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Why U.S.

Liberalism Must Change or Die

John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge, The Right

Nation: Conservative Power in America (New York:
Penguin Press, 2004).

We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own

reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously,
as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which
you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out.
—Senior George W. Bush aide to journalist Ron Suskind1

When journalist Ron Suskind published the infamous Bush

aide quotation in an October 2004 New York Times Magazine
piece, progressives across the United States dismissed the remark
as yet another illustration of right-wing banality. The quotation
made Dumbest Quotes of 2004 lists, political cartoons mocked
Republicans wearing ‘freedom earplugs’ and ‘blindfolds for Bush,’
and Air America’s commentators joined forces with progressives
nationwide in ridiculing the hopelessly delusional Right.
Yet for all the talk of a rupture between Bush’s “faith-based
community” and the “reality-based community” of the rest of the
world, there is much more to the Right’s reality-production
discourse than the rhetorical follies of an egomaniacal
administration. The publication of The Right Nation marks the
first time in years that a mainstream book has painstakingly
elaborated upon a phenomenon that largely-isolated voices on
the Left have been identifying, and many more have suspected,
for a long time: the extensive right-wing culture-producing
infrastructure developed strategically over several decades.
Comprised of a web of national and state think tanks, training
institutes, lobbying groups, grassroots organizations, and national,
local, and campus media venues all supported by a set of powerful,
multi-million dollar foundations, this apparatus unites right-
156 Reviews

wing factions in what could quite accurately be termed, in the

Bush aide’s words, production of reality.
The right-wing Heritage Foundation, for example, shapes
public policy and political culture by, among numerous other
initiatives, releasing hundreds of publications per year and relying
on its network of over 2,000 policy experts and scholars.2 The
information is disseminated into the mainstream, to the media
and the public, through an intricate system of culture-production:

Every Congressional staffer is in the Heritage computer. So

are about 3,500 journalists, organized by specialty. Every
Heritage study goes out with a synopsis to those who might be
interested; every study is turned into an op-ed piece, distributed
by the Heritage Features Syndicate to newspapers that publish

The Right has also worked hard to recruit and train new
leadership through a wealth of right-wing organizations providing
prizes and scholarships; flying students to conferences and
seminars, and offering trainings in organizing and public speaking.
The Collegiate Network, for instance, distributes approximately
$200,000 per year to 58 right-wing student newspapers nationwide
and sends aspiring journalists to Washington for professional
training.4 Such efforts target people of color and women in
particular: “Our girls are going to have to fight their girls.”5
To be sure, scholars have written much on the subject over
the years, and mainstream publications have recently been picking
up on the phenomenon.6 Nevertheless, a notably comprehensive
and up to date volume examining this reactionary infrastructure
has now been produced by two Economist editors, and progressives
everywhere ought to make use of their observations (although
such use is most decidedly not part of the book’s raison d’etre).
Perhaps equally noteworthy is The Right Nation’s recognition
of the failure of the Left to mobilize anything remotely similar to
the right-wing culture-producing behemoth. The entire staff of
the Progressive Policy Institute, one of the few self-identified left-
Critical Sense Spring 2005 157

of-center think tanks to arise over the past decade, is smaller than
the janitorial staff at the Heritage Foundation.7 Today,
progressives are slowly beginning to fill this void. John Podesta
established the Center for American Progress in 2003 as a
counterpart to Heritage. George Lakoff has been making headlines
with his work on the need for political framing strategies on the
Left, exposing the Right’s spinmasters such as the Luntz Research
Companies (“Never say ‘undocumented workers.’ Instead say
‘illegal aliens.’ Never say ‘drilling for oil.’ Instead say ‘exploring
for energy.’ Never say ‘global economy/globalization/capitalism.’
Instead say ‘free market economy,’” etc.).8 Rumors abound of
wealthy Democrats, including financier George Soros, banding
together under the name "The Phoenix Group" to funnel money
into a new political movement independent of the Democratic
Party establishment.9 Yet most young progressives are more
than likely many years away from the lucrative scholarships and
fellowships, all-expense paid training camps, and elaborate
mentoring programs readily available to groom right-wing
students into hardened intellectual warriors. A broad-based,
media-savvy progressive infrastructure to rival the Right still
seems in the distant future, with progressives often all too
unfamiliar with the tactical obstacles they face when professing
to ‘fight the Right.’
Micklethwait and Wooldridge describe their book as both a
portrait and an argument.10 The latter asserts that the United
States proved such fertile soil for contemporary right-wing
movements as a result of an inherent predisposition toward
conservatism, at least partially accounting for the warm welcome
the book received in right-wing circles. The authors defend their
claim in a single, grossly underdeveloped chapter that by and
large fails to engage most scholarly contributions to this
longstanding debate. Rather, the compelling aspect of the book
is the portrait of “the Right Nation,” a detailed investigation of
U.S. right-wing networks and institutions in historical perspective.
For those with a moderate-to-high tolerance for endless claims to
objectivity with a neoliberal flair, the book provides a range of
158 Reviews

