.
They laugh.
AMY: So practice on me. What are you going to do when you see all those buttheads at
MACY: Im going to hold my head high. Tell them that I dont need them to judge what
went down. Only I can do that.
AMY: Good!
MACY: And then Im going to (Ad libs)
Music drowns out their voices. *PLAY SUMMERTIME BY MCR*
Lights fade out.




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