key insights for contemporary progressive politics in the United

States. Chapter Six presents an especially useful, succinct
introduction to the right-wing infrastructure.11 The key is to
watch out for the book’s unmasking—albeit indirect—of several
detrimental fictions too often internalized by Left circles in the

Fiction #1: The Right is successful because it is dogmatic and thus

unified; the Left’s aversion toward fundamentalism dooms it to
perpetual infighting and factionalization.

The book reveals the Right as riddled with ideological

tensions, engaged in an ongoing struggle to appease a range of
disparate interests while presenting itself “as a ‘both . . . and’
party: the party of both social conservatives and libertarians, of
both God and Mammon, of both the heartland and Wall Street,
of both Arnold Schwarzenegger and Trent Lott.”12 Right-wing
organizers and consultants exert impressive amounts of energy
on preventing the movement from tearing apart at the seams,
while simultaneously ensuring that disputes are settled behind
closed doors rather than in the public eye. Notably, such efforts
are anything but easy. Successfully utilizing right-wing strategies
for progressive movements undoubtedly calls for significant
recalibration rather than mere replication. Yet negotiation of
even the grossest ideological and tactical splits, The Right Nation
tells us, is anything but impossible.

Fiction #2: The contemporary consolidation of the Right in the

United States cannot be paralleled by the Left as the aims of political
liberals and radicals are diametrically opposed and the rifts between
them insurmountable.

The Right is certainly adept at operating within the system,

focused on the capture of the state machinery: legislatures,
courts, and other traditional decision-making processes. Yet this
focus does not prevent the movement from collaborating with,
Critical Sense Spring 2005 159

despite holding at arms’ length, factions with fully diverging

worldviews, factions committed to radical cultural and/or
economic transformation. The relationship between right-wing
administrations and extremist evangelicals is one such example.
Such relationships are in constant flux and negotiation. Yet for
all the frustrations of external right-wing factions with the so-
called conservative mainstream, their influence is unmistakable –
if only in the grassroots efforts in which they are free to engage
by virtue of (at least relative) sympathizers holding down the
electoral fort and fighting a number of battles that a less organized
mainstream political bloc would leave to its radical counterparts.
Further, this dynamic undeniably creates pressure and momentum
for the state apparatus to move further to the right, while
simultaneously affecting the broader political culture in similar
The material impact of ‘within the system’ work upon the
everyday lives of real individuals must not be ignored in any Left
political project. Simultaneously, it must never be enough. The
Right Nation exemplifies the effectiveness of strategic division of
labor between insider and outsider movements. While the
prospect of all Left organizations and individuals to reach some
broad-based consensus may very well be impossible, collaboration
and multi-prong political strategy is not. The reclaiming of the
state apparatus and culture-production mechanisms through
traditional politics, albeit by the “lesser evils” of a progressive
Democratic Party, in the short-term creates windows of
opportunity: opportunity to imagine ways of doing “something
more than endlessly confronting the system’s wars, atrocities and
disasters,” opportunity to “envision a time when we not only
challenge the cruelties of state power, but when we unmake,
remake, or reclaim that power.”13 After all, the weaknesses of
contemporary liberalism led more than a handful of solid radicals
to put aside their own projects during the last presidential
election, instead devoting their energy and resources to electoral
battles—moves that a robust liberal presence would render
160 Reviews

Right-wing Capitol Hill victories also affect Left organizing

initiatives quite directly, another offensive that a well-organized
liberal apparatus could thwart. Leading Contract With America
strategist Grover Norquist was explicit about the mission to
defund the Left: “We will hunt [these progressive groups] down
one by one and extinguish their funding sources.”14 Insidious
right-wing projects compromise the bodies and lives of numerous
marginalized groups in a very real way; the failures of
contemporary liberal politics facilitate this, while simultaneously
draining growing grassroots resistance movements of energy and

Fiction #3: The Right is successful because of its wealthy funders, with
which progressives cannot compete.

Having effectively described the powerful right-wing

apparatus and the influence it exerts in Washington, in state and
local politics, and over the political climate more broadly,
Micklethwait and Wooldridge offer a provocative analysis of
liberal failures. Looking in particular to the country’s universities
and liberal foundations such as the Ford, Rockefeller, and
MacArthur foundations, they claim that “there is more brainpower
on the Left, more money and more resources.”15 (The authors’
inclusion of the vast liberal media as a significant part of these
resources is more questionable.) And, as the authors note, a
Republican White House and Congress currently impede the
ability of liberals to disseminate their ideas. Nevertheless, right-
wing preeminence may indeed have much more to do with focus,
commitment, and hardheadedness than with dollars alone. “The
conservative foundations know exactly what they want—to
change the world in a conservative direction.”16 Large liberal
foundations, on the other hand, have fuzzy goals such as
strengthening democratic values and advancing human
achievement, aims that could justify a range of programs. They
lack focus on specific political battles, often funding a wealth of
Critical Sense Spring 2005 161

disparate local projects all over the world. These types of


give the impression that they have been captured by people

who run foundations for a living. The foundations exist to
support their staffs—particularly the great and the good who
sit on their boards. By contrast, conservative think tanks
increasingly run themselves as businesses whose product is
furthering the conservative revolution.17

The progressive People For the American Way has found

that the Right has developed a comprehensive funding strategy,
providing grants to a broad range of groups, each catering to
specific audiences.18 Funding patterns of right-wing and liberal
foundations differ in two striking ways. The first is grant size:
while large grants, usually over $1 million, are commonplace
among right-wing foundations, this is not the case among their
liberal counterparts. The difference is less financial than strategic.
Most right-wing operations are funded by only five large family
foundations, in addition to individual contributions: the Lynde
and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Koch Family foundations,
the John M. Olin Foundation, the Scaife Family foundations,
and the Adolph Coors Foundation. These five foundations give
major grants that enable well-organized projects to wield
substantial influence over their targeted audiences, whereas their
liberal counterparts disperse grant money internationally, across
many small projects addressing a wide range of social problems.
In some ways this presents a serious problem for the Left:
right-wing initiatives are simply not burdened with addressing
the wealth of global social problems that concern progressives,
and are thus free to consolidate funding into a lesser number of
larger projects. The Left may have to cut some losses with respect
to this issue rather than compromise its support of important
initiatives. It thus becomes even more imperative for the
movement to understand The Right Nation’s second point on
funding: the significance of focus on particular political battles.
162 Reviews

As already mentioned, right-wing foundations have explicit

ideological agendas and invest comprehensively to promote a
given issue on every front. Thus,

they fund national conservative ‘think tanks’ to package and

repackage conservative issue positions; state think tanks to
lend a local flair to these issues; national political groups to
lobby in Washington and shape national media coverage; state-
based groups to do the same in the states; grassroots
organizations to stir up local activism; national and state media
to report, interpret, and amplify these activities; scholars to
record the history of such activities and push the intellectual
boundaries of the issues; graduate students to form the next
wave of scholarship and movement leadership; and college
newspapers to shape the milieu in which America’s next
generation of political leaders comes to their political

The Left’s political commitments may require it to support

a wider and more diffuse spectrum of projects than the Right. It
thus becomes all the more imperative for foundations and other
funders to act strategically, devoting some set percent of their
resources to developing an infrastructure for promoting core
progressive issues across numerous fronts. In particular,
progressive funders must not shy away from explicit political
frameworks and develop long-term, comprehensive, coalitional
approaches to integrating progressive issues into public discourse
and policy.

* * * * *

Of course, recognizing and dispelling these myths in no way

comprises an all-encompassing solution to the plights of
contemporary progressive politics. Doing so does, however,
offer some hope for transforming what has been termed the Left’s
current crisis of confidence. Specifically, a robust liberal
infrastructure strong and effective enough to challenge successfully
Critical Sense Spring 2005 163

even the most insidious right-wing domination of state machinery

and public discourse does not, on its own, resolve many progressive
dilemmas, but it’s not a bad start. Micklethwait and Wooldridge
note that it is difficult to exaggerate the extent to which the Right
has won the battle of ideas in Washington. Right-wing think
tanks are currently a resource for Democrats and Republicans
alike, with prominent Democrats attending Heritage orientation
sessions for new members of Congress: “Politicians go where the
ideas are.”20
Meanwhile, liberals are floundering, even during the
sometimes-fondly remembered Clinton years. Recall the 1996
dismantling of key welfare initiatives, when “Democrats barely
put up a fight for one of the centerpieces of the New Deal: ‘The
defenders of the old activism toward the poor surrendered
willingly, with the shrugs and indifference of those who no
longer believed what they stood for.’”21
The need for structures dedicated full-time to creating fresh
progressive ideas and strategy while simultaneously waging
offensive campaigns against right-wing domination is clear. In
many ways, The Right Nation lays out a plan of attack by
highlighting a range of contemporary right-wing weaknesses.
One significant danger for the Right is its increasing extremism.
“Papers arguing for bringing free enterprise to outer space,
abolishing government departments or toppling Saudi Arabia
attract more attention than the nuts-and-bolts questions of fixing
American schools, hospitals, and government services.” 22
Similarly, “The Southern wing’s aggressive moralism does not
scare off just independents; it also alienates other Republicans.”23
Thus, another weakness is the many rifts within the Right
itself. Antigovernment reactionaries, for example, view George
W. Bush as an ally, which he has achieved by “sometimes
throwing them red meat to gnaw on, but more often by hinting
that he is just about to.”24 Government spending has skyrocketed
under Bush. His administration introduced steel and soft lumber
tariffs, created 20,000 federal employees by “federalizing” airport
security, signed the biggest farm bill on record (“even adding
164 Reviews

price controls on the Soviet-like grounds that they were counter-

cyclical”), and, in the right-wing view, infringed upon freedom of
speech by signing a campaign finance reform provision into law.25
The Bush deficit could prove detrimental for Republicans. In
particular, the favoritism exhibited toward particular businesses,
notably the energy industry and big agribusiness, is hardly
consistent with the image of the party of free trade. Yet none of
this information matters much when confined to academic essays
and political journals. A robust progressive infrastructure could
channel such information into the cultural mainstream. Exposing
the Right as having “squandered their reputation for fiscal
prudence”26 would impact public opinion while undoubtedly
creating problems in maintaining a unified right-wing front.
The authors note a number of other potentially divisive
issues: virtually any advance in reproductive technology, for
example, “will divide business conservatives, who see yet another
opportunity to make money, from the social ones who worry
about mankind perverting God’s will.”27 An internal contradiction
of an entirely different sort is the antagonism between
neoconservatives and assertive nationalists, which include Bush’s
core advisers such as Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, and
Donald Rumsfeld, regarding nation-building projects in the
Middle East.28 Strategic efforts to exploit and expose these
contradictions, and many more that permeate the ostensibly-
cohesive Right, could lead to an implosion of its carefully-
preserved alliances.
Effective, articulate, and media-savvy progressive
organizations are also imperative in shaping public opinion and
the broader political culture. The Right has successfully convinced
white, working-class “Joe Sixpack” that he has little in common
with the “liberal elite,” winning him over with noneconomic
issues such as abortion, crime, same-sex marriage, and guns.29
More and more frequently, the Rust Belt working-class allies
with the Right, acting directly against its own economic interests.30
“In this, as in most forms of short-term maneuvering, the
Democrats are still mostly on the defensive.”31
Critical Sense Spring 2005 165

Equally significant are questions of race, gender and sexuality.

Republicans have thus far successfully wooed Latino voters.
Even in California, where now-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
was disinvited from the annual Mexican parade in Los Angeles,
his former opponent, lieutenant governor Cruz Bustamante—
the highest ranking Latino in California politics—garnered only
51 percent of the Latino vote.32 Similarly, the Right attains
credibility by associating with elements of numerous traditionally
progressive groups:

America now boasts a thriving black conservative intelligentsia.

There are prominent conservative gays, conservative Latinos,
conservative environmentalists . . . they are vital to the wider
conservative movement—living refutations of the liberal jibe
that conservatives are nothing more than a bunch of stupid
white men. Who better to explain the way that family
breakdown is damaging black Americans than somebody who
has a black face?33

Effective progressive political strategy must actively engage

traditionally underrepresented groups while simultaneously
highlighting right-wing perpetuation of race, sexuality and
gender hierarchies: “Despite all George Bush’s overtures, the
Republicans remain a white party.”34 Due in large part to massive
appointments of right-wing judges, since 1989 only members of
the racial majority have prevailed before the United States
Supreme Court under the federal Constitution’s Equal Protection
Clause.35 A progressive apparatus could popularize these facts,
while broadly exposing the hypocrisy behind attempts to place a
multicultural face on right-wing politics. Pushing the Right on
race and gender with meaningful progressive initiatives to combat
discrimination and other forms of socioeconomic hierarchy
would also put pressure on the aforementioned right-wing
Ultimately, the challenge for progressives is to not only
thwart multifaceted right-wing efforts, but to firmly establish
166 Reviews

their own values and commitments vis-à-vis the Right. Through

a dynamic infrastructure, long-term strategy combined with
short-term offensives, resolute coalition-building, and tactical
division of labor across the progressive spectrum, the Left can and
will rise above the Right Nation.

Reviewed by Kaja Tretjak, Boalt Hall School of Law, UC



Ron Suskind, “Without a Doubt,” New York Times Magazine, 17 Oct.
Heritage Foundation, 2003 Insiders Guide to Public Policy Experts and
Organizations, available online at http://www.policyexperts.org (last
accessed, April 2005).
Sidney Blumenthal, The Rise of the Counter-Establishment: From
Conservative Ideology to Political Power (New York: Times Books,
1986), 49.
John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge, The Right Nation (New
York: Penguin Press, 2004), 281.
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 283, quoting the
National Review’s Kate O’Beirne.
See, for example, Ellen Messer-Davidow, “Manufacturing the Attack
on Liberalized Higher Education,” Social Text 36 (1993); John K.
Wilson, The Myth of Political Correctness: The Conservative Attack on
Higher Education (Durham: Duke University Press, 1995). For a recent
popular press account, see Matt Bai, “Wiring the Vast Left-Wing
Conspiracy,” New York Times Magazine, 25 July 2004.
David Dyssegaard Kallick, Open Society Institute, Progressive Think
Tanks: What Exists, What’s Missing?, 10, available online at http://
progressive_20020115/ (last accessed April 2005).
Critical Sense Spring 2005 167

The Luntz Research Companies, Republican Playbook for 2006,
available online at http://www.politicalstrategy.org/archives/
001118.php (last accessed April 2005).
Bai, “Wiring the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy.”
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 11.
For an even briefer synopsis in op-ed form, see Bill Bradley, “A Party
Inverted,” New York Times, 30 March 2005.
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 266.
Carwil James, Shattering Consensus and Disrupting Downtown: New
Urban Resistance to War and Empire, 21, available online at http://
www.falseignorance.info (last accessed April 2005).
People for the American Way, Buying a Movement, 5, available online
at http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=2052 (last
accessed April 2005), citing Jeff Shear, “The Ax Files,” National Journal,
15 April 1995.
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 166.
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 166.
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 167.
People For the American Way, Buying a Movement, 4.
People For the American Way, Buying a Movement, 4.
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 166.
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 119.
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 170.
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 264.
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 175.
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 174, 257-59. For an
in-depth analysis of the strategies, approaches, and ideologies of the
George W. Bush administration, see Charles Tiefer, Veering Right:
How the Bush Administration Subverts the Law for Conservative Causes
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004).
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 256.
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 252-53.
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 218-19.
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 235-37.
On this point, see Thomas Frank, What’s the Matter With Kansas?
How Conservatives Won the Heart of America (New York: Metropolitan
Books, 2004).
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 237.
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 241.
168 Reviews

Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 270-71.
Micklethwait and Wooldridge, The Right Nation, 277.
Francisco Valdes, “Culture, ‘Kulturkampf,’ and Beyond: The
Antidiscrimination Principle Under the Jurisprudence of Backlash,” in
The Blackwell Companion to Law and Society, ed. Austin Sarat (Oxford:
Blackwell Publishing, 2004), 271-9; quotation from 281. The arguable
exception is Grutter v. Bollinger, 539 U.S. 306 (2003).

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